Hello all,
I'm reading a wonderful book, "Spirituality and Mental Health Breakthrough" edited by Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan.
Phil and Poppy are a great couple. Phil was a professor of mental health nursing and Poppy a social worker.  They often come to Australia and talk about mental health issues as 'spiritual emergencies' - which appeals to me no end.  Phil has little round glasses, a long beard and a long pigtail, wears black, has rainbow socks and red clogs and speaks with a delightful Scottish accent.  Totally delightful and totally respectful and kind about our humanity, in whatever form it takes.
I'm reading a chapter by a David Brandon, a professor of community care about "meaning".  He writes:
"At the basis of all healing, for which we are simply a vehicle, is increasing self-awareness and compassion towards others. Nothing very special. This asks that we are increasingly gentle with ourselves and with others; that we recognise in our hearts our connectedness; that we surrender our different images of perfection as a deluded measure of the world and see it with honesty and love. As Sawaki Roshi commented: 'everybody is in his own dream. The discrepencies that exist between the dreams are the problem".
Or perhaps those discrepencies are the flashpoints, the point of paradox where all change is possible?
Pax, Carolyn (Hastie)
Phone: +61 2 43893919
PO Box 5405 Chittaway Bay, NSW 2261
"As a single footstep will not make a path in the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over again the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives"
Henry David Thoreau

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