[ovs-dev] Hi dear

2020-12-13 Thread Willian Reese
How are you
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2020-11-24 Thread dokegaidzukasa

I've invited you to fill out the following form:

To fill it out, visit:

Ive invited you to fill out a form:

Google Forms: Create and analyze surveys.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2020-11-06 Thread Melissa Brown
How are you doing today?Did you receive my message?Please let me know as soon 
as possible.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi;

2020-10-30 Thread gabrielthomas9010

I've invited you to fill out the following form:
Untitled form

To fill it out, visit:

Hope I am not intruding on your space here.
If you are interested in equity or loan financing,
I would be glad to assist.
We are a private financial firm that acquires well established small and  

middle market businesses with predictable revenue and cash flow;
typically partnering with industry professionals
to operate them.
We also have a Capital Formation Division that assists companies at
all levels of development raise
capital through hedge funds. We charge %1 commission at the successful
closing of any deal.
Additionally, we also fund
secured as well as unsecured lines of credit and term loans.
Would that be something of interest to you and your group?
Please let me know your thoughts.
Sorry if you get this message in your spam box, poor network
connection may be responsible for such.
Best regards.. Gennadiy Medovoy.

Google Forms: Create and analyze surveys.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi there

2020-10-19 Thread Sarah Johnson
I hope you, your family, and friends stay safe by considering the
proper precuations as we venture in to troubling times as we view a
worldwide pandemic unfold with COVID-19.
Could there be something more profound going on with this all? Could
we be viewing the signs of the times unravelling? Could this be a door
of opportunity for people to open up their heart to what God has to
Jesus says these words to His disicples referring to the last
generation, "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in
various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew
Earth has been seeing a record setting amount of Earthquakes
world-wide in various places, incuding locations that usually do not
have Earthquakes. So now with COVID-19, could this be one of the
pestilences that will come upon us in the last generation as spoken by
Jesus? Where may this leave our economy? Did you know the words of God
explains that physical money will be no more in the last days? Will
this be a huge stepping stone in bringing this forth?
If you watch television, you may have seen on NBC news just months
ago concerning the implantable RFID microchip that is gaining ground
in Sweden where people are getting this microchip implanted in their
Would you allow a microchip to be placed inside your body that has
the ability to track where you go and what you do? How about if you
knew it matched perfectly with Bible prophecy where God warns us not
to take it during the future reign of the Antichrist, otherwise we
will receive the fullness of His wrath (Revelation 14:9-11)?
This may be the most imporant message you will read in these
times...please do not ignore this! This messsage reveals what the Mark
of the Beast is, and the meaning behind counting a number people have
been pondering for centuries, 666. This is truly a message from God!
In the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to the apostle John, we read:
"And he (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles)
causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads,
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name
of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom: Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is six
hundred threescore and six" (Revelation 13:16-18 KJ21).
Speaking on the last days, this can only be referring to a society
where physical currency is no more, which has yet to occur, but we are
getting close to. How come? Otherwise we would be able to buy or sell
without accepting the mark between one another if physical currency
was still around. It logically deduces itself to this end.
The mark of the beast could not be spiritual, because the word
references two different physical spots. If it was spiritual, it would
just say in the forehead.
Here is where it really starts to come together. It is shocking how
accurate the Bible is concerning the RFID microchip. These are notes
from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to
help develop this microchip in the late 1960's.
Mr. Carl Sanders attended 17 New World Order conferences with
heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the
CIA to discuss their agenda on how to bring forth this one-world
system. The government commissioned Mr. Sanders to design a microchip
for identifying and controlling the peoples of the nations-a microchip
that would be placed under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a fast,
convenient process that would be progressively accepted by the
Mr. Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant
monies supplied by US tax dollars, took on this challenge and designed
a RFID microchip that's powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable by
way of the temperature changes in our skin. With out having knowledge
of the holy Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time),
these men spent one and a half million dollars gathering data on the
best and most convenient spot to have the RFID microchip placed within
the body.
These researchers determined that the forehead and the back of the
hand (the two spots Revelation says the mark will go) are not only the
most convenient places, however are also the only viable spots for
rapid, steady temperature changes within the skin to recharge the
lithium battery. The RFID microchip is about 7 millimeters in length,
.75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is
capable of holding pages upon pages of information about you. All your
common information, work records, crime records, health records, and
financial data could be stored on this chip.
Brother Sanders believes that this RFID microchip, which he
regretfully helped develop, is the "mark" spoke of in Revelation
13:16-18. The original Greek word for "mark" is 

[ovs-dev] Hi

2020-09-15 Thread Anita Varga
Hi, I'm Mrs.Emily J. Craig, i have a fund to donate to you for charity &
orphanage work in your state contact me for more details via email:
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi,

2020-09-10 Thread Crystal Gloria via dev


How are you doing Did you receive the message i sent
you.from Crystal Gloria
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2020-09-02 Thread Diene Ibrahima
hi dear nice meeting you , please write me on my email so we can get to
know each other better, helendikko...@gmail.com
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi,

2020-07-20 Thread Gennadiy Medovoy
Hello my dear, i will be glad to inform you that we are using our
finance-firm platform to help investors take advantage of investing
overseas where they can get more profit for their funds  .We have
assembled one of the most experienced teams in hedge funds in loan
and equity.  We understand that a foreign company looking for investors
is going to need some help in order to make an offer that is both attractive
 to the investors and fully compliant with law. We are here to guide you on
equity and loan finance model. We can give you credit facility if the project
is feasible. The stage is set for our Money Hunters to boldly present their
companies to 82 investors.

Consider this a shout-out to all individuals and firms looking for loan and
equity finance. If you know of a company in need of funding, we have 82
ready investors to assist. There is a commission model for partners who
make referrals.
Thanks and regards
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2020-06-05 Thread wilder Kahn
 My name is lemu toniv,
please i am not always online on here,
write me at email ( lemuto...@gmail.com)
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2020-05-17 Thread leigh hester
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2020-05-10 Thread Fredrick Dougan

It is my second time of contacting you but i am yet to get an answer from
you. I have something important to discuss with you ,
please reply ASAP with your names and mobile for full details, is urgent.

Fredrick Dougan
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi there

2020-05-01 Thread Asia Foundation
This is to inform you that you have been randomly selected as one of the 
beneficiaries of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's "COVID-19 Relief 
Fund", in collaboration with The Asia Foundation; which was setup to help 
business owners and individuals during and after the corona virus pandemic.

You are to receive the sum of $155,000 USD (One Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand 

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed substantial resources to 
ensure that the after effects of this pandemic on businesses and jobs are 
reduced to the barest minimum. They have decided to partner with The Asia 
Foundation so as to reach beneficiaries as far as Asia.

To claim this fund, kindly send the following details to this email ( 
covid19.asiafoundat...@citromail.hu ) address only:

Contact Number: 

You have just 1 week to claim this offer or your slot will be passed on to 
another person.

Sunder Ramaswamy
Chairman, The Asia Foundation
dev mailing list

Re: [ovs-dev] Hi I'm Mr. James Idika, How Are You Doing?

2020-04-24 Thread Jame Idika
Dear Friend,

How are you doing today? I hope this email finds you healthy and safe.

This letter may come to you as a surprise, but I want you to understand
that it is only through an opportunity that people can meet each other and
become friends and business partners in life. Though, the society today is
so unpredictable that the good and the bad live side by side coupled with
the monumental hype and crap of the abuse of the Internet by some
unscrupulous persons in the recent times, thereby making it extremely
difficult for genuine and legitimate business class persons to get
attention and recognition. However, Internet was established for easy
communication and business transaction of far partners but today, the same
internet is use to deceived some business class persons so i will not be
surprise to see you rejecting this proposal just because of what bad eggs
has done to internet today. Nevertheless, i want you to understand that
there is still genuine and legitimate business class persons in internet
world today so i am assuring you that this transaction is 100% genuine. You
can give it a trial.

I am James Idika, I work with Togo Mines & Industry, I am the Head of
Finance/contract approval department.

Really I do not know how best to begin. I am afraid, Not because of I am
not sure of my plans or myself but because I am not sure the kind of person
you are and what would be your reaction if I open up to you. My plea
therefore is that you take me as one who trusts you and help me keep this
matter between you and I only, whether you want to do business with me or

There was this seasoned contractor name (with held) who has an unpaid
contract balance of Euro 5,800,000.00. (FIVE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND
EURO) for supply and installation of Industrial Equipment to our Industry
who died a month after the completion of the contract project without any
registered business partner in his file. The decease a nationality of
Thailand died as the result of a heart-related condition on March 12th
2006. His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of his
family in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December 2004 in Sumatra
Indonesia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake.

For instance, I have the capacity to move the sum of (Euro 5,800,000.00) to
your account in any part of the world provided you and I agree on equitable
sharing formula between both of us on successful transfer of the funds to
your account.

I would like to use my position in the office to recommend you as the
business partner to a deceased contractor so that you can receive the fund
for our own benefits.

If you are interested, please let me have your telephone number and full
names to enable me give you comprehensive details on what we are to do to
get this transaction concluded.I look forward for your quick response.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. James Idika

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2020-04-14 Thread Mrs.Roseline Benjamin via dev


My name is Mrs.Roseline Benjamin. I am living in Madrid Spain,please I want to 
entrust a huge amount of money in your care €4,5 million Euros for charity work 
in your country.I have been suffering from cancer I want to know if I can trust 
you to use this funds for Charity & Orphanage.Please contact me so that I will 
give you more explanation and details.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs.Roseline Benjamin
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2019-11-26 Thread Miss Anita
Hi Dear, How are you doing out there? I am Anita, I want to meet you,
reply me for me to tell you why I want to meet you, introduce myself
fully to you and send you my pictures to know
me better. Thanks, Miss Anita.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi! ovs-dev@openvswitch.org

2019-11-12 Thread Le Huy Hoa
We propose

Sending your commercial offer through the Contact us form which can be found on 
the sites in the contact partition. Feedback forms are filled in by our program 
and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent 
through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method improve the odds that your 
message will be open.

Our database contains more than 35 million sites around the world to which we 
can send your message.

The cost of one million messages 49 USD

FREE TEST mailing to any country of your choice.

(We also provide other services.
1. Mailing email message to corporate addresses of any country
2. Selling the email database of any country in the world)

This message is automatically generated. Use our contacts for communication.

Contact us.
Telegram - @FeedbackMessages
Skype – Feedback_Messages
Email - feedback.messa...@mail.ru
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2019-09-24 Thread Shaffer Ranson
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] HI

2019-04-22 Thread JAMES ROBERTSON
Good day

I am contacting you regarding a project i wish to execute with you,i
will send you a comprehensive report once i get your response with
your name and phone number to my mail.


Mr.James Robertson
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi dear,

2019-04-11 Thread Katie Huggins
Hi dear,

I am still waiting for your Email response, you did receive my first
email to you

Respectfully Yours,

Mrs Katie Huggins
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2019-03-21 Thread Espoir

Hello ,
could we be friends? I would love to meet you ..

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2019-02-14 Thread mary
  Good morning, My name is Mary, hope you are in good health? please reply
my message , i have something to tell you.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2019-02-07 Thread KShan


Our company have a business proposal to share with you, please kindly
respond back if you need more information regarding the proposal.


Kim Shandong

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] HI

2019-02-07 Thread Mathew Dudash

Ich habe diesen Brief schon früher an Sie geschickt, aber ich bin mir nicht 
sicher, ob Sie ihn bekommen haben, ich habe nichts von Ihnen gehört, und 
deshalb wiederhole ich ihn. Ich bin Rechtsanwalt Mathew Hamza. Ich wohne in 
Togo. Ich kontaktiere Sie in Verbindung mit dem Tod meines verstorbenen 
Klienten, der aus Ihrem Land stammt und den gleichen Namen bei sich trägt. Er 
ist mit seinem gesamten Familienmitglied durch einen Autounfall ums Leben 
gekommen. Hinterlassen der Summe von 9.500.000,00 Mio. USD die Bank von Togo. 
Die Bank hat mich gebeten, ihnen einen Angehörigen vorzustellen, aber nach 
einem erfolglosen Versuch, einen Angehörigen meines verstorbenen Klienten zu 
finden, beschloss ich, Sie zu kontaktieren, um als Angehöriger zu stehen und 
dieses Erbschaftsgeld in Anspruch zu nehmen. Wenden Sie sich daher an mich, um 
Ihnen weitere Details und Informationen zur Transaktion zu geben. Ich brauche 
Ihre dringende Antwort

Rechtsanwalt Mathew Hamza
Lomé - Togo
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2019-01-14 Thread Phee Rujiphan

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2018-12-28 Thread Leonie
Please can we talk?
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi.

2018-11-28 Thread yfx64746

Can you please contact me to discuss an offer?
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] HI

2018-03-27 Thread Lucy Boston
Greeting, once again is me Lucy Boston this is twice am contacting you
please is very urgent respond to me for more details through my.

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi

2017-10-25 Thread Sargt christina

I'm Sargent Christina Hammock , I was born in the year 19/08/1981 - 36yrs old 
female soldier in the American Military , i have very important thing to share 
with you privately .

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi dear

2017-08-08 Thread Jack

Good day dear, i hope this mail meets you well? my name is Jack, from the U.S. 
I know this may seem inappropriate so i ask for your forgiveness but i wish to 
get to know you better, if I may be so bold. I consider myself an easy-going 
man, adventurous, honest and fun loving person but I am currently looking for a 
relationship in which I will feel loved. I promise to answer any question that 
you may want to ask me...all i need is just your attention and the chance to 
know you more. 
Please tell me more about yourself, if you do not mind. Hope to hear back from 
you soon. 

dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2017-07-15 Thread Susan Jean
Can we discuss an issue
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2017-05-20 Thread Eamon Mangan
Nice to meet you, hope all is well with you and how are you enjoying your day? 
I'm M  Jessica Umeir, I am a U.S. Army officer, from the United States of 
America, I am supportive and caring, i like swimming and cooking, i am gentle 
although i am a soldier but i am kind, looking for a good friend, I saw your 
email in the web directory, I would like to establish a mutual friendship with 
you, let us continue our conversation through my private email 
(ebuka221...@gmail.com)  am expecting to hear from you so that I will give you 
my pictures, and give you more details about myself.


Encantado de conocerte, espero que todo esté bien contigo y cómo estás 
disfrutando tu día? Soy M Jessica Umeir, soy un oficial del ejército 
estadounidense, de los Estados Unidos de América, soy solidario y cariñoso, me 
gusta nadar y cocinarme, soy amable aunque soy un soldado pero soy amable, en 
busca de una buena Amigo, vi su correo electrónico en el directorio web, me 
gustaría establecer una amistad mutua con usted, vamos a continuar nuestra 
conversación a través de mi correo electrónico privado (ebuka221...@gmail.com) 
estoy esperando escuchar de usted para que yo le daré Mis fotos, y darle más 
detalles sobre mí.


dev mailing list

Re: [ovs-dev] Hi,

2017-04-28 Thread Liezel Delos Trino
How are you?
I’m s simple and easy going young beautiful girl, I like making friend with
I'm Liezel Delos.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] Hi,

2017-04-02 Thread elisa
I have not heard from you to my previous email,did you receive it or I can send 
you one times.Waiting to hear from you.
dev mailing list

[ovs-dev] hi

2017-03-26 Thread Dr. A.K. Majumder

My name is Danny Smith, I am the branch manager of Israel discount bank Yehuda
Halevi, how're you doing today my friend  do you know any one called Edward ? i
am contacting you because you have the same surname.

Mr Danny Smith
dev mailing list