Several people have asked me if the midwifery campaign has posters that 
express the goal of a known midwife and choice of place of birth.

We don't, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making up their own.

My suggestion is that anyone who has the computer capacity and know-how (or 
children/friends/partner) should make up posters (A4 pages can be 
enlarged).  The posters should have a simple message such as a quote from a 
woman as to why she chose to plan homebirth.
"I chose homebirth because ..."
Here are a couple of examples:

"I chose homebirth because I want safety for myself and my baby."
"I chose homebirth because giving birth is one of the most intimate and 
important acts I will ever engage in."
national homebirth awareness week
25-31 October
[insert your local homebirth/maternity group's contact number]

If you like this idea, and are able to make up some posters, please 
consider sharing your ideas via this list.  Some people who can't do it for 
themselves may want to have copies made and posted to them, so you would 
need to set a fee to cover your costs.  Also some might be prepared to 
share photos.  Some of the photos on my website would be suitable, and the 
women would agree - I'll have to go through them.

Not much time to get this organised, but it is do-able.
Happy poster-making
Joy Johnston
25 Eley Rd  Blackburn South Vic  3130
Tel:    03 9808 9614
Fax:    03 9808 3611
M:      04111 90448

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