---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Haupt from Society 4.0 <society4=
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49 PM
Subject: recognising your valuable work
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

Michel, your work with P2P Foundation has earned you a place on the Map of
Emergence - woo hoo! Details inside >>>
[image: society4-logo-wide]
You're on the map!
[image: Society 4.0 Map]

Michel, we've started mapping the emerging regenerative society.

You're one of the 300 inaugural innovators to earn a place on the first
iteration of the map.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the work you're doing at P2P Foundation!
Data, Graphs & More
[image: Society 4.0 Areas of Specialty]
Areas of Expertise

Each innovator has been categorised, based on the work they do. There are
13 categories currently. We've got you down as specialising in 03. Commons,
Communities & Governance.
[image: countries]
Country & City Data

It's fascinating to see where in the world the Regenerative Renaissance is
taking shape. We believe you're in Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Your Data

We've manually collated data from public sources, social media platforms
and sites like https://p2pfoundation.net/ and
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mbauwens/. While we've been ultra-careful,
mistakes (and outdated data) sometimes creep in. You can see (and correct
if necessary) your data by clicking the button below.

This link is unique to you - please don't share!
What's Next?

We're excited about the big plans we have for the coming months! This
includes making people and projects in the Global South more visible. Very
soon we'll be able to scale to hundreds of thousands and then millions of
people ready and waiting for the Emerging Paradigm. We'll keep you updated,
unless you'd prefer not to be part of this. There are links to manage
and/or delete your details at the bottom of this email. Questions?

Thanks again for the work you do on behalf of humanity, Michel, and welcome
aboard the Society 4.0 map!

Blessings from Cape Town, South Africa


More questions? Feedback?

Simply reply to this email. A real person will receive it and reply.

Society 4.0, Emerging on Every Street, in Every City, in Every Country,


*A note about privacy and your data*

We take privacy and the management of your data very, very seriously. With
your consent, we process your personal data for the following purposes:

   - Your email address is used to manage your entry on the Society 4.0 Map
   i.e. your email address is the 'key' to your data;
   - Your physical address (which can be fictitious if you prefer) is used
   to place a marker for you on the Society 4.0 Map.
   - Your email address is processed by the Hubspot Newsletter Management
   Service to send occasional updates on the progress of Society 4.0. *Your
   email address will never be used for marketing purposes. Ever.*

You can withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawal will result in your
data no longer being processed for the above purposes from that time on. To
withdraw your consent, click on the Manage my Preferences link at the
bottom of every email we send and select Delete Account. Alternatively,
please contact Michael Haupt

Your data will not be disclosed to other third parties. Ever. We do not
track your website visits for marketing purposes. Ever.

Basically, you have the right to access, rectification, erasure,
restriction, data portability and to object about our use of your data. Contact

If you believe that the processing of your data contravenes data-protection
law or your legal claim to protection of your data has been violated in
some other way, and you have communicated this to us and not received a
meaningful response, you can register a complaint with the supervisory
authorities in your country.

Our full Privacy Policy can be found here

Send free email today
[image: HubSpot]

P2P Foundation: http://wiki.p2pfoundation.net <http://p2pfoundation.net>  -

Discuss: http://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation

Updates: ; http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Curation of news on p2p/commons developments:
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
Wiki - http://www.p2pfoundation.net

Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by making 
a donation. Thank you for your support.


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