Title: Elaine Keenan & Paul Rasmussen – Sacked from the NSWNA
Hello all,  I have forwarded this information on to those of you who are interested in NSW issues. These issues affect NSW midwives as well as NSW nurses.  I care deeply about social justice, freedom of speech and the right to compete. It would appear these principles are threatened in our union.  I found Paul and Elaine ethical, dynamic and concerned about working conditions for both nurses and midwives.  They have both been organisers for the union for a number of years (about nine?) I would have thought their commitment, clarity and obvious loyalty to the NSWNA and our professions would have been qualities to be harnessed for the good of our twin professions future - diverse voices are to be embraced - we can all learn from those who seek change to the status quo.   I have written to Brett Holmes seeking clarity and to register my concern.  In solidarity,  Carolyn Hastie
Elaine Keenan & Paul Rasmussen – Sacked from the NSWNA
Please read this email & support a campaign for democracy

Dear Colleagues

The election is over and the Brett Holmes Team won. The Realnurses Team offers its congratulations and wishes them well in delivering improvements for all nurses.

The realnurses team and our policies offered nurses choice in the recent elections.  Our campaign has had many positive outcome for all members, and these included:

  • Getting Nurses workloads on the agenda. The workload case was only launched by the  after the Realnurses team launched their policy
  • Getting the issue of NSWNA independence openly debated
  • Forcing the issue of members right to vote on pay offers
  • Giving members real choice. Members had the choice of three teams including 48 candidates for council

We would like to thank you for all your support and bring you up to date with the events that have followed.

The count took place on June 17. The Realnurses Team phoned The Holmes Team at 4pm and congratulated them on their win.

On June 18 Elaine Keenan and Paul Rasmussen  were notified that they would not be required to attend work the next day.
On June 19 they were sent a letter by courier informing them that they were suspended and that NSWNA staff had been advised to block their entry to the NSWNA building.

On June 24 Council of the NSWNA was called to a extra-ordinary meeting at midday.  Coral Levett, the President of the NSWNA, refused both Elaine and Paul’s request to address council, and also denied them representation at the council meeting.

On June 24 Elaine and Paul received letters by courier that they had been terminated (Sacked) and that they would be given thirty minutes to remove personal belongings from their desks. The reason for the sacking was given as ‘breakdown of the working relationship’. Evidence supporting this argument was not provided. The letter did not mention any representation or referral for legal advice despite the fact that both Elaine and Paul have been members of the NSWNA for many years.

Never before have officers of the NSWNA been sacked for offering democratic choice. Elaine and Paul have always been committed to an Association that is open to all views, ideas and debate.

Of particular concern is the swift and ruthless application of the sacking following the election, the refusal of the NSWNA to afford Elaine and Paul procedural fairness including preventing Elaine and Paul from addressing council or being represented.

Despite many years of NSWNA membership Elaine and Paul have not received any NSWNA representation except for the offer of $500.00 each toward legal advice. This is woefully inadequate. It is Elaine and Pauls intention to seek a legal remedy and this will require substantial resources.

We believe that the democracy of the NSWNA is severely threatened by these sackings. This action has sent a clear message to officers of the NSWNA and  members that opposition, debate or new ideas will not be tolerated.

We also believe that there has been a complete breach of procedural fairness. How will the NSWNA be viewed by employers and the community if its actions and treatment of its own employees is so appalling?

We call on all nurses to protest this action and demand democracy.  In a climate of reduction of democracy in the workplace, we now have a reduction of democracy in our union. We need to demand a more effective and responsive democracy and call on our leader to account for these decision to all members.  We need to enfranchise diversity and participation in democracy at every level.

 You can help by doing all or any of the following actions:

  • Forward this email on to other nurses
  • Email Brett Holmes:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please send a copy to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • Put resolutions to your Branch expressing your concerns at Brett's actions
  • If you are attending annual conference, tell Brett personally what you think and /or engage in debate about these issues

As a draft resolution you may wish to consider the following form of wards:

The......Branch of the NSWNA is ashamed of the General Secretary and Council because of their actions in sacking Elaine Keenan and Paul Rasmussen. These actions have harmed our Associations reputation and the reputation of the Union movement as a whole. We move a motion of no-confidence in the General Secretaries actions.

Thank you for your support throughout the campaign. We feel  privileged to have been able to give nurses a real choice at the election.

Elaine Keenan, Paul Rasmussen and the Realnurses Team

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