Jennifairy Gillett RMHi Jennifairy !!!- yes going really well, working with the 
local Aboriginal community and loving it (nice to be off the ward for a while) 
- but of course missing all my Adelaide birthing pals.

HMMMM...Well this info is from my notes from a presentation by neonatologist 
Bevan Headley on the subject of B/F Jaundice in 2005.  His presentation was 
generally non aggressive in intervention so held some credibility for me.  ie 
he was supporting the midwives who were challenged by other doctors who wanted 
to bleed 'plethoric' babies who were just doing normal haemolysis after 
physiological third stage. So sorry i dont have references for you, but i might 
get to do a search some time!  

love Suzi

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