Hello Jirka,

As usually default attributes appear on elements in the Schematron schema and there is no way to know if they have been set in the schema or directly on the XML element.

You can use a template to filter out the class attribute, something similar to this older forum thread:




Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 3/13/24 20:36, Jirka Kosek wrote:

I'm creating few small "refactoring actions" using Schematron and QuickFix for DITA in oXygen. It works except that default attributes are being copied when some element is copied using QuickFix. For example the following QuickFix

    <sch:rule context="p">
      <sch:report test="image and following-sibling::*[1]/self::fig[not(image)]"                   sqf:fix="wrap-image">Image is misplaced and not enclosed by a figure.</sch:report>

      <sqf:fix id="wrap-image">
          <sqf:title>Move image into adjacent figure.</sqf:title>
        <sch:let name="image" value="image"/>
        <sqf:add match="following-sibling::*[1]" position="last-child" select="$image"/>


Will move image

<image href="media/image29.png"/>


<image class="- topic/image " href="media/image29.png" placement="inline" xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"/>

I understand that this is perhaps because QuickFix is internally implemented as XSLT transformation so default attributes are loaded from DTD during the parsing. I can live with added @class and @placement, but xmlns:ditaarch namespace declaration instantly triggers validation error in oXygen which is inconvenient? Is this something you can fix in next releases?

For now I've workaround that is using XSLT for performing QuickFix action and uses <xsl:copy copy-namespaces="no"> and I intentionally do not copy @class attribute. But QuickFix is much more concise.

Thanks and have a nice day,


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