[Please forward]
The question of responding to the DHS phone-in for the Women's Health and 
Wellbeing Strategy has been on my mind.  How can anyone contribute in a way 
that will be useful? This was discussed at the midwifery discussion group 
last night.

The answer is that we all need to respond, and by responding in a 
coordinated and organised way, we will strengthen our voice. Getting 
recognised as a strategy for women's health and wellbeing in this 
discussion paper is only one of many actions that need to be taken.  By 
getting the COMMUNITY MIDWIFERY option identified as a strategic direction 
that the community really wants (ie lots of people say it, in their own 
words) we can then use the strategy to support further lobbying.

It's not just a matter of what you personally would like to be able to do 
when you have a baby, or even what's available locally where you are.  The 
maternity services in Victoria are patchy and fragmented - not good! There 
are little projects that get funded for a couple of years then get derailed 
for lots of reasons. The problem that needs to be addressed is that our 
current health funding for mainstream services does not support women who 
want community based midwifery, with a primary care midwife who has access 
to the specialist public hospital services when required, which is arguably 
the safest, most cost effective option for well women. We are not asking 
for more funding - just for access to what's there.

Remember that as an organisation Maternity Coalition is committed to 
lobbying for reform of maternity services.  Not a small task.  The choice 
of 'what's best for me' should belong to the consumer of the service, not 
the provider - which is the current situation, and why reform is needed. 
 If a woman happens to work out that she would like to have a *known* 
midwife attending her for perhaps the most demanding and intense activity 
she has ever engaged in [ie giving birth and becoming a mother], the ONLY 
way she can get that in the current system is NOT to use the system. 
 [Unless she happens to get into one of the rare caseload programs that are 
here today, and ? tomorrow]  She has to find her own midwife, and give 
birth in the only place she has control over, which is her home.  That's a 
great option, but it should NOT be the only option, and it should NOT have 
a price tag attached, and should NOT be removed at the whim of insurance 

The community does want this strategy in place.  Maternity Coalition is 
nearing its goal of 10 THOUSAND SIGNATURES on the Midwifery Campaign 

I hope this little pep talk encourages a lot of people to respond to this 
particular phone in.
Joy Johnston

The details of the inquiry are:
Ms Deb Pietsch on (03) 96168611 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ms Rachael Green on (03) 96168030 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Victorian Government is putting together a Women's Health and Wellbeing 
Strategy, which aims to:
* Improve the health and wellbeing of women, particularly those most at 
* Provide a policy framework for planning, funding and delivery of services 
to women in relation to their health and wellbeing

A Discussion paper has been developed, outlining key issues facing 
Victorian women, and proposed action areas and strategies to respond to 
We are keen to hear what you have to say about the Discussion Paper, and 
this PHONE IN is another opportunity for you to tell us what you think.
Please call on (03) 9616 7380:
Friday 8 February 2002 between 10am to 7pm Saturday 9 February 2002 between 
10am to 5pm (the cost to rural callers will be considered, with the option 
of call back)
For further information about the Strategy or for a copy of the Discussion
Paper, call
Ms Deb Pietsch on (03) 96168611 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ms Rachael Green on (03) 96168030 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or access the website www.women.vic.gov.au

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