Dear Judy,
At the RWH Birth Centre we don't hand over our women when they need to be induced or go to Birth Suite for any reason.
We still look after them until they birth (by whatever means).
We also 'encourage' that induction, unless for a medical reason is not an option and 8 days (as you would agree) is not posterm.
Induction is not talked about 'in full' until after 'at least' seven days.  My clients understand this and if my client wishes to have a social induction that's fine, but bye bye out of the Birth Centre thank you.
However, I discuss with my clients very early in the pregnancy, what an induction is, pro's con's etc and that it is not offered unless there is a medical problem with themsleves or their babies. 
I also dicuss very early if they want a medicalised birth, that's fine but don't come to the Birth Centre.
Judy, you will always have clients that will never be happy with whatever care you give, you know that!  It's usually the ones that you have given 110% of your effort and it is still not enough.  It's hurtful especially if they are ungracious about your effort.  I find that these women or their supporters have never really been committed to the philosophy no matter how drooling about it at first.
Also, some people never take responsiblity for their own actions and therefore, are quite happy to 'blame' someone else, it takes the pressure off themselves.
Judy, obviously follow your client up to your normal postnatal duty of care, and let her and her issue go - literally.
Anne Clarke

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