warmly, Carolyn Hastie
----- Original Message -----
From: Jo Tilly
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: NSW Health futures planning process - sorry for any cross posting

Hi all,
I have recently found out through my involvement as a consumer in Sydney South West Area Health Service, that the NSW Health Department has embarked on a 'Futures Planning' process to identify directions for public health in NSW over the next 15-20 years.
I think this is a really important opportunity to put forward our views about the future of public maternity services.
The Dept is holding a series of public consultations and people are also able to make submissions. See for details. A copy of the consultation documents and details of an online questionnaire can also be found on the site.
Details of locations for the consultation meetings around the state can be found at and the meetings start in Western Sydney and Tamworth later this week.
I imagine that like most of these kind of consultation processes, the more individual submissions and responses to consultations that they receive, the more likely they are to respond to community concern, so I would really encourage you and anyone else you know to send in your views and/or attend a consultation meeting. Submissions, responses etc close on 7 July, so people have a while, but the more people that participate, the better.  
Please also send this email around to anyone else you can think of who would be interested. 
Jo Tilly

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