---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stefan Meretz via Commoning <common...@lists.commons-institut.org>
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 2:26 PM
Subject: [commoning] Workshop »Envisioning Post-Capitalist Societies via
To: Commoning <common...@lists.commons-institut.org>

Dear all.

On February, 18th/19th, 2021, the project „Society after Money“ is
holding a workshop online: „Envisioning Post-Capitalist Societies via
Simulation – Critique, Utopias and Agent Based Modelling“.

How might a post-capitalist society look like? How can we conceive modes
of production and coordination that no longer rely on money, markets and
the state? Is this possible on a large-scale, not only as small
community projects, but society-wide?

The interdisciplinary research group „Society after Money“ (funded by
the Volkswagen Foundation), whose goal is to build an Agent Based Model
of a post-capitalist economy that can serve as a laboratory to foster
thinking about a society after money via experimentation, has invited
scholars from respective fields to debate the nexus of critique, utopia
and simulation.

Find more informations on the project’s website:

Start here: www.meretz.de
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