---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rok Kranjc <carniolan...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: limits
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2...@gmail.com>I only hoped to relay a few
projects I'm working on, very much aligned I believe with the spirit of
your work - art, design, alternative economies, ecology, participation,
games and co-design. Resources collated below signature. Happy to discuss
them some time, if interested :-)

Warm regards,

- *Game-Changers: The Game* a mixed digital and analogue generative board
game and platform (description after list)
- *Four Futures Festival + online Anticipedia* open-sourcing
co-generated futures scenarios and scenario fragments to be creatively
combined, and enacted as LARPs
- *A Day in the Life: Public Luxury in 2035
and used to facilitate an exchange between local climate activists and
George Monbiot, pdf worksheet attached
- *Shared Futures <https://sharedfutures.app/> app and toolkit
<https://sharedfutures.net/divistownsend/> *a work in progress,
collaboration with dr. Peter Bloom
- *Our Futures Game* <https://www.nesta.org.uk/feature/our-futures/> in
collaboration with the Global Swarm
<https://actionforesight.net/global-swarm/> and NESTA (recent Space Edition

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by RoK Kranjc
FREE OF CHARGE / No special knowledge or skills required, however for
PLAYERS critical thinking and knowledge about alternative economies will be
an advantage

Game-Changers: The Game is a project twining alternatives to capitalism,
theories of transformation, participatory futuring techniques and the
codesign of generative games โ€“ digital, real-world and hybrid โ€“ as sites,
platforms and protocols of and for transformative knowledge, design and
foresight commoning.

It is at once a story-telling board game and a game codesign springboard,
created to engage player-designers in conversations about the various
discourses underlying emerging ยปnew economyยซ signifiers, such as sharing,
smart, circular and collaborative. To advance in and ultimately win the
game, two teams embodying seemingly diametrically opposite discursive poles
โ€“ e.g. Commonism vs. Capitalism / Degrowth vs. Green Growth โ€“ compete in
creating compelling social and sustainability transformation storylines in
order to secure primacy over playing fields, consisting of real-world
initiatives, proposals or ideas.

Players shape these storylines by combining Challenge and Intervention
cards (pre-made and impromptu-made) within distinct playing fields, while
JUDGES assess these stories for their โ€œPlausibilityโ€ and โ€œInventivenessโ€.
The game operationalizes transition theories such as cooptation and Trojan
horses as mechanics, and includes Wildcards, i.e. chance โ€œexternalโ€ events
which may hold benefits for either team or in other ways alter the gameโ€™s

Participants in this workshop will get the chance to learn about new
directions in futures game design and try out Game-Changers: The Game,
developed over a dozen playtests around Europe at venues ranging from
conferences, summer schools to research institutes and activist meetings.
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