Re: [Owlim-discussion] Error in predicate statistics - context index related

2013-04-05 Thread damyan

Hi Marek,

thank you for the testcase - we were able to reproduce the issue and 
will include a fix with the next maintenance release

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 4/5/2013 5:57 PM, Marek Šurek wrote:

I was able to reproduce problem with error predicate statistics 
related to context-index :

Owlim b5849, Sesame 2.6.10, Linux RHEL, Java 7 64 bit, Tomcat 7

1. Edit test.ttl to correctly import foo.owl
2. Create repository :
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:text/turtle -T /home/path/to/test.ttl 

3. Run query :
PREFIX rdfs:

GRAPH { ?place rdf:type ?placeType 
. ?placeType rdfs:label ?placeTypeLabel }

} LIMIT 10
4. Look into catalina.out

Best regards,

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] delete owlim repository with sesame workbench

2013-03-07 Thread damyan

Hi Carlo,

the issue is related to the way repository description is created, 
managed and deleted through Sesame framework.

When repository is created, only its actual configuration/description/ 
is stored within the SYSTEM repository - it is not immediately 
instantiated - so the configuration is not immediately verified. When 
you try to delete it through the workbench app - the server tries to 
instantiate it first but when that fail due to some misconfiguration you 
end up with such exception.

If there are no other repositories you could simply delete the SYSTEM 
repository and restart the openrdf-sesame app. But if that is unfeasible 
for some reason then you could try to remove it's description from the 
SYSTEM repository using a sparql updates executed directly against it.

Look at the examples at:

Although there is no exact Sparql update mentioned which deletes a 
repository, you could easily craft one knowing only just the id of the 
repository and how the SYSTEM repository data is organized.

Let me know If you still are unable to remove it - will try to aid you 
further on that.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 3/7/2013 1:36 PM, Carlo Allocca wrote:

Dear All,

I have just started to play with OWLIM 5. For the installation, I 
followed all the steps as you described 

I create an owlim-repository using the sesame console, then using 
sesame workbech I tried to delete it. When doing  so, i got the 
following error (see below).

Please, i would like to ask any help for it. How can i delete it?

Many Thanks,

  HTTP Status 500 - org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: Failed
  to delete repository: org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException:
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'tuple-index-memory'
  should contain a value no less than 20m (500)

*type* Exception report

*message* _org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: Failed to 
delete repository: org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'tuple-index-memory' 
should contain a value no less than 20m (500)_

*description* _The server encountered an internal error that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request._


javax.servlet.ServletException: org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: 
Failed to delete repository: org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'tuple-index-memory' should 
contain a value no less than 20m (500)







*root cause*

org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: Failed to delete repository: 
org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
Parameter 'tuple-index-memory' should contain a value no less than 20m (500)











*note* _The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the 
Apache Tomcat/7.0.37 logs._

  Apache Tomcat/7.0.37

Re: [Owlim-discussion] setting Ruleset owlim repository using sesame workbench

2013-03-07 Thread damyan

Hi Carlo,
the easiest and less ambiguous way to specify your custom ruleset is to 
use its absolute pathname as value of the 'ruleset' parameter.
Make sure that the user under which your web app server runs have 
sufficient rights to access it.


Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 3/7/2013 3:33 PM, Carlo Allocca wrote:

Dear All,

it is again me. I would like to ask the following:

I creating a new OWLIM-SE repository with sesame workbench and my 
question is:

How Can I set RulesSet  with myfile.pie ?

I have done it using OWLIM as java library, but how to do it using 
sesame workbench?

Thank you very much for your help.


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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Unable to find custom Lucene Scorer

2013-02-11 Thread damyan

hi Marek,

Both Scorer and ScorerFactory were moved into 
com.ontotext.trree.plugin.lucene package but that was not reflected 
within the obfuscation script and those end up obfuscated. I've already 
changed the online documentation and the next maintenance release of 5.3 
will expose those interfaces properly.

Sorry for the inconvenience

Damyan Ognyanov,
Ontotext AD

On 2/11/2013 11:45 PM, Marek Šurek wrote:

I would like to ask where can I find interface ScorerFactory and 
Scorer. According to documentation 
it should be here : com.ontotext.trree.plugin.ScorerFactory and also 
com.ontotext.trree.plugin.Scorer. But I'm not able to find it. Could 
you guide me where to search?

OWLIM SE 5.3 b5777

Best regards,

Owlim-discussion mailing list

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] lucene index on values of a certain property

2013-01-25 Thread damyan

Hi Katja,

There is no direct way to index only those literals that appear as 
objects of statements with certain set of predicates.

but you could index the subjects  - by building a molecule model of size 
1, consisting only literals and looking only fro that exact predicate.

will give you an example using the same data from your email.

First, to insert the data:

ns:Object1 rdf:type ns:Type1 .
ns:Object2 rdf:type ns:Type1 .
ns:Object3 rdf:type ns:Type1 .
ns:Object1 ns:prop1 v11 .
ns:Object1 ns:prop2 v12 .
ns:Object2 ns:prop1 v21 .
ns:Object2 ns:prop2 v22 .
ns:Object3 ns:prop1 v31 .
ns:Object3 ns:prop2 v32 .

then prepare and create the index by choosing:
- a model of size 1 (one hop traversal from the originating node),
- selecting only the uris to be included
- then specifying only ns:prop1 to be traversed
- then to include only values if type literal - not bNodes nor URI

luc:moleculeSize luc:setParam 1 .
luc:index luc:setParam uris .
luc:includePredicates luc:setParam; .
luc:include luc:setParam  literal .
luc:myIndex luc:createIndex true .

then the same query should return only those nodes that are subjects of 
a statement with ns:pred1 and where the literals match the lucene query:

for instance
select * where {
?s luc:myIndex v?1 .

should return  [ns:Object1, ns:Object2 and ns:Object3]

while  this one
select * where {
?s luc:myIndex v?2 .

an empty result set


On 1/25/2013 10:44 AM, Pfeifer, Katja wrote:


I have a question concerning the use of the lucene index.

Assume the data in the RDF store is as follows:

ns:Object1 rdf:type ns:Type1 .

ns:Object2 rdf:type ns:Type1 .

ns:Object3 rdf:type ns:Type1 .


ns:Object1 ns:prop1 v11 .

ns:Object1 ns:prop2 v12 .

ns:Object2 ns:prop1 v21 .

ns:Object2 ns:prop2 v22 .

ns:Object3 ns:prop1 v31 .

ns:Object3 ns:prop2 v32 .


I like to have an index for searching within the values of the 
property ns:prop1 (i.e., v11, v21, v31, ...). I thought that 
setting the parameter luc:includePredicates to ns:prop1 makes such an 
index restricted to values of a certain property possible. 
Unfortunately this does not work and the final index included all 
literals independent from the property (i.e., v11, v12, ...).

Here are the ASK statements I executed. Instead of ns:prop1 I used the 
complete URI as I read that using namespaces here is not working:


ASK { luc:include luc:setParam  literal . }

ASK { luc:includePredicates luc:setParam ns:prop1 . }

ASK { luc:index luc:setParam literal  . }

ASK { luc:myIndex luc:createIndex true . }

Afterwards (all ASK statements returned true) I wanted to get all 
values of ns:prop1 matching a certain search string (e.g., v*) by 




  ?s luc:myIndex v* .


Best regards,


Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Is there a version of owlim jena bridge that would work with arq 2.9.4?

2013-01-20 Thread damyan

Hi Lauri,

The Jena adapter within Owlim 5.3 uses jena 2.7.3 / arq 2.9.3 combo - 
not sure if that helps or if those versions are forward compatible with 
those you are using. See the release notes:

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 1/17/2013 6:55 PM, Lauri Carlson wrote:


I hit the problem below after switching to arq 2.9.4. I am using 
owlim-se-5.2.5563. Is there a version of owlim jena bridge that would 
work with arq 2.9.4?
I use jena-core 2.7.4 and arq 2.9.4. It would harm other things to 
have to downgrade.

Lauri Carlson
University of Helsinki

Barry Bishop Wed, 22 Feb 2012 11:14:55 -0800

Forwarding reply on behalf of Damyan Onyanov:

Hi Marek,

the error you are getting is due to a version mismatch between the 
jena/arq libraries we use to build our bridge and those you are using. 
In recent versions of ARQ the 
com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingMap is no longer a 
'normal' class but an interface but in our code we are still trying to 
instantiate it as usually.

So you need to switch to some older versions of jena/arq that works 
with owlim, e.g. jena-2.6.3 and arq-2.8.6 combo for instance - these 
are exact versions we use.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Plugin not found in classpath

2013-01-14 Thread damyan

Hi Marek,

the logged error is a false alarm. The cause of it is that, sometime 
ago, we changed the default value of an jvm parameter that is used to 
specify additional plugins to be initialized (not listed in the 
respective services file within META-INF folder of the jar) from 
nothing to  (an empty string). The error is logged because we could 
not initialize a plugin with  class name. We will fix that so to do 
not give such false alarms in the next maintenance release.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD
On 1/11/2013 11:56 AM, Marek Šurek wrote:

I see this error message for quite long time in our logs, but as it 
was not crucial I ignored it. May I ask what the error message means 
and why it's there? What are consequences of such error, because error 
is quite strong log message? We use geo-spatial plugin and lucene 
plugin, but the error message is there even when they are disabled.

[ERROR] 2013-01-11 10:39:39,120 [repositories/repository-name] Plugin 
'' not found in classpath. Skipping...

Best regards,

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] {Disarmed} Re: missing owl:sameAs triples

2012-12-19 Thread damyan

Hi Jerven,

if your repository's ruleset is indeed preset to 'empty' and you do not 
use any inference then please use -Ddisable-sameAs=true JVM option on 
your service or alter the repository configuration until we release a 
proper 5.3 release with the fix ...


On 12/19/2012 3:52 PM, Jerven Bolleman wrote:
The jena warnings are another issue, on the uniprot rdf production 
site. Not for you to worry about, in any case will be fixed by the next

uniprot data release on the 9th of January.

Thanks for looking into the owl:sameAs issue.

On 12/19/2012 02:47 PM, Barry Norton wrote:

Further, I converted to NTriples (note, Jena gives a lot of warnings -
it's probably worth duplicating this and taking note), and pulled out
only the sameAs statements:

$ apache-jena-2.7.4/bin/rdfparse citations.rdf  citations.rdf.nt
$ wc citations.rdf.nt
   12693123  217642066 2491240008 citations.rdf.nt
$ grep 'sameAs' citations.rdf.nt  citations-sameAs.r.nt
$ wc citations-sameAs.rdf.nt
789525   3158100 103875838 citations-sameAs.rdf.nt

These I upload by themselves:

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:text/turtle -T citations-sameAs.rdf.nt

I received then the same results as below.

So I think we can disregard the effect of other data and concentrate
purely on what's happening to these sameAs statements. This requires
looking into the internals, so I'll leave you in Damyan's capable hands.


On 19/12/12 12:42, Barry Norton wrote:

Jerven, confirmed I can reproduce your problem thus:

$ wget 

$ gunzip citations.rdf.gz
$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/rdf+xml -T citations.rdf

And now (unlike with P68353.nt) get only:
$ curl -d query=DESCRIBE
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix sesame: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix fn: .

[no results]


$ curl -H Accept:application/sparql-results+json -d query=PREFIX
owl: SELECT * WHERE {?s owl:sameAs
?o} LIMIT 10 

head: {
vars: [ s, o ]
results: {
bindings: [


[again, nothing]


On 19/12/12 11:50, Jerven Bolleman wrote:

Hi Barry,

No there are two systems which show the same problem.
All triples with owl:sameAs as predicate are gone.

SELECT * WHERE {?s owl:sameAs ?o}
returns no results. Both at linkedlifedata and at

Apparently Vassil claims that linkedlifedata deletes all owl:sameAs
statements and therefore should not return results. This is silly but
ok, if you really do that then you can not replicate my problem at
that endpoint.

However, we at uniprot do not remove any owl:sameAs statement. We
load these into the store and then do not get them back in query

Basically all triples with owl:sameAs are silently deleted by the 

A dataset that you can use for experimenting is 

Which is moderate in size.


On 12/19/2012 11:38 AM, Barry Norton wrote:

Thanks for the clarification - I believe Vassil has answered the
question in the mean time, this is down to the way the data is loaded
and exposed in LinkedLifeData.

OWLIM does index the equivalence in the raw dataset and, under
appropriate conditions, will infer the symmetric dual.


On 19/12/12 10:24, Jerven Bolleman wrote:

Hi Barry,

The workbench is not involved its just using directly the sesame 

((GraphQuery) query).evaluate();

As the triple is explicit in the dataset. Which means
true or false should not matter. Testing with the debugger it is

Tobe clear we load the data using ruleset=none. Which might 
impact the


The query used to work its just in the latest version that I 
notice it

being gone.


On 12/19/2012 11:03 AM, Barry Norton wrote:

Jerven, using owlim-se-5.3.5689 I just executed:

$ wget
$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:text/turtle -T P68353.nt

$ curl -d query=DESCRIBE

I got:
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs:

Re: [Owlim-discussion] pending write reached

2012-11-21 Thread damyan

hi Nico,

that means that at least 'PendigWritesLimit' updates are waiting to be 
processed due to some long running one still not finished ... or because 
of the said replication you are talking about.

there is no way to flush/discard the pending updates. They will wait 
until processed or until the 'Timeout' value is reached.

Dmayan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 11/19/2012 1:43 PM, Broccoli Nico wrote:


in my owlim enterprise 5.2 ,

when i try to update , system respond to me pending write reached,

In jmxconsole i see pendingwritelimit and pendingwrite equals to 1000,

(we just finish replicate between worker)

How can i flush or free or delete this pending write ?



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Re: [Owlim-discussion] openrdf-sesame server starting issue

2012-11-21 Thread damyan

Hi Nazmul,

the openrdf-sesame app will be initialized automatically when the 
workbench connects to it or you may access the main page at 

the workbench uses XLT's to create repositories. The war file 
distributed with Owlim SE has a SE specific XLT named 
create-owlim-se.xsl within the 'transformations' folder of the deployed 
openrdf-workbench app. Check if you are using the right WAR file. There 
are other ways to create remote repositories, either using the Sesame 
console or by directly manipulating the SYSTEM repository as it is done 
within the example at:

not sure about tutorial but the online documentation is available at:

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 11/18/2012 2:00 AM, HUSSAIN, N (Student) wrote:


I have installed OWLIM-SE. I can start workbench using the following 
URL: http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench/ 

But I cannot start the server using this URL: 
http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame. A http error status error 404 
appear. However, after starting the server using openrdf-workbench, I 
tried to create new repository but 'OWLIM-SE' is not available in the 
drop-down list. Please help.

Is there any online tutorial available for OWLIM-SE?

Kind regards


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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Delayed update #2149 processed

2012-11-07 Thread damyan

Hi Nico,

that notification is reported when a delayed update has been finally 

If the cluster's parameter 'UpdateTimeout' is set to something greater 
than 0, the thread that initially handles the update request will wait 
that amount of milliseconds prior to return no matter if the update is 
still pending or not - the HTTP code in that case will be 204. So when 
the update is finally processed (in some future moment( that 
notification is fired to inform for the result )

so that have nothing to do with the way you send updates to the master 
node - in a single transaction in separate successive ones.

When an update is delayed and the initial thread is about to return HTTP 
204, another notification is sent describing the situation and reporting 
the runtime id of that update for future reference - e.g. so one to be 
able to track the result  - failed or success - when the above 
notification is sent after processing the delayed update

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 11/7/2012 4:55 PM, Broccoli Nico wrote:


in my notifications i see

Delayed update #2149 processed !

whats means ?

in my program :

- autocommit=false

- select /construct

- delete item

- insert same new item (with little change)

- commit

I can ?

or i have to commit the delete operation and after commit the new insert?



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Re: [Owlim-discussion] new owlim build for server or also for a client ?

2012-10-02 Thread damyan

Hi Nico,

If you are talking about an enterprise setup - all masters and all nodes 
should use one and the same jar - otherwise masters would not recognize 
the nodes

In general it is advisable to use same jar across all your setups to 
avoid possible version mismatch issues.


On 10/2/2012 10:27 AM, Broccoli Nico wrote:


I have question about new release of owlim build,

When you release new build (like 5.2.5512) , i have to install only on 
the servers or I have to redeploy new jar on all client ?



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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-lite within a jar-with-dependencies bundled application?

2012-09-27 Thread damyan


It could be that the owlim sail's factory is not being initialized. You 
could check that by looking what is stored within:
/META-INF/services/org.openrdf.sail.config.SailFactory file within your 
big jar

there should be a line like:


On 9/27/2012 8:34 AM, Barry Bishop wrote:

Hello vonhoffen,

It's not completely clear to me what you are doing, but I can 
definitely say that the message Unsupported Sail type occurs only 
when the owlim-lite jar file is not on the java classpath.

Perhaps this might help you to pinpoint the problem?

Good luck,

On 26/09/12 17:09, wrote:

G'day sirs!

I'm having a hard time figuring out the following issue:

I have an application using an OWLIM-lite in-memory-repository. I 
want to bundle the thing into a single |jar-with-dependencies| using 
|assembly| plugin.

As owlim is not available as maven dependency, I installed the 
owlim-lite.jar into the local repository using |mvn 
install:install-file ...|.

Unfortunately, this does not yield the desired effect. When I run 
|jar -tf ...| the content clearly shows, that OWLIM-lite jar is 
included, but I get the (familiar) following exception, indicating, 
sesame is not aware of the library.

|org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigException: Unsupported Sail 
type: swiftowlim:Sail

Does anyone have a clue, how I could resolve the issue?

Of course, I'd glady provide more detail if needed.

Owlim-discussion mailing list

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-lite within a jar-with-dependencies bundled application?

2012-09-27 Thread damyan
Seems to me that it is a not a classpath issue but rather the one I 
mentioned earlier.

The original message you gave indicates that Sesame framework could not 
find a suitable Factory that is able to create instances of Owlim-lite 
sail (with id swiftowlim:Sail)

open the jar and see if 
META-INF/services/org.openrdf.sail.config.SailFactory have a line with 
the Owlim's implementation. Most probably the sesame file (with the same 
name) overrides the one from the owlim jar

you need to merge those ...

On 9/27/2012 1:33 PM, Laura Hänsel wrote:

Thanks for the reply, damyan and barry.

What makes me wonder *why exactel* is OWLIM-lite not found on classpath?

In pom.xml I've added the owlim-lite-5.2.jar as dependency (which I installed to my local repository) and set the scope to 
runtime. I've set addClasspath to true. In my IDE it is therefore listed under Maven Dependecies and 
definately contained inside my jar-with-dependencies generated via assembly plugin. As said, running jar -tf on 
this jar, lists the OLWIM classes as well...


and so on...

When running maven dependency:list the owlim-lite-5.2lar is listed as well.

OWLIM is the only jar that is causing headaches. E.g. sesame without an 
owlim-sail works splendid.

Did somebody succesfully include Owlim-lite as dependency within a 
jar-with-dependencies and can provide any hints?
Any ideas are well appreciated!

Von: damyan

An: Barry Bishop


Betreff: Re: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-lite within a
jar-with-dependencies bundled application?

Datum: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 07:57:14 +0200


  It could be that the owlim sail's factory is not being initialized.
You could check that by looking what is stored within:
  /META-INF/services/org.openrdf.sail.config.SailFactory file within
your big jar

  there should be a line like:


  On 9/27/2012 8:34 AM, Barry Bishop wrote:  Hello vonhoffen,

  It's not completely clear to me what you are doing, but I can
definitely say that the message Unsupported Sail type occurs only
when the owlim-lite jar file is not on the java classpath.

  Perhaps this might help you to pinpoint the problem?

  Good luck,

  On 26/09/12 17:09, [1] wrote:

G'day sirs!

I'm having a hard time figuring out the following issue:

I have an application using an OWLIM-lite in-memory-repository. I
want to bundle the thing into a single jar-with-dependencies using
assembly plugin.

As owlim is not available as maven dependency, I installed the
owlim-lite.jar into the local repository using mvn

Unfortunately, this does not yield the desired effect. When I run jar
-tf ... the content clearly shows, that OWLIM-lite jar is included,
but I get the (familiar) following exception, indicating, sesame is
not aware of the library.

org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigException: Unsupported
Sail type: swiftowlim:Sail

Does anyone have a clue, how I could resolve the issue?

Of course, I'd glady provide more detail if needed.

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2012-09-27 Thread damyan

Hi Simon,

if you are using/setup your repository through the sesame-workbench - 
simply start your tomcat, open/access the workbench, select your 
repository and click 'Query' or 'SPARQL Update' that will cause 
openrdf-sesame app (to which the workbench is configured to connect) to 
initialize the repository and during the initialization the missing 
context or predLists index will be recreated using the data from pos/pso.

there is no way to recreate pos and pso indices.


On 9/27/2012 4:52 PM, Rakov, Simon wrote:


Thanks for the instructions...but can you tell me what you mean by simply 
initialize it?

What steps are required to initialize it?

Thanks for your prompt reply - I'd like to fix this asap.

Is there any way to rebuild pso and pos as well?

Thanks again,


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-Original Message-

From: damyan []
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 4:46 AM
To: Blasetti, Luciano (CIOK)
Cc: Rakov, Simon;;
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS

Hi Luciano, Simon

rebuilding context indices requires first to delete them from the
storage folder (when repository is down) and then simply initialize it.

For the context indices, the files are:
pcso, pcso.index, pcos and pcos.index

For the predicate list index, the files are:
predLists and predLists.index

For the predicate statistics (files: predicates and predicates.index),
these can be rebuild with the aid of an additional tool that is included
within the distribution jar, class name is:
e.g. something like that should do it having preparing the right classpath:
  java -cp owlim-lib/*.jar com.ontotext.trree.BuildPredicates
repository's storage folder

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 9/26/2012 8:55 AM, Blasetti, Luciano (CIOK) wrote:

...Very good question. How to rebuild indexes without reimport the whole 

[] On Behalf Of Rakov, Simon 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 5:59 PM
To: damyan
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS


I do have context indices enabled.  Sizes:

Pcos hits:  53663768
Pcso hits:  20127229
Pos hits:   482282752
Pso hits:   32098277
PL hits:50179

It looks like pos is much larger than pcos or pso.  PL (Predicate Lists) is 

How do I rebuild the indexes?  Please send me a list of steps.


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disclosure of the contents of this message is not permitted and may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: damyan []
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 11:10 AM
To: Rakov, Simon
Cc: Barry Bishop;; Pavel Mička;
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS

Hi Simon,

this is a message received when we detected a mismatch during estimation
of the query complexity for a particular statement pattern. And more
specifically when the collection size per that statement pattern is
calculated to be 0 but we found at least one statement satisfying the
As a possible cause - there could be several but most likely one of the
indices is in inconsistent state (or have partial data).

Could you check if you are using context indices and the size of
these(pcso for instance) is close by (at same order) as for pso/pos ...

It could be easily caused when repository is initialized with context
indices enabled - then initialized without them but some data is added
and then these are again re-enabled. In such scenario, the third time
you initialize the repository it will find and use the old context
indices but they will not have the data from the previous updates, when
they were switched off since these were not maintained when switched off.

one way to recover is to rebuild them.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

On 9/25/2012 5:26 PM, Rakov, Simon wrote:


I am seeing a lot of these in catalina.out:



2012-09-27 Thread damyan


- the predicate index should be rebuild while the repository is down, no 
OWLIM instance should use that storage folder during until it finish.
For various technical reasons, predicates rebuild is intentionally not 
included into the auto recovery through which the context and predLists 
are recovered/rebuild ... one of the reasons is that these are not 
mandatory but 'predicates' is fro the 'normal' operation of the repository.


On 9/27/2012 5:39 PM, Rakov, Simon wrote:


Can I run the predicate index build in a separate process while OWLIM is 
running?  Or must it be shut down while com.ontotext.trree.BuildPredicates is 
running?  Does OWLIM *not* rebuild the predicate index when it restarts?

Thanks for your help!


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disclosure of the contents of this message is not permitted and may be unlawful.
-Original Message-

From: damyan []
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 10:05 AM
To: Rakov, Simon
Cc: Blasetti, Luciano (CIOK);;
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS

Hi Simon,

if you are using/setup your repository through the sesame-workbench -
simply start your tomcat, open/access the workbench, select your
repository and click 'Query' or 'SPARQL Update' that will cause
openrdf-sesame app (to which the workbench is configured to connect) to
initialize the repository and during the initialization the missing
context or predLists index will be recreated using the data from pos/pso.

there is no way to recreate pos and pso indices.


On 9/27/2012 4:52 PM, Rakov, Simon wrote:


Thanks for the instructions...but can you tell me what you mean by simply 
initialize it?

What steps are required to initialize it?

Thanks for your prompt reply - I'd like to fix this asap.

Is there any way to rebuild pso and pos as well?

Thanks again,


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disclosure of the contents of this message is not permitted and may be unlawful.
-Original Message-

From: damyan []
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 4:46 AM
To: Blasetti, Luciano (CIOK)
Cc: Rakov, Simon;;
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS

Hi Luciano, Simon

rebuilding context indices requires first to delete them from the
storage folder (when repository is down) and then simply initialize it.

For the context indices, the files are:
pcso, pcso.index, pcos and pcos.index

For the predicate list index, the files are:
predLists and predLists.index

For the predicate statistics (files: predicates and predicates.index),
these can be rebuild with the aid of an additional tool that is included
within the distribution jar, class name is:
e.g. something like that should do it having preparing the right classpath:
   java -cp owlim-lib/*.jar com.ontotext.trree.BuildPredicates
repository's storage folder

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 9/26/2012 8:55 AM, Blasetti, Luciano (CIOK) wrote:

...Very good question. How to rebuild indexes without reimport the whole 

[] On Behalf Of Rakov, Simon 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 5:59 PM
To: damyan
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS


I do have context indices enabled.  Sizes:

Pcos hits:  53663768
Pcso hits:  20127229
Pos hits:   482282752
Pso hits:   32098277
PL hits:50179

It looks like pos is much larger than pcos or pso.  PL (Predicate Lists) is 

How do I rebuild the indexes?  Please send me a list of steps.


Confidentiality Notice: This message is private and may contain confidential 
and proprietary information. If you have received this message in error, please 
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distribute or take any action in reliance on it. Any unauthorized use or 


2012-09-25 Thread damyan

Hi Simon,

this is a message received when we detected a mismatch during estimation 
of the query complexity for a particular statement pattern. And more 
specifically when the collection size per that statement pattern is 
calculated to be 0 but we found at least one statement satisfying the 
As a possible cause - there could be several but most likely one of the 
indices is in inconsistent state (or have partial data).

Could you check if you are using context indices and the size of 
these(pcso for instance) is close by (at same order) as for pso/pos ...

It could be easily caused when repository is initialized with context 
indices enabled - then initialized without them but some data is added 
and then these are again re-enabled. In such scenario, the third time 
you initialize the repository it will find and use the old context 
indices but they will not have the data from the previous updates, when 
they were switched off since these were not maintained when switched off.

one way to recover is to rebuild them.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

On 9/25/2012 5:26 PM, Rakov, Simon wrote:


I am seeing a lot of these in catalina.out:

ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546128 15939569 0, size = [D@4426e447
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546176 15939569 0, size = [D@1445
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546307 15939569 0, size = [D@44a5e9c7
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546399 15939569 0, size = [D@68972b06
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546463 15939569 0, size = [D@1c89cc8f
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546546 15939569 0, size = [D@1ad4ceec
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546561 15939569 0, size = [D@95cf5b7
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546592 15939569 0, size = [D@3607c62e
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546607 15939569 0, size = [D@386411b8
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546663 15939569 0, size = [D@31c763f4
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546677 15939569 0, size = [D@197341b4
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546773 15939569 0, size = [D@5dde9d79
ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS: 3546947 15939569 0, size = [D@4234a314

What do these mean?  More importantly, how do I fix them?

I'm running OWLIM 5.2.5512-20120921122819, JRE_HOME jdk1.6.0_32, Tomcat 6.0.35, 
CentOS with kernel Linux 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 14:58:14 EDT 2010 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

Thanks for your help
Simon Rakov

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-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Barry Bishop
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 6:23 PM
To:; Pavel Mička
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM ignores binding

Hi Pavel, Rob,

So it seems this is correct behaviour after all.

Perhaps I was too quick to assume something was wrong. I think for
anyone used to SQL then it just seems wrong, but is in fact correct.

Thanks for spotting this, Rob.

And thanks for raising awareness, Pavel.

All the best,

On 24/09/12 18:34, Rob Vesse wrote:

I believe this is in fact the correct behavior and in line with the
specification, see
es for a recent discussion on this with an explanation from Andy Seaborne
of the working group as to why this is correct behavior

The specific example there was a query with MAX but the same argument
applies here (in fact his argument does include treatment of COUNT)


On 9/24/12 1:46 AM, Barry Bishop wrote:

Hi Pavel,

Yes, the issue does seem to be in Sesame. I have raised this issue:

I expect it will be taken care of fairly soon.

Thanks for letting us know.


Barry Bishop
OWLIM Product Manager
Ontotext AD
Tel: +43 650 2000 237
skype: bazbishop

On 24/09/12 10:17, Pavel Mička wrote:


I have found the issue, which is probably in sesame. When I execute
the query, but the knowledge base does not contain any axiom, it
returns only the value from the aggregation (0) as a result. Which is
quite unexpected, as it (in my humble opinion) should return no result
(empty result set). When the query is executed and data are present,
than it works as expected.


Dne 24.9.2012 8:22, Barry Bishop napsal(a):

Hello Pavel,

Can you provide some more details, please?

Do you mean that you see the expected variable names when calling
TupleQueryResult.getBindingNames(), but that calls

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Rollback does not to work using SPARQL Queries?

2012-09-20 Thread damyan

Hi Navarro,

you are using RemoteRepository so each update,  is immediately sent to 
the remote repository at up.execute() and there it is autocommited 
immediately .

what you could do is instead of preparing and executing on each 
delete/add operation in your service to start collecting all individual 
updates (into a StringBuilder for instance)
and on oc.commit() to prepare and execute the whole list of updates at 
once. (and just clear the list on rollback, in case an exception is thrown)

Your update request can have multiple 'INSERT DATA' or 'DELETE DATA' 
updates ...

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 9/20/2012 11:52 AM, wrote:

I want to delete and insert triples from a sesame repository using SPARQL
queries, and I want to execute both operations as a single transaction.


If an exception is thrown during the transaction, rollback is executed...
but it seems not to work. The problem is that, if an exception is thrown
during the insert query, the rollback is executed, but the previously
deleted triples are not recovered (Why?).

Here you have some code:

I have a class called OwlimConnector which wraps the repository connection
and provides some methods to make SPARQL Queries. In the constructor of
this class I set up the connection and I set the autocommit to false:

RemoteRepositoryManager repos_manager =
RemoteRepositoryManager.getInstance(SERVER_URL, USER, PASSWORD);
Repository ssr = repos_manager.getRepository(REPOSITORY);
rconn = ssr.getConnection();

In OwlimConnector there is a method called executeUpdate:

public void executeUpdate(String queryString) throws RepositoryException,
MalformedQueryException, UpdateExecutionException
   Update up = rconn.prepareUpdate(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryPrefixString
+ queryString);

and these methods among others:

public void commit(){

public void rollback() {

public void close(){

On the other hand, I have a web service updateUserGroup wich uses the
previous OwlimConnector and a data access object called UserGroupDAO:

public Response updateUserGroup(UserGroup ug) {

try {
 oc = new OwlimConnector();
} catch (OwlimInstantiationException e) {
 return ResponseFactory.getError(e.getErrorMessage());

try {
 UserGroupDAO ugdao = new UserGroupDAO(oc);
 return ResponseFactory.getOK();
} catch (MandatoryFieldException e) {
 return ResponseFactory.getError(e.getErrorMessage());
} catch (NotExistingResourceException e) {
 return ResponseFactory.getError(e.getErrorMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
 return ResponseFactory.getError(new


1. What ugdao.delete(ug.getUri()) does is to call the OwlimConnector
method executeUpdate:

oc.executeUpdate(DELETE {  + usergroup +  ?p ?v . } WHERE {  +
usergroup +  ?p ?v . });

Here the triples are deleted even though there is no commit!

2. What ugdao.add(ug) does is:

To check that ug.getName() is not null or spaces, otherwise the
MandatoryFieldException is thrown:

if (ug.getName() == null || ug.getName().equals()){
throw new MandatoryFieldException(name);

Then, the data is inserted:

oc.executeUpdate(INSERT DATA {  + ug.getUri() +  a scmu:UserGroup ;
scmu:hasName \ + ug.getName() + \ . });

When ug.getName() is null or spaces the MandatoryFieldException exception
is thrown and caught by updateUserGroup. Then the rollback is executed but
the deleted triples are not recovered.

I don´t know why this happens. Any Idea?

Thank you very much in advance

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] DELETE WHERE query behaviour

2012-09-18 Thread damyan


looks to me as 'expected behavior' - it is the OPTIONAL statement that 
cause it - since it is not mandatory to produce a solution from the main 
block of the query, you'll end up with no bindings for ?b ?p2 and ?o2 in 
the projection so, then the DELETE part of the query will threat the 
missing bindings as wildcards to issue individual 'remove' operations 
for each such solution ...


On 9/18/2012 11:37 AM, Jeni Tennison wrote:


I'm hoping someone here can help me with the following behaviour in OWLIM that 
seems odd. I can't work out whether it's a bug in the query or in OWLIM.

First, set up a couple of triples:

   GRAPH graph {
 a p b .
 c p d .

Then try to delete everything about a and everything about things related to it through 
p (ie about b, though note there are no triples about b):

   a ?p1 ?o1 .
   ?b ?p2 ?o2 .
   a ?p1 ?o1 .
 a p ?b .
 ?b ?p2 ?o2 .

When I run this update against this data, everything in the triplestore gets 
deleted. Is this expected behaviour?



Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] DELETE WHERE query behaviour

2012-09-18 Thread damyan

Hi Jerven,

you are right.

looking further - it seems that it was an issue with the Sesame 2.6.6 -

and luckily,  it has been resolved in 2.6.7.

just checked the current behavior using Jeni's queries on owlim-se 
5.2.+sesame 2.6.8 and it works right, according to the cited working 
draft - e.g. does not clear repository contents.

So to Jeni - I recommend either upgrading to Sesame 2.6.7 or get/request 
a new Owlim build that is bundled with Sesame 2.6.8, since there were 
small API changes to Sesame 2.6.8 that makes it incompatible with the 
older Owlim releases.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 9/18/2012 1:33 PM, Jerven Bolleman wrote:

Hi Damyan,

Hmm, this looks odd to me because in the CONSTRUCT case
the triple pattern with unbound values does not get generated.

CONSTRUCT { ?a ?p ?o} where {?s ?p ?o}
produces no new triples
So I would expect
DELETE DATA { ?a ?p ?o} where {?s ?p ?o}
to not delete any triples.

There is also a part in the sparql update 1.1. current last working 
draft which supports this belief.[1]
If any solution produces a triple containing an unbound  variable or 
an illegal RDF construct, such as a literal in a subject or predicate 
position, then that triple is not included in the output RDF graph.

This language was not in the May 2011 draft.



On 09/18/2012 11:09 AM, damyan wrote:


looks to me as 'expected behavior' - it is the OPTIONAL statement that
cause it - since it is not mandatory to produce a solution from the main
block of the query, you'll end up with no bindings for ?b ?p2 and ?o2 in
the projection so, then the DELETE part of the query will threat the
missing bindings as wildcards to issue individual 'remove' operations
for each such solution ...


On 9/18/2012 11:37 AM, Jeni Tennison wrote:


I'm hoping someone here can help me with the following behaviour in
OWLIM that seems odd. I can't work out whether it's a bug in the query
or in OWLIM.

First, set up a couple of triples:

   GRAPH graph {
 a p b .
 c p d .

Then try to delete everything about a and everything about things
related to it through p (ie about b, though note there are no
triples about b):

   a ?p1 ?o1 .
   ?b ?p2 ?o2 .
   a ?p1 ?o1 .
 a p ?b .
 ?b ?p2 ?o2 .

When I run this update against this data, everything in the
triplestore gets deleted. Is this expected behaviour?



Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Slow populating of predicateList index after initial load.

2012-08-02 Thread damyan

Hi Jerven,

yes , your observation is right. (re)building the predicate lists index 
involves full scanning of one of the primary indices. So when the cache 
for the predicate lists index gets full (whole rebuilding occur in a 
huge single low level index transaction) it start swapping and writing 
pages down to the disk.

Just for the sake of rebuilding it, you do not need huge amount of cache 
for the statement collections (*tuple-index-memory*) because each of the 
pages of the scanned index will be read only once so you could safely 
dedicate most of it to the *predicate-memory *parameter

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

Dear Owlim Developers,

I have been trying the following. I first load the UniProt data using 
just the default minimal indexes. Then I shut owlim down and restart 
it with a setting to make it build the predicateList index.

The data consists of 5221698006 triples with 1146090208 entities.

This seems totally bound to the predicate-memory size. Is this correct?
I believe this is the case because once this memory is full the speed 
at which this index grows/is created craters.

My current settings are
java -Xms30G -Xmx100G -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m 


I am wondering if there are ways that I can better use the memory 
available while building this index by reducing the tupleIndexMemory 
for this stage of building the index or is there something else going on?


Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] owlim enterprise 5.1 and Something is wrong after committing to the test node

2012-08-02 Thread damyan

Hi Nico,

most probably it would suit you ...

do you see the exception only from node Store2 or in some cases it 
also appear with the other node ... ?

Is there anything other unusual that happen simultaneously on that box? 
cron jobs? unusual erros logged somewhere within /var/log on the 
'Store2' node?


On 8/2/2012 4:55 PM, Broccoli Nico wrote:


we have configured  worker in different way, to test a bad use of 
memory, but nothing change,

so now i can try to monitor for a while a ping between master and 
worker using a wget to

this test can be usefull ?



*From:*damyan []
*Sent:* giovedì 2 agosto 2012 12:39
*To:* Broccoli Nico
*Subject:* Re: [Owlim-discussion] owlim enterprise 5.1 and Something 
is wrong after committing to the test node 

Hi Nico,

this cluster behavior looks very weird to me. The exception you are 
seeing (Something is wrong after committing to the test node) is 
thrown if the update on the probe node (on which the update is tested 
prior to distribute is across the others) cause that node to stop 
responding to the attempts of the master node to pick its system 
status (we need to fetch at least its fingerprint and store it so to 
identify what state to expect from the rest of the nodes from the 
cluster after the update). To me it is an indication that either the 
worker node works on the edge of the available memory so GC kicks very 
regularly and suspend /blocks the normal threads or there is an 
intermittent network issue within your setup that needs attention...

In general, we do 2 kinds of checks on a worker node prior to decide 
whether it is in 'OFF' state - the first is to try creating and 
connecting a socket to it from the master, waiting for some floating 
timeout depending on the current load expected on that node from the 
cluster statistics. If that fails we try a full check that involves an 
execution a sparql query against that node. if both fail then it is 
assumed as 'OFF' but we continue to probe on regular intervals in case 
it came online again later


On 8/2/2012 11:46 AM, Broccoli Nico wrote:

hi ,

i have migrated owlim enterprise from 4.3 to 5.1.5208,

the last version is very very more stable then before, we are very

but we have this problem,

the master node sometimes put to off a worker node (this appens
less than the old version) but if this appens during the write
operation the system, put  to off sync state and in the log i found.

2012-08-02 10:27:46,326  RMI TCP
Connection(263)- Replication started from
on port 8090

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:46,326  RMI TCP
Connection(263)- No need of incremental update

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:09,503  Info   Node
needs update:

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:09,502  Info   ON

ERROR 2012-08-02 10:27:08,502  repositories/Store25
Error while handling request (500):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Something is wrong after committing to
the test node

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:08,491  pool-1-thread-1
Update transaction finished

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:08,491  pool-1-thread-1 OFF

INFO  2012-08-02 10:27:08,490  pool-1-thread-1
Cancelling the whole commit operation due to failure in

this is a big problem because we have only 2 worker and to restore
the failure worker the helthy worker go to master mode and the
cluster are not functional.

the same update operation on the owlim SE run well



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Re: [Owlim-discussion] TBox queries

2012-07-12 Thread damyan

Hi Nicola,

yes, you could query for such - just express these as SPARQL queries

for instance,  a query against wordnet to get all the subclasses of a 
Restriction (wordn-sc:word some  wordn-sc:Word) may look like:

PREFIX wordn-sc:
PREFIX rdfs:

select * where {
?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?c .
?c a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty wordn-sc:word;
owl:someValuesFrom wordn-sc:Word .

About the supported inference and its limitations, best is to read 
supported semantics from the OWLIM Primer document 

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

On 7/12/2012 10:56 AM, Nicola Vitucci wrote:

Hi all,

I have another question for you :-)

Considering that OWLIM supports the OWL2 QL and RL profiles, what kinds
of TBox queries can be performed? Are queries with anonymous classes
like find the subclasses/superclasses/equivalent classes of (R some C)
possible (with R being a property and C a concept)? Also, are there any
limitations or additions to the standard profiles?

Thank you for the very good work with OWLIM, I'm appreciating it more
and more!

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-lite Inference

2012-07-06 Thread damyan

Hi Steafno,

which ruleset you are using because 'rdfs' or 'empty' do not have the 
necessary rules/axioms to derive such conclusions?

If it is other, then you should relate both of your classes with 
owl:equivalentClass property or alternatively, make them mutually 
rdfs:subClassOf to each other...

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 7/6/2012 4:28 PM, Stefano Ortona wrote:

Hello everybody,

I successfully instal the owlim-lite server, load my own ontology and now i'd 
like to query it via sparql http endpoint using the inference.

In particular, i have to class in my ontology A and B and i specified A isEquivalentClass 
of B. At the moment, if a query: give me all the equivalent class of B the 
class A is not returned, because there's no explicit axiom that says that. How can I set 
the inference in order to get A as equivalent class of B?

Thank you,

Stefano Ortona
Owlim-discussion mailing list

Owlim-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] R: Create new repository with OWL2QL ruleset

2012-04-18 Thread damyan

Hi Antonio,

there is nothing wrong with the OWL-QL, your ontology or the inference 
owlim made out of your data

just the Sesame's workbench 'Types' command issue following SPARQL query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { ?subj a ?type }

you could check the sesame's org.openrdf.workbench.commands.TypesServlet 
servlet what exactly is retrieved when clicking on that link through the 

so it is not a surprise that you get only the Classes fro which there 
are instances for ...

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 4/18/2012 10:18 AM, Antonio Nunziante wrote:


I've attached my test ontology. Is it normal that if I insert any 
individuals then their types appear into the Types in Repository 

Thank you


*Da:*Barry Bishop []
*Inviato:* mercoledì 18 aprile 2012 00:29
*A:* Antonio Nunziante
*Oggetto:* Re: [Owlim-discussion] Create new repository with OWL2QL 

Hello Antonio,

Please can you attach your ontology for us to diagnose.


Barry Bishop
OWLIM Product Manager
Ontotext AD
Tel: +43 650 2000 237

On 16/04/12 12:33, Antonio Nunziante wrote:

Dear all,

I've installed Apache Tomcat 7 and OWLim-Lite 4.3 on Windows 7 (I've 
followed the Easy Install procedure from

I realized an ontology in Protégé 4.1 (test.owl) and I verified that 
it is has the OWL 2 QL profile.

I would like to create a new OWLim-LITE repository with the OpenRDF 


ID: t3


Storage folder: storage

Ruleset: OWL2-QL

Base URL:

Entity index size: 20

No Persistence: False

Imported RDF files (';' delimited): D:/test.owl;

Default namespaces for imports (';' delimited):;

If I go into the ExploreTypes menu I suppose to find all classes 
defined in my ontology but I don't see them. I'm able to see them only 
from the ExploreContext menu by clicking on file://test.owl 
file:///%5C%5C%5C%5Ctest.owl (I can see all classes and all 
properties defined in my ontology).

Is there any problem with my ontology? Isn't it compliant to the 
OWL2-QL ruleset?


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Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM 4.3 - Duplicated triples in same context and in different contexts - SPARQL

2012-04-18 Thread damyan

Hi Fabian,

it may look ambiguous but think about triples and quadruples instead - 
the identity of a triple is based on its subject, predicate and object 
while the quadruple uses also the context part of it. so a triple put in 
a context is not equal to a triple put into the default nameless context 
(e.g. no context) .

Then you have two basic retriavals approaches, one  looking at your data 
as unique triples and one looking at it as quadruples.

so if you have two statements x p o in context1 and x p o in context2 
you may get single result if you are looking at those as triples or two 
distinct if you look at those as quadruples.
The disctinction is made based on the scope of the statement pattern 
when used within your sparql queries.

the duplicates are discarded at load time (based on the above identity) 
so if you try to add multiple times one and the same triple it will be 
stored only once. Which means that you may have single triple in the 
nameless context no matter how many times you add it. The same holds for 
the triples in a particular context - only single quadruple will be 
stored per context but you may add multiple times one and the same 
triple in numerous contexts - all those will be stored separately as 
unique quadruples.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 4/18/2012 9:51 AM, Fabian Cretton wrote:

I understand that, generally speaking, a duplicated triple is just 
ignored when querying the store.

But I need to understand what 'ignored' means.
For instance, if I add twice the following triple: x p a
a SPARQL count on x p ?value will certainly give 1 (and not 2)
But I guess the store has to keep tracks of all those duplicated 
triples, because if one is removed, maybe the other must stay in the 
store ?

A few questions from tests I have done with OWLIM 4.3:
So my first question is: what happens to duplicated triples in a same 
loaded .ttl file:
For instance I load a .ttl file with 2000 lines, one triple per line, 
and the count of triples in the store is 1000 - it is not a mistake, 
the others were duplicates. What happened to those duplicates, are 
they discarded at load time, are they still there but not queriable, 
are they queriable ?

My second question: I load a same file twice, in two different contexts
Using either FROM or GRAPH in my SPARQL queries
A count of the number of triples in context one is correct. A count of 
the number of triples in context two is 0.
When I delete contexte one - then the same query on context two is 
correct, the triples are found.
My third question: if that behaviour is as expected (and thank you for 
the explanation), is there no problem for an application to deal with 
that ?
I mean, let say I use triples from a context. Then another context is 
added with duplicates - suddenly those triples disappear from the 
first context (at least in sparql queries)

Thanks for any answer
Fabian Cretton

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Documentation for com.ontotext.jena.SesameDataset

2012-01-24 Thread damyan

Hi Alison,

no javadoc is available on SesameDataset - but it is just a wrapper/glue 
code that connect/transform data between Sesame and Jena data models 
(statements, nodes, get/put request etc. etc)  so it is not something 
very fancy to look at.

About different initialization methods you may look at owlim's online 
documentation, especially here:

you could find there a section describing how to use Jena's own 
Assemblers infrastructure to instantiate and use owlim backed sesame 

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 1/23/2012 8:26 PM, Alison Callahan wrote:


Is there a Javadoc available for the class 
com.ontotext.jena.SesameDataset? I am trying to connect to an OWLIM 
repository using Jena, as described here: I would like to know if 
there are approaches available other than:

import com.ontotext.jena.SesameDataset;

SesameDataset dataset = new SesameDataset(repositoryConnection);
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(dataset.getDefaultGraph());



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Re: [Owlim-discussion] easy install template/form used

2012-01-18 Thread damyan

Hi Paul,

it is easy - just a regular XSL file, located in 
openrdf-workbench/transformations/create-owlim-se.xsl so you may use any 
text editor for that purpose ...


On 1/18/2012 11:05 AM, Paul Hermans wrote:
I wondered if it is possible to modify the form/template used during 
an easy install with the sesame workbench.

If yes, any hints on how.


Kind Regards,
Paul Hermans

*ProXML bvba*
*XML and OWL/RDF services*
*(b) experiences and opinions*
*(t)  +32 15 23 00 76*
(m) +32 473 66 03 20

Narcisweg 17
3140 Keerbergen

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] adapting a owlim template

2012-01-18 Thread damyan

Hi Paul (again)

the swiftowlim does not have support for 'query-timeout' parameter since 
it uses the standard Sesame query evaluation. Altough you could use the 
Sesame's way of doing that by supplying a 'timeout' parameter to the 
HTTP GET  requests through which the queries are evaluated  at the 
sparql endpoint . (not entirely sure about the details - just check the 
sesame docs for it)

about the ERROR:  ...
owlim:Sail type is for SE version (BigOWLIM) but you need to change that 
to swiftowlim:Sail instead for the Lite version (SwiftOwlim).


On 1/18/2012 11:27 AM, Paul Hermans wrote:


I adapted the OWLIM-Lite configuration template by adding:
owlim:query-timeout 10 ;

# Sesame configuration template for an OWLIM-Lite repository
@prefix rdfs:
@prefix rep:
@prefix sr:
@prefix sail:
@prefix owlim:

[] a rep:Repository ;
rep:repositoryID {%Repository ID|owlim-lite-test%} ;
rdfs:label {%Repository title|OWLIM-Lite test repository%} ;
rep:repositoryImpl [
rep:repositoryType openrdf:SailRepository ;
sr:sailImpl [
sail:sailType owlim:Sail ;
owlim:storage-folder {%Storage folder|storage%} ;
   owlim:query-timeout 10 ;
owlim:ruleset {%Rule-set|owl-horst-optimized%} ;
owlim:base-URL {%Base URL|}; ;
owlim:repository-type in-memory-repository ;
owlim:entity-index-size {%Entity index size|20%} ;
owlim:noPersist {%No Persistence|false%} ;
owlim:imports {%Imported RDF files(';' delimited)%} ;
owlim:defaultNS {%Default namespaces for imports(';' 
delimited)%} ;


Using the sesame console with command 'create owlim-lite.'
I have 2 issues:
- the query-timeout parameter doesn't appear in the list of settings
- at the end I get '
ERROR: Unsupported Sail type: owlim:Sail'

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Inference Logging

2011-12-15 Thread damyan

Hi Christian ,

sorry but there is no such functionality that is conveniently exposed.  
Altough we do something very similar during the removal of statements to 
figure out whether an inferred statement is still supported according to 
some rule in the ruleset.

What you could do is to run a set of queries derived from each of the 
rules in the ruleset.

If such a query return whatever solution,  then the bindings will tell 
you which are the exact premises that are present and match the 
statement you are checking. Then you may dive into further to see what 
else infers any of the premises (if not explicit).

for instance if you have a statement  like (ex:Inst rdf:type 
ex:SomeClass) and like to check whether the rdfs_2 rule support it (this 
is the exact rule declaration from the pie file):

Id: rdfs2
 x  a  y  [Constraint a != rdf:type]
 a rdfs:domain  z  [Constraint z != rdfs:Resource]
 x rdf:type  z

then the query looks like that (a join between all the premises and the 

select * where {
?x ?a ?y . Filter(?a != rdf:type) .
?a rdfs:domain ?z. filter (?z != rdfs:Resource) .
# and add a check for the statement against the consequent
?x rdf:type ?z .
filter (?x = ex:Inst  ?z = ex:SomeClass) .
} limit 1

then if you get this result:
[?x = ex:Inst , ?a = ex:Prop , ?y = ex:something, ?z = ex:SomeClass]

it means that the statements from which it is inferred by this rule are:
[ex:Inst  ex:Prop ?y = ex:something] and
[ex:Prop rdfs:Domain ex:SomeClass]

Damyan Ognyanov.
Ontotext AD

On 12/15/2011 10:54 AM, grotheer wrote:

Hi everyone,

is there any way to find out information for triples generated by 
reasoning, how the triple was derived?
I found out that Sesame currently has no functionality to do this. 
Perhaps Big-/Swiftowlim can make this possible?

Thanks in advance,

PS: Sorry for my bad English.

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] How to use NOT EXISTS relationship filter in rule

2011-12-01 Thread damyan

Hello Miro,

the rule:
x realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate y [Constraint x != y ]
x  p  y [Constraint p != 
owl:differentFrom, x != y]

x ex:rel y

would fire for any relation that links X with Y and is not equal to 
owl:differentFrom ...

so one such relation is (x realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate y) 
that you've just asserted :-)

Not knowing your model (ontology) and intended use, my advice could look 
a bit vague to you ... but you may reject results from such 
contradictory inference at query time using optionals, e.g:

select whatever where {
?x  realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate ?y .
optional {
   ?x realestate:differentRealEstate ?y .
   ?x someExistingPropertyThatHaveBindingsForFOO ?foo .
FILTER (!bound(?foo)) ..
inthe above quert a bound value to ?foo indicates that all the patterns 
within the optional are satisfied so you could skip all the solutions 
where ?y is bound to an instance that is NOT to be considered a 
sameRealEstate to ?x

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

On 12/1/2011 11:52 AM, Barry Bishop wrote:

Hello miro,

I think the rule you have created is correct, however you are getting 
in to a tricky area to do with negation. OWLIM's inferencer can only 
infer new statements when adding explicit statements - in effect, it 
assumes monotonicity. Added to this, it is an incremental reasoner and 
will apply all rules to each individual statement as it is added.

Therefore the behaviour you are seeing could well happen depending on 
the order in which statements are inserted. For example,

If you assert the statements in this order:

1. ex:individual1 realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate ex:individual2
= the inferencer fires the rule to get ex:individual1 ex:rel 

2. ex:individual1 owl:differentFromex:individual2
= doesn't cause any rule to fire, but won't remove any statements either

In this order:

1. ex:individual1 owl:differentFromex:individual2
= doesn't cause any rule to fire
2. ex:individual1 realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate ex:individual2
= still no rule fires

Essentially, I believe the problem to be caused by modelling issues 
within your ontology. If you think about it, not equal to 
owl:differentFrom is already getting to be rather double-negative. It 
seems that you have a model where some real-estates are the same 
unless you state that they are different.

Is it not possible to organise things so that you make owl:sameAs 
statements about these entities rather than owl:differentFrom statements?

I hope this helps,

On 24/11/11 14:37, Miroslav Líška wrote:

Dear sirs,

I need to write a rule, that will be satisfied, if there exists one 
relationship between individuals and one not.

For example:

x realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate y [Constraint x != y ]
x  p  y [Constraint p != 
owl:differentFrom, x != y]

x ex:rel y

So, when there are two individuals, that are in relationship 
realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate, and there is not relationship 
owl:differentFrom between them, then x ex:rel y.

But, when I made a test for following triples

ex:individual1 realestate:sameRealEstateAsCandidate ex:individual2
ex:individual1 owl:differentFromex:individual2

Trree created following undesired triple.

ex:individual1 ex:rel ex:individual2

Could you please help me in this? I really need this inference, it is 
one key rules of our matching process. When I looked in the example 
shown in the start of OWL2 RL pie file, there is wery similar 
example, thus I belevie I am just making some mistake. Note, that 
both triples in the premise part are implicit triples.

with kindest personal regards
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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Questions about strange triple insertion rate changes

2011-07-26 Thread Damyan Ognyanov

Hi Jerven,

a lot of data to look at ... though didn't examine it very closely at 
this point, I like to give you some comments on a possible explanation 
on the behavior you are observing ...

First, the statement storage for each of the main indices (po, pso) is 
organized as B+ tree where each component of the statement (subject, 
predicate, etc.) is an integer(40bit) number representing the id of the 
RDF node.

Those Ids are assigned when a new node appear in the data as a component 
of some RDF statement . So the new nodes introduced by your import 
process get greater integer values and because those are most probably 
either subjects or objects of the new statements, those statements are 
always put at the end of a particular subsection (depending on the 
ordering used) of the BTrees.

Because of the caching, it is more probably that those pages that are 
about to be altered are found in the cache (the new data is at the end 
of some sub-sequence because of the natural ordering by ID we are using) 
so the whole process runs smoothly.

When the data you are putting start to reuse some already existing 
nodes, then the statements you are storing are no longer at the end of 
such particular subsection of the tree and tend to be randomly 
distributed across the whole tree and the cache becames inefficient, 
mainly because the page where you are about to place the new statement 
is most probably out of it and it needs to be read from the disk. Yes, 
it is cashed at that point but you probably will not need it anymore 
after that single operation so the seek/read cost became an issue and 
the process of data import slows down greatly.

One way to reduce that cost is to somehow tweak the order of the 
statements you are importing (needs some pre-processing to rearrange 
them in some particular way so that the caching start working 
efficiently) .

For instance, you may start adding the statements at batches organized 
by a particullar predicate - that way the whole tree subsection that 
holds all the statements with that particular predicate will be cashed 
(most of it) so even the statements are a bit random they always will be 
part of that section.

In any way I will look closely at the data you sent to see if something 
else pop in my mind related to that sudden drop of the throughput of the 

many thanks for the detailed info you sent,

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

On 26.7.2011 ?. 09:49 ?., Jerven Bolleman wrote:

Dear Owlim developers,

I am trying to load all the UniProt data on a 64GB RAM machine. I have 
a case where I am very pleased with the loading speed of a billion 
triples but then it just flatlines. I have included a set of graphs 
which show the relevant behavior and statistics on this machine. Maybe 
you could have a look at it. You might think that this is due to 
performance dropping of after loading a billion triples but I have the 
same problem the otherway round. See attachment For discussion.png) 
where performance first flatlines taking 32 hours to insert 300 
million triples before recovering and loads a billion triples in 5 
hours. This is with an empty ruleset.

What could cause this behaviour?


Some data from as written after a sync (insertion of

Uniform owlim image

And all the relevant statistics.

 Original Message 
Subject: JMX values for at 2011-07-26
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 06:38:24 + (GMT)

Started on 2011-07-25 04:02
JVM Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Sun Microsystems Inc.(20.1-b02)
Runtime name
JVM Arguments

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Constraint rule

2011-07-05 Thread Damyan Ognyanov

Hi Christos,

You could not do that with the rule engine of Owlim - you may use rules 
to describe pattens in the RDF graph that, if found,  lead to the 
assertion of a particular statement, not as a way to restrict what kind 
of statements one may assert in the storage.

What could be done is to state that if such statements are asserted with 
both X and Z as objects then they are should be considered one and the 
same, e,g X owl:sameAs Z ... if that makes sense to you.
So you may add such a rule to the ruleset or even just state that the 
propety:p from your rule is of type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. 
That would trigger the same kind of inference.

Damyan Ognyanov

On 5.7.2011 г. 14:47 ч., Christos Strubulis wrote:

Hello to all,
I am trying to make a constraint rule in SwiftOwlim 3.5 but I cannot. 
I would like to tell the reasoner that when there is an already 
inferred statement in the KB: x property:p y  I do not want another 
one with same y.

One example of my rule is the following:

Id: r1
x property:p y [Constraint x != z]
z property:p y [Constraint z != x]
x property:p  y

I had read in the thread rule format  Cut, again that I can have 
the above behavior using [Cut]:

Id: r1
x property:p y [Constraint x != z] [Cut]
z property:p y [Constraint z != x]
x property:p  y

Any help on this plz...

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] Adding rules to an existing repository.

2011-03-25 Thread Damyan Ognyanov

Hi Danny,

in short - you can use only a single ruleset file - so you need to find 
a way to combine both into a single .pie - the easiest way is to start 
with one of those we provide with the distribution and alter it accordingly.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 25.3.2011 г. 09:25 ч., Danny Tran wrote:

Thanks Ivan!

I've read the user guide section 5 and I have a question that isn't
answered there:

Is it possible to have multiple ruleset files for a repo?  When I
modified the swiftowlim.ttl file to assert multiple owlim:ruleset, I
got an error.  Does this mean I have to combine my custom_rules.pie
with the builtin_owl2-rl-conf.pie into one ruleset file?

Thanks again for your help,

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Ivan  wrote:

Hi Danny,

The SwiftOWLIM user guide has it all described under section 5 (syntax,
semantics, examples, etc). After you've gone through it we'll answer any
questions about particular rules you might want to implement. Just post them
here on the mailing list.

Good luck!


On Tuesday 22 March 2011 18:51:04 Danny Tran wrote:

Can someone point me in the right direction for
documentation/discussion forums about adding rules (via .pie file?)
to an existing repository?

I'm using SwiftOwlim 3.4

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM-discussion Digest, Vol 26, Issue 19

2011-03-21 Thread Damyan Ognyanov

Hi Roberto,

the exception is not thrown because the query was not processed - it was 
thrown during query pre-processing when we do a conversion from Jena/ARQ 
query model to our own for further evaluation - our internal one do not 
support all the features of Jena/ARQ one so we convert only those pars 
of the query that we are able to process - everything else is handled by 
ARQ engine.

The stack trace you see is a leftover / debug print that slip in our 
official release of BO 3.4 and is generated when we encounter a query 
construct we do not know how to process with our model an let it ARQ 
proceed with it.

I've tried that exact query from your post and it gives me some 
meaningful results even if only the axioms of owl-horst-optimized 
ruleset are present: e.g. classes like rdf:List, rdf:Property;rdfs:Class 
... etc.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

On 21.3.2011 г. 11:43 ч., Roberto García wrote:


can you be a bit more specific, please?

for the sake of background, I am not aware of a perfect SPARQL egine

Do you mean the current actual recommendation SPATRQL 1.0 or the newer version 


OK, I'm reattaching the problem details below:

We are trying to develop a OWLIM connector for our Linked Data
publishing platform Rhizomer (

First of all, we init the OWLIM repository as shown in the documentation:

public void init(ServletConfig config) throws Exception
if (config.getInitParameter(dir_name)!=null)
String basePath
OwlimSchemaRepository schema = new OwlimSchemaRepository();
// set the data folder where BigOWLIM will persist its data
schema.setDataDir(new File(basePath+/owlim));
// configure BigOWLIM with some parameters
schema.setParameter(storage-folder, ./);
schema.setParameter(repository-type, file-repository);
schema.setParameter(ruleset, rdfs);
// wrap it into a Sesame SailRepository
SailRepository repository = new SailRepository(schema);
// initialize
RepositoryConnection connection = repository.getConnection();
// finally, create the DatasetGraph instance
dataset = new SesameDataset(connection);
model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(dataset.getDefaultGraph());

It works fine:

INFO [main] ( - ConnectorServlet
successfully initialized!
  INFO [main] ( - OwlimSchemaRepository:
version: 3.4, revision: 3012
  INFO [main] ( - Build date: Fri Nov 26
16:11:15 CET 2010
  INFO [main] ( - Configured parameter
'ruleset' to 'rdfs'
  INFO [main] ( - Cache pages for tuples: 4193
  INFO [main] ( - Cache pages for predicates: 0
  INFO [main] ( - Configured parameter
'storage-folder' to './'
  INFO [main] ( - Detected unclean shutdown
  INFO [main] ( - Starting automatic database
  INFO [main] ( - Restoring entities from
  INFO [main] ( - Done in 65 ms.
  INFO [main] ( - Repository must be rebuilt.
  INFO [main] ( - Restoring statements from
  INFO [main] ( - ruleSet=rdfs,
partialRdfs=false, multithread=false
  INFO [main] ( - NumberOfStatements = 851
  INFO [main] ( - NumberOfExplicitStatements = 846
  INFO [main] ( - NumberOfEntities = 136
  INFO [main] ( - 0 statements overall.
ERROR [main] ( - Done in 796 ms.
  INFO [main] ( - Finished automatic database recovery
  INFO [main] ( - Restoring entity hash table...
  INFO [main] ( - Done in 73 ms.
  INFO [main] ( - Using Hash Entity Pool
  INFO [main] ( - Configured parameter
'repository-type' to 'file-repository'
  INFO [main] ( - ruleSet=rdfs,
partialRdfs=false, multithread=false
  INFO [main] ( - Searching for plugins
available in the classpath...
  INFO [main] ( - Registering plugin fts
  INFO [main] ( - Registering plugin direct
  INFO [main] ( - Registering plugin rdfrank
  INFO [main] ( - Registering plugin geospatial
  INFO [main] (

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Question on Joseki Settings

2011-02-10 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Cristian,

let me explain what is causing this weird behavior - when you create a 
repository through the sesame console,  you are doing it so by using a template 
file -bigowlim.ttl - but it uses a 'non-default' value (owlimTest-storage to be 
exact) as a 'default' for the 'storage-folder' config parameter.
If you open that template file -you'll see something like :

 owlim:storage-folder {%Storage folder|owlimTest-storage%} ;

where first part (before '|' ) is the hint used by the console and the second 
part is the default value used wehen you just press enter.

So at the end, it will create a subfolder under the 
ADUNA_OPENRDF_HOME/repositories/repository-id named after that value, e.g:


But the Jena bridge uses the OWLIM's default value (because that parameter is 
it not set explicitely by the configuration, specified within the joseki's 
config file) and OWLIM ends configured to use a different subfolder -e.g. 
'owlim-storage' - which is the default value used when no such is provvided.

So the location where the BigOWLIM indices are stored/looked up/ became:

Long story-short - to overcome this subfolder mismatch - add the same value 
that was used while the repository was initially created to the 
'storage-folder' parameter within your josekiconfig.ttl  e.g. - in such a way 
that you end up having:

owlimTest-storage .

statement as part of the joseki ttl's config - e.g. your BigOWLIM dataset 
configuration should looks like (just put the actual location correctly at the 

  ## Initialize BigOWLIM
  [] ja:loadClass com.ontotext.jena.SesameVocab .
  otjena:DatasetSesame rdfs:subClassOf ja:RDFDataset .
  otjena:bridge rdf:type otjena:DatasetSesame ;
  rdfs:label BigOWLIM repository ; owlimTest-storage ;
  otjena:datasetParam C:/OpenRDF Sesame/repositories/bigowlimTest .

or as an alternative, you may use the default one, while creating the 
repository by simply change the template file or type it explicitly during its 

sorry for that inconvenience,

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christian Brenninkmeijer 
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 11:18 AM
  Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Question on Joseki Settings

  I am trying to setup bigowlin to work with Arq through Joseki as I need 

  I followed the instructions in Section 2.3 of the Jena Adapter document.

  But it appears to be completely ignoring what I put in the line
  otjena:datasetParam ./location .

  No matter what I put there When I run the query
 GRAPH ?graph {

  I alayws get the result:

  Same query from http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench/ gets me the correct 
uploaded graph.

  My Questions are:
  1. What value should I put as ./location?
  2. Does it matter that I am using more recent Jena than the document did?
  Same Sesame and Lucene versions as the bigowlin download


  Yes I did do create bigowlin from the sesameConsole as suggested in the Start 
  Yes I did try the created folder in 

Dr Christian Brenninkmeijer
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester


  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
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Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM-discussion Digest, Vol 25, Issue 4

2011-02-02 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Robert,

it looks to me that you do not need any fancy features to derive the intended 
inferences - since you have two (mutually exclusive) kind of facts that will be 
present there is no need to make things overcomplicated.

Let me give you a simplified example how you could achieve that using the 
Examination/Symptom/Diagnosis domain (the example rdf is attached):

1. Lets define a class ex:Symptom which and populate it with few instances: 
ex:SymptomA, ex:SymptomB and ex:SymptomC

2. Then we could model the presence/absence of some symptom using two 
additional classes: ex:SymptomPresent and ex:SymptomNotPresent (and optionally 
define those disjoint)

3. The main idea is to use two (mutually exclusive) properties to state a 
particular presence or absence of some symptom during a medical examination, 
lets name those propeties: ex:haveSymptom and ex:doesNothaveSymptom

4. for each of the Symptom instances, we define a pair of subclasses of, 
repsectively,  ex:SymptomPresent and ex:SymptomNotPresent which are modelled as 
owl:hasValue owl:Restrictions over the above two properties, e.g. for 
ex:SymptomA, those look like:

ex:HaveSymptomA rdfs:subClassOf ex:SymptomPresent ;
   rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
   owl:onProperty ex:haveSymptom ;
   owl:hasValue ex:SymptomA .

ex:DoesNOTHaveSymptomA rdfs:subClassOf ex:SymptomNotPresent ;
   rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
   owl:onProperty ex:doesNothaveSymptom ;
   owl:hasValue ex:SymptomA .   

that way, when you assert a ex:haveSymptom or ex:doesNothaveSymptom relation 
between something (Examination instance) and a particular Symptom, then that 
Examination will be classified as instance of some of the above Restrictions.

5. Then you could model a combination of presence/absence of Symptoms as 
instances of some top ex:Diagnosis class e.g.

ex:Diagnosis rdf:type rdfs:Class .

ex:Diagnosis_haveAnotB rdf:type ex:Diagnosis ;
 owl:intersectionOf (
 ) .

ex:Diagnosis_haveCnotA rdf:type ex:Diagnosis ;
 owl:intersectionOf (
 ) .

 and so on ... 

Having such model of the domani, then an instance of a medical examination 
could be used to group together the data about the person examined and the 
presence / absence of symptoms, which due to the inference, will be classified 
as instance of a particular Diagnosis, as defined above. If the right relations 
are asserted, e.g (like these below.:

ex:Person rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:John rdf:type ex:Person .
ex:Marry rdf:type ex:Person .

ex:Examination rdf:type rdfs:Class .
[] rdf:type ex:Examination ;  
   ex:about ex:John ;
   ex:haveSymptom ex:SymptomA ;
   ex:doesNothaveSymptom ex:SymptomB .

[] rdf:type ex:Examination ;  
   ex:about ex:Marry ;
   ex:doesNothaveSymptom ex:SymptomA ;
   ex:haveSymptom ex:SymptomC .

You could query about the classified diagnosis using a query that may look like:

prefix ex:
prefix rdfs:
prefix rdf:
select * where {
 ?ex a ex:Examination .
 ?ex ex:about ?person.
 ?ex a ?diag .
 ?diag rdf:type ex:Diagnosis .

which gave me the following resultset when I put the attached RDF into a 
repository preset with owl-horst-optimized ruleset:

ex person diag

Of course, using that approach, you may end with multiple diagnoses for an 
examination in case some diagnosis is a complete subset of another.

Hope that this is of some help to you.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

- Original Message - 
  From: Buchmann Robert 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM-discussion Digest, Vol 25, Issue 4


  From what i understand, the open world assumption means that you cannot 
infer/draw conclusions from the ABSENCE of triples (because they could be added 
in the future).
  In my interpretation this does not mean that you shouldn't draw conclusions 
from NEGATED triples.

  Maybe i was vague about what i call negated triples. I think it's more 
precise to call them FALSE triples: its when a relationship does NOT hold 
between a subject and an object and i want to explicitly state that, then infer 
based on that statement. Something like:

  :TheSun  :DoesntOrbitAround :TheEarth

  (i guess i can express falseness like this...and state that :DoesntOrbit is 
disjointPropertywith :DoesOrbit? it just popped in my mind right now)
  However it's a bit too naming-convention-based for my taste. I thought that 
it would be more elegant to assign a context of :False in Sesame:

  :TheSun   :OrbitsAround   :TheEarth   (context :False)

  Since SPARQL allows for filtering based on named graphs (=contexts) it would 
be very easy to separate the False triples from the True

Re: [Owlim-discussion] inferring data from data with owlim

2011-01-21 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Rob,

the kind of conclusions on which you are after could be derived easily. You 
have two possible approaches.

The first one is to make use of the so called 'propertyChains' the support 
of which is part of the owl2-rl ruleset.
and the second one is to make use of the protons:transitiveOver property 
which is a kind of special case of a property chain that could be used to 
relate two properties in a simmilar manner as rdf:type and rdfs:subClassOf 
are related inbetween.

Id: proton_TransitiveOver
p  protons:transitiveOver  q
x  p  y
y  q  z
x  p  z

But for both approaches you'll need somehow to relate each particular 
instance of an equiplemnt to some required skill it's usage implies 
e.g.something like:

data:skates ex:implySkill data:skating

then you need to state that requires is transitiveOver ex:implySkill .
but for the above inference to be derived  you'll need also a requires 
relation between the ice_dancing and the skates
that could be infererd by making equipment a subPropertyOf requires. 
Yes, I know that it is not a clear solution because you will end up with 
requires asserted between sport instances and the equipments and betwee 
nthe equipments and the skills bu hope you could distinguish based on the 
type the entities related with it.

Here is an example of how to exploit protons:transitiveOver in your case so 
to derive such inferences:

the data:
@prefix ex: .
@prefix data: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix onto: .

ex:equipment rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:requires .
ex:requires onto:transitiveOver ex:implySkill .

data:ice_dancing a ex:Sport  ;
   ex:equipment data:skates .
data:skating a ex:Skill .
data:skates a ex:Equiplment ;
   ex:implySkill data:skating .

Then you'll get such inferences.

The first proposed approach, by using owl2-rl ruleset, should'nt need such 
'hack' with the subPropertyOf,  but will require a more carefull schema to 
be defined so to exploit it properly.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

- Original Message - 
From: Rob Styles

Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 1:09 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] inferring data from data with owlim

Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone can help me with inference support in Owlim.

I have a dataset that I want to infer stuff about at the data, rather
than schema, level. The example is as follows. Ice Dancing is a sport
that requires you to where skates, that is in the data I have. I want
to infer that because Ice Dancing uses skates it require that you to
be skilled in skating. Here in RDF:

Existing Data:

 #ice_dancing a ex:Sport ;
   ex:equipment #skates .

 #skating a ex:Skill .

Inferred Data:

 #ice_dancing ex:requires #skating .

How would I go about describing this in Owl such that Owlim could
infer this? I can see how to make Ice Dancing into a skating sport:

   a owl:Class ;

   owl:equivalentClass [
   a owl:Class ;
   owl:intersectionOf ( ex:Sport
   a owl:Restriction ;
   owl:hasValue #skates ;
   owl:onProperty ex:equipment
   ] .

or something like that - but what I want to do is infer an additional
property not a class.

Anyone able to help with an example?


Rob Styles
tel: +44 (0)870 400 5000
fax: +44 (0)870 400 5001
mobile: +44 (0)7971 475 257
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OWLIM-discussion mailing list

[Owlim-discussion] BigOWLIM 3.3 released; already in use by the BBC for the World Cup website

2010-06-22 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
BigOWLIM 3.3 Handles Millions of Queries per Day, Supports OWL 2 RL Reasoning 
and Provides Unmatched Linked Data Integration, Management and Retrieval 

Ontotext is pleased to announce version 3.3 of BigOWLIM, the World's most 
scalable semantic repository [3]. The main purpose of this release is to 
consolidate a number of advanced features, many of which have existed for some 
time as bespoke developments. These features are now part of the core BigOWLIM 
product and significantly broaden the application areas in which the repository 
can be used. We have also dedicated several months to make BigOWLIM more robust 
and easy to use.

The development of this version was influenced by the requirements of FactForge 
and LinkedLifeData (two of the most advanced linked data portals) and the BBC's 
2010 World Cup website - probably the most challenging real-world use case of 
semantic repositories implemented so far. Within the LarKC project BigOWLIM is 
used as the data layer in a platform for Web scale reasoning, which features a 
range of reasoning plug-ins, including the WebPIE massively parallel reasoning 
system [7,8].

The key characteristics and features of BigOWLIM include:

  a.. The most efficient semantic repository in the World [2,3], in terms of 
speed with which it can load, do inferencing, and query the data; 
  b.. Pure Java implementation and fully compatible with Sesame 2, which brings 
interoperability benefits and support for all popular RDF syntaxes and query 
languages, including SPARQL; 
  c.. Clustering support brings resilience, failover and horizontally scalable 
parallel query processing; 
  d.. Customisable reasoning, in addition to RDFS, OWL-Horst, and OWL 2 RL 
support. BigOWLIM 3.3 is the only semantic repository which provides 
comprehensive OWL 2 RL support today [5]; 
  e.. Optimized owl:sameAs handling, which delivers dramatic improvements in 
performance and usability when huge volumes of data from multiple sources are 
  f.. Full-text search, based on either Lucene or proprietary techniques, for 
searching RDF data; 
  g.. High performance retraction of statements and their inferences. While 
forward-chaining and materialisation speeds up query answering, this unique 
technique removes the performance degradation that materialisation-based 
systems face when retracting statements; 
  h.. Powerful and expressive consistency/integrity constraint checking 
  i.. RDF rank, similar to Google's PageRank, can be calculated for the nodes 
in an RDF graph and used for ordering query results by relevance, visualisation 
and many other purposes; 
  j.. RDF Priming, based upon activation spreading, allows efficient data 
selection and context-aware query answering for handling huge datasets; 
  k.. Notification mechanism, to allow clients to react to statements in the 
update stream.
These features are already proven at FactForge (previously known as LDSR), 
where BigOWLIM is used to load 8 of the central LOD [6] datasets (DBPedia, 
Geonames, Wordnet, Musicbrainz, Freebase, UMBEL, Lingvoj and the CIA World 
Factbook) in a repository which contains 1.2 billion explicit and 0.8 billion 
implicit statements. BigOWLIM's owl:sameAs optimization allows FactForge to 
deal with 'only' 2 billion statements in its indices, while the number of 
distinct statements retrievable form the repository is 10 billion. This feature 
allows FactForge to deliver non-inflated query results, while the semantics of 
owl:sameAs is still fully accounted for during query evaluation. FactForge is a 
public service that allows users to perform RDF search, execute SPARQL queries, 
and to explore this data in real-time, adhering to its semantics. FactForge is 
the only system which provides a solution to the Modigliani test, defined at 
ReadWriteWeb as the tipping point of the Semantic Web [4]. 

BigOWLIM is also at the heart of the LinkedLifeData RDF warehouse, which 
combines 25 of the most popular biomedical databases in a repository that 
contains more than 4 billion statements. This is the only public service that 
allows for efficient query evaluation against all of these datasets at once.

The latest version of the BigOWLIM repository has been successfully integrated 
into the high performance Semantic Web publishing stack powering the BBC's 2010 
World Cup football website, performing OWL reasoning with continuously changing 
data and handling millions of page requests per day.

Included with version 3.3 is a thoroughly reworked documentation set that 

  a.. User guide - updated with details of new features and all configuration 
  b.. Primer - updated with examples and recent trends in semantic 
  c.. Quick start guide - to help those new to BigOWLIM to get set up and 
running smoothly.
Some popular namespace prefixes come predefined within BigOWLIM 3.3 in order to 
simplify query writing. Such as the prefixes for: the RDF, RDFS, 

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Construct query problem

2010-04-28 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Spyros,

it is related to a bug that we already fixed in BigOWLIM  (LDSR dataset is 
hosted within an BigOWLIM instance) but the deployment is delayed due to 
some hardware problems we experience with the dedicated server at the 
moment. Once the issues with it are resolved we will deploy the fixed 
distribution there and will notify you when that happen.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD
- Original Message - 
From: Spyros Kotoulas

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:02 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Construct query problem

Hi All,

I am posting the following construct query on the LDSR endpoint and 
getting back no results:

PREFIX dbpedia:
PREFIX geo-ont:
PREFIX dbp-ont:

   ?loc fb:location.location.contains ?building .
   ?loc geo-ont:parentFeature dbpedia:United_Kingdom .
   ?building dbp-ont:architect dbpedia:Richard_Norman_Shaw .
   ?loc fb:location.location.contains ?building .
   ?loc geo-ont:parentFeature dbpedia:United_Kingdom .
   ?building dbp-ont:architect dbpedia:Richard_Norman_Shaw

It is one of the example queries but using Construct instead of Select. 
If the construct contains only one pattern, it works fine (returning one 
result like the select query). If it contains two or more patterns, I get 
not results. Is there something wrong with my syntax?


OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Using skos:narrower and rdfs:subPropertyOf

2010-04-28 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Rune,

you need to add the skos.rdf into your repository.

Automatic additions through handling 'owl:imports' are not supported, so you 
need to add those manually, if you need to account on the semantics these 
external ontologies define with respect to your data.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD.

- Original Message - 
From: Rune Stilling

To: Ivan Peikov
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] Using skos:narrower and rdfs:subPropertyOf

Hi Ivan

I'm using owl-max but I haven't imported the skos ontology. What do you 
mean by import? Should I add the skos.rdf to my repository or should I 
just add an owl:import statement?


Den 27/04/2010 kl. 16.09 skrev Ivan Peikov:

Hi Rune,

In order this to work, you need to use a sufficiently powerful ruleset 
as owl-horst or owl-max) and to have imported the skos ontology (the one 

defines skos:narrower). Have you done so already?


On Tuesday 27 April 2010 16:42:45 Rune Stilling wrote:

Hi there

I have an owl-taxonomy with some custom named narrow objectproperties. 

I would like to make these properties subproperty of the skos:narrower
predicate and thus being able to construct a query like this:

some_top_level_resource skos:narrower ?resource.

The query engine should then be able to infer that my custom narrow
predicate is a subproperty of skos:narrower and thus return the relevant

Problem is I can't make it work using (or not using) OWLIM (with 

I add the subproperty relationship like this:

   owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=my_predicate
   rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=skos;narrower/

Isn't this supposed to work (I guess not)?

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

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OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] delete operation in owlim

2009-12-09 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Dhaval,

this is a feature, not a bug - the statements (including the inferred ones) 
that come from the files listed in the imports parameter of your repository 
configuration are treated as read-only thus, these are protected from 
delete operations - just do not put any data that would be deleted through that 
parameter ...

about the missing update/modify statement operations - there is no such since 
changing any of the triple components (subject, predicate or object) means, 
actually, that the old triple is removed and a new one is asserted instead ...

Damyan Ognyanov,
Ontotext AD

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dhaval Thakker 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 3:40 PM
  Subject: [Owlim-discussion] delete operation in owlim

  Dear list users,
  I have been trying to remove (delete) some statements from an ontology 
(schema) with big-owlim using following code :

  OwlimSchemaRepository myOwlim = new OwlimSchemaRepository();

  Repository sesameRepo = new SailRepository(myOwlim);

  RepositoryConnection sesameCon = sesameRepo.getConnection();

  Resource S1 = new URIImpl(subject of statement);
  URI  P1= new URIImpl(predicate of statement);
  Value O1 = new URIImpl(object of statement);

 sesameCon.remove(S1, P1,O1);

  The above doesn't work, i.e. the deleted statements are still present when 
queried. However, the same code and settings work while deleting 
A-box/instances. Any suggestions?

  Also, on another matter I could not find any code/listings in sesame/bigowlim 
that can allow me to modify/update a statement, any hints? 


  Dhaval Thakker


  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Write operation and Serialization of results

2009-09-16 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Laurent,

couldn't reproduce your first exception - is it possible to isolate it to a 
small example code so to be able to fix it ..

about your second issue related to serialization - I've fixed it and a 
distribution is available at http://www.ontotext.come/owlim the new version 
is SwiftOWLIM v3.0.11:

apart from the above fix it also improves the directType, directSubClassOf 
and directSubPropertyOf handling so that these consider also the equivalent 
classes and subClass(Property)Of reflexivity correctly

- Original Message - 
From: Laurent PELLEGRINO

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 12:38 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Write operation and Serialization of results

Dear all,

I have a problem with write operation on an OWLIM repository.

I can perform a query operation but when I try to perform a write 
operation I get the following exception :

[ERROR exceptions.one_way] java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection is 

java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection is closed
at com.ontotext.trree.SailConnectionImpl.addStatement(Unknown Source)
at  org.openrdf.repository.sail.SailRepositoryConnection.addWithoutCommit 
at  org.openrdf.repository.base.RepositoryConnectionBase.addWithoutCommit 
at org.openrdf.repository.base.RepositoryConnectionBase.add 

My write method is the following :

public void write(Statement stmt) {
RepositoryConnection conn = null;
try {
conn = this.repository.getConnection();
System.out.println(isOpen= + conn.isOpen());
conn.add(stmt, new URIImpl(spaceURI.toString()));
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (RepositoryException e) {

The sysout return isOpen=true.

Does someone has an idea of the problem ?

My second problem is about Serialization. I am retrieving Statements  from 
an OWLIM repository. I put each Statement in a Set and i transmit  this 
Set to another JVM on an another machine. Objects need to be  Serializable 
and it seems that Statement are not Serializable.

I am cheating by using this kind of method :

for (Statement stmt : mySet) {
newSet.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl(stmt.getSubject 
().stringValue()), new URIImpl(
stmt.getPredicate().stringValue()), new BNodeImpl 


The problem is that I am not sure that new BNodeImpl(stmt.getObject 
().stringValue())) will be the same that stmt.getObject. Is it right ?

I will have the same problem with TupleQueryResult. How to Serialize 
these two kinds of results ?


Kind Regards
OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Problem getting the direct type of an instance

2009-09-16 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Stefan,

it is very strange to observe such behavior - in swiftowlim we do not use 
external engine to evaluate queries and all triple pattern requests are 
handled through getStatements() so there is no reason to get different 
results from query evaluation and by simply invoking getStataments() - these 
are routed to one and the same piece of code - Could you check your code 
related to enumeration of query results - there is a possibility to somehow 
silently fetch and ignore the first result ...

- Original Message - 
From: Stefan Nesbigall

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 1:21 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Problem getting the direct type of an instance

Hi every one

I have little problem since owlim does not find the direct type of
Somewhere in my ontology I have the following instance defined:

messemodul:button rdf:about=#RedButton/

My OWLIM system does is able to load the ontology into the triple store.
By this
RepositoryResultStatement iter =
null, null, true);
I get several triple including

But when I use this sparql query:
SELECT ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?obj .

I do not get the first triple saying that RedButton is a button. I just
get all the other triples.
Using a ask query:
ASK { . }

I get true.
Can anyone help?
Best regards

---required by german law
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

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Re: [Owlim-discussion] directsubclass bug?

2009-09-16 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Armando,

I've fixed the handling of directType/SubClassOf/SubPropertyOf predicates so to 
consider owl:equivalentClass and owl:equivalenProperty while performing the 
task (also the reflexivity of both is considered) so your queries should be 
much simpler and run just fine using only the system predicates

let me k now if you experience eny issues with that feature

the new distibution could be downloaded from our site: 

SwiftOWLIM v3.0.11:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Armando Stellato 
  Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] directsubclass bug?

  .ops, I forgot to mention my configuration:


  Owlim 3 beta 10


  This is the config in the owlim.ttl file:



  # Sesame configuration template for a owlim repository


  @prefix rdfs:

  @prefix rep:

  @prefix sr:

  @prefix sail:

  @prefix owlim:


  [] a rep:Repository ;

 rep:repositoryID odnamarExample ;

 rdfs:label Odnamar Example ;

 rep:repositoryImpl [

rep:repositoryType openrdf:SailRepository ;

sr:sailImpl [

   sail:sailType swiftowlim:Sail ;

   owlim:ruleset owl-max ;

 owlim:partialRDFS  true ;

   owlim:noPersist false ;

   owlim:storage-folder odnamar-storage ;

   owlim:base-URL; ;

   owlim:new-triples-file new-triples-file.nt ;

   owlim:entity-index-size 20 ;

   owlim:jobsize 200 ;

   owlim:repository-type in-memory-repository ;

   owlim:imports ./src/main/resources/ontologies/owl.rdfs; ;








  From: Armando Stellato [] 
  Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 6:35 PM
  To: ''
  Subject: directsubclass bug?


  Hi all,


  Loaded an empty repository, asked for triples with predicate 
SESAME:DIRECTSUBCLASSOF and got a lot of triples like:




  While direct sub class semantics (from its javadoc) clearly states:


  Class A is a direct subclass of B iff:

 1. A is a subclass of B and;

 2. A and B are not equa and;

 3. there is no class C (unequal A and B) such that 

A is a subclass of C and C of B.


  So this seems to clash with condition 2.


  Is it a bug in owlim?







  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM/Sesame and Query parsing

2009-07-30 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Laurent,

since you are building a single jar out of few other (if I got it right) - 
could you check the contents of the MATE-INF/service subfolders of the final 
jar  for all the parsing service specific definitions - text files named by 
the service interface with lines stating specific interface implementations
i.e. specifically for a file named 
META-INF/services/org.openrdf.query.parser.QueryParserFactory with


if you merge several jars where there is a such file, the last one will 
override the one from other jars

hope this is of some help


- Original Message - 
From: Laurent PELLEGRINO

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM/Sesame and Query parsing

Thanks for your response.

I do same and it works in a JunitTest. However, when I test it in my
global application which link jar and create a JAR of all my classes,
i get the previous Exception.

JAR are in classpath and the problem seems to be the same that the
link I previously referenced.

RepositoryConnection conn = null;
   boolean result = false;

   try {
   conn = this.repository.getConnection();

   try {
   result = conn.prepareBooleanQuery(language, 

   } finally {
   } catch (Exception e) {

   return new Boolean(result);

Where language is QueryLanguage.SPARQL and query is equals to ASK { ?
s ?p ?o }


Le 27 juil. 09 à 16:13, Damyan Ognyanoff a écrit :


how do you parse the query? The following code works just fine ...

  BooleanQuery q = 
repository.getConnection().prepareBooleanQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL,  ASK 
{ ?S a ?C} );

  System.out.println(result is + q.evaluate());


- Original Message - From: Laurent PELLEGRINO

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 4:25 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM/Sesame and Query parsing

Dear all,

I am trying to parse and to execute a SPARQL ASK query in my 
application. When I do that, I get the following exception :

org.openrdf.query.UnsupportedQueryLanguageException: No factory 
available for query language SPARQL

However all the JAR are in the classpath. It is a known problem ?

I have searched on the web and I have found a similar subject but  it 
dates back to 2007 :

The solution is to use a more recent Sesame version which corrects   this 
bug. So i have tried with the Sesame 2.3-pr1 version but the   problem is 
always the same.

Does someone has an idea ?


Kind Regards

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

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OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM/Sesame and Query parsing

2009-07-27 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff


how do you parse the query? The following code works just fine ...

   BooleanQuery q = 
repository.getConnection().prepareBooleanQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, ASK 
{ ?S a ?C} );

   System.out.println(result is + q.evaluate());


- Original Message - 
From: Laurent PELLEGRINO

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 4:25 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] OWLIM/Sesame and Query parsing

Dear all,

I am trying to parse and to execute a SPARQL ASK query in my  application. 
When I do that, I get the following exception :

org.openrdf.query.UnsupportedQueryLanguageException: No factory  available 
for query language SPARQL

However all the JAR are in the classpath. It is a known problem ?

I have searched on the web and I have found a similar subject but it 
dates back to 2007 :

The solution is to use a more recent Sesame version which corrects  this 
bug. So i have tried with the Sesame 2.3-pr1 version but the  problem is 
always the same.

Does someone has an idea ?


Kind Regards

OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] owl:complementOf relation

2009-07-08 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Marta,

the straight answer is NO - the support of complementOf requires negation which 
is not supported by our rule engine. It will made the inference process 
non-monotonic - e.g. a valid inference could be made invalid after asserting a 
statement later on.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marta de Francisco 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 12:57 PM
  Subject: [Owlim-discussion] owl:complementOf relation



  I'd like to know if one of the versions of owlim (either Swift or Big) offer 
some support for owl:complementOf relation. Is it possible to model this 
relation using pie rules? Has anybody tried it?


  Thanks for the help and best regards, Marta.



  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Rules for inference

2009-06-30 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Stefan,

the reason to miss the required inference is that you do no state the right 
separator ('/' or '#') at the end of your namespaces in Prefixes section. we 
concatenate exact values of the prefixes defined there with the localnames 
used in the x : yyy expressions to form a full uri during rules 
compilation without any validation

hope it soles your problem,

- Original Message - 
From: Stefan Nesbigall

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 12:40 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Rules for inference


I want to insert some rules into my ontology, in order to get new
statements if these rules trigger.
Is there a possibility to insert such rules (if x isInClass A and
someProperty(x,y) and ... then y isInClass B) into the OWLIM system in
order that they add the statement (y isInClass B) if the body holds.

I read the System Documentation and tried to create a custom rule set by
adding my rules at the end of the used rule-set. Unfortunately the
statements are not build, or recognized when I ask for them by a SPARQL
query. In my rule set I added the following to the standart owl-max rule

in Prefices
m :
s :

at the end of Rules
Id: custom_crPill
x rdf:type m:pill
x rdf:type m:released

For testing the rules this is just a simple if x isTypeOf class pill
then x should also be typeOf class relesed.

Is there some example code for such domain specific rules?
Please tell me if this is just a TRREE problem, then I can try to find
some help there.

thanks and best regards

---required by german law
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
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OWLIM-discussion mailing list

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Missing implicit statements after delete in 3.0b9

2009-03-20 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Mike,

we do have this issue with the official version of swift owlim 3.0 - I've fixed 
it yesterday (thanks to the feedback from Chris Halaschek) and you could try 
out the version at 

at the beginning of the next week, if there are no more issues showing up, will 
promote it as current 'stable' one,

I've tried to redo the queries after removal and they show up the correct 
results ... (with the recent version)

Could you please check for this issue with the version from the link above ...

  - Original Message - 
  From: Micheal Hewett 
  Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:24 PM
  Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Missing implicit statements after delete in 3.0b9

  I am using swiftowlim-3.0.beta9-sesame-2.0

  Someone last week reported a problem with SwiftOWLIM
  deleting extra statements.  I just joined this discussion group 
  so I can't reference the original message, but I too noticed a 
  problem with SwiftOWLIM incorrectly deleting statements.

  The problem occurs in the program.
  After the initial load there are 257 explicit statements and
  210 implicit ones.  After the add/remove test at the end of
  the program, there are 257 explicit statements and 154 implicit ones,
  and the query test that initially worked no longer gives the correct results.

  I would recommend altering the GettingStarted program to
  re-run the query after the delete to double-check the

  Mike Hewett
  Micheal Hewett, PhD
  CEO, Hewett Research


  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] owlim 2.9.0 with repackaged sesame1?

2009-03-17 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff


yes of course - could you send me the repackaged sesame jar so to be able to 
produce one  ...

the only dependencies in trree are to org.openrdf.model and 
org.openrdf.model.impl packages - but I also need to change the rule 
compiler to generate code that uses the new package so your custom rules to 
work at all so I need the modified jat to be able to test that ...

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Fuller [DERI]

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] owlim 2.9.0 with repackaged sesame1?


I wonder is there any chance of getting a version of trree 2.9.0 built 
against a repackaged sesame 1?

Background for this is a project with dependencies on owlim 2.9.0, but 
also some dependencies on sesame 2. We'd like to move to owlim 3.* 
eventually but require more testing at our end.

In order to facilitate using both sesame1 and sesame2 in a project we've 
repackaged sesame1.2.7 with org.openrdf. renamed to org.openrdf1.. 
With some corresponding package renames I can compile owlim 2.9.0 ok, but 
I have a runtime problem with trree 2.9.0 which depends on the sesame1 
org.openrdf packages.

Is there any chance of getting a version of trree built against the 
repackaged sesame1 which I can make available?

Kind regards
Robert Fuller
Post Doctoral Researcher
OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] question about SwiftOWLIM/Sesame integration

2009-02-16 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Bob,

The command create owlim. gave me the error message ERROR: No template 
called owlim found in C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Application 
Data\Aduna\OpenRDF Sesame console\templates, so I realized that the Aduna 
subdirectory should be called OpenRDF Sesame console, not OpenRDF 
Sesame. I created it and put owlim.ttl into a templates subdirectory of 
that. Then, all the other steps happened as you described.

no - this means the you are using the console's own storage folder - you 
need to connect to the openrdf-sesame application first and then to issue 
the create owlim. command

you just created new repository within the console storage which ofcource is 
not vizible through the workbench web appication

so start the tomcat and then run the console
while in the console, issue connect http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame.; 
command to connect to the openrdf-sesame running in your tomcat (use here 
your url and port)

and then create the repository with the above command.


OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] question about SwiftOWLIM/Sesame integration

2009-02-12 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff

Hi Bob,

1. copied the owlim-2.9.1\lib\*.lib files to openrdf-sesame-2.2.4\lib

I was thinking that you are using SwiftOWLIM v3.0b9 instead, which is Sesame 
2.x compatible - the v2.9.1 you are using is for Sesame 1.x so you could not 
use it with Sesame 2. So download it from and 
give it a try.


- Original Message - 
From: Bob DuCharme

To: Damyan Ognyanoff
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Owlim-discussion] question about SwiftOWLIM/Sesame integration

Thanks! Here's what I tried:

1. copied the owlim-2.9.1\lib\*.lib files to openrdf-sesame-2.2.4\lib

2. created a templates subdirectory of the \Documents and 
Settings\my-username\Application Data\Aduna\OpenRDF Sesame directory. 
Sesame had already created that directory, so I know that it knows that 
that directory is there.  (Note that that last step on the path was called 
OpenRDF Sesame and not openrdf-sesame as you described below, if that 
means anything).

3. copied the owlim.ttl that you supplied into that templates directory

4. restarted Tomcat

5. loaded the data file shown below, which lists given name and surname 
information for two people using different namespaces to do so, and 
includes a bit of OWL to say that v:given-name and f:firstName are 
equivalent properties

6. issued this query, and didn't get Dobalena returned with Mutt, as I 
did when I had Pellet issue the same query against the data file:

 select ?ln where  { ?s ?ln }

Did the slight difference in the directory name make a difference, or did 
I miss a step?



!-- data file --

rdf:RDF xmlns:o=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:outlook#

 rdf:Description rdf:about=http://localhost:2020/addrbook/RichardMutt;

 rdf:Description rdf:about=http://localhost:2020/addrbook/BobDobalena;


 owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about=


Damyan Ognyanoff wrote:

Hi Bob,

there shouldn't be a problem of setting up and use a SwiftOWLIM 
repository from inside of openrdf-workbench application - all you need is 
to copy the template ttl  file (attached) into 
ADUNA_DATA/openrdf-sesame/templates folder and that is - feel free to 
alter the paramaters - do not forget also to place both owlim jars into 
the lib subfolder of openrdf-sesame webapplication


- Original Message - From: Bob DuCharme
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:06 PM
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] question about SwiftOWLIM/Sesame integration

I got SwiftOWLIM installed under Windows XP and I got the 
getting-started\example.cmd script running easily enough, but I can't 
figure out how to integrate it with Sesame without writing Java code to 
the API. Before I got SwiftOWLIM, If I loaded a file of RDF triples and 
RDFS statements (for example, some rdfs:subPropertyOf properties) into 
the Sesame repository from the Sesame Workbench, SPARQL queries reflect 
the metadata added by the RDFS statements. I'd love to be able to add 
some OWL properties to a set of the same triples and then have their 
metadata reflected in SPARQL queries from the Workbench, but I can't 
figure out if SwiftOLIM integration with Sesame reaches that level. Does 
anyone have any suggestions?


Bob DuCharme

OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [Owlim-discussion] Urgent: Problem with rule!

2009-02-04 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Marc,

your rule is too risky for the goal you are aiming for. It is because you do 
not know what are the specifics of the property p (the property for which the 
restriction is all about)

with your pizza ontology and just adding that rule to owl-max ruleset - owlim 
was not able to finish the inference in some reasonable time (20min) - after 
some debugging I found that most of your properties (hasTopping, hasSpiciness - 
etc) are functional or inverseFunctional - so with this consequent of your 
rule, you are forming quite large clusters of equivalent nodes through the 
inferred sameAs statements (as a side effect from the functional or 
invercefuntional nature of it). I just commented few fragments of the pizza 
ontology - all those that define Functionality or inverseFunctionality for the 
properties used in restriction definitions and got some positive results. but 
have in mind that these properties have also domain and range and you will end 
up with an ontology that is in OWL full fragment if that rule stays in your 
rule set.

Probably there is something not right in your approach - you are mixing 
instances and classes here - your rule states that for each class that is a 
subclass of an someValues restriction over some property P to hold that the 
class is related with that property to some other class - so as soon this rule 
fires your class will become instance to the domain of the property and also 
the class from the restriction (someValuesFrom argument) will become instance 
of the range class of that property - then since the property is functional or 
inversefunctional - and you have at least two restrictions over the same 
property for several classes - as is the case with the pizza ontology) you are 
starting to infer unwanted sameAs statements between different classes.

could you explain what you are aiming for so to be able to give you some more 


- Original Message - 
  From: Marc Mültin 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 7:25 PM
  Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Urgent: Problem with rule!

  Hi there, 

  I'm currently working on my diploma thesis, due date is next week friday and 
I need urgent help from some of you guys.

  My rule:

  a rdfs:subClassOfr [Constraint a != r]
  r rdf:type   owl:Restriction
  r owl:onProperty p
  p rdf:type   owl:ObjectProperty
  r owl:someValuesFrom c
  a  p  c 

Having the pizza ontology from, I want to reason for example 
about the following part:

--- snip ---

owl:Class rdf:about=#Margherita
rdfs:label xml:lang=ptMargherita/rdfs:label
  owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=#hasTopping/
owl:unionOf rdf:parseType=Collection
  owl:Class rdf:about=#MozzarellaTopping/
  owl:Class rdf:about=#TomatoTopping/
  owl:Class rdf:about=#MozzarellaTopping/
  owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=#hasTopping/
  owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=#hasTopping/
owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=#TomatoTopping/
rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=#NamedPizza/

--- snip ---What I want to do is to get a triple statement like: margherita 
hasTopping TomatoTopping (with margherita being variable a, hasTopping 
being variable p and TomatoTopping being variable c).But it doesn't work! 
If any of you know the software AquaLog 
(, I want AquaLog to be able to 
answer me the question show me the toppings of margherita, which only works 
if this explicit triple notation is stated in the owl file (but it's not, it's 
stated via restrictions as you can see above). That's why I need this rule, to 
get this extra statement via inference.Where am I wrong?I would really 
appreciate a quick help!! Thanks in advance!Kind regards, Marc


  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Owlim persistency bug?

2008-08-25 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Michael,

could you observe the same behavior also with the latest version?

did you invoke repository's shutdown method (it is called indirectly when you 
shutdown the repository manager)

  - Original Message - 
  From: sti Innsbruck | Michael Fried 
  Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 3:16 PM
  Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Owlim persistency bug?

  Hello Owlim Team

  My name is Michael Fried from Sti Innsbruck and I have a question/bug report 
  regarding owlim persistency.
  If I try to delete a statement from the store it will be deleted in memory 
  but after a restart of my application the information still exists in my 
  The same missbehaviour occured while testing your GettingStarted sample 
  I am currently using owlim-beta5-sesame-2.0 and the latest Sesame version.



  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Treating files with a non .nt extension asNTriples

2008-04-25 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Treating files with a non .nt extension as NTriplesHi Alistair,

since we do not have additional information about the files listed in the 
imports parameter - we check the extension of the file and in case it's ends 
with '.nt' we parse it as NTriples - otherwise we assume it is an rdf/xml 
serialized RDF. This was mainly because there are lot more variation of 
extensions for RDF/xml serialsedRDF files - .rdf,.rdfs,.owl, .xml, etc.

another question - it looks very strange to me that you are attempting to load 
this .~bak file - it is ...let say ... the older version of the intermediate 
backup file - new-temp-triples.nt, - it is renamed to ~.bak when its contents 
are merged with the main storage file - the one pointed by the 'file' parameter 
- so there is no need to try to add it during the initialization of the sail 
... just check its contents against the main storage file and see yourself that 
everything is there...

have a nice day,
Ontotext Lab
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:32 PM
  Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Treating files with a non .nt extension asNTriples

  Hi Folks, 

  In my sesame.conf file I'm attempting to load the new-temp-triples.nt.~bak 
file that is generated by KIM: 

  param name=imports value= 

  param name=defaultNS value= 

  This gives me an error: 

  [Fatal Error] wkb#:1:8: Element type http: must be followed by either 
attribute specifications,  or /. 

  If, however, I add .nt to the end of the filename it loads fine. This won't 
solve the problem long-term though because KIM creates a new ~bak file when it 
analyses a new document. So can I:

  i) get OWLIM to treat non .nt files as an Ntriple file or 
  ii) get KIM to use a different filename for new-temp-triples.nt.~bak which 
has .nt extension? 



  Alistair Duke
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  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Problem after compiling user defined ruleset

2008-04-11 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Chris,

the custom ruleset was not compiled due to the way we find the right jar to 
put it into the classpath of the javac - in short the spaces in the path 
broke it (these were escaped to %20).

I've updated the distribution on

about the partialRDFS=false - the precompiled sets were included in the 
distribution but for some stupid reason those were never instantiated - the 
fixes are also part of the above distribution...

it also contain a simple check whether to permutate all possible rule 
variants to choose the best one so to place it in the compiled ruleset - 
this naive approach caused very slow compilations of custom rulesets that 
have rules with more than 10 premises ...

to avoid that  - now one should use -Doptimize.rules=false in the jvm 
runtime parameters/options - it switches to more simple strategy to achieve 
the same - but it could fail to select the best option in some border cases 
... still needs some more work to replace the old approach completely

let me know if the above distribution suits you and works for you...


- Original Message - 
From: Chris Halaschek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Damyan Ognyanoff [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 6:40 AM
Subject: Problem after compiling user defined ruleset


 I'm observing some issues when trying to compile my own ruleset in
 OWLIM. Currently, I'm running OWLIM 3.0 Beta 4, Sesame 2.0,  Tomcat
 6, and I've followed the basic instructions to configure OWLIM by
 copying the OWLIM jars into the necessary Tomcat folders. I've
 additionally followed the necessary steps provided in
 and have sucessfully used Sesame's console to create a repository
 backed by OWLIM. The errors seem to be thrown when I then browse to
 the repository using the Sesame workbench web-app.

 I've checked the logs and it appears that my new ruleset compiles ok,
 however, I get classpath errors right after the compilation. I have
 confirmed that all of the necessary jar files are in the Sesame
 WEB-INF\lib\ folder in Tomcat, so I'm not sure what the problem could
 be. It's also strange as it appears that the rules compile ok
 initially, which would indicate that the classpaths are set up fine. I
 have included the output in the Tomcat logs at the end of this email.

 Another related issue I'm observing is that if I simply change the
 'partialsRDFS' setting to 'false' in my Sesame repository template, I
 get the same errors. The template file I'm using (originally taken
 from the OWLIM distribution) with this minor modification is provided

 # Sesame configuration template for a owlim repository
 @prefix rdfs:
 @prefix rep:
 @prefix sr:
 @prefix sail:
 @prefix owlim:

 [] a rep:Repository ;
   rep:repositoryID owlim_repository ;
   rdfs:label Test Repository ;
   rep:repositoryImpl [
  rep:repositoryType openrdf:SailRepository ;
  sr:sailImpl [
 sail:sailType owlim:Sail ;
 owlim:ruleset owl-max ;
 owlim:partialRDFS  false;
 owlim:noPersist false ;
 owlim:storage-folder junit-storage ;
 owlim:base-URL; ;
 owlim:new-triples-file new-triples-file.nt ;
 owlim:entity-index-size 20 ;
 owlim:jobsize 500 ;
 owlim:repository-type in-memory-repository ;

 I'm guessing that you have only pre-compiled the rulesets for the case
 when the 'partialsRDFS' setting is 'true'. One reason why I've tried
 to change this configuration is because it appears that an owl:Thing
 subclass assertion is not added for anything of type owl:Class that I
 load into OWLIM. This is strange as it looks like this should be added
 by the OWL-Horst rule with id 'owl_Thing1' (in the 'Rules_builtin.pie'
 ruleset in the OWIM beta 4 release). Perhaps this is not included in
 the owl-max ruleset when 'partialRDFS' is set to 'true'?

 Any advice you can offer on these issues would be greatly appreciated.


 Christian Halaschek-Wiener, Ph.D.
 Web page:

 Tomcat Log:

 ruleSet=owl-max-new, partialRdfs=false
 Compiled: 'owl-max-new.pie'
 TRREE not found in application's CP

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Owlim 3.0 beta-4 Sesam2 Apache Tomcat

2008-04-11 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Arnim,

(sorry for the late reply)

I do not know whether the openrdf-sesame or openrdf-workbench webapps provide 
an UI to create repositories ...

but you could look the the code of the org.openrdf.console.Console class / 
createRepository(String) method / and do the same yourself - just prepare the 
(.ttl) configuration, parse it into a Graph instance and then add it to the 
SYSTEM repository.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Arnim Bleier 
  Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 7:22 PM
  Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Owlim 3.0 beta-4 Sesam2 Apache Tomcat

  Hi (Damyan),

  I tried out the Owlim 3.0 beta-4 for sesame 2
  and followed the instructions in the previous mails.
  Everything went fine
  -  I can create an owlim repository via the console and access it -
  thank you so fare.

  However, is it possible to use the sesame server
  to create a owlim repository.
  What do I have to do to cope with the classpath?

  Best regards,


  OWLIM-discussion mailing list
OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Class cast exception in OWLIM 3.0

2008-04-11 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Chris,

it was a bug - the updated distribution (there was typo in the link from the 
previous mail to the list)

contain also a fix for this issue

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Halaschek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 10:59 PM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Class cast exception in OWLIM 3.0


 I seem to get a class cast exception when browsing my OWLIM KB via the
 Sesame Workbench web app. Currently, my configuration is as follows:

 - OWLIM 3.0 Beta 4
 - Sesame 2.0
 - Tomcat 6

 The exception shows up in the OWLIM and Tomcat logs when I browse to
 various object properties in the KB. I've also tried to issue SPARQL
 queries for triples involving the object properties in the KB that
 cause the exception when browsed to in the Workbench web app and no
 results are returned even though the original OWL ontology contains
 various assertions involving these properties (clearly, at minimum
 there should be basic rdf type and subproperty assertions).

 I looked into our ontology (which is perfectly valid RDF) and was able
 to isolate the problem to what appears to be interactions between
 inverse and symmetric properties. Perhaps this is causing a problem
 when loading the KB into OWLIM (note however, that I do not see any
 errors related to this in the log files).

 Below is a trivial ontology that causes the issue. Clearly, one can
 remove the inverse property assertion for
 '' on itself, however this
 should still be valid RDF and not cause problems for OWLIM (at least
 that's my understanding). Interestingly, if this assertion is removed,
 then the problem is resolved.

 ?xml version=1.0?

!ENTITY owl; 
!ENTITY rdf; 

 rdf:RDF xmlns=;

owl:Ontology rdf:about=/

owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=#sampleProperty
owl:inverseOf rdf:resource=#sampleInverseProperty/

owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=#sampleInverseProperty
rdf:type rdf:resource=owl;SymmetricProperty/
owl:inverseOf rdf:resource=#sampleInverseProperty/


 Additionally, here is the actual exception thrown when browsing to the
 property '':


 org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request
 processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException:
 org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl cannot be cast to

 root cause

 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl cannot be
 cast to org.openrdf.model.Literal
 com.ontotext.trree.owlim_ext.CustomLiteralImpl.getLabel(Unknown Source)

 Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


 Christian Halaschek-Wiener, Ph.D.
 Web page:

 OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] OWLIM-Plugin for Sesame 2.0

2007-10-25 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Thorsten,

It is still not stable enough and the documentation I far from complete but 
the core functionality is there - I have to align the code base with the 
latest sesame 2.0-beta6 which differ from beta5 and broke it.

I hope that will be able to fix it 'till the end of the week and will notify 
you (and others on this list) for its availability so to give it a try.


- Original Message - 
From: Thorsten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] OWLIM-Plugin for Sesame 2.0

 Hello all,

 can anybody say me, when approximatly owlim 3.0 for sesame 2.0 is done?
 If not before January 2008 I must use seame 1 and owlim 2.9


 OWLIM-discussion mailing list 

OWLIM-discussion mailing list

Re: [OWLIM-discussion] trouble with large ontology in Owlim 2.9

2007-08-21 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi John,

obviously (from the exception trace) your data makes use of more than 1000 
URIs as predicates.

In current version, we hardcoded the maximum number of predicates to 1000 - 
thinking wrongly that it will be sufficient for, virtually, every RDF 
application in the world. So we are wrong.

Can you confirm that you have more than 1000 predicates in your data, 
otherwise we should look at the inference rules which also could lead to 
such undesired inference.

Damyan Ognyanoff,
Ontotext Lab.

- Original Message - 
From: John del Corral [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 5:39 PM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] trouble with large ontology in Owlim 2.9

I am having trouble loading a large (400,000 statements) ontology
 into sesame with the Owlim 2.9.0 SAIL in sesame 1.26..  I use the Add(www)
 action once I have logged into the repository with the sesame client
 interface.  I enter the URL of our ontology of ntriples,

 I have checked the 'verify the data' button, and it checks out ok.

 From the Sesame client screen, I can watch the progress of the load.
 I see the total number of statements (439,599), and then the progress
 of the load.  there are usually 100,000 statements processed per 60 sec.

 When the count gets greater than 200,000, I see in a separate window
 (one that is monitoring the catalina.out file for our tomcat server) this:

 Exception in thread Thread-41
 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
 com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.PredicateMap.addPredicate(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.Repository.put(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.s.addStatement(Unknown Source)

 Exception in thread Thread-40
 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
 com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.PredicateMap.addPredicate(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.Repository.put(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.s.addStatement(Unknown Source)

 Exception in thread Thread-39
 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
 com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.PredicateMap.addPredicate(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.Repository.put(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.s.addStatement(Unknown Source)

 Exception in thread Thread-38
 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
 com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.PredicateMap.addPredicate(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.Repository.put(Unknown Source)
   at com.ontotext.trree.transitivity.s.addStatement(Unknown Source)


 I have loaded smaller (75,000 statements) ontologies into this repository,
 but I get a failure with the large ontology.
 Could someone else please try to load this large ontology and maybe give 
 some feedback?

 Thank you, John

 John del Corral, IRI, Earth Inst. at Columbia Univ., Monell 107
 Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs., 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964
 +1 845-680-4437(v) +1 845-680-4864(F) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [OWLIM-discussion] tbox query using OWLIM

2007-05-31 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
hi Qiu,

could you try to add:

using namespace
   rdfs =

to your queries. RQL engine does not know what is 'rdfs:' and assumes it is a 
namespace which is different from thus the URIs 'rdfs:subClassOf' and are 
treated as unequal and I think that this is the reason for lack of results.

Are the equivalent SeRQL queries also doesn't return any results?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:12 PM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] tbox query using OWLIM


 I want to make a simple query on TBox using OWLIM. But I can not get
 any results, even I know there is some result and I can get such kind
 of result by other reasoners. So I think there must be something wrong
 with my query (for other ABox queries, it works fine). By referring to
 the OWLIM manual,

 I tried the fowlling queries:

 (1) SELECT X from {X} rdfs:subClassOf {Y} (2) SELECT X from
 (3) SELECT X from  {X} rdfs:subClassOf vic:Building using namespace

 I just want to get all the (inferred) subclasses of a concept. Thank
 you very much for your help.



 OWLIM-discussion mailing list

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Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Please Help

2007-04-26 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Lilly,

the easiest way is to deploy sesame in to your tomcat, configure a repository 
that use OWLIM (check the Sesame documentation on how 
to do that, then the OWLIM sysdoc to setup the sail properly), and query it 
through Sesame web application.

if you need to develop your own web application - look at Sesame's sources to 
figure out what you need to implement in order to get 
it running.

Damyan Ognyanoff,
Ontotext Lab.
- Original Message - 
From: lily john [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Please Help


 I upload my OWL file to OWLIM. and now i would like to develop jsp file to
 query my owl file how i can do that ?? do i have to call OWLIM Library
 or Sesame Library ... and how ?
 This is my configuration:
 win 2000, Tomcat 6, JDK 6, Sesame 1.2.6 and OWL IM 2.8.4.

 Please Help


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Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Please Help

2007-04-26 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Lilly,

additionally, if you are just looking for a sample snip of code that evaluate a 
query, you may look at section 7 at OWLIM 
documentation (2.9rc1 release). There is a such chunk that may be useful for 
you. Or look at the GettingStarted example code 
distributed along with the same (2.9rc1) release.

Damyan Ognyanoff,
Ontotext Lab.
- Original Message - 
From: lily john [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Please Help


 I upload my OWL file to OWLIM. and now i would like to develop jsp file to
 query my owl file how i can do that ?? do i have to call OWLIM Library
 or Sesame Library ... and how ?
 This is my configuration:
 win 2000, Tomcat 6, JDK 6, Sesame 1.2.6 and OWL IM 2.8.4.

 Please Help


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Re: [OWLIM-discussion] literals in rules

2007-04-18 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Hi Bernd,

it is a bug - we fixed it but the release of the fixed distribution will be 
delayed until tomorrow.
the problem is a bit more general since we use a custom syntax for the rule 
files and it still do not incorporate the proper 
handling of string constants as literal nodes.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll notify you as soon as we update the distribution 
on the site.

Damyan Ognyanoff,
Ontotext Lab.
- Original Message - 
From: Bernd Kiefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 4:46 PM
Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] literals in rules

 We were trying to use literals in rules, like the following:

 Id: unsere_regel_2
x rdf:type protonu:Team
x protonu:unserLabel Ein Team

 but when we try to retrieve these, there is always a NULL pointer
 instead of the literal, which leads to an exception when we try to
 inspect the instance in the Sesame web interface.

 Are we missing something here?


Bernd Kiefer

 In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows or Gates?

 Bernd KieferAm Blauberg 16
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  66119 Saarbruecken
 +49-681/302-5301 (office)  +49-681/3904507  (home)

 OWLIM-discussion mailing list

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Re: [OWLIM-discussion] Stack overflow error

2007-02-23 Thread Damyan Ognyanoff
Stack overflow errorHi Alistair,

try using 

param name=stackSafe value =true/

as a sail configuration parameter and give it a try. You probably have very 
large cluster of resources related with a property which is simultaneously of 
type owl:TransitiveProperty and owl:SymmetricProperty.


- Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 1:04 PM
  Subject: [OWLIM-discussion] Stack overflow error


  I'm getting the following error when I try to load in my ontology: 

  Exception in thread main java.lang.StackOverflowError 
  at com.ontotext.trree.Repository$b.init(Unknown Source) 
  at com.ontotext.trree.Repository.getSubjPred(Unknown Source) 
  at com.ontotext.trree.c.b(Unknown Source) 
  at com.ontotext.trree.c.b(Unknown Source) 

  It's a very large ontology (~260Mb of RDF/XML) and initially I had heap space 
problems. However, now I've increased this to 1.6Gb I'm wondering if the error 
is still due to lack of memory or a problem with recursion in my ontology. Is 
there anyway to find out?



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