---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: FOSSASIA <i...@fossasia.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Call for Speakers & Projects: FOSSASIA Summit 2021, March 13-21
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

Dear Friend of FOSSASIA,

We are excited to announce that the FOSSASIA Summit 2021
will take place ONLINE this year. The event will spread out over the week
of March 13 - 21 and will run on our own open source virtual event platform

We would love to see you at the summit. Get your ticket here

Speakers interested to submit an online live talk, panel or workshop
please propose
your session
4th February (soft deadline).

At the event we are connecting local hubs, makerspaces, clubs and
university IT groups across Asia. Please fill in this form
become a community hub partner.

We would like to thank our contributors and sponsors including Oracle,
MySQL, Keysight, Linux Professional Institute, Elasticsearch, Cloud Native
Computing Foundation and Lifelong Learning Institute Singapore for their
support. If you would like to become a virtual exhibitor or sponsor please
contact us through the event site.

All the best, stay safe and healthy,



FOSSASIA Summit 2021 Call for Speakers

The current situation around the world shows us that open global
collaboration is the way to solve the problems of our time. Now we would
like you to share your hands-on examples at the FOSSASIA Summit Online of
topics such as how to:

   - Take on the fight against COVID-19 with open health technologies
   - Solve everyday problems with AI
   - Tackle climate change with an open source approach
   - Create open hardware solutions for science and biohacking
   - Run DevOps in a distributed team in home office
   - Implement continuous delivery and sovereign cloud stacks with diverse
   - Establish a friendly, welcoming and collaborative project culture
   - Ensure digital sovereignty and independent data governance
   - Get privacy and security right
   - Customize Linux for lightweight hardware and special use cases
   - And what are best practices for open access education

.. and many more topics about Databases, Web and Mobile Technologies,
Robotics, and Compliance. Please find the complete list of tracks on the event
site and submit your proposal

We are looking forward to inspiring sessions.

*Important Dates*

   - CFS soft deadline: 4 February 2021 (submissions receive priority)
   - Late submission cut off date: 11 February 2021
   - Event dates: 13 - 21 March 2021

Other Activities at FOSSASIA

*Welcome the Visdom Data Visualisation Project at FOSSASIA Now under Apache
2.0 Open Source License*

We are excited to welcome the Visdom project
at FOSSASIA. The project has been transitioned from Facebook AI Research to
the FOSSASIA organization. As part of this transition it has been
relicensed to the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.

Visdom is a flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing
visualizations of live, rich data. It aims to facilitate visualization of
(remote) data with an emphasis on supporting scientific experimentation.

It supports PyTorch and Numpy and is used by more than 3000 projects and
organizations including Facebook, Google, iPERDance, Catalyst,
Huawei, Neural Voice Puppetry, Lip2Wav, Ignite, QData TextAttack, Svip lab
Impersonator, ML-tooling, Commaai OpenPilot, CorentinJ Real Time Voice
Cloning,  BicycleGAN, Deepspeech Pytorch and Pytorch Book. Read more on our

*Internships for Python / Javascript Developers*

As a FOSSASIA intern working on eventyay
you’ll collaborate together with our team to develop the Open Event project
that runs the eventyay website. We use Flask as a backend and Javascript as
a frontend technology. The team follows our best practices and uses scrum
emails for the daily standup and Gitter for chat communication. Please find
more information here

*Codeheat Coding Contests Continues to the Next Period after First Winners
Were Announced*

The Codeheat coding contest continues until June 2021. After each period of
two months, the winners are announced. Find our first grand prize winners
and finalists listed on the website
We support participants onboarding through Q&A online sessions
Please join us now at codeheat.org

[image: FOSSASIA 2016 Singapore Science Center]
OpenTechSummit March 2021 Online from Singapore

* The FOSSASIA Summit 2021 will take place from March 13 - 21 as a virtual

*Upcoming Events*

Codeheat "Ask Me Anything"
(Virtual Event) February 11, 2021

Codeheat "Ask Me Anything"
(Virtual Event) March 4, 2021

Online from Singapore, March 13-21, 2021

Codeheat "Ask Me Anything"
(Virtual Event) April 8, 2021

Codeheat "Ask Me Anything"
(Virtual Event) May 6, 2021

OpenTechSummit Europe
Online from Berlin, May 17-21, 2021


More info on FOSSASIA at the Website

Read about our activities on the FOSSASIA Blog

Become a member in our GitHub organization

Follow us on Twitter

Talk to us on Gitter

 [image: Github]
 [image: LinkedIn]

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 [image: YouTube]
 [image: Twitter]

*[image: Creative Commons License]
Email licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License

This email was sent to michelsub2...@gmail.com. You indicated to the
FOSSASIA team that you are interested in receiving updates on our
activities or you signed up for this list on our website at fossasia.org

Our mailing address is:

12 Eu Tong Sen Street #08-169
Singapore 059819

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Discuss: http://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation

Updates: ; http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Curation of news on p2p/commons developments:
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
Wiki - http://www.p2pfoundation.net

Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by making 
a donation. Thank you for your support.


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