---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The Fab Foundation <communicat...@fabfoundation.org>
Date: Wed, May 5, 2021 at 8:36 AM
Subject: 😎Join FAB16 this summer!
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

FAB16 is the 17th edition of the International conference in digital
fabrication of the Fab Lab Network, taking place this year in Montréal,

*FAB16 Montréal | Canada #Fabricating the Commons*
the annual international Fab Lab Network conference, brings members of the
Fab Lab community together with government representatives, academic
researchers and experts, to present, vision, explore, collaborate and
create across the fields of digital fabrication, manufacturing, technology
and innovation.

Under the theme *Fabricating the Commons*, the event will highlight Fab
Labs as a community of practice,  production and social
action through knowledge-sharing around tools, designs, innovative
processes and collaborative and distributed production. Fab Labs provide
resources and open knowledge for the common good, for the community,  for
the environment - engaging in collaborative, democratic,
participatory innovation. And participants in FAB16 will explore and
experience the transformative potential of fabricating the commons.

FAB16 attendees participate from more than 2000 Fab Labs across the world
and include: fabbers, makers, engineerings, eco-friendly designers,
artists, teachers, researchers, academics, experts from industry and more.
Throughout the week of *online and in-person* activities, attendees
can take part in this hybrid, distributed event. The conference will
offer hands-on workshops, talks by outstanding researchers and leaders, a
day of content-rich FAB-TV from the network, a festival of
making, all focussed on what our sustainable future looks like and how we
build that future together. The conference  culminates in the Fab City
Summit - three days during which we explore how to become locally
productive and globally connected cities and citizens.

*Visit our website
for all of the details you need regarding registration
and more! *


*Call for workshops!*

Under the theme #FabricatingTheCommons, FAB16
from August 9th to August 12th, 2021, is a hybrid and distributed event! We
welcome proposals from all over the world to engage in hands-on and
theoretical workshops! You can offer workshops to your local community
in-person, to the global community online, or perhaps a hybrid version of
both in-person and online from Montréal or from your home lab!

Fill out the form
to participate.


*Call for pre-recorded content!*

This year we have new formats of applications! Discover and participate
with pre-recorded content with FAB World, Fabercise, Fab Cinema and more

Present your pre-recorded content during FAB16 online! Discover and
participate with FAB World, Fabercise, Fab Cinema and more!

Fill out the form


*Get your ticket now!*

Be part of the largest conference on digital fabrication in the world!
FAB16 is a hybrid (online/in-person) and distributed event.

Pre-register for the *online event free* of charge today.

*We'll let you know the terms and conditions for in person participation
shortly! *

For any questions, contact us at *fa...@fabfoundation.org*

*Get your ticket now*

*Monday, August 9 *
Inauguration, FAB Symposium, Workshops

*Tuesday, August 10*
FAB Symposium, Academany graduation*, Workshops

*Wednesday, August 11*
FAB TV - A day of Broadcasting from around the world

*Thursday, August 12*
FAB Symposium, Workshops

*Friday, August 13*
Fab City Summit

*Saturday, August 14*
FAB Festival, Fab City Summit, Social events

*Sunday, August 15*

*Academany Graduation will take place over multiple days -TBD
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[image: YouTube]

Want to become one of our sponsors? Please contact us
<fab16@communautique.quebec> for more information!

 *This newsletter is produced by the Fab Foundation and FAB16 Montréal
under Creative Commons license: CC BY (Attribution)*
You are receiving this email because you belong to the #FabLabNetwork

*Our mailing address is:*
The Fab Foundation
50 Milk St Fl 16
Boston, MA 02109-5002

Add us to your address book

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You can update your preferences
or unsubscribe from this list

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Discuss: http://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation

Updates: ; http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Curation of news on p2p/commons developments:
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
Wiki - http://www.p2pfoundation.net

Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by making 
a donation. Thank you for your support.


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