Re: [OSList] Fwd: Richard Rohr Meditation: Faith and Doubt Are Not Opposites

2021-02-03 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
What a beautiful peace...or piece...on uncertainty and waiting...
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be. 

On Wednesday, 3 February 2021, 11:52:41 PM GMT+8, Marc C. Trudeau via 
OSList  wrote:  
  This hit my inbox today and is closely related to Harrison’s wonderful 
opening at P on the Saturday.

Marc Trudeau
mobile 774-641-8302 

Effective teamwork and team leadership feel nearly effortless, Like Breathin’​. 
Partner with us to experience how.
Begin forwarded message:

From: Center for Action and Contemplation 
Date: February 3, 2021 at 2:11:51 AM EST
To: "Marc C. Trudeau" 
Subject: Richard Rohr Meditation: Faith and Doubt Are Not Opposites

Author Sue Monk Kidd has written eloquently about the disruption spiritual 
seekers often encounter in midlife and our resistance to it. She wonders:

What has happened to our ability to dwell in unknowing, to live inside a 
question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty? Where is our willingness 
to incubate pain and let it birth something new? What has happened to patient 
unfolding, to endurance? These things are what form the ground of waiting. And 
if you look carefully, you’ll see that they’re also the seedbed of creativity 
and growth—what allows us to do the daring and to break through to newness. . . 

Creativity flourishes not in certainty but in questions. Growth germinates not 
in tent dwelling but in upheaval. Yet the seduction is always security rather 
than venturing, instant knowing rather than deliberate waiting. [2] 


[2] Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred 
Questions(HarperSanFrancisco: 1990), 
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Re: [OSList] Zoom 5.3 FINALLY supports OST - participants moving among breakout rooms is enabled

2020-09-21 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Thank you for this update Csaba,yes, it is an important development...
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be. 

On Tuesday, 22 September 2020, 05:25:28 AM GMT+8, Csaba Lengyel via OSList 
 Hi all,
Good news for all of us, who use Zoom: the new version, 5.3 (out today), has 
finally enabled a new Breakout rooms option which allows participants to move 
among breakout rooms.

That has removed the biggest roadblock towards hosting OST events in Zoom 
(there used to be a workaround, but it had serious issues). 
Technically it's very simple, when creating BRs, you just select the option 
"Let participants chose the room" + all participants must refresh to version 
5.3. That's all...

There is further room for improvement, e..g participants joining via mobile app 
cannot move among breakout rooms, but it's a minor issue compared to the big 
Csaba Lengyel___
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2019-12-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear Rob
I am monitoring the news in Australia.
I do hope the communities get enough help...
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be. 

On Wednesday, 1 January 2020, 01:43:15 PM GMT+8, R Chaffe 
 Things in South eastern Australia are not good at the moment.  Thousands of 
people are involved both in fire suppression and community support. Right now 
we need to keep those involved both directly and indirectly in our thoughts and 
prayers and as communities gather to deal with the new current reality there 
will be need for experienced professional facilitators to help deal with chaos 
and complexity.  Please keep this in mind and for those who take on this 


On 1 Jan 2020, at 11:45 am, Carmela Ariza via OSList 

Dear OST Community
Here’s a poem I wrote shortly after midnight...

We sail onThrough dark and murky watersIn pitch black stormy nightsFears are 
faced squarely
We move onTowards the lightNever losing sightOf what is important in life
We are timidNo moreFor we have found Our anchor
We trustIn the faithfulness Of the universeAs we open our hearts
We commitTo the here and nowVowing to embrace fullyEach wonderful present
12:34, 01012020, C.Ariza HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
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2019-12-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear OST Community
Here’s a poem I wrote shortly after midnight...

We sail onThrough dark and murky watersIn pitch black stormy nightsFears are 
faced squarely
We move onTowards the lightNever losing sightOf what is important in life
We are timidNo moreFor we have found Our anchor
We trustIn the faithfulness Of the universeAs we open our hearts
We commitTo the here and nowVowing to embrace fullyEach wonderful present
12:34, 01012020, C.Ariza HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
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[OSList] where to rent decent sized boards/pinboards in Syney

2019-11-19 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear OST Community in Sydney
good day!

I will be in Sydney to facilitate a workshop.

My client is having problems finding boards.

We needs the boards since we will have a lot of visualisation in participatory 

Kindly advise where they could rent boards in Sydney.

Kind regards


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[OSList] Developing a road map - OS plus other methods

2018-08-23 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear colleagues 
I am interested in learning from anyone who has experienced facilitating a road 
mapping workshop whether using OS or other methods. 
What was your overall design? How many days? What important preparation was 
required?What were post workshop processes? Any tools you have used? What are 
the advantages and disadvantages? How would you differentiate a road map from a 
strategic plan? 
Looking forward to learning with you all. 
You may also email me directly. 
Thanks in advance. 
I wish you all well. 

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Re: [OSList] Open Space - Billabongs

2018-05-21 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
i also super LOVE this threadthank you Brendan for sharing..and all those 
who replied...and shared..
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be. 

On Monday, 21 May 2018, 8:11:55 AM GMT+8, lucia pavia Ticzon via OSList 
 Love this thread ... 
❤️❤️~ luch 
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 6:01 AM R Chaffe via OSList 

Brendon, we live and work in a land where water is precious.  Billabongs are 
often the life saving watering points when we travel much like an oasis in the 
Billabongs are also parts of prior streams where the stream has taken a new 
track and the billabong is cut off from surface flows of water yet they are fed 
and nourished by underground water that seeps across the flood plane even when 
the surface stream is non existent.  Billabongs reminds me of the deep threads 
that are part of a community that sustain it in the hard times.  The billabong 
is the evidence that this deep nourishment exists. 
 Some of these concepts are very familiar with Australians in the subconscious. 
 It must be fun to see people discover the deeper meanings of billabong.  
For me I would use the the name as it will connect with peoples experience 
after that I would let the participants take billabong where they choose.  As 
with the “message sticks” that are the indigenous passport and map every 
group/tribe had different ways of describing the features of the map so to can 
the group do the same.
Just as in the song “click go the shears” the spirt of the “swagman” remains in 
the billabong to be heard now and then!
Billabong, just another way to have fun and connect with the community of 
On 21 May 2018, at 1:05 am, Brendan McKeague via OSList 

A, the billabong….thanks of asking.
The billabong in Australia is a water hole or pond where water is usually found 
when the surrounding riverbed or land becomes dry - the last place to dry up in 
an otherwise arid landscape - often will have a few trees or bushes around it.  
I used to hear Aboriginal people speak of ‘knowing where the billabongs lay 
along certain routes or about meetings for initiation and other business held 
near certain billabongs. Also in the iconic Australian song, Waltzing Matilda, 
there is reference to the ‘swagman' (traveller/rover/hobo) who ‘camped by a 
billabong’.  The term is well known and recognised in both Aboriginal and 
‘whitefella’ culture. 
In my early days of facilitating Open Space, I began to use the term billabong 
as a place of ‘refreshment, relaxation, restoration, reflection, renewal etc’ 
where, having introduced the terms butterflies and bees (in Australia, I prefer 
the term bee to distinguish from the European introduced ‘bumble bee’, regarded 
as a pest and destroying habitats of native species), I speak about billabong 
‘spaces or places’ where you can go and rest up should you find that you need a 
break from the main meeting….maybe you’ve listened enough, talked enough, need 
some silence, need to think about an upcoming conversation that you’ve 
posted….find yourself a billabong space and refresh your energy. A billabong 
space is where you wish to create it…outside under a tree,  going for a stroll, 
lounging on a beanbag, in a corner of the room or in the bar, anywhere you feel 
comfortable to relax…varies according to where the OS meeting is held - I once 
had someone tell me they spent 20mins in the toilet as it was the only 
‘billabong’ space they could find! 
I have also had people report that one or two others came and joined them in 
their billabong and, guess what, the most wonderful thing happened….!
Billabongs are created, or not, in the very best of our self-organising 
tradition…just as the river meanders along its own course and leaves little 
pools of refreshment along the way for those who need it.

On 20 May 2018, at 5:09 PM, Marai Kiele via OSList 
What a colourful and vivid story. Thank you Brendan for taking the time to 
describe it so richly!
I got as curious as Jeff about the billabongs (first needed to look up the 
word).Maybe there are a space where special flowers and animals can 
flourish?Please fill us in :-)

Am 18.05.2018 um 09:54 schrieb Jeff Aitken via OSList 
Thank you. Very rich. Lots to appreciate here.
One initial question stands out: how do billabongs act in open space? 
(We know about the butterflies and bees.) With thanks
JeffSan Francisco

On Fri, May 18, 2018, 12:38 AM Brendan McKeague via OSList 

Hi folks
Here is a story (Irish style) of a recent Open Space meeting 'in 

Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-20 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hi Michael
Thanks for sharing your experience.  This could also help Christine decide on 
the process design. 
Warm regards

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, October 20, 2017, 12:46, Michael M Pannwitz  

Dear Ariza,

on several occasions that I was involved in as facilitator, there were 
Action Planning/Action Space events a week or two weeks after the OST 
gathering (the 3.5 hour version without any prioritisation or harvesting 
of what had happend in the OST meeting but with everyone reading and 
augmenting the report sheets before they were distributed to all).

Several things I noticed:

--- fewer folks (about one third of those who had come to the OST event) 
--- new folks who had not been at the OST event came (my assumptions: 
they were invited by people who had been at the OST event because they 
were needed for whatever reason, they could not attend the original OST 
event for whatever reason)
--- the time after the exciting and creative OST event back in the 
everyday life of the organization appears to have had the character of a 
"reality check"  producing sustainable agreements on Next Steps to be taken
--- new projects for which I could not see any evidence in the Book of 
Proceedings that was produced at the end of the OST event.

In my approach there is a 3.5 hour Planning Meeting session before the 
OST event. One of the key tasks there is to identify who needs to be 
invited to the event to productively work on what people attending the 
Planning Meeting envisioned to be the outcome of the OST event under the 
Topic for the event that they had agreed on.
Of course, the folks planning the OST event are at the Planning Meeting 
and they also come to the event in the role of sponsor.
This is the prerequisite for having everyone needed to be invited.
No need to focus on the "leaders", especially if you work under the 
assumption that all who come "lead". If formald "leaders" dont show up, 
the "leaders" present in the OST event and in the Action Planning will 
come up with ingenious ways to get the formal "leaders" involved.

Liebe Christine,
jetzt muss Dir ja der Kopf rauchen mit so vielen Hinweisen, Ratschlägen, 
etc. Du bist auf jeden Fall die Richtige für dieses Projekt!

Greetings from Berlin where I am enjoying the quickly changing pastel 
hues of an early fall sunrise


Am 20.10.2017 um 01:25 schrieb Carmela Ariza:
> Hi Christine, Hi Michael
> I like the action space idea, the invite all who cares in addition to 
> the hosts or who proposed an agenda.
> I am not sure if postponing the action planning to a later date will be 
> the best option as it may dampen the enthusiasm generated by the OS 
> sessions. But if someone else has tried this and would say it could work 
> better than having it all in one go per OS event, then why not try this 
> too.
> The convergence of ideas in the "action space" must involve the key 
> decision makers. The "must" might be a wrong word to use in OS as we 
> always say "invite" but since this will entail possible massive 
> organizational change then it would be good to have all or most of the 
> key decision makers in the action space.
> The documentation of each OS Sessions will be critical as this will help 
> everyone follow the thread of the conversations in the action space.
> To give the documentation team adequate time put all outputs together 
> and also for the hosts to comment on the encoded outputs - it may be 
> best to have a gap between the last OS day of the 3rd batch to the 
> convergence session.
> Or how do you plan to do the documentation?
> I think this is an amazing opportunity both for the company and you 
> Christine. WOW!!
> Warm regards from Can Tho (Vietnam)
> Carms
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 
> On Friday, October 20, 2017, 04:27, christine koehler via OSList 
>  wrote:
>    Hi Michael
>    Yes, the sponsor wants projects/initiatives.
>      From what you say, I understand that I could have done 3 OS without
>    action planning and then 1 day with Action space only.
>    That’s an interesting idea, thanks for sharing !
>    Cheers from Paris, where we have lovely weather right now, probably
>    not for long
>    Have a nice trio to Iceland
>    Christine
>      > Le 19 oct. 2017 à 22:54, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList
>        > a écrit :
>      >
>      > Dear Christine,
>      >
>      > is it Action/Projects/Initiatives/etc. that the sponsor wants?
>      >
>      > If so, they should simply invite any and all for Action Planning
>    or as some of us call it "Action Space".
>      >
>      > Convergence in the traditional way is more a detour into
>    statistics, dots and all than going the actionorienting route with
>    passion and responsibility.
>      >

Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hi Christine, Hi Michael 
I like the action space idea, the invite all who cares in addition to the hosts 
or who proposed an agenda. 
I am not sure if postponing the action planning to a later date will be the 
best option as it may dampen the enthusiasm generated by the OS sessions. But 
if someone else has tried this and would say it could work better than having 
it all in one go per OS event, then why not try this too. 
The convergence of ideas in the "action space" must involve the key decision 
makers. The "must" might be a wrong word to use in OS as we always say "invite" 
but since this will entail possible massive organizational change then it would 
be good to have all or most of the key decision makers in the action space. 
The documentation of each OS Sessions will be critical as this will help 
everyone follow the thread of the conversations in the action space. 
To give the documentation team adequate time put all outputs together and also 
for the hosts to comment on the encoded outputs - it may be best to have a gap 
between the last OS day of the 3rd batch to the convergence session. 
Or how do you plan to do the documentation? 
I think this is an amazing opportunity both for the company and you Christine. 
Warm regards from Can Tho (Vietnam)
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, October 20, 2017, 04:27, christine koehler via OSList 

Hi Michael

Yes, the sponsor wants projects/initiatives.

>From what you say, I understand that I could have done 3 OS without action 
>planning and then 1 day with Action space only.
That’s an interesting idea, thanks for sharing !

Cheers from Paris, where we have lovely weather right now, probably not for long
Have a nice trio to Iceland 
> Le 19 oct. 2017 à 22:54, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Dear Christine,
> is it Action/Projects/Initiatives/etc. that the sponsor wants?
> If so, they should simply invite any and all for Action Planning or as some 
> of us call it "Action Space".
> Convergence in the traditional way is more a detour into statistics, dots and 
> all than going the actionorienting route with passion and responsibility.
> In my experience and book it takes exactly 3.5 hours regardless of how many 
> show up and how many projects are created.
> And it fits more neatly into "never work harder than you have to".
> Cheers from Berlin where I am zeroing in on the 5th (Paris was the first in 
> 2009) European Open Space Learning Exchange  that Kari and friends are 
> convening in Iceland in November...
> Hugs
> mmp
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> Information on the European Open Space Learning Exchange in Iceland in 
> November here:
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 455 resident Open Space 
> Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 144 countries worldwide
> Here you find books and task cards on open space, most in German, some in 
> English, some as ebooks, some multilingual
> ___
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Re: [OSList] 9 months later... it´s becoming true!

2017-03-09 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; } Hi Maria
I checked your website and it looks interesting even if I don't speak Spanish. 
Will there be an English version soon?

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On Friday, March 10, 2017, 07:01, Maria A via OSList 


Hi all,

Last year in May I wrote asking for advice for starting a project of an open 
space for the future of "my" city.

Your support gave me wings, and after much work, support and learning, it´s 
becoming true, this weekend!

It is called Guneak Zabaltzen, in basque language. Let us see what happens!

Thank you all for your inputs and keeping this list alive,


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[OSList] Inspiring self organization of lawyers

2017-02-13 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; } The Day The Lawyer Jokes Died 

|   ||


|   |  
The Day The Lawyer Jokes Died
The administration's immigration moves have made people appreciate lawyers more 
than ever.
  |   |




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Re: [OSList] The 5th Principle all over!

2017-01-23 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; } Indeed!!Inspiring!! Vast open spaces teeming with people with 
passion and a sense of responsibility!!!

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On Monday, January 23, 2017, 22:53, Harrison Owen via OSList 

That was quite a weekend! And if anybody ever wants a clear demonstration of 
the 5th principle – “Wherever it happens is the right place” -- You just had to 
look around the world. Millions of people in circles and streams. Very serious 
and massively beautiful. 




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Re: [OSList] Nominations for Next Host - WOSonOS 2017

2016-11-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Wow, I am truly excited - should Taiwan be finally selected as the next WOSONOS 
Looking forward Jane, Gail and Dick...
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Jane Lewis via OSList 
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Saturday, 12 November 2016, 20:47
 Subject: [OSList] Nominations for Next Host - WOSonOS 2017

Just yesterday Carms asked the world (the OSList and all of us here in Manila) 
who might be interested in hosting 2017's WOSonOS.

Today at breakfast, people started asking me about my connections in Hawaii 
(I'm a resident there, though I live in south Taiwan), in reference to a 
potential location for next year.

Then, in the closing circle it hit me. One of my motivations, after all, for 
coming to this meeting was to locate my own way to stimulate organic 
cross-fertilizing conversations in my city. During these 2.5 days in Manila, 
instead, I'd focused on other types of conversations. 

Maybe it's time to bring this topic to life in a big way.

After the closing circle, and on through a group dinner tonight, I went around 
to share this idea of Tainan being offered as next years location, and all 
around I got "Yes!" and "I'll be there, what help do you need?" So, by the 
evening of the closing of WOSonOS 2016 I, along with Sharon Wu are ready to 
make a nomination.

We nominate Tainan, in the south of Taiwan as the location for the 2017 WOSonOS.

It's Taiwan's oldest city, a beautiful highly hospitable tropical city full of 
Japanese era buildings, thousands of temples and temple events, little winding 
alleys and all manner of street food. It's Taiwan's holiday destination by the 
ocean, and a welcoming destination for everyone in 2017.  

Looking forward to the ensuing discussion!
With respect and excitement,

Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu 

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2016-11-10 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear all
Good day!
At the breakfast table  - with Allan Stewart (Australia), Gijs (Holland), Jane, 
Dick and Gail (Taiwan) we were discussing who the next host will be.
We decided to ask all of you - if you would be interested to volunteer as the 
host of the next WOSONOS in 2017. The nominations will start tomorrow morning, 
so this will give us all enough time to think about this opportunity.
It does not matter whether the country nominated is represented here. Last 
year, there was no one from the Philippines who attended the WOSONOS 2015 in 
Poland, but Sharon already expressed our interest to host the WOSONOS this 
Anyone interested?
We are having a great time here. The weather is lovely for breakfast 
outdoorsand a wonderful sharing...
I have posted some photos on my FB...
Love to all
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Michael Herman via OSList 
 To: Barry Owen  
Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Friday, 11 November 2016, 8:08
 Subject: Re: [OSList] WOSonOS Updating
just follow the link to the spreadsheet, barry... i've translated the schedule 
into several timezones.  the topics are posted below the timezones.  


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 6:05 PM, Barry Owen  wrote:

Hi Michael and all . . . I am going to join the QiQo and see what I can see. 
Can you shed some light for me on the time differential to CDT? and best time 
for me to chime in tomorrow?
Barry Owen
Real Estate StrategistCEO/Principal Broker
Pareto Realty, LLC \pə-ˈrā-(ˌ)tō\The Vital Few4012 Hillsboro Pike #5Nashville, 
TN 37215 Office: 615-502-2080Connect: 615-568-2123Twitter, Facebook,
ParetoRealty is a residential real estate sales firm that supports memberagents 
in building and growing consistently productive nichebusinesses as they enjoy 
the healthy life rhythm they want anddeserve.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Michael Herman via OSList 

well, that was fun.  last night i got a tour of the house elwin and joan have 
restored.  we'd talked about our different house rebuilding projects, but last 
night we got to see each other.  open space, open house!
this morning a few of us had a good catch up and then i got to learn a few 
things from paul levy about what he's doing opening cafe spaces in brighton.  
good to see lisa heft for the first time in about a year, too.
they're about to start day two in manila.  suzanne has sent some photos of the 
topics and somebody else (?) has done us the service of typing them all up an 
posting at qiqochat.  i've posted them in the google spreadsheet that has the 
manila schedule translated into multiple timezones.  this spreadsheet and day 
two topics are public, no registration required, just in case anyone is curious 
about what they're talking about in manila... sheets/d/1B_SD2FP--nrw7NKqO- 
tJ_EFZcr2i_rmJw8Ug_HCxAbk/ edit?usp=sharing 



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Elwin and Joan  wrote:

so I just spent an inspiring hour or more in the online company of Lisa Heft 
and Michael Herman and my heart is at peace, on a day when that was desperately 
needed. Much love.

The opening at WOSonOS was "perfect"
ElwinFuture Development International

  From: Michael Herman via OSList 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSList] WOSonOS Updating
...Harrison gave a short hello via zoom on the big screen in Manila a few 
minutes ago, Sharon welcomed all the participants, and now Mitch is doing the 
opening briefing.  Lisa, Elwin, Lucas, Skye, and some friends I haven't met yet 
sitting in, via, and i think maybe we're on the big 
screen in the room, too.  Looking forward to hearing everyone start posting 

Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Michael Herman  

I've just been chatting with Mitch who will soon be opening the space in 
Manila.  Suzanne Daigle and Alan Stewart have arrived and said good morning.  
The space and the gardens and the food table all look great.  The opening will 
start in a little over half an hour.  There are 

Re: [OSList] New Poet Laureate: The OSLIST Poetry Contest!

2016-07-01 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear Chris, Jeff, Lisa and the rest who voted and all of those who shared a poem
Thank you very much for selecting my poemThank you Jeff for organising this 
poetry contestIt is always a pleasure to moo...
Chris my address is: 2049A M. Layug Street, San Miguel Village, Poblacion, 
Makati City, Philippines Christ thank you for the book - looking forward to 
reading the Tao of Open Space...
Love to all
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Chris Corrigan via OSList 
 To: Jeff Aitken ; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list  
 Sent: Friday, 1 July 2016, 23:54
 Subject: Re: [OSList] New Poet Laureate: The OSLIST Poetry Contest!
Congratulations Carmela. Please send me your address and I'll send you a copy 
of the book!


On Jul 1, 2016, at 7:28 AM, Jeff Aitken via OSList 

Carmela Ariza is our new Poet Laureate of the OSLIST. Her poem is #5 below, 
entitled Moo. Congratulations Carmela!Chris Corrigan will you arrange to send 
Carmela your book The Tao of Open Space? Thanks for offering it as a prize for 
being selected!Thanks to all who composed poems and all who participated (by 
reading, by voting) in our celebration and contest.Below are the poems with 
their author's names unless they asked to be anonymous.May reading, hearing, 
writing, and speaking poetry enhance our lives in Open Space!1: Tenneson 
WoolfIt was obvious there was pain.Feelings hurt. Wounds infected.Hopes, 
dwindling relentlessly over the horizon called “not today.”It was the story 
underneath, finally excavated,that began to change everything.2: Huck Lin圍圓坐  
sit around circle
相視識. Look to know each other
取紙筆 take pen n paper
述題旨 describe your theme
選時空 choose a space n time
召人議 invite people to discuss
蜂採蜜 bees keep busy
蝶翩舞 butterfly dances
此即時 now is right time
隨心聚 gather with your heartl
終亦始 end is also start3: Paul LevyWe are spreading out to the centre,
Unravelling to the core;
We are flowing in the stillness,
Living less being more.The space it is opening,
The circle spirals in;
The frozen turns to water,
The frown becomes a grin.4: Rolf SchneidereitWenn ich sein kann
wer ich bin
kann ich werden
wer ich sein kannWhen I can be
who I am
I can become
Who I can be5: Carmela ArizaMooWe moved
To overcome
Stale and hardenedWe mooed
Crossing over
Grassy fields
Verdant mindsWe mowed
Sharp shears
Breaking through
Rigid thoughtsWe mooed
As we moved
On mowed
Open spaces6: Huck Lin邀集圓坐相視識 Invite to sit a circle. Look to know each 
other取紙筆 述題旨Take pen n paper;  describe your theme擇時空 召人議Choose a space n time; 
call people to meet蜂飛蝶舞此即時Bees keep busy  butterfly dances  now is right 
time隨心聚散 Gather or leave with your heart
終亦始 end is also start7: Huck Lin邀圓環視取紙筆Invite a circle, look around, take a pen 
and paper選定時空述題旨Choose a time-space, describe your topic蜂蝶飛舞此即時 Bees and 
butterflies are dancing, now is right time隨心聚散終亦始Gather or leave with your 
heart, end is also start8:We have a right to treat each other well  knowing 
from the depths of authenticity yet mysterious beyond human understandingthat 
good things emerge whenever we do.What wonder filled constancy!9:Life is a 
subtle affair in which we do well to notice that coupled in the swirl of the 
danceis the real joy of living in togethernessamid still feelings of oneness. 
10: Alan Halfordthere was an old codger from maine
who said open those spaces again
for all those who did
I lift off me lid
and welcome all those who just came11: Susan BasterfieldThe space a 
circleThree-dimensional circuitTransmitting love-light

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Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21

2016-06-13 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList

We moved 

To overcome


Stale and hardened

We mooed

Crossing over

Grassy fields

Verdant minds

We mowed

Sharp shears

Breaking through

Rigid thoughts

We mooed 

As we moved 

On mowed 

Open spaces

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Rolf Schneidereit via OSList 
 To: Jeff Aitken ; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list  
 Sent: Monday, 13 June 2016, 14:19
 Subject: Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21
Wenn ich sein kannwer ich binkann ich werdenwer ich sein kann
When I can bewho I amI can becomeWho I can be

Am 11.06.2016/ Kw23 um 19:12 schrieb Jeff Aitken via OSList 
Thank you dear Lisa! Can't wait to see you this week.Folks, here is the 
invitation again.Dear friends,It's time to try poetry on the oslist 
again.Harrison's first book about open space was NOT about the methodology. It 
was about the ways that people change their view of themselves and the world.He 
said we can "cross the open space" - from one understanding of ourselves and 
the world - into a new one. Later we learned that OST can help us do this, both 
individually and collectively!Have you experienced this in your life? Crossing 
from one understanding to another? Watching others do it? Using OST or not? 
What was the story?Will you write a short poem about it?Rules: 33 words or 
less. Any form is fine, rhyme or not rhyme, any language*. "When crossing open 
space..." is one way to get started, choose your way. This paragraph is 33 
words.The poetry celebration will run until June 21 - and then we can choose a 
poet to be Laureate of the list for a while.Please post your poem to the 
oslist. (Unless you want to send it to me only, so I'll post it without your 
name.) Have fun reading and writing!Jeff
Lagunitas Creek, California*We will ask you for an English translation also - and, we 
know that poetry does not always easily translate.
On Jun 11, 2016 10:02 AM, "Lisa Heft -"  wrote:

Oh Jeff I love you so much … (so much that I say it out loud, in front of 
everyone in this lovely big circle)….

On Jun 11, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Jeff Aitken via OSList 
You may notice that I like writing poems. Whether or nor they are 'good' poems 
doesn't matter so much. I invite you to write one! About this topic we love so 
much.Here's a poem about writing a poem:Anyone can write a poem
By opening two red doors.
Capture a moment that opened your heart:
Describe that red ripe tomato, the first you ever grew, then
Eat it! and let the red seedy juice spill down on the page
For us;
Grab a napkin and laugh. 

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Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21

2016-06-07 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Lovely Jeff... True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Jeff Aitken via OSList 
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2016, 21:37
 Subject: Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21
Muhammad Ali, whose life many people are celebrating this week, composed a poem 
about changing our view. It is also the shortest poem ever:Me
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Re: [OSList] Spanish Version of the Task Cards to set up an os-event

2016-05-22 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; }  Dear OST practitioners in Barcelona 
I am here in Barcelona. Would be glad to meet some of you. Would anyone have 
time to meet me here? It's a short stay. I will be going home Friday evening. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, May 21, 2016, 1:57 AM, Jaime Pedreros Fitzgerald Pedreros 
Fitzgerald via OSList  wrote:

My dear colleagues,
I am not sure whether there is a Spanish version of the Task Cards; but if you 
let me know where I can found them in English I will be more than happy to 
translate them for all of you. Just give a me a reasonable deadline starting by 
next Wednesday May 18th when I will finish my present job assignment.
Have a great hug from increasingly chilling La Paz.
Jaime (Bolivia)___
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Re: [OSList] Stammtisch in Berlin today

2016-05-02 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Enjoy your Stammtisch...Will join you sometime in Sept-Oct... True happiness is 
a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 
 Sent: Monday, 2 May 2016, 23:10
 Subject: [OSList] Stammtisch in Berlin today
In case you are in or passing through Berlin: You are invited to come to 
our regular Stammtisch... often there are travelling osnicks joining.

We meet here

On sunny days like today there is lots of space under the trees in front 
of the restaurant... great greek food and wine and, of course, fine beer...

It sets in at 7pm with loads coming later at 8 or 9 or 10... everything 
open end

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 403 resident Open 
Space Workers in 67 countries working in a total of 143 countries 
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Re: [OSList] os principles in arabic

2016-04-21 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Congratulations Yaari.What a wonderful way to celebrate your 60th OS 
I am curious what was the language used? Did you have interpreters?
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: yaari pannwitz via OSList 
 To: yaari pannwitz via OSList  
 Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2016, 17:33
 Subject: [OSList] os principles in arabic
Dear Lisa, dear Carol, dear Juliane, dear all,thank you for your quick and 
supporting response. wow, i was surprised how rapid your mails came.i had the 
pleasure to be invited to facilitate an one-and-a-half day open space for the 
"university of art and design, burg giebichenstein" in halle, saxony-anhalt. 
about 56 participants showed up for the first day with the theme "Let´s … 
Hello! Entkommen, Ankommen, Willkomenn gestalten." (sth like Let´s  … Hello! 
Shaping Escape, Arrival, Welcome.") … an open space initiated by students to 
discuss, contribute, getting involved and having a local stake in the so called 
"refugee crises" we are facing in europe nowadays. setting-up the event i got 
to know that several refugees signed up to participate and thought a few 
translations into arabic could be beneficial besides one person capable of 
translating into arabic.… well, not so many refugees showed up, and those who 
did, spoke either german or english, much better than i do … the participants 
came up with something like 26 issues (such as: how can integration be 
pleasurable; breaking the law; understanding arrival; enabling refugees to join 
the art studies; how to deal with exclusion; how to contribute … etc.). on the 
second day (action-planning) 13 concrete actions got set in motion (such as: 
fun raising; digital storytelling; platform for projects; installing a 
project-room; a survey on racial profiling …) … i found most of the issues and 
actions not very surprising but observed and enjoyed an increasingly pleasant 
atmosphere of communication, interaction, commitment and responsibility.the 
whole thing was a small-big jubilee for myself, too … for being the 60th open 
space i facilitated … looking forward to all those to come.hugyaari

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Re: [OSList] Skye Solstice Sparks

2015-12-21 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
What a beautiful poem skye...
True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

  From: Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
; Skye Hirst  
 Sent: Monday, 21 December 2015, 18:25
 Subject: Re: [OSList] Skye Solstice Sparks
Dear Skye, like a shining star, your poetry twinkles in the night. 
Wishing it will continue to brighten our days and open recesses in our heart by 
appearing here more often in 2016!
SuzanneOn this darkest day of Solstice as we turn  back to the light in this 
hemisphere, this poem popped out.  It speaks in some way to how I experience 
OST and the ever opening s(S)elf-knowing process it offers.  Thank you one and 
all for contributions/participations by those visible and invisible from far 
and wide in this grand open spacing process, of  being and becoming...
 Dark, a sparkIn the darkLight knowing darkDark sensing lightEach 
recognizingOtherNot as thing apartOne or otherBoth being and 
becomingAwarenessKnowing of full Self

Skye Hirst, PhD
President - The Autognomics Institute
Conversations in Radical Self-Knowing

New Phone Number:

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Re: [OSList] What's Open Space got to do with Group Relations?

2015-12-10 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear all

On December 1 I dreamt that there will be world war 3.
I hope and pray today's conflicts will not exacerbate anymore. 
The presidential campaign in the US is not helping in de-escalating and 
reducing tensions.

Here is one important piece I read in FB from a Muslim who fears for their life 
- from Sofia Ali-Khan. 

"Dear Non-Muslim Allies,

I am writing to you because it has gotten just that bad.  I have found myself 
telling too many people about the advice given to me years ago by the late 
composer Herbert Brun, a German Jew who fled Germany at the age of 15:  “be 
sure that your passport is in order.”  It’s not enough to laugh at Donald Trump 
anymore.  The rhetoric about Muslims has gotten so nasty, and is everywhere, on 
every channel, every newsfeed.  It is clearly fueling daily events of targeted 
violence, vandalism, vigilante harassment, discrimination.  I want you to know 
that it has gotten bad enough that my family and I talk about what to keep on 
hand if we need to leave quickly, and where we should go, maybe if the election 
goes the wrong way, or if folks get stirred up enough to be dangerous before 
the election.  When things seem less scary, we talk about a five or a ten year 
plan to go somewhere where cops don’t carry guns and hate speech isn’t allowed 
on network television.  And if you don’t already know this about me, I want you 
to know that I was born in this country.  I have lived my whole life in this 
country. I have spent my entire adult life working to help the poor, the 
disabled and the dispossessed access the legal system in this country.  And I 
want you to know that I am devoutly and proudly Muslim. 
I am writing this in response to a non Muslim friend’s question about what she 
can do.  Because there is much that can be done in solidarity: 

If you see a Muslim or someone who might be identified as Muslim being 
harassed, stop, say something, intervene, call for help.

If you ride public transportation, sit next to the hijabi woman and say asalam 
‘alaykum (That means ‘peace to you.’).  Don’t worry about mispronouncing it; 
she won’t care.  Just say "peace" if you like.  She’ll smile; smile back.  If 
you feel like it, start a conversation.  If you don’t, sit there and make sure 
no one harasses her.  

If you have a Muslim work colleague, check in.  Tell them that the news is 
horrifying and you want them to know you’re there for them.  

If you have neighbors who are Muslim, keep an eye out for them.  If you’re 
walking your kids home from the bus stop, invite their kids to walk with you.

Talk to your kids.  They're picking up on the anti-Muslim message.  Make sure 
they know how you feel and talk to them about what they can do when they see 
bullying or hear hate speech at school.

Call out hate speech when you hear it—if it incites hatred or violence against 
a specified group, call it out: in your living room, at work, with friends, in 
public.  It is most important that you do this among folks who may not know a 

Set up a “learn about Islam” forum at your book club, school, congregation, 
dinner club.  Call your state CAIR organization, interfaith group or local 
mosque and see if there is someone who has speaking experience and could come 
and answer questions about Islam and American Muslims for your group.  They 
won’t be offended.  They will want the opportunity to do something to dispel 
the nastiness.  

Write Op Eds and articles saying how deplorable the anti-Muslim rhetoric has 
gotten and voice your support for Muslim Americans in whatever way you can.

Call your state and local representatives, let them know that you are concerned 
about hate speech against your Muslim friends and neighbors in politics and the 
media, that it is unacceptable and you want them to call it out whenever they 
hear it, on your behalf.

Out yourself as someone who won’t stand for Islamophobia, or will stand with 
Muslims—there is an awful lot of hate filling the airways, and there are an 
awful lot of people with access to the media and/or authority stirring the pot 
about Muslims.  Please help fill that space with support instead.  Post, write, 
use your profile picture or blog to voice your support.

Ask me anything.  Really.  Engage the Muslims in your life.  Make sure you 
really feel comfortable standing for and with your Muslim friends, neighbors, 

I can tell you that in addition to the very real threat to their civil and 
human rights that Muslims are facing, we are dealing with a tremendous amount 
of anxiety.  While we, many of us, rely on our faith to stay strong, we are 
human.  This is not an easy time.  What you do will mean everything to the 
Muslim Americans around you.  Thank you for reading and bless you in your 
efforts.  Share freely.

media inquiries to:   fb.muslim.allies at gmail dot com  540 315 1823

Peace to all!


Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Dec 2015, at 9:02 AM, Jeff Aitken via 

Re: [OSList] Vote by Dec 5th: Your Chance to Select the Next OSLIST Poet Laureate

2015-12-05 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Huh, my vote is late...But I like poem no. 1
Thanks Lucas... True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 22:31
 Subject: [OSList] Vote by Dec 5th: Your Chance to Select the Next OSLIST Poet 
Hello Everyone,
Thank you to our three colleagues who submitted a poems!  It's time to 
determine who earns the title of OSLIST Poet Laureate for the next six months.
Please reply to this email by the end of December 5th with a vote for your 
favorite poem from the three options below.  
Lucas CioffiOSLIST Poet Laureate, Summer-Fall 2015

Poem #1

Open space is a quick brown foxjumping over thatlazy dog Control.

Poem #2
I feel deeply touched 
About everything that is happening My deepest feelings goes to the family of 
the deceased
Principles like love, peace, respect…are they lost?Always seemed right to love 
and respect every soul , every living being!Rises my inner voice against all 
kind of hate and evilIs this the world we want to build?Say no to hate, say no 
to fear, say yes to love, and please respect all kinds of being!

Poem #3

Someone may say, ‘What can one person do?, when others are so evil?’One person 
can step forward.Just as in Open Space.Speaking to passion and 
responsibility.We’ve seen it happen.
In Open Space, we have learned to notice the differences.The one person.The 
One person can step forward.Name a topic.Submit a poem.Hold a session with just 
themselves attending it.
In Open Space, we welcome that.We invite it.Even one person stepping 
forwardstepping into their passion and responsibilitycan shift an organization. 
A community. A way of thinking.
Someone said, 'Only one person on this list submitted a poem.'
One person.Stepping forward.Speaking to passion and responsibility.
What can one person do?Step forward into the silence.Breathe.Open up her 
arms.Invite difference.Embody the simple fact thateach person matters.
One person can do the most loving thing it is in her heart to do.

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Re: [OSList] good questions

2015-11-19 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Some more questions 
What opportunities for change do the current situation offer to us?
Going beyond sympathy: how can we respond with empathy? 
In the cycle of  violence - who are we? In what way are we a part of this? 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 9:40 PM, Brett Barndt via OSList 

My favorite question is what role have we all played in creating this crisis?

i.e. sitting by while funding from global oil industry partners outside our 
national judicial systems funded religious extremism in many countries now 
experiencing turmoil over silent decades, our own govts created instability 
through financial support of abusive dictatorships, wars, and occupation, and 
arms were transported into Syria over supposedly NATO controlled borders under 
various guises, etc. over several years while our mainstream media and elected 
officials failed to tell us loud and clear, but while Syrian exiles were trying 
to sound that alarm, etc. 

How can our new knowledge about all these connections and our own part in it 
give us a sense of power and commitment to actually change things using our 
democratic or other  social institutions like our faith communities now that we 
do know? 

When people of faith and ethical motivation engage themselves and take 
responsibility for changing things, the elected and other institutions 
implicated in these crises will see permanent and deep reform. Not before.

Good luck. Yours is a very worthwhile project!
On Nov 18, 2015 9:05 AM, "Hege Steinsland via OSList" 

Can I ask for input on this…

What are the good questions for a community or a Church to ask oneself in 
todays refugee- situation.
Questions that can generate insight, energy and hope…

I wonder…

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Re: [OSList] Date of the 2016 WOSonOS

2015-09-22 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2016

2015-09-17 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Yohoo! Count me in to support you Sharon!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Sharon Chao via OSList 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, 17 September 2015, 18:23
 Subject: [OSList] WOSonOS 2016

So where are we having the next WOSonOS?

Well check this out...
Hi, my name is Sharon Joy, I'll be filling you in on the preparation for next 
We are still working on the date, but no worry I’ll keep everyone posted.
Rest assured the 24th WOSonOS has a home!

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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2016 - lets meet in Germany in November

2015-09-17 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear Michael, Karolina
I will be in Germany in November. Perhaps you can already share with me what to 
prepare and how to prepare for a WOSONOSand share your experiences
Would love to sit with you guys and listen!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 
 To: Sharon Chao ; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list  
 Sent: Thursday, 17 September 2015, 20:47
 Subject: Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2016
Dear Sharon, Carmela, Franklin, Lucia and you other os-workers in the 

thank you for the invitation.

Sending hugs from Berlin around the globe fondly remembering a three 
week stay in the countryside near Manila in 1965 learining about raising 
mushrooms and keeping bees in a tropical climate... and happily enjoying 
the lushious hospitality in the village half a century ago...


On 17.09.2015 12:23, Sharon Chao via OSList wrote:
> So where are we having the next WOSonOS?
> Well check this out...
> Hi, my name is Sharon Joy, I'll be filling you in on the preparation for
> next year's
> We are still working on the date, but no worry I’ll keep everyone posted.
> Rest assured the 24^th WOSonOS has a home!
> ___
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Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 405 resident Open 
Space Workers in 68 countries working in a total of 143 countries 

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Re: [OSList] Great interview with Anne Stadler

2015-07-10 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
I love the teenager's advice: don't be nice. Just be yourself! Thanks for sharing Peggy. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneAt Jul 11, 2015, 1:20:05 AM, Peggy Holman via OSList wrote:For those who know Anne, the 30 minute video needs no further intro: you don't know her, she was pivotal in putting Open Space in
 the map in the 80’s. She made the first video of it and did the first workshops with Harrison. Great to hear her reflections, including a wonderful story of a teacher who told her as a teenager, "Anne, don't be nice.  Just be yourself.”  Enjoy!Appreciatively,Peggy
_Peggy HolmanExecutive DirectorJournalism that Matters15347 SE 49th PlaceBellevue, WA  98006425-746-6274www.journalismthatmatters.netwww.peggyholman.comTwitter: @peggyholmanJTM Twitter: @JTMStreamEnjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into OpportunityCheck out my series
 on what's emerging in the news & information ecosystem

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Re: [OSList] Our new OSLIST Poet Laureate

2015-05-23 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hello Harold,
Just to correct your notion - I did not write what you see at the bottom of my 
emails...I quoted it from someone who sent me this message...I do not know the 
author...but I like the message - it reminds me to be responsible for my own 
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Harold Shinsato via OSList
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2015, 23:26
 Subject: Re: [OSList] Our new OSLIST Poet Laureate
 Congratulations to our new Poet Laureate, Lucas Cioffi! And thank you for all 
that you're doing for the Open Space community on the OSHotline, with your 
efforts and innovations with dialog and facilitation - like your event today 
online - the free Dialogue and Facilitation Showcase today 5-6pm Eastern
 And thank you so much, Carmela, a very timely poem. Especially the line Do 
not pursue happiness - practice it. In a country where we practically worship 
the pursuit of happiness along with our life and liberty - your poem is a 
wonderful balm for many of our national ills.
 And thank you, Lisa, for all the space you've held for poetry here.
 Florian - thanks for the triple hug! I still remember the deep poetry of your 
non-verbal sounds at the closing circle of the Berlin WOSonOS in 2010. What 
could be our next step to evoke yet more poetry here on the OSList?

On 5/19/15 7:44 AM, Carmela Ariza via OSList wrote:
  Congratulations to Lucas... 
  I also missed the poetry contest... 
  But I wrote some only a few days ago...will email shortly... 
  Regards to all from Braunschweig! 
  Carms   True happiness is a state of mind.
 Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
 Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
 Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
 Smile, even when things go wrong. 
 Create happiness, and happy you will be. 
  From: fischer florian via OSList
 To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list 
 Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015, 9:22
 Subject: Re: [OSList] Our new OSLIST Poet Laureate
  I changed my five tears into a bright laughter, giving aplaus for Lucas and a 
triple-hug for Harold. Florian 
 Florian Fischer  D 10779 Berlin, Münchener Straße 6 
(0049(0)30. 2116752, 0160.5924549   

   Am 17.05.2015 um 01:54 schrieb Lisa Heft - via OSList: 
   Hello, all - and now for some lovely news about our next OSLIST Poet 
Laureate. An OSLIST Poet Laureate’s honor is to hold space for poetry on the 
OSLIST for the next six or so months. Thank you for your wonderful 
contributions, all. And there was more happening than what you may have 
thought. I will show you. 
  First, a haiku response from Chris Altmikus, who selected my invitation as 
his choice for all five of his dots.  I had not noticed that this part of my 
invitation was like the first line of a haiku:   
  Aha! Poetry is everywhere, if we notice the poetry all around us. As Florian 
does, below. 
  Next, a haiku response from Tenneson Woolf, who noted he had missed the 
deadline for writing a haiku:
 Damn! I missed deadline.
 Would have written, otherwise.
 My dots are below.
  And now, here is my haiku response to all of you who responded:
 Thank you, dear poets -
 some who knew you were, and some
 who suprised yourselves.
 Here are the results of the Spring 2015 OSLIST Poetry Contest.
 About how less is sometimes more, when Open Space is used.
 Our new Poet Laureate is (drumroll, please…)
 Lucas Cioffi !
 Here is Lucas’ haiku.
 Space  __   __
 _  ___  open     
 __  _  __  us.
  And here are the other lovely contributions. Whoever comes is the right 
person. Be prepared to be… surprised….
 » writing a haiku
 about sometimes less is more
 when op´n space is used «
 - Florian Fischer
 Why Technology?
 A joke or divine wisdom?
 Which is funnier?
 - Harold Shinsato
 Gathering pollen
 Colonies working too hard
 Busy bees collapse
 - Harold Shinsato
 Safety for our tears
 fear anger joy love sorrow 
 Flow grows after grief
 - Harold Shinsato
 It is so good to hear from Florian, who has been with us holding creative 
space for so many years. And Harold the ways you receive and choose your 
thoughtful words always gives nutrition to my brain and heart. 
  We are so very lucky to have every one

[OSList] 10 Haikus on Open Space

2015-05-23 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear Open Space-ers
I finally found the time to write Haikus...
Instead of the traditional haiku format of 3 lines of 5-7-5 syllables...My 
haikus are 7-5-7...apologies to those who are haiku lovers...
Thanks Lisa for getting me to write haikus...My last ones were written ages 
ago...when I did not have any white hair yet...
Here are my haikus...

10 HAIKUS on, of, for, about Open Space

by: Carmela Ariza, 

17 May 2015, Berlin

Structured communications

Contrives flow of thought

Wisdom grows when freely sought


Interfering by resting

Distance ain't distant

Absence – powerful presence


Movement creates openings

Comings and goings

Persons – you are the blessings


Speech and breath fills the spaces

Silence evokes truth

Brilliance shines through all pauses


Circles expand or contract

Size does not matter

Geometry is chemistry


In fertile open spaces

Thought seeds germinate

Ideas grow in due time


Who’s there is not the question

Knock, knock is senseless

We count less on positions


No table to make things stable

With chairs, without chairs

Our passion gets us going


We don’t start with promises

Freeing premises

Yields a lot of surprises


Oh-pen, awe-pen, open space

Ahs, ohs, ums, and oms

Clickety-clack, hush no more

Enjoy reading poetry...You may also read this in my poetry blogspot: Carmela's 
Poems and Prayers: HAIKUS on, of, for, about Open Space
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: HAIKUS on, of, for, about O... |
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Love to all,

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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Re: [OSList] 10 Haikus on Open Space

2015-05-23 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Just a little correction on one they are again...

10 HAIKUS on, of, for, about Open Spaceby: Carmela Ariza, 17 May 2015, Berlin 
1Structured communicationsContrives flow of thoughtWisdom grows when freely 
sought 2Interfering by restingDistance ain't distantAbsence – powerful presence 
3Movement creates openingsComings and goingsPersons – you are the blessings 
4Speech and breath fills the spacesSilence evokes truthBrilliance shines 
through all pauses 5Circles expand or contractSize does not matterGeometry is 
chemistry 6In fertile open spacesThought seeds germinateIdeas grow in due time 
7Who’s there is not the questionKnock, knock is senselessWe count less on 
positions 8No table makes things stableWith chairs, without chairsOur passion 
gets us going 9We don’t start with promisesFreeing premisesYields a lot of 
surprises 10Oh-pen, awe-pen, open spaceAhs, ohs, ums, and omsClickety-clack, 
hush no more
 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Carmela Ariza via OSList
 To: World Wide Open Space Technology Email List; Lisa Heft - 
 Sent: Sunday, 24 May 2015, 6:56
 Subject: [OSList] 10 Haikus on Open Space
Dear Open Space-ers
I finally found the time to write Haikus...
Instead of the traditional haiku format of 3 lines of 5-7-5 syllables...My 
haikus are 7-5-7...apologies to those who are haiku lovers...
Thanks Lisa for getting me to write haikus...My last ones were written ages 
ago...when I did not have any white hair yet...
Here are my haikus...

10 HAIKUS on, of, for, about Open Spaceby: Carmela Ariza, 17 May 2015, Berlin  
1Structured communicationsContrives flow of thoughtWisdom grows when freely 
sought  2Interfering by restingDistance ain't distantAbsence – powerful 
presence  3Movement creates openingsComings and goingsPersons – you are the 
blessings  4Speech and breath fills the spacesSilence evokes truthBrilliance 
shines through all pauses  5Circles expand or contractSize does not 
matterGeometry is chemistry  6In fertile open spacesThought seeds 
germinateIdeas grow in due time  7Who’s there is not the questionKnock, knock 
is senselessWe count less on positions  8No table to make things stableWith 
chairs, without chairsOur passion gets us going  9We don’t start with 
promisesFreeing premisesYields a lot of surprises  10Oh-pen, awe-pen, open 
spaceAhs, ohs, ums, and omsClickety-clack, hush no more

Enjoy reading poetry...You may also read this in my poetry blogspot: Carmela's 
Poems and Prayers: HAIKUS on, of, for, about Open Space
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Love to all,

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
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Re: [OSList] Our new OSLIST Poet Laureate

2015-05-19 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Congratulations to Lucas...
I also missed the poetry contest...
But I wrote some only a few days ago...will email shortly...
Regards to all from Braunschweig!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: fischer florian via OSList
 To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list 
 Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015, 9:22
 Subject: Re: [OSList] Our new OSLIST Poet Laureate
I changed my five tears into a bright laughter,giving aplaus for Lucas and a 
triple-hug for Harold.Florian
Florian FischerD 10779 Berlin, Münchener Straße 6(0049(0)30. 2116752,

Am 17.05.2015 um 01:54 schrieb Lisa Heft - via OSList:

Hello, all - and now for some lovely news about our next OSLIST Poet 
Laureate.An OSLIST Poet Laureate’s honor is to hold space for poetry on the 
OSLIST for the next six or so months.Thank you for your wonderful 
contributions, all.And there was more happening than what you may have thought. 
I will show you.
First, a haiku response from Chris Altmikus, who selected my invitation as his 
choice for all five of his dots. I had not noticed that this part of my 
invitation was like the first line of a haiku: 

Aha! Poetry is everywhere, if we notice the poetry all around us. As Florian 
does, below.
Next, a haiku response from Tenneson Woolf, who noted he had missed the 
deadline for writing a haiku:

Damn! I missed deadline.
Would have written, otherwise.
My dots are below.

And now, here is my haiku response to all of you who responded:

Thank you, dear poets -
some who knew you were, and some
who suprised yourselves.


Here are the results of the Spring 2015 OSLIST Poetry Contest.
About how less is sometimes more, when Open Space is used.
Our new Poet Laureate is (drumroll, please…)
Lucas Cioffi !
Here is Lucas’ haiku.


Space  __   __

_  ___  open     

__  _  __  us.

And here are the other lovely contributions. Whoever comes is the right person. 
Be prepared to be… surprised….


» writing a haiku
about sometimes less is more
when op´n space is used «

- Florian Fischer


Why Technology?
A joke or divine wisdom?
Which is funnier?

- Harold Shinsato


Gathering pollen
Colonies working too hard
Busy bees collapse

- Harold Shinsato


Safety for our tears
fear anger joy love sorrow 
Flow grows after grief

- Harold Shinsato


It is so good to hear from Florian, who has been with us holding creative space 
for so many years.And Harold the ways you receive and choose your thoughtful 
words always gives nutrition to my brain and heart.
We are so very lucky to have every one of you as members of our 
community.Congratulations to all of you poet contributors and all of you poetry 

(who will see some of you at the Open Space Learning Workshop and the WOSonOS 
in Poland in September…)


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Re: [OSList] Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race Together Campaign

2015-03-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
 text/html; charset=utf-8: Unrecognized 
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[OSList] The Edge in Open Spaces

2015-01-30 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear OS colleagues, I would like to share with you a poem I wrote today!
The Edge in Open Spaces

by: Carmela Ariza

5:53PM, Manila, 30 January 2015

Sitting by the lake

Where no water is seen

Still, our thirst is quenched

We were frightened

Anxious as we sat by the edge

As it was far from our usual scheme

Were we on the bum?

Journeying together with very rough provisions

Not a table, nor a slide to slip into 

I can’t deny it

The edge indeed

Made us feel edgy!

It’s not that this was our first

We’ve been by this lake before

Yet now we see and feel and hear

The open space that breaks us open

As disconcerting as it may seem

It felt good for the many

I have to admit, that although

To each one - time and space were given

The edge drives through in kairos, never in chronos moments!

YOU may also view this poem in my poetry blogspot: Carmela's Poems and Prayers: 
The Edge in Open Spaces
|   |
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: The Edge in Open Spaces |
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Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] The Edge in Open Spaces

2015-01-30 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear OS colleagues, I would like to share with you a poem I wrote today!
The Edge in Open Spaces

by: Carmela Ariza

5:53PM, Manila, 30 January 2015

Sitting by the lake

Where no water is seen

Still, our thirst is quenched

We were frightened

Anxious as we sat by the edge

As it was far from our usual scheme

Were we on the bum?

Journeying together with very rough provisions

Not a table, nor a slide to slip into 

I can’t deny it

The edge indeed

Made us feel edgy!

It’s not that this was our first

We’ve been by this lake before

Yet now we see and feel and hear

The open space that breaks us open

As disconcerting as it may seem

It felt good for the many

I have to admit, that although

To each one - time and space were given

The edge drives through in kairos, never in chronos moments!

YOU may also view this poem in my poetry blogspot: Carmela's Poems and Prayers: 
The Edge in Open Spaces
|   |
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: The Edge in Open Spaces |
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Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] The Edge in Open Spaces

2015-01-30 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear OS colleagues, I would like to share with you a poem I wrote today!
The Edge in Open Spaces

by: Carmela Ariza

5:53PM, Manila, 30 January 2015

Sitting by the lake

Where no water is seen

Still, our thirst is quenched

We were frightened

Anxious as we sat by the edge

As it was far from our usual scheme

Were we on the bum?

Journeying together with very rough provisions

Not a table, nor a slide to slip into 

I can’t deny it

The edge indeed

Made us feel edgy!

It’s not that this was our first

We’ve been by this lake before

Yet now we see and feel and hear

The open space that breaks us open

As disconcerting as it may seem

It felt good for the many

I have to admit, that although

To each one - time and space were given

The edge drives through in kairos, never in chronos moments!

YOU may also view this poem in my poetry blogspot: Carmela's Poems and Prayers: 
The Edge in Open Spaces
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: The Edge in Open Spaces |
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Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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Re: [OSList] An introduction into OS

2015-01-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Thank you very much Arno - this is a very wonderful poem!A timely message for 
me today - and today I know: It's called KAIROS!
Again thanks! True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Arno Baltin via OSList
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2015, 3:29
 Subject: [OSList] An introduction into OS
Dear All!

A poetic introduction into OS from a classic:

When I started

Be well!


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Re: [OSList] An introduction into OS

2015-01-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Thank you very much Arno - this is a very wonderful poem!A timely message for 
me today - and today I know: It's called KAIROS!
Again thanks! True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Arno Baltin via OSList
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2015, 3:29
 Subject: [OSList] An introduction into OS
Dear All!

A poetic introduction into OS from a classic:

When I started

Be well!


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Re: [OSList] An introduction into OS

2015-01-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Thank you very much Arno - this is a very wonderful poem!A timely message for 
me today - and today I know: It's called KAIROS!
Again thanks! True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Arno Baltin via OSList
 To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2015, 3:29
 Subject: [OSList] An introduction into OS
Dear All!

A poetic introduction into OS from a classic:

When I started

Be well!


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[OSList] Please describe your experience of silence in Open Space events and Happy New Year!

2014-12-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear colleagues
Happy new year to all!
I would like to ask all about your experience of silence in OST - please 
describe your experience of silence while facilitating or as a participant in 
an open space event. I will put together all responses and share it again with 
the rest of the OSList subscribers...
I would also like to share with you a poem I wrote yesterday on the Many Faces 
of Silence...(see below). You may also read this on my poetry blogspot: 
Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SILENCE
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SI... |
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by: Carmela Ariza31 December 2015, Panglao,Bohol, 10:22AM


I seek the woods

And the woods find me

I listen to the log

Lying, waiting

Eventual decay 

In the offing



Bring me to a standstill


Rushing through my viens


Anxiously anticipating


Whirring thoughts

In a constant refrain

Burying oneself 

In work or laughter

This is a sentence 

Without reprieve







I walk away


Lost in deep thought


Deliberate pondering

Wistful longing

Freefalling insights

Plucking wisdom


Nervous but ecstatic

Consumed with desire

Smitten kitten

Tickled teakettle

Frolicking in the rapids

Restless, definitely notloveless









Nine months in waiting

Coming out

Being true to oneself

Release and deliverance

Reaping, fruiting

Healing, in the fullness of time


In deep sorrow or deep pain

A child’s embrace givescomfort

In contemplation

A coming home to the core

In harmony with nature



Forbearance in difficulttimes

Appreciation for what givesrise to my existence

Reaching out to help theneedy

Grateful surrender

Accepting the present

Here and now

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] Please describe your experience of silence in Open Space events and Happy New Year!

2014-12-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear colleagues
Happy new year to all!
I would like to ask all about your experience of silence in OST - please 
describe your experience of silence while facilitating or as a participant in 
an open space event. I will put together all responses and share it again with 
the rest of the OSList subscribers...
I would also like to share with you a poem I wrote yesterday on the Many Faces 
of Silence...(see below). You may also read this on my poetry blogspot: 
Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SILENCE
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| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SI... |
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by: Carmela Ariza31 December 2015, Panglao,Bohol, 10:22AM


I seek the woods

And the woods find me

I listen to the log

Lying, waiting

Eventual decay 

In the offing



Bring me to a standstill


Rushing through my viens


Anxiously anticipating


Whirring thoughts

In a constant refrain

Burying oneself 

In work or laughter

This is a sentence 

Without reprieve







I walk away


Lost in deep thought


Deliberate pondering

Wistful longing

Freefalling insights

Plucking wisdom


Nervous but ecstatic

Consumed with desire

Smitten kitten

Tickled teakettle

Frolicking in the rapids

Restless, definitely notloveless









Nine months in waiting

Coming out

Being true to oneself

Release and deliverance

Reaping, fruiting

Healing, in the fullness of time


In deep sorrow or deep pain

A child’s embrace givescomfort

In contemplation

A coming home to the core

In harmony with nature



Forbearance in difficulttimes

Appreciation for what givesrise to my existence

Reaching out to help theneedy

Grateful surrender

Accepting the present

Here and now

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] Please describe your experience of silence in Open Space events and Happy New Year!

2014-12-31 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear colleagues
Happy new year to all!
I would like to ask all about your experience of silence in OST - please 
describe your experience of silence while facilitating or as a participant in 
an open space event. I will put together all responses and share it again with 
the rest of the OSList subscribers...
I would also like to share with you a poem I wrote yesterday on the Many Faces 
of Silence...(see below). You may also read this on my poetry blogspot: 
Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SILENCE
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Carmela's Poems and Prayers: THE MANY FACES OF SI... |
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| View on carmela-poems-and-p... | Preview by Yahoo |
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by: Carmela Ariza31 December 2015, Panglao,Bohol, 10:22AM


I seek the woods

And the woods find me

I listen to the log

Lying, waiting

Eventual decay 

In the offing



Bring me to a standstill


Rushing through my viens


Anxiously anticipating


Whirring thoughts

In a constant refrain

Burying oneself 

In work or laughter

This is a sentence 

Without reprieve







I walk away


Lost in deep thought


Deliberate pondering

Wistful longing

Freefalling insights

Plucking wisdom


Nervous but ecstatic

Consumed with desire

Smitten kitten

Tickled teakettle

Frolicking in the rapids

Restless, definitely notloveless









Nine months in waiting

Coming out

Being true to oneself

Release and deliverance

Reaping, fruiting

Healing, in the fullness of time


In deep sorrow or deep pain

A child’s embrace givescomfort

In contemplation

A coming home to the core

In harmony with nature



Forbearance in difficulttimes

Appreciation for what givesrise to my existence

Reaching out to help theneedy

Grateful surrender

Accepting the present

Here and now

 True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2015

2014-12-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2015

2014-12-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2015

2014-12-12 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
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[OSList] How do we define LURKER?

2014-12-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear all,
It is very interesting - that asking who are lurkers - encouraged the lurkers 
to come out and write a few sentences...
I am curious - how do we really define LURKERS?
Would love to listen to your thoughts on this
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] How do we define LURKER?

2014-12-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear all,
It is very interesting - that asking who are lurkers - encouraged the lurkers 
to come out and write a few sentences...
I am curious - how do we really define LURKERS?
Would love to listen to your thoughts on this
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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[OSList] How do we define LURKER?

2014-12-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear all,
It is very interesting - that asking who are lurkers - encouraged the lurkers 
to come out and write a few sentences...
I am curious - how do we really define LURKERS?
Would love to listen to your thoughts on this
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.___
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Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison

2014-12-02 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear HO,
ho! ho! ho! It will indeed be a joyous chorus - from all over the world 
including from Manila - happy beer day! Harrison!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Suzanne Daigle via OSList
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2014, 17:06
 Subject: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison
December 2nd...A special day! May I start the Joyous Chorus to wish you another 
mighty good year Harrison, dear friend to us all! 
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Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison

2014-12-02 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear HO,
ho! ho! ho! It will indeed be a joyous chorus - from all over the world 
including from Manila - happy beer day! Harrison!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Suzanne Daigle via OSList
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2014, 17:06
 Subject: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison
December 2nd...A special day! May I start the Joyous Chorus to wish you another 
mighty good year Harrison, dear friend to us all! 
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Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison

2014-12-02 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Dear HO,
ho! ho! ho! It will indeed be a joyous chorus - from all over the world 
including from Manila - happy beer day! Harrison!
Carms True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
  From: Suzanne Daigle via OSList
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2014, 17:06
 Subject: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison
December 2nd...A special day! May I start the Joyous Chorus to wish you another 
mighty good year Harrison, dear friend to us all! 
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Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
I love the idea of the guerrilla open space…

The way Tom wrote his experience already fired me up!  

Perhaps if the risks are not as high - and the chance to generate or exacerbate 
conflict is low - this is a good thing to do…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Jeff Aitken via OSList
To: Peggy Holman; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 4:29
Subject: Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

Reminds me about the conference where the streaming twitter feed was projected 
behind the keynote speaker, showing real-time critiques of his speech that he 
could not see. Imagine a tweeted call to abandon the keynote and gather down 
the hall. : ) I know Tom's idea is more subtle and diplomatic.

Tony Judge had a similar idea to Tom's posted in his majestic website Laetus in 
Praesens. I don't know of a case study tho.

I guess the hotel bar where Harrison hangs out is where a lot of disgruntled 
participants tend to show up. Is that where the open space idea really emerged?


 Original message 
From: Peggy Holman via OSList 
Date:11/11/2014  11:59 AM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: Open Space Listserv 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Subject: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space? 

Hi all,

I got the query below from my friend Tom Atlee. It seemed like a great question 
for the list. Since Tom isn’t on it, I told him that I’d forward any responses.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Atlee

Date: November 10, 2014 at 12:51:54 PM PST

Subject: Guerilla Open Space?

To: Peggy Holman

Hi Peggy,

Thinking about the NCDD conference, I got the idea for guerilla Open Space 
to be used in conferences where you want to open the space in the middle of a 
too-organized gathering.  It would involve a central website with instructions 
on what to do and why.  It would involve passing out cards with messages like 
Is there something that you'd really like to talk about or do here that the 
agenda here is preventing you from talking about or doing?  Would you like 
to be learning, contributing, and having more fun here? with the web address 
on it.  Tweets might also be used.  Then, on the main website it would tell 
people about how to do a guerilla open space, referring them perhaps to to arrange places to talk.

Or something like that.  Have you heard of such  thing before?  Do you have 
any thoughts/responses?


_Peggy Holman
Executive Director
Journalism that Matters
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
Twitter: @peggyholman
JTM Twitter: @JTMStream

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity
Check out my series on what's emerging in the news  information ecosystem

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Re: [OSList] Opening Space

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hello Daniel

thanks for sharing this concept of emptiness….

yes, emptiness is not nothingness…
it is still something 
but that something is perhaps
beyond what we could ever imagine
and we need the space to allow that emptiness to be
for the something else's to come into being…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Michael Herman via OSList
To: Daniel Mezick; World wide Open Space Technology email 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 5:47
Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space

i shared this with tricia the other day.  maybe it fits here:

in explaining the buddhist concept of emptiness, mingyur rinpoche (tibetan 
teacher) points out that they're not talking about nothingness or the void...

while the buddha did teach that the nature of the mind -- in fact, the nature 
of all phenomena -- is emptiness, he didnt' mean that their nature was truly 
empty, like a vacuum.  He said it was emptiness, which in the tibetan language 
is made up of two words: tongpa-nyi. the word tongpa means empty, but only 
in the sense of something beyond our ability to perceive with our senses and 
our capacity to conceptualize.  maybe a better translation would be 
inconceivable or unnamable.  the word nyi , meanwhile, doesn't have any 
particular meaning in everyday tibetan conversation.  but when added to 
another word it conveys a sense of possibility -- a sense that anything can 
arise, anything can happen.  so when buddhists talk about emptiness, we don't 
mean nothingness, but rather an unlimited potential for anything to appear, 
change, or disappear.

sounds like open space to me.  anything can happen.  nothing is necessary.  

and to your last question, daniel, for what it's worth:  for me, the law of two 
feet has always seemed like the reciprocal of the principles, especially 
whenever/whatever/when it's over.  the latter point to the vastness of 
everything/everytime that's possible, and remind us we can't control it.  the 
law of two feet reminds us to practice within that vastness, to pay attention 
and keep moving.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:

Hi Karl,

What I am really, really interested in doing with others here is
exploring the all open space all the time idea.

Harrison brings this concept up quite a lot, most recently in the
video interview he posted just this week. 

The Law of 2 Feet and the Whatever happens principle as they
pertain to all open space all the time are 2 items of particularly
keen interest. 


On 11/11/14 3:19 PM, Royle, Karl wrote:

Are you on drugs Daniel? :-) 

Sent by iPhone
Karl Royle 
Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development

Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
University of Wolverhampton 
@karlroyle. On Twitter
Karlr61 Skype 

On 11 Nov 2014, at 20:18, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:


According to the idea, intent=result, my intent in posting
  does have something to do with eliciting a response from
  you, Michael. (And Anna Marie. And Harrison. So far...)

Likewise, I am getting what I want, or: at least what my
  unconscious wants. 

As a result of this thread, I'm planning to actively play

 * dispassionate passion; 
 * passionate dispassion; 
 * irresponsible responsibility, and 
 * responsible irresponsibility. 

On 11/11/14 2:57 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList wrote:

Dear Harrison, 

as for #2 my take is that there is no such thing as the
passionate and responsible and neither such thing as the
dispassionate and irresponsible. At least I have never seen
such critters in my os-life. 

And appart from that there are all kinds of realities. Which
probably could also result in seeing passionate und
dispassionate etc. 

And, if I as facilitator get into categorizing folks or
doing other distracting stuff (for myself), I am down the
road of disaster having lost the capacity for being
completely present and utterly invisible. 

However, I have heard from sponsors and facilitators that
they observed folks in open space as very responsible and
very passionate and were amazed... they had always seen
those as grey mice in reality. 

In case we all are already in open space, which I suspect is

Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
I love the idea of the guerrilla open space…

The way Tom wrote his experience already fired me up!  

Perhaps if the risks are not as high - and the chance to generate or exacerbate 
conflict is low - this is a good thing to do…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Jeff Aitken via OSList
To: Peggy Holman; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 4:29
Subject: Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

Reminds me about the conference where the streaming twitter feed was projected 
behind the keynote speaker, showing real-time critiques of his speech that he 
could not see. Imagine a tweeted call to abandon the keynote and gather down 
the hall. : ) I know Tom's idea is more subtle and diplomatic.

Tony Judge had a similar idea to Tom's posted in his majestic website Laetus in 
Praesens. I don't know of a case study tho.

I guess the hotel bar where Harrison hangs out is where a lot of disgruntled 
participants tend to show up. Is that where the open space idea really emerged?


 Original message 
From: Peggy Holman via OSList 
Date:11/11/2014  11:59 AM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: Open Space Listserv 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Subject: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space? 

Hi all,

I got the query below from my friend Tom Atlee. It seemed like a great question 
for the list. Since Tom isn’t on it, I told him that I’d forward any responses.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Atlee

Date: November 10, 2014 at 12:51:54 PM PST

Subject: Guerilla Open Space?

To: Peggy Holman

Hi Peggy,

Thinking about the NCDD conference, I got the idea for guerilla Open Space 
to be used in conferences where you want to open the space in the middle of a 
too-organized gathering.  It would involve a central website with instructions 
on what to do and why.  It would involve passing out cards with messages like 
Is there something that you'd really like to talk about or do here that the 
agenda here is preventing you from talking about or doing?  Would you like 
to be learning, contributing, and having more fun here? with the web address 
on it.  Tweets might also be used.  Then, on the main website it would tell 
people about how to do a guerilla open space, referring them perhaps to to arrange places to talk.

Or something like that.  Have you heard of such  thing before?  Do you have 
any thoughts/responses?


_Peggy Holman
Executive Director
Journalism that Matters
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
Twitter: @peggyholman
JTM Twitter: @JTMStream

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity
Check out my series on what's emerging in the news  information ecosystem

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Re: [OSList] Opening Space

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hello Daniel

thanks for sharing this concept of emptiness….

yes, emptiness is not nothingness…
it is still something 
but that something is perhaps
beyond what we could ever imagine
and we need the space to allow that emptiness to be
for the something else's to come into being…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Michael Herman via OSList
To: Daniel Mezick; World wide Open Space Technology email 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 5:47
Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space

i shared this with tricia the other day.  maybe it fits here:

in explaining the buddhist concept of emptiness, mingyur rinpoche (tibetan 
teacher) points out that they're not talking about nothingness or the void...

while the buddha did teach that the nature of the mind -- in fact, the nature 
of all phenomena -- is emptiness, he didnt' mean that their nature was truly 
empty, like a vacuum.  He said it was emptiness, which in the tibetan language 
is made up of two words: tongpa-nyi. the word tongpa means empty, but only 
in the sense of something beyond our ability to perceive with our senses and 
our capacity to conceptualize.  maybe a better translation would be 
inconceivable or unnamable.  the word nyi , meanwhile, doesn't have any 
particular meaning in everyday tibetan conversation.  but when added to 
another word it conveys a sense of possibility -- a sense that anything can 
arise, anything can happen.  so when buddhists talk about emptiness, we don't 
mean nothingness, but rather an unlimited potential for anything to appear, 
change, or disappear.

sounds like open space to me.  anything can happen.  nothing is necessary.  

and to your last question, daniel, for what it's worth:  for me, the law of two 
feet has always seemed like the reciprocal of the principles, especially 
whenever/whatever/when it's over.  the latter point to the vastness of 
everything/everytime that's possible, and remind us we can't control it.  the 
law of two feet reminds us to practice within that vastness, to pay attention 
and keep moving.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:

Hi Karl,

What I am really, really interested in doing with others here is
exploring the all open space all the time idea.

Harrison brings this concept up quite a lot, most recently in the
video interview he posted just this week. 

The Law of 2 Feet and the Whatever happens principle as they
pertain to all open space all the time are 2 items of particularly
keen interest. 


On 11/11/14 3:19 PM, Royle, Karl wrote:

Are you on drugs Daniel? :-) 

Sent by iPhone
Karl Royle 
Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development

Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
University of Wolverhampton 
@karlroyle. On Twitter
Karlr61 Skype 

On 11 Nov 2014, at 20:18, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:


According to the idea, intent=result, my intent in posting
  does have something to do with eliciting a response from
  you, Michael. (And Anna Marie. And Harrison. So far...)

Likewise, I am getting what I want, or: at least what my
  unconscious wants. 

As a result of this thread, I'm planning to actively play

 * dispassionate passion; 
 * passionate dispassion; 
 * irresponsible responsibility, and 
 * responsible irresponsibility. 

On 11/11/14 2:57 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList wrote:

Dear Harrison, 

as for #2 my take is that there is no such thing as the
passionate and responsible and neither such thing as the
dispassionate and irresponsible. At least I have never seen
such critters in my os-life. 

And appart from that there are all kinds of realities. Which
probably could also result in seeing passionate und
dispassionate etc. 

And, if I as facilitator get into categorizing folks or
doing other distracting stuff (for myself), I am down the
road of disaster having lost the capacity for being
completely present and utterly invisible. 

However, I have heard from sponsors and facilitators that
they observed folks in open space as very responsible and
very passionate and were amazed... they had always seen
those as grey mice in reality. 

In case we all are already in open space, which I suspect is

Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
I love the idea of the guerrilla open space…

The way Tom wrote his experience already fired me up!  

Perhaps if the risks are not as high - and the chance to generate or exacerbate 
conflict is low - this is a good thing to do…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Jeff Aitken via OSList
To: Peggy Holman; World wide Open Space Technology 
email list 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 4:29
Subject: Re: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space?

Reminds me about the conference where the streaming twitter feed was projected 
behind the keynote speaker, showing real-time critiques of his speech that he 
could not see. Imagine a tweeted call to abandon the keynote and gather down 
the hall. : ) I know Tom's idea is more subtle and diplomatic.

Tony Judge had a similar idea to Tom's posted in his majestic website Laetus in 
Praesens. I don't know of a case study tho.

I guess the hotel bar where Harrison hangs out is where a lot of disgruntled 
participants tend to show up. Is that where the open space idea really emerged?


 Original message 
From: Peggy Holman via OSList 
Date:11/11/2014  11:59 AM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: Open Space Listserv 
Cc: Tom Atlee 
Subject: [OSList] Fwd: Guerilla Open Space? 

Hi all,

I got the query below from my friend Tom Atlee. It seemed like a great question 
for the list. Since Tom isn’t on it, I told him that I’d forward any responses.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Atlee

Date: November 10, 2014 at 12:51:54 PM PST

Subject: Guerilla Open Space?

To: Peggy Holman

Hi Peggy,

Thinking about the NCDD conference, I got the idea for guerilla Open Space 
to be used in conferences where you want to open the space in the middle of a 
too-organized gathering.  It would involve a central website with instructions 
on what to do and why.  It would involve passing out cards with messages like 
Is there something that you'd really like to talk about or do here that the 
agenda here is preventing you from talking about or doing?  Would you like 
to be learning, contributing, and having more fun here? with the web address 
on it.  Tweets might also be used.  Then, on the main website it would tell 
people about how to do a guerilla open space, referring them perhaps to to arrange places to talk.

Or something like that.  Have you heard of such  thing before?  Do you have 
any thoughts/responses?


_Peggy Holman
Executive Director
Journalism that Matters
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
Twitter: @peggyholman
JTM Twitter: @JTMStream

Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity
Check out my series on what's emerging in the news  information ecosystem

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Re: [OSList] Opening Space

2014-11-11 Thread Carmela Ariza via OSList
Hello Daniel

thanks for sharing this concept of emptiness….

yes, emptiness is not nothingness…
it is still something 
but that something is perhaps
beyond what we could ever imagine
and we need the space to allow that emptiness to be
for the something else's to come into being…


True happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. 
Do not pursue happiness - practice it. 
Sing, even if you do not sound good. 
Smile, even when things go wrong. 
Create happiness, and happy you will be.

 From: Michael Herman via OSList
To: Daniel Mezick; World wide Open Space Technology email 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 5:47
Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space

i shared this with tricia the other day.  maybe it fits here:

in explaining the buddhist concept of emptiness, mingyur rinpoche (tibetan 
teacher) points out that they're not talking about nothingness or the void...

while the buddha did teach that the nature of the mind -- in fact, the nature 
of all phenomena -- is emptiness, he didnt' mean that their nature was truly 
empty, like a vacuum.  He said it was emptiness, which in the tibetan language 
is made up of two words: tongpa-nyi. the word tongpa means empty, but only 
in the sense of something beyond our ability to perceive with our senses and 
our capacity to conceptualize.  maybe a better translation would be 
inconceivable or unnamable.  the word nyi , meanwhile, doesn't have any 
particular meaning in everyday tibetan conversation.  but when added to 
another word it conveys a sense of possibility -- a sense that anything can 
arise, anything can happen.  so when buddhists talk about emptiness, we don't 
mean nothingness, but rather an unlimited potential for anything to appear, 
change, or disappear.

sounds like open space to me.  anything can happen.  nothing is necessary.  

and to your last question, daniel, for what it's worth:  for me, the law of two 
feet has always seemed like the reciprocal of the principles, especially 
whenever/whatever/when it's over.  the latter point to the vastness of 
everything/everytime that's possible, and remind us we can't control it.  the 
law of two feet reminds us to practice within that vastness, to pay attention 
and keep moving.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:

Hi Karl,

What I am really, really interested in doing with others here is
exploring the all open space all the time idea.

Harrison brings this concept up quite a lot, most recently in the
video interview he posted just this week. 

The Law of 2 Feet and the Whatever happens principle as they
pertain to all open space all the time are 2 items of particularly
keen interest. 


On 11/11/14 3:19 PM, Royle, Karl wrote:

Are you on drugs Daniel? :-) 

Sent by iPhone
Karl Royle 
Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development

Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
University of Wolverhampton 
@karlroyle. On Twitter
Karlr61 Skype 

On 11 Nov 2014, at 20:18, Daniel Mezick via OSList wrote:


According to the idea, intent=result, my intent in posting
  does have something to do with eliciting a response from
  you, Michael. (And Anna Marie. And Harrison. So far...)

Likewise, I am getting what I want, or: at least what my
  unconscious wants. 

As a result of this thread, I'm planning to actively play

 * dispassionate passion; 
 * passionate dispassion; 
 * irresponsible responsibility, and 
 * responsible irresponsibility. 

On 11/11/14 2:57 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList wrote:

Dear Harrison, 

as for #2 my take is that there is no such thing as the
passionate and responsible and neither such thing as the
dispassionate and irresponsible. At least I have never seen
such critters in my os-life. 

And appart from that there are all kinds of realities. Which
probably could also result in seeing passionate und
dispassionate etc. 

And, if I as facilitator get into categorizing folks or
doing other distracting stuff (for myself), I am down the
road of disaster having lost the capacity for being
completely present and utterly invisible. 

However, I have heard from sponsors and facilitators that
they observed folks in open space as very responsible and
very passionate and were amazed... they had always seen
those as grey mice in reality. 

In case we all are already in open space, which I suspect is