---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Open Food Network Australia <he...@openfoodnetwork.org.au>
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 11:36 AM
Subject: Growing New Farmers report, work with us, why we need food
sovereignty, producers in the spotlight
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

Recommendations for overcoming challenges for young farmers, access
resources and events, and build your understanding of food systems.
New projects and new thinking to build a better food system
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We're in the midst of adding more than 15 people to our team, and it's
incredibly exciting - we can't wait to introduce you to the awesome people
who will be working on regional food systems!

Read on for:

   - the *Regeneration - Growing New Farmers* report released by Farmer
   Incubator and Young Farmers Connect
   - a spotlight on two producers using our software platform who are doing
   exciting things
   - why we need food, tech and data sovereignty
   - software support over the Easter holidays
   - the software release of the month
   - volunteering and other opportunities to be part of the restoration
   from bushfires

*Growing New Farmers*
*New report published*

Farmer Incubator and Young Farmers Connect have just released *Regeneration
- Growing New Farmers*

The report shares the unique challenges new and young farmers face getting
started as they attempt to farm regeneratively, address food and land
justice, gain entry into the value chain and become viable.

Find out what you can do to help address these challenges, with
recommendations for everyone from food citizens to policy makers.

Watch the report launch presentation and panel discussion recording here

We're proud to have provided strategic advice and oversight on this report,
and to be working with Farmer Incubator their new SEED project putting some
of these ideas into action!
Download the report
*SEED pilot project*

Farmer Incubator's SEED pilot will build on experience with the Pop Up
Garlic Farmer (PUGF) program and research to develop and test a model for
growing new farmers *on-farm* before introducing it on a larger scale.

Alongside offering learning and resources, the SEED project will facilitate
access to

   - land by working with landholders
   - mentors who are existing regenerative farmers
   - markets by working with localised food distribution networks.

The goal is to be able to replicate this model across Australia, cycling
aspiring farmers through the on-farm incubation sites every 2 years,
equipping them with the skills and knowledge to run their own successful
farming enterprises and feeding the local community while they learn.

If you are a landholder interested in growing new farmers, learn more about
the SEED pilot by reading the project brief

If you would like support and education to explore becoming a farmer, enrol
in their Pop-Up Garlic Farmers Program

Image courtesy of Farmer Incubator
*Work with us!*
The *Open Road Coordinator* role in Victoria is still open for
applications. This is an opportunity to be part of a bold and ambitious new
solution, build your networks in food hubs across Victoria, and connect
with our national and global partners also experimenting with solutions to
the logistics challenges of short supply chains.

We will also be opening applications for two Open Road Logistics Officers
soon. Read the position descriptions here
Apply here
*Financial support available*
*Grants *

The *Small-Scale and Craft Program*
targets Victorian agribusinesses looking to scale-up operations, diversify
product lines or expand outreach. Grant applications close on 26 March 2021.

Open Food Network can help with applying for grants and offer customised
business and online solutions as well as lean enterprise support. In the
past, farmers have used these grants to get our help on projects like:

   - Setting up an online shop for their farm
   - Starting a farmer-led collective selling food together
   - Building custom software to link their existing Open Food Network shop
   to other business tools such as route planning or accounting software

Our services
*Education bursary available for Taking Your Collective Business Online

The Co-operative Farming program is offering a 90% bursary
the Taking Your Collective Business Online
course run by Organic & Regenerative Investment Co-operative.

*Producer Spotlight*
*Sohip Organics*
started selling on the Open Food Network software platform in January 2021.

Located in the Lorne Valley on the Mid North Coast of NSW, three
generations are farming to feed their local community with organic,
wholesome fruits and vegetables while ensuring the land is looked after
using sustainable farming methods. And, in their words, "to bloody have

Words and image by Sailor's Grave Brewing
*Sailor's Grave Brewing's*, Dark Emu - Dark Lager, available in Prom Coast
Food Collective
online shop, is one of their favourite collaborations.

"This collaboration runs deep, the native grains are harvested by Yuin
people on the banks of the Wallagaraugh River. The beautiful art on the can
depicts the giant creator emu, baiame, after it left earth and rose into
the sky, becoming the huge dark space in the Milky Way. The art was created
by Yuin man Terry Hayes who also harvested the grain used in Dark Emu.

First Nations people have been making fermented beverages both here in
Australia and across the world for thousands and thousands of years, we are
just the conduit for this particular story in what is just a blip in time.

We’re particularly proud that a percentage of the proceeds from the sales
of Dark Emu will go to support the studies of local Aboriginal students at
Orbost, Mallacoota and Eden. More than just beer 🍻"

In case you are curious, the native grains are roasted mamadyang ngalluk
and burru ngalluk grass seed.

You can find producers like Sailor's Grave Brewing that offer pick-up and
delivery of fresh local produce in your area on our Shop In VIC

*Why we need food, tech and data sovereignty*
Do you find yourself asking what does food, technology or data sovereignty

Sovereignty is not a term we use very often in our day-to-day
conversations. But its existence enables us to participate, define and make
decisions in shaping our local food systems as a local community.

Its absence consolidates power in the hands of a few who get to determine
what our foodways, livelihoods and identities look like, disempowering us
individually and collectively.

Founder and Managing Director of Open Food Network Canada, Theresa
Schumilas, explains how digital platforms can contribute to the food
sovereignty movement in this episode
of the Handpicked podcast..

Read the full transcript
*Software release of the month*
*Improving the customer ordering experience*

It is now possible to add bulk quantities of a variant in the number field
between the increase and decrease buttons. For example, a shopper can now
add 100 items of one variant with just a few clicks. And thanks to a recent
fix it is not possible to add more items than those in stock so if a higher
number is entered into the number field, it will default to the amount
available in stock.
Read release notes

*Software support over the Easter holidays*

We understand that our customers are often juggling work on their Open Food
Network profile in the limited time they have available between the
farm/business, family and life. We’re trying to balance work with our
families, farms and life too!

So *from Friday, 2 April to Monday, 5 April* the Open Food Network team
will be taking a break. During this time we will only be responding to
urgent enquiries that come through the inbox and we will do our absolute
best to make sure someone gets to it sooner than the next business day. Any
non-urgent queries will be held until the full team is back in the office
on Tuesday 6 April.
*In other news*
*Victorian Farmers' Markets Association* are hiring for the permanent
position of *Field Officer
uncover and share the stories of our diverse local food sector to increase
its resilience, visibility and support across Victoria.
*PrimeSafe,* the Statutory Authority responsible for regulating the safety
of red meat, poultry and seafood in Victoria is looking for *Non-Executive
with a background in Accounting (CPA accredited) and Finance, Public
Health, Retail, Meat, Livestock production, meat processing and small
goods. Applications close on 5 March 2021.
*Volunteer and be part of the restoration from bushfires*

Are you interested in volunteering to assist in the bushfire recovery?
Farms in East Gippsland, Bega Valley, Mid North Coast NSW and Braidwood are
seeking some extra hands in the dirt!

to volunteer for the upcoming ‘Organic Farm Blitz’, with a farm close to

You can also contact Organic and Regenerative Investment Co-operative
to coordinate an event, make seedpods, plant &/or grow seedlings or build
native animal boxes. And they will ensure they get to your nearest bushfire
affected farmers!

*Robert Pekin, nominee for Pro Bono Australia 2021 Impact awards*

We're proud to have Robert Pekin as a board member, as one of our major
platform users, running the Food Connect wholesale through Open Food
Network, and as a great food systems peer and friend.

His achievements have been recognised by Pro Bono Australia as one of the

Voting for the 2021 Impact Awards have now closed but watch out for the
winner announcement on 25 March.

*Recording of AFSA webinar with Tyson Yunkaporta*

On 3 Feb, Tyson Yunkaporta and Tammi Jonas (AFSA) talked about Indigenous
thinking and what it means for us as growers and eaters in Australian food
systems. The session recording
is now online.
*Help build a better food system*

Our software and services are delivered and funded through contributions
from community members, a huge amount of volunteer contributions, some
funding, and cross-subsidisation from our research and consulting work.

If you are excited by the work we're currently doing, we would love it if
you would consider a regular or one-off donation. Sustainable Table are
kindly auspicing donations to Open Food Network so that your donation is
tax deductible.
Make a donation
As always, get in touch <he...@openfoodnetwork.org.au> if you'd like to
learn more about the Open Food Network, or work together on a project

The Open Food Network Australia team
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