[P2P-F] Fwd: Sign up to the first Protopia Lab workshop by 23 October

2020-10-19 Thread Michel Bauwens
-- Forwarded message -
From: Smart CSOs Lab 
Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 10:39 PM
Subject: Sign up to the first Protopia Lab workshop by 23 October

Our new project is a space to address polarisation in society, pave the way
for global cooperation, and upgrade our civilisation before it's too late.
View this email in your browser

October 2020

Dear Michel,

*This is a reminder. To sign up to our first Protopia Lab workshop you
need to fill in this questionnaire

by Friday, 23 October.*

Are you worried about the spiral of polarisation in our societies, and the
dysfunctional public conversation around our most pressing issues? Do you
have the sense that we are increasingly living in very different realities
and ideological bubbles that prevent us from solving problems together?

We believe the time has come to break out of our echo chambers, start a
fresh and undogmatic conversation about how we can cooperate effectively
and upgrade our civilisation to help prevent its collapse.

If these topics speak to you, consider joining the Protopia Lab
We are delighted to finally announce that we are hosting our first workshop
(via Zoom) with an initial group of pioneers on Friday, 27 November 2020
from 2pm to 7pm CET. This will be followed by two follow-up sessions (also
via Zoom) on 11 December and 15 January.
What to Expect [image: The Protopia Lab logo]

The Protopia Lab was inspired by the idea that we can only tackle the
biggest problems of our times, including climate change, if we can stop the
spiralling polarisation across our societies. Only a deep and empathic
understanding of the dynamics that led us to our current societal divide
will allow us to lay the foundations for renewed trust, and a new social

However, this isn’t just something we can do by talking or theorising. We
also have to learn how to have conversations with those who hold different
values to us – whether in our organisations or in day-to-day life. That’s
why we’ve designed this workshop to be *experiential, exploratory and
experimental*. You will learn about the neuroscience, psychology and
physiology of polarisation. We’ll explore which models and cultural
frameworks can help us make sense of the complex ideological realities that
lead to polarisation. Through group conversations, mindfulness practices
and simple mediation processes, you will leave with a greater awareness of
your own cognitive biases and build your capacity for seeing issues from
multiple perspectives.
How to Join

We would like to hear from activists and other change agents who deeply
care about workable strategies for tackling the climate crisis and believe
that we need to think polarisation and ecological transition together. We
especially encourage people with *non-orthodox* perspectives and curious
minds to join.

If you would like to apply to participate, please take 10 minutes of your
time to fill in this questionnaire

23 October*. We would like to make this the most enjoyable and useful
experience for everyone and would therefore like to know about your
motivations and interest in this project. We will select a group of up to
25 participants and confirm participation by 1 November.

You are requested to commit to full participation during all three sessions.
The process

   - Main workshop on *Friday, 27 November from 2pm to 7pm CET*
   - Approx. 2 hours of reading to complete for the next session
   - Follow-up session 1 on *Friday, 11 December from 3pm to 5pm CET*
   - Approx. 2 hours of reading to complete for the next session
   - Follow-up session 2 on *Friday, 15 January from 3pm to 5pm CET*

For this project, we are grateful to partner with and receive financial
support from European Youth Forum
We will ask confirmed participants to make a small voluntary donation to
help cover the remaining costs.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this invitation with
people who might be interested, and especially with people who might bring
along fresh perspectives and diverse viewpoints.

If you have questions about the project, please contact Micha

Best wishes,

The Protopia Lab Team (Micha, Alexander and Viki)
[image: Smart CSOs Lab]

[image: @smartcsos]

[P2P-F] Fwd: Will you help me finish my PhD?

2020-10-19 Thread Michel Bauwens
-- Forwarded message -
From: urbanohumano 
Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 2:16 AM
Subject: Will you help me finish my PhD?

How are you?

I hope this strange historical moment finds you in the best possible place
and situation!
Today I write to ask you for help (Don't worry this is not the typical SPAM
mail that asks you for money hehe)

If you have subscribed to my newsletter for some time, you will know that
in 2006 I started a doctorate in town planning at the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid. I finished the first cycle of subjects in 2009 with a
paper that has been downloaded 15,000 times

and I started to develop my doctoral thesis.

I have been working on it for over 10 years and I am running out of time!
December 16th is my last possible deadline!

*I need your help. I do need your help!*
The content is there, however I lack the references.
I have found 101 statements that need to be supported by a quote or a

I don't think I could do it alone in such a short time.
Will you help me find them?

The thesis is focused on the processes of collective intelligence. Why not
activate a process of collective intelligence to finish it?

Why not transform a problem into an opportunity?

So I launch this challenge. An experiment that could allow me to achieve
what I would find difficult to achieve on my own, generating knowledge and
an open methodology that could be useful for more people.

How does it work?

I have published 101 statements in a public document. Here is the link


Each statement has a number. If you want to help, just choose one of the
statements and add a comment. You can do this directly in the document, by
sending an email or through the social networks by referring to the exact
number of the quote.

To facilitate the process I have divided the 101 statements into 7
Every day I will publish the statements of one category.
I will do it in my blog, in my newsletter, social networks!

I will also organize some working sessions in videoconference. They will be
short sessions of one hour, one for each of the 7 categories. If you want
to participate, please fill in this form

This is all.
If perhaps this is not your field of action or research, I hope that at
least soon I will be able to share the methodology of this action so that
it can be useful to be applied in another context. I also thank you if you
pass this message to other people who you think can help me.

As always, I am looking forward to your comments and proposals, or simply
to hear how you are doing.

A big hug.

Civic Design Thoughts by Domenico Di Siena
 by urbanohumano
Calle Poeta Carlos Salvador,11 Valencia, Valencia 46020 Spain
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