---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peter Leyden <pe...@leyden.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Subject: Invite to my new talk at the Long Now Foundation on Feb 9th
To: <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

I’ll be giving a talk version of The Transformation next week at the
prestigious seminar series founded by Stewart Brand.
*Come to the talk version of The Transformation this coming Tuesday at The
Long Now Seminar Series*

I’m honored to be giving the next talk
in the prestigious Seminar Series for Long-term Thinking at the Long Now
Foundation that will be streamed to the public this coming *Tuesday, Feb.
9th, at 5 pm Pacific*.

I have attended dozens of these talks over the last 20 years featuring some
of the most innovative minds in the world laying out their latest ideas.
The series was founded, curated and hosted by the legendary Stewart Brand,
who is now handing over the series to the next generation. I’m humbled to
be the next one up.

This will be the first talk I have given on the body of work that went into
creating The Transformation
a series of six stories recently published in Medium that tell the largely
positive story of America and the world from 2020 to 2050. Those of you on
this newsletter are aware of that series, which you can review below.

This new talk version of The Transformation will make a compelling case
that we are heading into a series of tech booms that will drive a
world-historical economic boom and lead to a societal transformation that
eventually will be understood as the beginning of civilization change by
the end of the century. I’ll lay out the argument, using data and
infographics, that we could largely solve many of our daunting challenges
like climate change through the course of The Transformation.

Consider watching my optimistic take on what lies ahead in the next several
decades, streamed live on *Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 5 pm PST*, and join in the
live Q&A after the talk. The entire program
will last about an hour and be available a few days later as a video or
audio podcast.

Feel free to spread the word and invite others who might be interested in
hearing someone counter the pervasive mood of despair and convince you that
great progress lies just ahead.

Peter Leyden
Email: pe...@leyden.org
Web: peterleyden.com
*6/6 The civilization to emerge from The Transformation arguably will
supersede that of The Enlightenment*
This final story
in the series makes the case that The Transformation of our lifetimes will
rival The Enlightenment of the 18th century, the last time we watched a new
civilization emerge. All the mega-innovations of The Enlightenment that
defined how the world operated for the last few centuries will be
superseded by parallel mega-innovations over the course of The
Transformation: digital computers, clean energies, biological production,
sustainable capitalism, digital democracy and global governance.
*5/6 The controversial case that the 2020 election marks the cusp between a
conservative & progressive era*
Will the election of 2020 mark a watershed in American politics like those
of 1932 or 1980? This story told from 2100 makes that case and shows how
our current polarized and paralyzed politics increasingly opened up a
new politics through the 2020s and beyond. Read this 5th installment
to see how a new majority coalition came to drive big economic changes
through society and began to evolve capitalism itself.
*4/6 How we fully dealt with Climate Change by 2050*
Can we solve climate change in the next 30 years? Yes, we can mitigate the
worst effects and adapt our society to thrive through the coming century if
we mobilize quickly and scale the technologies already available. That's
the story told in this 4th installment
of the series that explains from the year 2100 how America turned the
corner on climate change from 2020 to 2050.
*3/6 The Long Booms of Infotech & Biotech thru to 2050*
The next generation of Infotech, like AI, and Biotech, like genetic
engineering, are the stuff of many dystopian scenarios of the future. But
these powerful tools could augment the capabilities of humans in
many positive ways and could also bring some welcome surprises - like
an explosion of innovation. This 3rd story
the series lays out how it could all play out.
*2/6  Overview story of whole narrative told from 2100*
If someone was going to read just one story out of the six in this series,
then this overview story
would be it. This is the one that introduces a character from the year 2100
who looks back on his past life, and our future. He gives an overview of
the key developments from 2020 to 2050 that will be covered in the other
stories in more depth.
*1/6 The Introduction of whole project told by me in 2020*
The series opened up with the introduction
my voice from 2020. That story explains the whole project and why
a positive scenario for America and the world is so important right now. I
also make the case that most people are underestimating the positive
potential of a dozen driving forces that I call The Inexorables that will
play out in the coming decades and could help solve our biggest challenges.
I also acknowledge
the 25 remarkable innovators who I interviewed in depth for this series.
*The Series landing page in Medium for all 6 stories*
The series has a landing page
where all the stories are now published. All six stories can be
read sequentially on that landing page and work together to tell a
comprehensive story from the year 2100 of the many ways that America
changed from 2020 to 2050 and how the world made great progress on solving
the challenges of our times. The navigation at the top of the page helps
you step through each story in the right order. Anyone can get oriented
from there.
*A new PeterLeyden.com website for what I'm doing now*
I rebuilt from scratch my entire website at peterleyden.com
to help explain what I'm doing around The Transformation as well as all the
various threads of my work life heading into 2021. There you can see what I
am doing with my writing, speaking, interviewing and consulting. It will
also be a hub that collects much of what I have been doing for the last 25
years. Check it out now and come back as I add material in the coming year.
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