Re: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam

2005-07-27 Thread brendamanning

We share a blood fridge with our General Hospital so it 
is never without stock. The person using the second last ampoule is responsible 
for faxing a reorder form to Red Cross. We record all doses given in a book 
attached to the fridge itself, I think the A&E Dept use as much as we 
I have never needed a dose &  found none 
but could get it couriered from our "big brother hospital" if need 
In the Obs rooms which I share, the midwife working is 
liable for keeping the stock up in the fridge & generally (mostly) there is 
stock available.
Your system sounds good (we don't have booking clerks 
& the like, we are all things to all people). Nor do we have a difficult 
pharmacist to deal with, ours is very amenable. So you are probably doing the 
best you can under your given circumstances! 
I think if we actually had a locked, fridge in our 
clinic the pharmacist would not be adverse to letting us have our  own 
supply. Now there's a thought ! Thank you. Save us running around to the other 
ward to get it !

  - Original Message - 
  To: midwifery list 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:50 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam
  Brenda wrote:
  LOL at you ref to the disruption in running the A/N clinic, that's 
  exactly how I feel !! As for the storing it in the clinic, God knows what 
  we'd do with it eh? To quote a Professor of Obstetrics last year "can't 
  have midwives running about like loose canons, they must be accountable 
  & supervised" (with path forms, etc) We are a dangerous breed 
  apparently.Dear Lord !!
  Actually it is the pharmacist who won't let us 
  have stocks. His argument is that he has to account for each dose (we may not 
  be trusted to do this! Obviously a dangerous breed)
  Our current system is to identify the women 
  needing it at the appointment ahead of administration, make their appts for 
  them (can be awkward if booking clerk at tea or during clinics outside office 
  hours), write in a special diary including 2 name labels, and the midwife 
  attending Friday clinic has the responsibility for ordering all doses for 
  forthcoming week.
  This still leaves problems of: appts outside 
  hours, women changing appts, those that do not attend, transfers or premature 
  births, late bookings when the group is not known until past time for admin, 
  and occasionally forgetting to order ahead!
  Prior to this we had to order on a needs basis at 
  the time which was a real pain if your first client needed it and you 
  didn't know til she arrived. This wastes her time as well as ours.  We 
  try to go through the notes ahead of clinic but not always 
  What do you do?  I would welcome any 
  suggestions to improve this
  "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil 
  is for good men to do nothing"Edmund 

[ozmidwifery] Rhogam

2005-07-26 Thread Susan Cudlipp

Brenda wrote:
LOL at you ref to the disruption in running the A/N clinic, that's exactly 
how I feel !! As for the storing it in the clinic, God knows what we'd do 
with it eh? To quote a Professor of Obstetrics last year "can't have 
midwives running about like loose canons, they must be accountable & 
supervised" (with path forms, etc) We are a dangerous breed 
apparently.Dear Lord !!
Actually it is the pharmacist who won't let us have 
stocks. His argument is that he has to account for each dose (we may not be 
trusted to do this! Obviously a dangerous breed)
Our current system is to identify the women needing 
it at the appointment ahead of administration, make their appts for them (can be 
awkward if booking clerk at tea or during clinics outside office hours), write 
in a special diary including 2 name labels, and the midwife attending Friday 
clinic has the responsibility for ordering all doses for forthcoming 
This still leaves problems of: appts outside hours, 
women changing appts, those that do not attend, transfers or premature births, 
late bookings when the group is not known until past time for admin, and 
occasionally forgetting to order ahead!
Prior to this we had to order on a needs basis at 
the time which was a real pain if your first client needed it and you 
didn't know til she arrived. This wastes her time as well as ours.  We try 
to go through the notes ahead of clinic but not always possible.
What do you do?  I would welcome any 
suggestions to improve this
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil 
is for good men to do nothing"Edmund Burke

Re: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam product

2004-12-10 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

I do believe the anti-D WINROH products are thimerosol free, according to
the product info sheet glycine is the preservative used.

I am not at all familiar with Bayroh-d. Rhogam is just a brand of anti-d and
does use thimerosol as a preservative, at least the last time I looked. I
don't think you can get Rhogam in Australia at the moment.


- Original Message - 
From: "Kristin Beckedahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 12:31 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam product

> Dear List,
> In regards to the recent discussion on the RhoGAM product offered to Rh-
> women whilst pregnant (at 28/40 & 32??/40)...and the effects of potential
> mercury in these items on the unborn babe.
> Could somebody please confirm for me which product the mother needs to
> ensure the midwife offers her.. Is it BAYROH-D or WINRHO SDF...? Or if
> is one perferred over the other..?
> Many thanks,
> Kristin
> --
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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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[ozmidwifery] Rhogam product

2004-12-10 Thread Kristin Beckedahl
Dear List,
In regards to the recent discussion on the RhoGAM product offered to Rh- 
women whilst pregnant (at 28/40 & 32??/40)...and the effects of potential 
mercury in these items on the unborn babe.

Could somebody please confirm for me which product the mother needs to 
ensure the midwife offers her.. Is it BAYROH-D or WINRHO SDF...? Or if both, 
is one perferred over the other..?

Many thanks,
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam discussion

2004-11-24 Thread Lieve Huybrechts

Hoi Sharon,
You can read about it at the website of Sarah 
Wickham: look in 
articles for  anti-d: exploring 
midwifery knowledge

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:54 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam 
  hi what is rhogam? and why is it used could some 
  one tell  me. thanks sharon
- Original Message - 
Lieve Huybrechts 

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:50 
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam 

I thought this would 
interest you, according to the latest discussion on Rhogam. You can find the 
original in the Midwifery Today E- news:

Effects of Mercury Administered during Pregnancy
A reader named "Donna" contacted Midwifery Today 
E-News with an informal study she conducted of mothers who were 
"injected" with mercury while pregnant. She started with her own story:
I had RhoGAM when I was six months pregnant. My son has progressive 
microcephaly, CP, lennox gastaut (severe seizures), is nonverbal and 
profoundly mentally retarded. I had his six-month-old baby hair tested for 
mercury; the results showed 13.78 mcg. The only exposure to mercury was from 
my RhoGAM and his vaccines. A new study of amount of heavy metals in 
vaccines showed one that contained nine times more aluminum. There is no 
telling how much mercury was in the RhoGAM injections I had. The older 
RhoGAM contained 35 mcg of mercury. We are told to limit "ingesting" mercury 
to 0.1 mcg. What should the number be for "injecting" it?

  Janet: RhoGAM during pregnancy; her child is 21 and has ADD and a 
  learning disability. She had RhoGAM during one of her other pregnancies 
  but doesn't know which one; one child has ADD and the other child has Down 
  Kris O.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a child with deafness, autism, 
  developmental delays, mild CP. 
  Norma W.: Had RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a disabled child [type 
  Colleen F.: Flu shot during pregnancy; son has CP and bipolar 
  Gracie M.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; did not vaccinate son. Boy 
  developed severe eczema at four months old, has lots of allergies, a yeast 
  overgrowth and a depressed immune system. 
  Kathy G.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a four-year-old daughter with 
  angelman syndrome. 
  Barbara W.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has 10-year-old child with 
  angelman syndrome. 
  Kathy: RhoGAM injection with all three kids; all three have angelman 
  Ilana S.: Sister had flu vaccine during pregnancy; she has a daughter 
  with Retts. Her hair was tested for mercury; results were 14.8. She also 
  has a friend who had a RhoGAM injection during pregnancy and lost the 
  child a month later. 
  Julia A.: Flu vaccine during pregnancy; daughter diagnosed with 
  petiventricular leukomalacia (a type of brain damage). 
  Lauree L.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; child is developmentally delayed, 
  in a special-education class with one-on-one aide. Lennox Gastaut 
  Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after 
  pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and 
  does well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second 
  child has some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his 
  behavior is horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in 
  and out of institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. 
  My third child is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at 
  Baylor through the MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors 
  thought she had CP. She has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is 
  now 10-1/2 and functions at the three-month-old level. My first child is 
  by one husband, my second a different husband and the third is my present 
  husband's. So while they all have neuro issues, the gene pool is 
  different. It makes you wonder if an exterior factor such as thimerosol 
  accounts for these kinds of outcomes. 
  Lisa T: I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at 
  age 15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe 
  learning disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after 
  birth, son has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with 
  RhoGAM given after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM 
  after birth. 1996, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, 
  daughter with pos

Re: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam discussion

2004-11-24 Thread shaz42

hi what is rhogam? and why is it used could some 
one tell  me. thanks sharon

  - Original Message - 
  Lieve Huybrechts 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:50 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Rhogam 
  I thought this would 
  interest you, according to the latest discussion on Rhogam. You can find the 
  original in the Midwifery Today E- news:
  Effects of Mercury Administered during Pregnancy
  A reader named "Donna" contacted Midwifery Today 
  E-News with an informal study she conducted of mothers who were 
  "injected" with mercury while pregnant. She started with her own story:
  I had RhoGAM when I was six months pregnant. My son has progressive 
  microcephaly, CP, lennox gastaut (severe seizures), is nonverbal and 
  profoundly mentally retarded. I had his six-month-old baby hair tested for 
  mercury; the results showed 13.78 mcg. The only exposure to mercury was from 
  my RhoGAM and his vaccines. A new study of amount of heavy metals in vaccines 
  showed one that contained nine times more aluminum. There is no telling how 
  much mercury was in the RhoGAM injections I had. The older RhoGAM contained 35 
  mcg of mercury. We are told to limit "ingesting" mercury to 0.1 mcg. What 
  should the number be for "injecting" it?
Janet: RhoGAM during pregnancy; her child is 21 and has ADD and a 
learning disability. She had RhoGAM during one of her other pregnancies but 
doesn't know which one; one child has ADD and the other child has Down 
Kris O.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a child with deafness, autism, 
developmental delays, mild CP. 
Norma W.: Had RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a disabled child [type 
Colleen F.: Flu shot during pregnancy; son has CP and bipolar disorder. 
Gracie M.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; did not vaccinate son. Boy developed 
severe eczema at four months old, has lots of allergies, a yeast overgrowth 
and a depressed immune system. 
Kathy G.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a four-year-old daughter with 
angelman syndrome. 
Barbara W.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has 10-year-old child with angelman 
Kathy: RhoGAM injection with all three kids; all three have angelman 
Ilana S.: Sister had flu vaccine during pregnancy; she has a daughter 
with Retts. Her hair was tested for mercury; results were 14.8. She also has 
a friend who had a RhoGAM injection during pregnancy and lost the child a 
month later. 
Julia A.: Flu vaccine during pregnancy; daughter diagnosed with 
petiventricular leukomalacia (a type of brain damage). 
Lauree L.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; child is developmentally delayed, in 
a special-education class with one-on-one aide. Lennox Gastaut syndrome. 
Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after 
pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and does 
well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second child 
has some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his behavior is 
horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in and out of 
institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. My third child 
is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at Baylor through the 
MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors thought she had CP. She 
has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is now 10-1/2 and functions at 
the three-month-old level. My first child is by one husband, my second a 
different husband and the third is my present husband's. So while they all 
have neuro issues, the gene pool is different. It makes you wonder if an 
exterior factor such as thimerosol accounts for these kinds of outcomes. 
Lisa T: I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at age 
15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe learning 
disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after birth, son 
has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with RhoGAM given 
after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM after birth. 1996, 
daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, daughter with possible 
ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 2001, daughter with angelman syndrome, had flu shot 
in 2000 and got pregnant about one week later; had RhoGAM during pregnancy 
and after birth. 
Eve: RhoGAM during pregnancy, has 12-year-old girl with Quad CP. 
Jamie B.: RhoGAM during all of her pregnancies; first son has learning 
disabilities (severe CAPD and PDD nos); second, a daughter, is dyslexic; 
third, a son, has ADHD. 
  At a DAN! conference 53.7% of the mothers present who had ASD children were 
  Rh negati

[ozmidwifery] Rhogam discussion

2004-11-24 Thread Lieve Huybrechts

I thought this would 
interest you, according to the latest discussion on Rhogam. You can find the 
original in the Midwifery Today E- news:

Effects of Mercury Administered during Pregnancy
A reader named "Donna" contacted Midwifery Today 
E-News with an informal study she conducted of mothers who were 
"injected" with mercury while pregnant. She started with her own story:
I had RhoGAM when I was six months pregnant. My son has progressive 
microcephaly, CP, lennox gastaut (severe seizures), is nonverbal and profoundly 
mentally retarded. I had his six-month-old baby hair tested for mercury; the 
results showed 13.78 mcg. The only exposure to mercury was from my RhoGAM and 
his vaccines. A new study of amount of heavy metals in vaccines showed one that 
contained nine times more aluminum. There is no telling how much mercury was in 
the RhoGAM injections I had. The older RhoGAM contained 35 mcg of mercury. We 
are told to limit "ingesting" mercury to 0.1 mcg. What should the number be for 
"injecting" it?

  Janet: RhoGAM during pregnancy; her child is 21 and has ADD and a learning 
  disability. She had RhoGAM during one of her other pregnancies but doesn't 
  know which one; one child has ADD and the other child has Down syndrome. 
  Kris O.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a child with deafness, autism, 
  developmental delays, mild CP. 
  Norma W.: Had RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a disabled child [type 
  Colleen F.: Flu shot during pregnancy; son has CP and bipolar disorder. 
  Gracie M.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; did not vaccinate son. Boy developed 
  severe eczema at four months old, has lots of allergies, a yeast overgrowth 
  and a depressed immune system. 
  Kathy G.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has a four-year-old daughter with 
  angelman syndrome. 
  Barbara W.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; has 10-year-old child with angelman 
  Kathy: RhoGAM injection with all three kids; all three have angelman 
  Ilana S.: Sister had flu vaccine during pregnancy; she has a daughter with 
  Retts. Her hair was tested for mercury; results were 14.8. She also has a 
  friend who had a RhoGAM injection during pregnancy and lost the child a month 
  Julia A.: Flu vaccine during pregnancy; daughter diagnosed with 
  petiventricular leukomalacia (a type of brain damage). 
  Lauree L.: RhoGAM during pregnancy; child is developmentally delayed, in a 
  special-education class with one-on-one aide. Lennox Gastaut syndrome. 
  Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after 
  pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and does 
  well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second child has 
  some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his behavior is 
  horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in and out of 
  institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. My third child 
  is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at Baylor through the 
  MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors thought she had CP. She 
  has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is now 10-1/2 and functions at 
  the three-month-old level. My first child is by one husband, my second a 
  different husband and the third is my present husband's. So while they all 
  have neuro issues, the gene pool is different. It makes you wonder if an 
  exterior factor such as thimerosol accounts for these kinds of outcomes. 
  Lisa T: I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at age 
  15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe learning 
  disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after birth, son 
  has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with RhoGAM given 
  after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM after birth. 1996, 
  daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, daughter with possible 
  ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 2001, daughter with angelman syndrome, had flu shot 
  in 2000 and got pregnant about one week later; had RhoGAM during pregnancy and 
  after birth. 
  Eve: RhoGAM during pregnancy, has 12-year-old girl with Quad CP. 
  Jamie B.: RhoGAM during all of her pregnancies; first son has learning 
  disabilities (severe CAPD and PDD nos); second, a daughter, is dyslexic; 
  third, a son, has ADHD. 
At a DAN! conference 53.7% of the mothers present who had ASD children were 
Rh negative. Other studies show 37% of ASD children have Rh-neg. mothers, 
although the incidence of RH neg. is estimated at only 3% to 7% of the female 
In the past, RH-neg. mothers were not given the RhoGAM shot until after the 
baby was born, but now RH neg. mothers often receive the shot between the 16th 
to 20th week. Most RH shots contain thimerosal.
— Donna

RhoGAM, a human gamma globulin, is administered against the Rh positive 
factor of blood; it is gi