[P2P-F] Fwd: 📄 "The commons-based international Food Treaty: a legal architecture to sustain the transition" by Jose Luis Vivero Pol

2020-12-08 Thread Michel Bauwens
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From: PDF By Jose Luis Vivero Pol 
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 12:16 PM
Subject: 📄 "The commons-based international Food Treaty: a legal
architecture to sustain the transition" by Jose Luis Vivero Pol

[image: Academia.edu] 

>From your Reading History:
The commons-based international Food Treaty: a legal architecture to
sustain the transition

[image: Paper Thumbnail]

[image: Author Photo] Jose Luis Vivero Pol

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Hunger is needlessly killing millions of our fellow humans, including 3.1
million young children every year, condemning many others to life-long
exposure to illness and social exclusion. With the dominant no money-no
food rationality, hunger still prevails in a world of abundance. This paper
argues this narrative...

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[P2P-F] Fwd: [r3.0 Newsletter] UNRISD Sustainability Indicators Piloting Project Kicks Off

2020-12-08 Thread Michel Bauwens
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From: r3.0 
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 5:14 PM
Subject: [r3.0 Newsletter] UNRISD Sustainability Indicators Piloting
Project Kicks Off
To: Michel Bauwens 

And the Educational Transformation Blueprint Working Group is filling up in
preparation for kicking off.
View this email in your browser

*Dear Michel,  *

We've made it to December, the 36th month of the longest year in history!
;-) We at r3.0 have been busy "making hay," as they say. As you'll see in
this newsletter, we're ending the year with a bang (and we've still got one
more major announcement pending, in our last newsletter of the year, coming
in a couple of weeks.)

The big news now is the kickoff of the UNRISD  / r3.0 Sustainable
Development Performance Indicators Piloting Project. With the Kickoff
Meeting mid-month and the Training early in the new year, now is the time
to claim one of the last remaining seats in this pioneering project!

Likewise, the time is now to join the *Educational Transformation Blueprint*
Working Group, which has grown to over 20 members.

Finally, we're reconstituting our Steering Board, and are glad to announce
two new additions, with more coming in future newsletters. We also have a
slew of new Advocation Partners joining our ever-expanding network!

The Bullets:

   - *UNRISD Indicators Pilot Project Kickoff *
   - *Last Call to Join Educational Transformation Blueprint Working Group *
   - *New r3.0 Steering Board Members*
   - *New Advocation Partners   *

Stay safe as you enjoy this holiday season!

*The r3.0 Operations Team*
*Alexandra, Bill, Cleophea, Peter & Ralph*
UNRISD Sustainability Indicators Piloting Kickoff

r3.0 is partnering with the United Nations Research Institute for Social
Development (UNRISD) to manage the project for piloting a new set of
Sustainable Development Performance Indicators (see here

for more information). The one-hour *Kickoff Meeting* is scheduled for
16*, teeing up the *Training *for four 1/2 days on *January 7/8/13/14*.

The training cohort is 3/4 filled, with confirmations from 12 Social &
Solidarity Economy Organizations & Enterprises (SSEOEs -- including Cabot
Creamery Cooperative

 and Laboral Kutxa Cooperative Bank

well as other Mondragon coops) and 6 For-Profit Enterprises (FPEs --
including GLS Bank
and SK Telecom
among others).

It's not too late to join! If you'd like to fill one of the last open
seats, *please reach out to Bill

and/or Ralph
. *

For background information on the project, see this *article
the one-hour *video
 and *presentation deck
our informational webinar, as well as this *summary of the indicators
Last Call to Join the Educational Transformation Blueprint Working Group

With over 20 members already, the *Educational Transformation Blueprint*

Working Group is filling up, so this is our last call for members.

To throw your name in the hat,* please reach out to Bill

and/or Ralph
with an expression of interest that includes your credentials and

For background on the project, see the Keynote

by Lead Author Anneloes Smitsman from the r3.0 Conference, and the Breakout

where Co-Author J

[P2P-F] Fwd: [bgcon] SILENT WORKS · Winter School · Projects · Online Now!

2020-12-08 Thread Michel Bauwens
-- Forwarded message -
From: Krystian Woznicki 
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 5:02 PM
Subject: [bgcon] SILENT WORKS · Winter School · Projects · Online Now!


undoubtedly the heart of the SILENT WORKS conference, five workshops
brought activists, researchers, and cultural workers from more than 20
countries together. To tackle the hidden labor in AI-capitalism, the
workshops took five different approaches: AAI; CAPTCHA Factory; Dull,
Dangerous + Dirty; Logistical Noir; and Invisible Organization.

Using Big Blue Button, an open source alternative to corporate ‘data
surveillance’ tools like Zoom, participants of the three-day online
workshops (November 12-14) were invited to come up with cooperative
projects. The workshop projects are now available as online resources
and include multimedia stories and utopian scenarios. Please check out
the projects by scrolling down.

The term Artificial Artificial Intelligence (AAI) is intended to shed
light on the fact that AI only appears to work autonomously. In reality,
human labor is required to create this magical appearance of
technological autonomy. For this purpose, millions of micro tasks are
distributed to workers via platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Their flexible ‘daily work’ impels one to think about the future of
labor as such. Is a liberation from rigid structures under way, or are
new forms of instrumentalization and control emerging?

Felix Diefenhardt, Aslı Dinç, Gosia Jagiello, Holger Kral, Nelli
Kambouri, Katrin KĂ€mpf, Aude Launay, Darija Medic, Shintaro Miyazaki,
Felix Nickel, Andreas Schneider, Catherine Sotirakou, Mira Wallis, and
Jutta Weber looked for answers to this question. The resulting workshop
projects are bundled under the title “The Hidden Human Labor Behind AI.”


*CAPTCHA Factory*
It has become a daily routine that users of ‘free web services’ have to
identify themselves as human beings. You are tested as to whether you
are not a bot by being asked to identify hardly legible words (e.g.
“type the letters above”), blurred pictures (e.g. “select all squares
with traffic lights”) or faces (e.g. “identify these people”). Such a
“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans
Apart” (CAPTCHA) silently enables the outsourcing of tasks that AI
cannot yet do (well enough).

Jose Miguel Calatayud, GĂ©raldine Delacroix, Monisha Caroline Martins,
Julia Molin, Rebecca Puchta, Lira Ramadani, André Rebentisch, Sotiris
Sideris, and Cagri Taskin responded to this practically uncontested
regime of labor with a project entitled “I Swear, I am not a Robot!” and
– in French translation – entitled “Plaidoyer pour des captchas Ă©thiques.”


*Dull, Dangerous + Dirty*
One hundred years ago, robots were supposed to take over jobs from
humans that were considered dull, dangerous, and dirty. However,
automation during the industrial revolution did not accomplish this
promise; until the present day, humans are doing “inhuman labor” –
either because machines require their assistance (even to the degree
that humans become an integral part of a machine’s mechanism) or because
humans are still cheaper and more efficient than costly and
maintenance-intensive machines. How will this situation look twenty
years from now?

Sana Ahmad, Desmond Alugnoa, Sabrina Apitz, Miriam Arentz, Susanne
Braun, Masha Burina, Kerstin Guhlemann, Friederike Habermann, hvale,
Kevin Rittberger, Martina Staneva, and Dzina Zhuk responded to this
question with a movie pitch, asking in return “What if Invisibilized
Workers Reclaimed the Future?”


*Logistical Noir*
AI-savvy companies are expanding their logistical networks into every
corner of the world. Increasingly, they rely on their employees to
become assistants of intelligent machines that keep immaterial and
material products, goods, and resources moving – like workers at Amazon
warehouses who are subjected to the instructions of self-learning
algorithms. In this context, possible futures of work are negotiated
through new forms of refusal to work (loosely based on the motto: I am
not a robot!). Which labor struggles bring light into logistical noir?

Jochen Becker, NiccolĂČ Cuppini, RĂ©gine Debatty, Katharina Höne, Ela
Kagel, Tanja Krone, Jacopo Ottaviani, Oliver Lerone Schultz, Juliane
Rettschlag, Gabriele Schliwa, Nicolay Spesivtsev, and Mathana Stender
looked for answers to this question. One of the resulting workshop
projects is entitled “They Don’t Give You Tips Anymore.”


*Invisible Organization*