-----Original Message-----
From:   Marina Begolo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, February 04, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject:        Correction: Alternative birth options in Brisbane

Joy, please pass this on for me. Thanks, Marina
Hi all,

I will pass this via a third party as the viruses emmanting from the list 
come thick and fast after each direct contribution and fill my mailbox with 
There is a birth centre at the Royal Women's Hospital;  a Community 
Midwifery Scheme at the mater Mothers Hospital, and a homebirth practice 
available in Brisbane. Boothville closed years ago. There are also private 
hospitals in outer suburbs (though not "alternative").

"If you want to change the world, begin with changing yourself..."
Marina Begolo 2001

Isn't there a birth centre attached to the Royal Women's in Brisbane? Julie 
Lawson used to be the manager of the unit - don't know if she still is.The 
Friends of the Birth Centre have a website:
There is also the Home Midwifery Association in Brisbane who may have more
info on choices available. Their telephone number is 07 3839 5883
Another source of info may be Childbirth Education Brisbane - tel. 3359 
I think also the Boothville Maternity Hospital is staffed by midwives and 
offers an alternative to the typical obstetrics model.
Nikki Macfarlane

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