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From: r3.0 <he...@r3-0.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 7:58 PM
Subject: [r3.0 Newsletter] RIP Steering Board Member Brendan LeBlanc /
Multicapitalism White Paper Released
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

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*Dear Michel,   *

Just when we thought 2020 couldn't take anything more from us, we get news
that it has shuffled off the mortal coil of our beloved Steering Board
Member Brendan LeBlanc. Our sadness is compounded by the intense irony that
he passed away only a week before we now release our first White Paper, *From
Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism: 21st Century System Value Creation, *which
he played an instrumental role in seeding. We consider this White Paper a
gift to Brendan's memory, and a holiday gift to you, our community.

This season also invites reflections on the year past and the year to come,
so we bring you our latest Medium article, which reviews 2020 and previews

Since the last newsletter earlier this month, we kicked off the Thresholds
of Transformation Project to pilot test the UNRISD Sustainable Development
Performance Indicators, and we have a few final slots remaining for this
Project before the training in early January.

Our ecosystem of Partners have been very active in recent weeks, so this
newsletter documents r3.0-related activity by Academic Alliance Member
Delphine Gibassier and Advocation Partners Daniel Christian Wahl and Mark

Finally, we add one new Steering Board Member and one new Advocation
Partner. Now, the bullets:

   - *RIP Steering Board Member Brendan LeBlanc *
   - *Multicapitalism White Paper Released *
   - *r3.0 2020 Reveiw / 2021 Preview *
   - *UNRISD Thresholds of Transformation Pilot Project Kickoff *
   - *Partner News *
   - *New Steering Board Member & Advocation Partner*

We wish you all a relaxing, connective, and safe holiday season!

*The r3.0 Operations Team*
*Alexandra, Bill, Cleophea, Peter & Ralph*
RIP Steering Board Member Brendan LeBlanc

As you can see from these pictures with Bill & Ralph, Brendan was a
consummate joker whose humor slyly invited us to laugh at our humanity --
both our shortcomings and our potential. Here's how we memorialized Brendan
in the dedication to the *Multicapitalism*White Paper:

*Dedicated to Brendan LeBlanc, who passed away unexpectedly just before
this White Paper was released. Brendan was a close friend and colleague who
we remember for his keen intelligence and wicked good sense of humor. As a
r3.0 Steering Board Member, he championed this White Paper in particular
(you wouldn’t have it in your hands now without Brendan’s tireless
advocacy) and the work of r3.0 more broadly — particularly our work on
Sustainability Context and the Carrying Capacities of the Capitals.
Brendan’s fingerprints are all over the famous Paragraph 58 in the
International Integrated Reporting Council’s Background Paper on Value
which integrates carrying capacity and thresholds & allocations
prominently, and we remember him for his most memorable quote: “The only
thing more dangerous than no progress is the illusion of progress.”
ultimately, we remember Brendan for the deep belly laughter he inspired
every time we were together. The world is a much better place for his
having been here.*
Multicapitalism White Paper Released

"It's been a long time coming," writes Bill in the Author's Foreword
(quoting David Crosby
about this, our first White Paper: *From Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism:
21st Century System Value Creation*. More than three years, to be precise.
But we think it's worth the wait -- and hope you agree! The project started
as a partnership with the International Integrated Reporting Council; when
we delivered the final draft, they considered it an "important and
provocative paper."
*So provocative*, in fact, that IIRC recognized they would need to request
significant changes to be able to publish it under their name, and they
showed respect by refraining from asking us to dilute the message to
satisfy their more conservative base, and instead invited us to publish it

We believe this is an integral part of the story of this paper:
Multicapitalism, the concept conceived by our Advocation Partner Mark
McElroy (and his partner Martin Thomas) predicated on the fact that the
multiple capitals all have carrying capacities, is an inherently
provocative notion that challenges the core underpinnings of status quo
Monocapitalism, with its commitment to shareholder primacy, perpetual
growth, and privatization of value.

We believe that if political expedience requires us to disregard the
carrying capacities of the capitals, then we must reject this "political
world" (to quote Bob Dylan
as the White Paper does), and instead embrace the "material world" (more
like George Harrison's
 than Madonna's
that reconciles thermodynamic realities with ethical imperatives -- as this
Multicapitalism White Paper does. Enjoy
r3.0 2020 Review / 2021 Preview

We believe that, in retrospect, we will look back on 2020 as a pivotal
year, when the concept of  carrying capacity thresholds finally took hold
(almost a half-century after *Limits to Growth* popularized the idea, and
almost two decades after the Global Reporting Initiative codified it via
the Sustainability Context Principle.) Unfortunately, it took Covid-19,
with its "flatten the curve" meme (that embeds the dotted line of
healthcare system capacity), to finally drive the point home.

Read our full review of 2020 here
and see what we have to say about 2021!
UNRISD Thresholds of Transformation Pilot Project Kickoff

Last week, we launched the “Thresholds of Transformation” project
pilot testing the United Nations Research Institute for Social
Development’s Sustainable Development Performance Indicators (see here
our article on the project). More the 40 partners joined us from over 20
organizations in our Kickoff Meeting for piloting the Three Tiered set of
Indicators (Tier One = Incrementalist; Tier Two = Contextualized /
Thresholds-Based; Tier Three = Transformational).

There are still a few slots open in the project, for which the training
starts in early January, so please reach out to Bill
 and/or Ralph
you wish to reserve a seat at the table.
Partner News

r3.0 Academic Alliance Member Delphine Gibassier of Audencia Business
School prominently cited r3.0's Integral Materiality Process in her paper
for the French Government, *Materiality assessment: contribution to single
or double materiality debate
encourage you to read this excellent paper!
Speaking of Delphine, she directs a new Chief Value Officer MBA program
Audencia Business School where Bill and Ralph will be teaching the
Transformation Journey Program curriculum in 2022. See a video of Bill
discussing the Program and r3.0's course here
The Journal *Solutions, *which served as a Media Sponsor of the r3.0
Conference, has published an important article by r3.0 Advocation Partner
Mark McElroy and his MultiCapital Scorecard co-author Martin Thomas,
entitled "Time to Declare a Planetary Accounting Emergency."
& Thomas apply the MCS to 5 prominent companies to illustrate the strengths
of multicapital accounting, and the shortcomings of monocapital financial
r3.0 Advocation Partner Daniel Christian Wahl posted an article
Medium recently on Bioregional Regeneration that mentioned the Connecticut
River Valley Bioregional Collaborative
r3.0 is hosting in the northeast of the US, with Bill serving as the
co-convener. The Collaborative, which is part of Capital Institute's
Communities Network
is celebrating its one-year anniversary right about now!
New r3.0 Steering Board Member

*Will Szal*
*President of the Board of Regen Development, Inc. and of Regen Foundation*

*“r3.0 is the premier forum for discourse and research on the nestedness of
living systems; its frameworks enable nuanced understanding of how an
entity relates with its environment, a foundational capability in the 21st
New Advocation Partners

HumanYo+Impact is a boutique strategic design firm that aspires to
contribute and create a positive inflection point in the sustainable
development trajectory.
"What a great way to finish this special year ! By searching for a way to
disrupt the revenue model of our consulting business from hourly rate to
value-based pricing, I first discover the notion of Impact Evaluation with
our friends from MetaIntegral with MetaImpact Framework and then find
myself and our team involved in the cutting-edge innovation for the new
economy with r3.0 and the amazing network of Advocation Partners that I
proudly join today! Happy to change the world, together."

*Ghani Kolli Founder & CEO HumanYo+Impact*
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