RE: Finally - cord cutting and clamping

2002-03-21 Thread Johnston

I have been watching from some distance as this thread has been discussed, 
and think your reflective response today, Maralyn, is very good.

We need to try to understand what is actually happening, rather than 
necessarily what we were taught to do. The little motto, In normal birth 
there should be a valid reason to interfere with the natural process (WHO 
Care in Normal Birth 1996) should be a guiding principle.

I'm not sure if there is a consensus on what constitutes the gold standard 
for active management of S3 (eg when the oxytocic is administered, when the 
cord is clamped, if the blood is drained from the maternal end of the 
severed cord c).  We had a discussion on this list some time ago about 
what physiological S3 is, and it seems that there are many variations.

Midwives attending homebirths seem to have a great variety of 'management' 
practices too. (M Odent says Don't manage third stage).   My practice is 
to attempt to maintain an unstimulating and calm atmosphere in the room in 
the minutes immediately after the birth, and trust mother nature (/hormones 
/physiology) to get on with the marvellous job of completion.  I encourage 
folk to wait until S3 is completed before they make phone calls, and if 
there are photos, they need to be done quietly.  If a woman gave birth in 
water, we usually wait 5-10 minutes as an initial rest and recovery period, 
then have a warm supported chair or bed in the same room so that she can 
give her full attention to the baby.  I don't encourage remaining in the 
water for the birthing of the placenta.  Often standing up to get out of 
the tub gives the woman a feeling of fullness, and she can pop her placenta 
out.  Staying in the same room is important to me, as I think moving to a 
different space can impede progress. This all may seem pretty prescriptive 
- it's not fixed in concrete, but it makes sense to me, as a mother and a 

I think the first 30 minutes or so are crucial, and I watch the woman and 
baby without engaging her in eye contact or conversation, and try to make 
sure they are warm and comfortable.  I don't check cord pulsation.  Some 
women are weary, or not able to move immediately into the completion phase. 
 Peaceful quiet seems to allow them to rest, until they are ready to pay a 
lot of attention to baby, or want to move.  Often they say I'll stand up 
now, and the placenta will come.  Of course it's nice for everyone if this 
happens in the first hour, but I have not had any problem with waiting 
longer.  Sometimes I think birth of the placenta is like a second birth - 
as though there needs to be a series of contractions, dilation of the 
cervix, and an expulsive effort.

I used to worry about physiological S3 when I needed to collect cord blood 
from the babies of Rh negative mothers.  But I have found that a very small 
amount of cord blood taken from the vessels on the fetal side of the 
placenta is adequate.

Women usually report less blood loss in the hours after the birth when they 
have birthed their placentas naturally.  I expect to see between 100-400ml 
blood loss with the placenta.

'twill have to do for now.  Happy birthings.  Joy Johnston

-Original Message-
Sent:   Thursday, March 21, 2002 6:51 AM
Subject:Re: RE: Finally

Thank you all for your responses to my question. I too like to leave the
maternal end of the cord unclamped, although as a student I had some 
ask me to reclamp it as they wanted to know where the blood being lost was
coming from.  On thinking about the responses I would like to venture that
the concern about the baby getting extra blood has been also raised in
discussions of physiologic third stage and I think Lois's response is right 
on the money: it depends on the position of the baby in relation to the mum 
how much extra blood the baby is getting. Regarding the stronger 
causing more blood being pumped to the baby, I don't think it works this 
for these reasons: 1. The baby's heart is pumping the blood, not the 
2. When you augment or induce a woman in labour and if her uterus 
hyperstimulation, then the baby may receive less blood not more resulting 
fetal distress. 3. The intent of the oxytocic in third stage is to schear 
placenta off the uterine wall with the increased contractions constricting
the uterine capillaries, if anything perhaps the stronger uterine
contractions would restrict the amount of residual placental blood 
to the baby.  4. My original concern about the oxytocic crossing the 
to the baby also seems to be mute if what I just wrote is in someway 
 Bottom line is I still feel like I am guessing about this.

The question came up when as a student the mum I was caring for had agreed 
having third stage actively managed (she had had a long labour: tired
uterus), but she 

Re: RE: Finally - cord cutting and clamping

2002-03-21 Thread Kleimar

Dear Joy...

Thanks for your information. How you describe your management of third stage 
is very similar to what we do in Seattle;  basically we are hands off until 
after the placenta has delivered, and the cord is never cut routinely before 
it has stopped pulsing. So, that is why when faced with active management of 
third stage is was pretty much do it as it is described in the protocol. And 
there seemed to be such an urgency about getting that cord cut as soon as the 
oxytocic was given. I have a passion for physiology so I want to know what 
this urgency is all about. At this point I am thinking it is habit.

I have read Michel Odent's The Scientification of Love and found it a quick 
and informative read. I think it is a very interesting question that has been 
raised regarding the incidence of PPD and administration of oxytocics at any 
stage during labour. One thing I came across when doing some research on 
postpartum haemorrhage (and I can't remember the citation, unfortunately) was 
a small study done (I think in UK) with only about 100 women, where the 
researchers measured the levels of naturally occurring oxytocin in women 
postpartum following a spontaneous birth. There was quite a range. They were 
looking for at least an association with oxytocin concentration and incidence 
of PPH. They did find one: low levels greater chance of PPH but, if I 
remember correctly, it wasn't significant. I will try to find it again on 
Pubmed. I was then reading an article in Scientific American by Roger Smith, 
where he was looking at the hormonal orchestration of labour. I was struck by 
the work done on oxytocin receptors in uterine muscle, not only the number of 
receptors but when they become receptive to oxytocin and what turns them off. 
 As usual it seems the more we find out the more questions arise. Just 
thinking about it, I am wondering if there could also be a link/association 
between either lower natural oxytocin production, lower number of oxytocin 
receptors, induction and/or augmentation of labour, and post partum 
depression. Of course finding oxytocin receptors on a woman's cells would be 
an invasive procedure: much of the research for Smith's article had been done 
on sheep. I am just prattling on. I just find it all incredibly interesting.
love, marilyn
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Re: Finally - cord cutting and clamping

2002-03-21 Thread jireland

I found the management of 3rd stage my greatest challenge when I became a
MIPP. The management of labour was always clear as a midwife I held the
space as the journey evolved  and the baby was born then I developed all
these scenarios for 3rd stage basically wait and see unless time and
bleeding interjected I was always relieved when the placenta was delivered .
Now I'm an observer of the third stage  and intuitvley act /not act
depending on whats happening. [ie same as therest of birth.
What cured my anxiety? I shared my anxiety re 3s with another MIPP J enny
Parret she said you have forgotten  the 3rd stage is part of the birth treat
it the same as the rest and now I do.
My advice ,
love Jan
- Original Message -
From: Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:29 PM
Subject: RE: Finally - cord cutting and clamping

 I have been watching from some distance as this thread has been discussed,
 and think your reflective response today, Maralyn, is very good.

 We need to try to understand what is actually happening, rather than
 necessarily what we were taught to do. The little motto, In normal birth
 there should be a valid reason to interfere with the natural process (WHO
 Care in Normal Birth 1996) should be a guiding principle.

 I'm not sure if there is a consensus on what constitutes the gold standard
 for active management of S3 (eg when the oxytocic is administered, when
 cord is clamped, if the blood is drained from the maternal end of the
 severed cord c).  We had a discussion on this list some time ago about
 what physiological S3 is, and it seems that there are many variations.

 Midwives attending homebirths seem to have a great variety of 'management'
 practices too. (M Odent says Don't manage third stage).   My practice is
 to attempt to maintain an unstimulating and calm atmosphere in the room in
 the minutes immediately after the birth, and trust mother nature
 /physiology) to get on with the marvellous job of completion.  I encourage
 folk to wait until S3 is completed before they make phone calls, and if
 there are photos, they need to be done quietly.  If a woman gave birth in
 water, we usually wait 5-10 minutes as an initial rest and recovery
 then have a warm supported chair or bed in the same room so that she can
 give her full attention to the baby.  I don't encourage remaining in the
 water for the birthing of the placenta.  Often standing up to get out of
 the tub gives the woman a feeling of fullness, and she can pop her
 out.  Staying in the same room is important to me, as I think moving to a
 different space can impede progress. This all may seem pretty prescriptive
 - it's not fixed in concrete, but it makes sense to me, as a mother and a

 I think the first 30 minutes or so are crucial, and I watch the woman and
 baby without engaging her in eye contact or conversation, and try to make
 sure they are warm and comfortable.  I don't check cord pulsation.  Some
 women are weary, or not able to move immediately into the completion
  Peaceful quiet seems to allow them to rest, until they are ready to pay a
 lot of attention to baby, or want to move.  Often they say I'll stand up
 now, and the placenta will come.  Of course it's nice for everyone if
 happens in the first hour, but I have not had any problem with waiting
 longer.  Sometimes I think birth of the placenta is like a second birth -
 as though there needs to be a series of contractions, dilation of the
 cervix, and an expulsive effort.

 I used to worry about physiological S3 when I needed to collect cord blood
 from the babies of Rh negative mothers.  But I have found that a very
 amount of cord blood taken from the vessels on the fetal side of the
 placenta is adequate.

 Women usually report less blood loss in the hours after the birth when
 have birthed their placentas naturally.  I expect to see between 100-400ml
 blood loss with the placenta.

 'twill have to do for now.  Happy birthings.  Joy Johnston

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 6:51 AM
 Subject: Re: RE: Finally

 Thank you all for your responses to my question. I too like to leave the
 maternal end of the cord unclamped, although as a student I had some
 ask me to reclamp it as they wanted to know where the blood being lost was
 coming from.  On thinking about the responses I would like to venture that
 the concern about the baby getting extra blood has been also raised in
 discussions of physiologic third stage and I think Lois's response is
 on the money: it depends on the position of the baby in relation to the
 how much extra blood the baby is getting. Regarding the stronger
 causing more blood being pumped