[Bug 1839888] Review Request: python-pyvex - A Python interface to libVEX and the VEX intermediate representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Fedora Update System  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #8 from Fedora Update System  ---
FEDORA-2020-b3b0efb668 has been pushed to the Fedora 32 testing repository.
In short time you'll be able to install the update with the following command:
`sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing
You can provide feedback for this update here:

See also https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Updates_Testing for more information
on how to test updates.

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[Bug 1821189] Package Review: Snakemake - Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #1 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Here is a successful Koji scratch build.

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[Bug 1821174] Review Request: golang-github-azure-ntlmssp - NTLM/Negotiate authentication over HTTP

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #1 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian,

Package approved.

Hirotaka Wakabayashi

Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

= MUST items =

[x]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
 other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[x]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
 Note: There is no build directory. Running licensecheck on vanilla
 upstream sources. Licenses found: "Unknown or generated". 1 files have
 unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
 Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
 golang-github-shurcool-httpfs-devel, golang-github-pires-proxyproto-
 devel, golang-github-d2g-dhcp4-devel, golang-github-anaskhan96-soup-
 devel, golang-github-protobuf-devel, golang-github-gorilla-csrf-devel,
 golang-github-antchfx-xpath-devel, golang-github-rs-xid-devel, golang-
 github-emirpasic-gods-devel, golang-github-knetic-govaluate-devel,
 golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-x11-client-devel, golang-github-
 logrusorgru-aurora-devel, golang-github-posener-complete-devel,
 golang-github-smartystreets-assertions-devel, golang-github-valyala-
 goloris-devel, golang-github-youmark-pkcs8-devel, golang-github-
 tomnomnom-httprobe-devel, golang-github-jedisct1-minisign-devel,
 golang-github-mattn-runewidth-devel, golang-github-nats-io-streaming-
 server-devel, golang-github-mdlayher-dhcp6-devel, golang-github-
 hashicorp-hil-devel, golang-github-coreos-iptables-devel, golang-
 github-xeipuuv-gojsonreference-devel, golang-github-crewjam-httperr-
 devel, golang-github-freetype-devel, golang-github-onsi-gomega-devel,
 golang-github-anacrolix-envpprof-devel, golang-github-coreos-
 ioprogress-devel, golang-github-aybabtme-rgbterm-devel, golang-github-
 k-sone-critbitgo-devel, golang-github-lightstep-tracer-devel, golang-
 github-oxtoacart-bpool-devel, golang-github-philhofer-fwd-devel,
 golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb-devel, golang-github-gofrs-uuid-
 devel, golang-github-tchap-patricia-devel, golang-github-
 theupdateframework-notary-devel, golang-github-uber-jaeger-client-
 devel, golang-github-magiconair-properties-devel, golang-github-
 paulrosania-charset-devel, golang-github-msteinert-pam-devel, golang-
 github-t3rm1n4l-mega-devel, golang-github-andygrunwald-gerrit-devel,
 golang-github-benbjohnson-immutable-devel, golang-github-logfmt-devel,
 golang-github-rkt-devel, golang-github-cyphar-filepath-securejoin-
 devel, golang-github-eknkc-amber-devel, golang-github-dgnorton-goback-
 devel, golang-github-google-certificate-transparency-devel, golang-
 github-abourget-teamcity-devel, golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-
 devel, golang-github-aymerick-douceur-devel, golang-github-jpillora-
 tld-devel, golang-github-azure-amqp-devel, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc-
 devel, golang-github-influxdata-tdigest-devel, golang-github-git-lfs-
 gitobj-devel, golang-github-weppos-publicsuffix-devel, golang-github-
 gobuffalo-packd-devel, golang-github-dchest-cssmin-devel, golang-
 github-data-dog-sqlmock-devel, golang-github-coreos-oidc-devel,
 golang-github-openapi-swag-devel, golang-github-influxdata-line-
 protocol-devel, golang-github-calmh-du-devel, golang-github-lithammer-
 dedent-devel, golang-github-xorm-builder-devel, golang-github-docker-
 libnetwork-devel, golang-github-phayes-permbits-devel, golang-github-
 mitchellh-testing-interface-devel, compat-golang-github-alexcesaro-
 quotedprintable-devel, golang-github-adroll-goamz-devel, golang-
 github-eapache-resiliency-devel, golang-github-daviddengcn-colortext-
 devel, golang-github-elazarl-goproxy-devel, golang-github-joho-
 godotenv-devel, golang-github-mitchellh-goamz-devel, golang-github-
 niklasfasching-org-devel, golang-github-peterbourgon-diskv-devel,
 golang-github-jtolds-gls-devel, golang-github-circonus-labs-gometrics-
 devel, golang-github-bouk-httprouter-devel, golang-github-sabhiram-
 gitignore-devel, golang-github-viant-toolbox-devel, golang-github-
 fsouza-dockerclient-devel, golang-github-sean-seed-devel, golang-

[Bug 1821189] Package Review: Snakemake - Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[Bug 1821171] Review Request: golang-github-masterzen-simplexml - Go library to generate XML content from a naive DOM

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #1 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian

Package approved.

Hirotaka Wakabayashi

Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

= MUST items =

[x]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
 other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[x]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
 Note: There is no build directory. Running licensecheck on vanilla
 upstream sources. Licenses found: "Unknown or generated". 1 files have
 unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
 Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
 devel, golang-github-tomnomnom-xtermcolor-devel, golang-github-azure-
 amqp-common-devel, golang-github-openapi-jsonpointer-devel, golang-
 github-bradfitz-smtpd-devel, golang-github-jedisct1-dlog-devel,
 golang-github-mvo5-uboot-devel, golang-github-gobuffalo-envy-devel,
 golang-github-denisenkom-mssqldb-devel, golang-github-google-cmdtest-
 devel, golang-github-3rf-mongo-lint-devel, golang-github-masterminds-
 semver-1-devel, golang-github-tomnomnom-assetfinder-devel, golang-
 github-rican7-retry-devel, golang-github-deckarep-set-devel, golang-
 github-rackspace-gophercloud-devel, golang-github-gobwas-glob-devel,
 golang-github-davecgh-spew-devel, golang-github-armon-socks5-devel,
 golang-github-cilium-ebpf-devel, golang-github-cockroachdb-ttycolor-
 devel, golang-github-paulbellamy-ratecounter-devel, golang-github-
 naoina-stringutil-devel, golang-github-nkovacs-streamquote-devel,
 golang-github-kagami-avif-devel, golang-github-bep-tocss-devel,
 golang-github-xorm-sqlfiddle-devel, golang-github-chrismalek-oktasdk-
 devel, golang-github-gin-gonic-devel, golang-github-hashicorp-raft-
 mdb-devel, golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-devel, golang-github-zmap-
 zcertificate-devel, golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config-devel, golang-
 github-vbatts-tar-split-devel, golang-github-ncw-swift-devel, golang-
 github-kr-text-devel, golang-github-djherbis-buffer-devel, golang-
 github-shopspring-decimal-devel, golang-github-gdamore-encoding-devel,
 golang-github-google-cmp-devel, golang-github-ijc-gotty-devel, golang-
 github-containerd-cgroups-devel, golang-github-pkg-profile-devel,
 golang-github-hashicorp-checkpoint-devel, golang-github-nats-io-nuid-
 devel, golang-github-michaeltjones-walk-devel, golang-github-
 hashicorp-retryablehttp-devel, golang-github-codahale-hdrhistogram-
 devel, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc-devel, golang-github-valyala-goloris-
 devel, golang-github-eclipse-paho-mqtt-devel, golang-github-openapi-
 analysis-devel, golang-github-vishvananda-netlink-devel, golang-
 github-hailocab-hostpool-devel, golang-github-containerd-zfs-devel,
 golang-github-marstr-collection-devel, golang-github-masterminds-
 semver-devel, golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure-devel, golang-
 github-burntsushi-graphics-devel, golang-github-mxk-flowrate-devel,
 golang-github-google-pprof-devel, golang-github-minio-devel, golang-
 github-masterminds-vcs-devel, golang-github-digitalocean-godo-devel,
 golang-github-bmizerany-perks-devel, golang-github-bettercap-gatt-
 devel, golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh-devel, golang-github-spf13-cast-
 devel, golang-github-rancher-devel, golang-github-hajimehoshi-oto-
 devel, golang-github-marten-seemann-qpack-devel, golang-github-
 gorilla-csrf-devel, golang-github-rainycape-unidecode-devel, golang-
 github-stathat-devel, golang-github-cockroachdb-cockroach-go-devel,
 golang-github-casbin-devel, golang-github-gobuffalo-packd-devel,
 golang-github-neelance-sourcemap-devel, golang-github-daaku-zipexe-
 devel, golang-github-openapi-loads-devel, golang-github-hashicorp-
 msgpack-devel, golang-github-marstr-randname-devel, golang-github-
 linuxdeepin-go-x11-client-devel, golang-github-xeipuuv-
 gojsonreference-devel, golang-github-shurcool-vfsgen-devel, golang-
 github-jpillora-sizestr-devel, golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema-
 devel, golang-github-openapi-swag-devel, golang-github-anacrolix-
 tagflag-devel, golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt-devel, golang-

[Bug 1821174] Review Request: golang-github-azure-ntlmssp - NTLM/Negotiate authentication over HTTP

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   Doc Type|--- |If docs needed, set a value

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[Bug 1821171] Review Request: golang-github-masterzen-simplexml - Go library to generate XML content from a naive DOM

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   Doc Type|--- |If docs needed, set a value

You are receiving this mail because:
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[Bug 1820856] Review Request: golang-github-jpillora-ansi - Easy to use ANSI control codes

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #3 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian,

Thank you for your work and sorry for waiting. 

Package approved.

Hirotaka Wakabayashi

Koji scratch build(success!)

Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

= MUST items =

[x]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
 other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[x]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
 Note: There is no build directory. Running licensecheck on vanilla
 upstream sources. Licenses found: "Unknown or generated". 1 files have
 unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
 Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
 devel, golang-github-cryptix-wav-devel, golang-github-cockroachdb-
 cockroach-go-devel, golang-github-marten-seemann-chacha20-devel,
 golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort-devel, golang-github-sacloud-
 libsacloud-devel, golang-github-unknwon-com-devel, golang-github-
 ghemawat-stream-devel, golang-github-oklog-run-devel, golang-github-
 cockroachdb-returncheck-devel, golang-github-googleapis-gax-devel,
 golang-github-wsxiaoys-terminal-devel, golang-github-dgryski-metro-
 devel, golang-github-h2non-parth-devel, golang-github-minio-devel,
 golang-github-docker-compose-on-kubernetes-devel, golang-github-
 xeipuuv-gojsonpointer-devel, golang-github-davecgh-spew-devel, golang-
 github-gin-gonic-devel, golang-github-hashicorp-net-rpc-msgpackrpc-
 devel, golang-github-pelletier-buffruneio-devel, golang-github-syndtr-
 gocapability-devel, golang-github-creack-pty-devel, golang-github-
 pierrec-lz4-devel, golang-github-thorduri-libusb-devel, golang-github-
 nats-io-devel, golang-github-jimstudt-http-authentication-devel,
 golang-github-fernet-devel, golang-github-rfjakob-eme-devel, golang-
 github-cbroglie-mapstructure-devel, golang-github-vishvananda-netlink-
 devel, golang-github-bugsnag-panicwrap-devel, golang-github-streadway-
 handy-devel, golang-github-hashicorp-mdns-devel, golang-github-dchest-
 cssmin-devel, golang-github-urfave-cli-2-devel, golang-github-
 mindprince-gonvml-devel, golang-github-sevlyar-daemon-devel, golang-
 github-influxdata-usage-client-devel, golang-github-remeh-
 sizedwaitgroup-devel, golang-github-coreos-ioprogress-devel, golang-
 github-hydrogen18-stoppablelistener-devel, golang-github-3rf-mongo-
 lint-devel, golang-github-containernetworking-plugins-devel, golang-
 github-mmarkdown-mmark-devel, golang-github-anacrolix-envpprof-devel,
 golang-github-minio-sha256-simd-devel, golang-github-golangplus-sort-
 devel, golang-github-yudai-gojsondiff-devel, golang-github-liggitt-
 tabwriter-devel, golang-github-google-uuid-devel, golang-github-
 gosexy-gettext-devel, golang-github-jsimonetti-rtnetlink-devel,
 compat-golang-github-russross-blackfriday-2-devel, golang-github-
 inconshreveable-muxado-devel, golang-github-oxtoacart-bpool-devel,
 golang-github-rubiojr-vhd-devel, golang-github-xeipuuv-
 gojsonreference-devel, golang-github-lpabon-godbc-devel, golang-
 github-gobuffalo-packd-devel, golang-github-azure-amqp-devel, golang-
 github-montanaflynn-stats-devel, golang-github-influxdata-flux-devel,
 golang-github-moby-buildkit-devel, golang-github-zyedidia-pty-devel,
 golang-github-sigma-inotify-devel, golang-github-klauspost-compress-
 devel, golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-devel, golang-github-
 labbsr0x-goh-devel, golang-github-mitchellh-cli-devel, golang-github-
 keybase-crypto-devel, golang-github-goji-param-devel, golang-github-
 openapi-jsonreference-devel, golang-github-nicksnyder-i18n-2-devel,
 golang-github-eknkc-amber-devel, golang-github-euank-kmsg-parser-
 devel, golang-github-smartystreets-aws-auth-devel, golang-github-
 atotto-clipboard-devel, golang-github-golangplus-testing-devel,
 golang-github-jackc-fake-devel, golang-github-gogo-googleapis-devel,
 golang-github-nkovacs-streamquote-devel, golang-github-lithammer-
 dedent-devel, golang-github-boltdb-bolt-devel, golang-github-

[Bug 1838686] Review Request: PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #44 from Sandro Mani  ---
Two variants:

a) If no third-party consumer of libpdal_plugin_* exists (which I would
expect), then yes, drop the unversioned symblinks
b) Otherwise, drop these two lines

# We don't want to provide private PDAL extension libs (to be verified)
%global __provides_exclude_from ^%{_libdir}/libpdal_plugin.*\.so.*$

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[Bug 1838686] Review Request: PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #45 from Sandro Mani  ---
Note that more than just 


you'll want to %exlcude or rm them, otherwise you'll get a build failure due to
unpackages files.

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[Bug 1838686] Review Request: PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #43 from markusN  ---
Just to be sure, you mean to change like this?

diff --git a/PDAL.spec b/PDAL.spec
index d3a4d94..1a41e56 100644
--- a/PDAL.spec
+++ b/PDAL.spec
@@ -200,9 +200,6 @@ ctest -V
 %files devel

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[Bug 1819257] Review Request: golang-github-houzuoguo-tiedot - NoSQL database

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #3 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian,

Thank you for your comment. Package approved.

One point I forgot to say this before, but You can name 
golang-github-houzuoguo-tiedot more shortly like tiedot because the package 
is not a Source packages but a Go binary package. Here are guidelines:

Hirotaka Wakabayashi

Koji Scratch Build(success!)

Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

= MUST items =

[x]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
 other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[x]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
 Note: There is no build directory. Running licensecheck on vanilla
 upstream sources. Licenses found: "Unknown or generated". 1 files have
 unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[x]: License file installed when any subpackage combination is installed.
[x]: Package must own all directories that it creates.
 Note: Directories without known owners: /usr/lib/systemd,
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
 Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
 devel, golang-github-ncw-swift-devel, golang-github-crewjam-saml-
 devel, golang-github-containernetworking-cni-devel, golang-github-
 cosmos72-gomacro-devel, golang-github-lib-pq-devel, golang-github-
 docker-events-devel, golang-github-nfnt-resize-devel, golang-github-
 kagami-avif-devel, golang-github-mholt-archiver-devel, compat-golang-
 github-commonmark-linkify-devel, golang-github-valyala-fasttemplate-
 devel, golang-github-skratchdot-open-devel, golang-github-baiyubin-
 aliyun-sts-sdk-devel, golang-github-gorilla-securecookie-devel,
 golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-devel, golang-github-paulrosania-
 charset-devel, golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-devel, golang-github-
 daviddengcn-assert-devel, golang-github-spacemonkeygo-flagfile-devel,
 golang-github-coreos-ioprogress-devel, golang-github-dropbox-sdk-
 unofficial-devel, golang-github-mwitkow-conntrack-devel, golang-
 github-influxdata-promql-devel, golang-github-willf-bitset-devel,
 golang-github-mschoch-smat-devel, golang-github-ryanuber-glob-devel,
 golang-github-bshuster-repo-logrus-logstash-hook-devel, golang-github-
 tismayil-ohmybackup-devel, golang-github-mitchellh-vnc-devel, golang-
 github-biogo-store-devel, compat-golang-github-chzyer-logex-devel,
 golang-github-aws-sdk-2-devel, golang-github-docopt-devel, golang-
 github-stretchr-testify-devel, golang-github-dave-jennifer-devel,
 golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure-devel, golang-github-rackspace-
 gophercloud-devel, golang-github-syndtr-goleveldb-devel, golang-
 github-nrdcg-goinwx-devel, golang-github-afex-hystrix-devel, golang-
 github-theupdateframework-notary-devel, golang-github-ugorji-devel,
 golang-github-jeffail-gabs-devel, golang-github-appc-goaci-devel,
 golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema-devel, golang-github-ziutek-
 mymysql-devel, compat-golang-github-asn1-ber-devel, golang-github-kr-
 pty-devel, golang-github-billziss-gh-cgofuse-devel, golang-github-
 hashicorp-sockaddr-devel, golang-github-ovh-devel, golang-github-
 tomnomnom-gron-devel, golang-github-chmduquesne-rollinghash-devel,
 golang-github-influxdata-flux-devel, golang-github-linuxdeepin-
 go-x11-client-devel, golang-github-jinzhu-gorm-devel, compat-golang-
 github-bufio-devel, golang-github-containerd-runc-devel, golang-
 github-gohugoio-hugo-devel, golang-github-aphistic-sweet-devel,
 golang-github-elazarl-goproxy-devel, golang-github-golangplus-fmt-
 devel, golang-github-hawkular-client-devel, golang-github-jacobsa-
 ogletest-devel, golang-github-gorilla-css-devel, golang-github-docker-
 libnetwork-devel, golang-github-chifflier-nfqueue-devel, golang-
 github-rwcarlsen-goexif-devel, golang-github-huandu-xstrings-devel,
 golang-github-thomsonreuterseikon-ntlm-devel, golang-github-devigned-

[Bug 1821160] Review Request: golang-github-reiver-oi - Tools for the Go programming language's standard io package

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #1 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian,

Package approved.

Hirotaka Wakabayashi 

Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

= MUST items =

[x]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
 other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[x]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
 Note: There is no build directory. Running licensecheck on vanilla
 upstream sources. Licenses found: "Unknown or generated". 1 files have
 unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
 Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
 devel, golang-github-julienschmidt-httprouter-devel, golang-github-
 goftp-server-devel, golang-github-macaron-gzip-devel, golang-github-
 jackc-pgx-devel, golang-github-alecthomas-kong-hcl-devel, golang-
 github-bradfitz-gomemcache-devel, golang-github-euank-kmsg-parser-
 devel, golang-github-antchfx-jsonquery-devel, golang-github-
 influxdata-flux-devel, golang-github-marstr-randname-devel, golang-
 github-tomnomnom-assetfinder-devel, golang-github-opentracing-contrib-
 stdlib-devel, golang-github-elastic-gosigar-devel, golang-github-
 apache-arrow-devel, golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-devel,
 golang-github-google-martian-devel, golang-github-ziutek-mymysql-
 devel, golang-github-chrismalek-oktasdk-devel, golang-github-zyedidia-
 terminal-devel, golang-github-snapcore-gettext-devel, golang-github-
 ghemawat-stream-devel, golang-github-alecthomas-repr-devel, golang-
 github-casbin-devel, golang-github-lightstep-tracer-common-devel,
 golang-github-mailru-easyjson-devel, golang-github-zyedidia-poller-
 devel, golang-github-dgnorton-goback-devel, golang-github-xorm-devel,
 golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey-devel, golang-github-
 audriusbutkevicius-nat-pmp-devel, golang-github-yunify-qingstor-sdk-
 devel, golang-github-cockroachdb-cmux-devel, golang-github-tent-http-
 link-devel, compat-golang-github-tomb-devel, golang-github-getkin-kin-
 openapi-devel, golang-github-influxdata-tdigest-devel, golang-github-
 nicksnyder-i18n-devel, golang-github-pkg-sftp-devel, golang-github-
 nrdcg-goinwx-devel, golang-github-gofrs-uuid-devel, golang-github-
 influxdata-influxdb-devel, golang-github-facebookarchive-inject-devel,
 golang-github-google-cadvisor-devel, golang-github-ssgelm-
 cookiejarparser-devel, golang-github-coreos-systemd-devel, golang-
 github-spf13-pflag-devel, golang-github-jinzhu-now-devel, golang-
 github-jroimartin-gocui-devel, golang-github-klauspost-cpuid-devel,
 golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb-devel, golang-github-koofr-
 httpclient-devel, golang-github-k-sone-critbitgo-devel, golang-github-
 petar-gollrb-devel, golang-github-gorilla-schema-devel, golang-github-
 satori-uuid-devel, golang-github-tonistiigi-units-devel, golang-
 github-abourget-teamcity-devel, golang-github-opencontainers-runc-
 devel, golang-github-remyoudompheng-bigfft-devel, golang-github-
 djherbis-times-devel, golang-github-circonus-labs-gometrics-devel,
 golang-github-prometheus-common-devel, golang-github-test-deep-devel,
 golang-github-influxdata-cache-devel, golang-github-minio-sha256-simd-
 devel, golang-github-gobuffalo-packd-devel, compat-golang-github-ini-
 devel, golang-github-bifurcation-mint-devel, golang-github-datadog-
 zstd-devel, golang-github-burntsushi-locker-devel, golang-github-
 yudai-gojsondiff-devel, golang-github-armon-radix-devel, golang-
 github-kimor79-gollectd-devel, golang-github-openapi-validate-devel,
 golang-github-hashicorp-hil-devel, golang-github-restic-chunker-devel,
 golang-github-eapache-xerial-snappy-devel, golang-github-lpabon-godbc-
 devel, golang-github-pkg-profile-devel, golang-github-rs-cors-devel,
 golang-github-prometheus-client-devel, golang-github-godoctor-devel,
 golang-github-denisenkom-mssqldb-devel, golang-github-hudl-fargo-
 devel, golang-github-eapache-resiliency-devel, golang-github-juju-
 ratelimit-devel, golang-github-peterh-liner-devel, golang-github-
 spacemonkeygo-spacelog-devel, golang-github-abbot-http-auth-devel,

[Bug 1795526] Review Request: ghc-cborg - Concise Binary Object Representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Jens Petersen  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 1842074] Review Request: ghc-cborg-json - A library for encoding JSON as
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[Bug 1842074] Review Request: ghc-cborg-json - A library for encoding JSON as CBOR

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Jens Petersen  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends On||1795526

--- Comment #1 from Jens Petersen  ---
This requires ghc-cborg (bug 1795526), and is needed for dhall.

Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 1795526] Review Request: ghc-cborg - Concise Binary Object Representation
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[Bug 1820914] Review Request: w13scan - Passive Security Scanner

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |

--- Comment #3 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Fabian,

Thank you very much for your comment. I can understand the situation 
and I support your decision. Please let me know whenever upstream 
changes the mind. I will review this again.

Best Regards,
Hirotaka Wakabayashi

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[Bug 1842074] New: Review Request: ghc-cborg-json - A library for encoding JSON as CBOR

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Bug ID: 1842074
   Summary: Review Request: ghc-cborg-json - A library for
encoding JSON as CBOR
   Product: Fedora
   Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
 Component: Package Review
  Assignee: nob...@fedoraproject.org
  Reporter: peter...@redhat.com
QA Contact: extras...@fedoraproject.org
CC: package-review@lists.fedoraproject.org
  Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora

Spec URL:

This package implements the bijection between JSON and CBOR defined in the CBOR
specification, RFC 7049.

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1839888] Review Request: python-pyvex - A Python interface to libVEX and the VEX intermediate representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Fedora Update System  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #7 from Fedora Update System  ---
FEDORA-2020-b3b0efb668 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 32.

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1819257] Review Request: golang-github-houzuoguo-tiedot - NoSQL database

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #2 from Fabian Affolter  ---
Thanks for the feedback.

* Sat May 30 2020 Fabian Affolter  -
- Fix license naming
- Enable tests as upstream removed the unlicensed dependency
- Add systemd unit file (rhbz#1819257)

Updated files:
Spec URL:

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1842070] Review Request: ghc-serialise - A binary serialisation library for Haskell values

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #2 from Jens Petersen  ---
Spec URL:

fix Changelog permission

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[Bug 1795526] Review Request: ghc-cborg - Concise Binary Object Representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Jens Petersen  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 1842070] Review Request: ghc-serialise - A binary serialisation library
for Haskell values
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[Bug 1842070] Review Request: ghc-serialise - A binary serialisation library for Haskell values

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Jens Petersen  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends On||1795526

--- Comment #1 from Jens Petersen  ---
This package depends on ghc-cborg (bug 1795526), and is needed for dhall.

Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 1795526] Review Request: ghc-cborg - Concise Binary Object Representation
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[Bug 1842070] New: Review Request: ghc-serialise - A binary serialisation library for Haskell values

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Bug ID: 1842070
   Summary: Review Request: ghc-serialise - A binary serialisation
library for Haskell values
   Product: Fedora
   Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
 Component: Package Review
  Assignee: nob...@fedoraproject.org
  Reporter: peter...@redhat.com
QA Contact: extras...@fedoraproject.org
CC: package-review@lists.fedoraproject.org
  Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora

Spec URL:

This package (formerly 'binary-serialise-cbor') provides pure, efficient
serialization of Haskell values directly into 'ByteString's for storage or
transmission purposes. By providing a set of type class instances, you can also
serialise any custom data type you have as well.

The underlying binary format used is the 'Concise Binary Object
Representation', or CBOR, specified in RFC 7049. As a result, serialised
Haskell values have implicit structure outside of the Haskell program itself,
meaning they can be inspected or analyzed without custom tools.

An implementation of the standard bijection between CBOR and JSON is provided
by the [cborg-json](/package/cborg-json) package. Also see
[cbor-tool](/package/cbor-tool) for a convenient command-line utility for
working with CBOR data.

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[Bug 1839888] Review Request: python-pyvex - A Python interface to libVEX and the VEX intermediate representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #6 from Gwyn Ciesla  ---
(fedscm-admin):  The Pagure repository was created at

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[Bug 1820914] Review Request: w13scan - Passive Security Scanner

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #2 from Fabian Affolter  ---
Hirotaka, thanks for the review.

With the release 2.0.0 upstream introduced massive changes including the
removal of the setup. The main problem now is that they don't want support PyPI
anymore. Also, a bunch of pull requests were not merged without legit reasons
and a conversation about the unbundling was closed without interaction.

At the moment, w13scan should not be introduced as upstream is reluctant to
work with downstream. I will postpone the work on this review request but I
don't have much hope that upstream will come around.

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1833471] Review Request: ocaml-variantslib - OCaml variants as first class values

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #1 from dan.cer...@cgc-instruments.com ---
The spec file looks kinda similar to the one from
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1833469 and thus I'd also leave the
same comments ;-)

- CONTRIBUTING.md is imho not necessary to include as %doc
- upstream's opam file notes the following dependency on ocaml-base: {>=
"v0.13" & < "v0.14"} but the spec has only >= 0.13. If that is intended, maybe
add a comment explaining that?
- since it took me so long to review this, upstream released 0.14 in the

Otherwise this looks perfectly fine to me!

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[Bug 1067216] Review Request: os-refresh-config - Tool to refresh OpenStack config changes to service

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 14:03:45

--- Comment #8 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1067184] Review Request: os-apply-config - Configure files from cloud metadata

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 14:02:56

--- Comment #12 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

You are receiving this mail because:
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List Archives: 

[Bug 1302871] Review Request: golang-github-vbatts-tar-split - tar archive assembly/disassembly

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 14:01:55

--- Comment #11 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

You are receiving this mail because:
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List Archives: 

[Bug 1067200] Review Request: os-collect-config - Collect and cache metadata running hooks on changes

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 14:04:25

--- Comment #9 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

You are receiving this mail because:
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List Archives: 

[Bug 1190269] Review Request: openstack-barbican - Secrets as a Service

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 14:00:22

--- Comment #32 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
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List Archives: 

[Bug 544873] Review Request: gitweb-caching - Gitweb w/ simple file caching

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:58:55

--- Comment #9 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

You are receiving this mail because:
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package-review mailing list -- package-review@lists.fedoraproject.org
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List Archives: 

[Bug 970896] Review Request: sugar-paths - A sliding tile game to create closed paths

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #26 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved long time ago and the git repo was set up, but the
package itself has never been imported.
If you don't want to maintain it, please retire the package from the git repo
and/or orphan it.

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List Archives: 

[Bug 858060] Review Request: qpid-snmpd - SNMP agent for qpid broker

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #16 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved long time ago and the git repo was set up, but the
package itself has never been imported.
If you don't want to maintain it, please retire the package from the git repo
and/or orphan it.

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[Bug 1833469] Review Request: ocaml-fieldslib - OCaml record fields as first class values

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #1 from dan.cer...@cgc-instruments.com ---
Sorry for taking so long to review this Jerry. I've found the following minor
- CONTRIBUTING.md is imho not necessary to include as %doc
- upstream's opam file notes the following dependency on ocaml-base: {>=
"v0.13" & < "v0.14"} but the spec has only >= 0.13. If that is intended, maybe
add a comment explaining that?
- since it took me so long to review this, upstream released 0.14 in the

Otherwise this looks perfectly fine to me!

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1821160] Review Request: golang-github-reiver-oi - Tools for the Go programming language's standard io package

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Hirotaka Wakabayashi  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   Doc Type|--- |If docs needed, set a value

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List Archives: 

[Bug 1821037] Review Request: onednn - Deep Neural Network Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #2 from Hirotaka Wakabayashi  ---
Hello Nicolas

Sorry for my slow response. Please check the issues.


License: field 
I think the license for this package must be "ASL 2.0, BSD, Boost and MIT"
if this package includes files under the licenses described in
THIRD-PARTY-PROGRAMS file and a comment right above the License: field
should exist. Please see the following guideline:

I think THIRD-PARTY-PROGRAMS file must be included in %license if that 
file includes license text. Please see the following guideline:


I manually reviewed this package since I couldn't review this package by
using fedora-review because of build errors inside mock in my environment.

Rpmlint results
$ rpmlint ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/onednn-1.4-1.fc33.x86_64.rpm
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
$ rpmlint ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/onednn-devel-1.4-1.fc33.x86_64.rpm 
onednn-devel.x86_64: W: no-documentation
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings.
$ rpmlint ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/onednn-1.4-1.fc33.src.rpm 
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.

sha256sum results
$ wget https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneDNN//archive/v1.4/onednn-1.4.tar.gz &&
sha256sum onednn-1.4.tar.gz 
$ sha256sum ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/onednn-1.4.tar.gz 


Thanks in advance,
Hirotaka Wakabayashi

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[Bug 1208217] Review Request: swig2 - Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:46:27

--- Comment #13 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 1162996] Review Request: php-phpseclib-crypt-base - Base class for phpseclib cipher implementations

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:45:17

--- Comment #9 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 1205361] Review Request: postproof - Mail abuse incident tool

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:44:21

--- Comment #9 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 1177692] Review Request: php-natxet-cssmin - Configurable CSS parser and minifier

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:43:24

--- Comment #13 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 1825560] Review Request: setzer - LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #4 from Lyes Saadi  ---
Update to 0.2.8

Spec URL: https://lyessaadi.fedorapeople.org/setzer/setzer.spec

SRPM URL: https://lyessaadi.fedorapeople.org/setzer/setzer-0.2.8-1.fc32.src.rpm

Copr Build:

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[Bug 1052283] Review Request: rubygem-more_core_extensions - Set of core extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:42:11

--- Comment #7 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories, but this review ticket
was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 1029161] Review Request: rubygem-linux_admin - A module to simplify management of Linux systems

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla
Bug 1029161 depends on bug 1052283, which changed state.

Bug 1052283 Summary: Review Request: rubygem-more_core_extensions - Set of core 
extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA

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[Bug 534094] Review Request: delta - testcase minimization tool

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #4 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved many years ago, but never imported. Are you still
interested in getting it into Fedora repositories?

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[Bug 659756] Review Request: libnfsidmap - Library that handles mapping between names and ids for NFSv4.

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:35:13

--- Comment #15 from Mattia Verga  ---
This package was approved and imported in repositories and it was later
retired, but this review ticket was never closed.
I'm closing it now.

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[Bug 564412] Review Request: bwping - BWPing is a tool to measure bandwidth and response times between two hosts

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Mattia Verga  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |NOTABUG
Last Closed||2020-05-30 13:32:44

--- Comment #5 from Mattia Verga  ---
Package was never imported in repositories.
I have retired it and I'll close this ticket.

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[Bug 1842042] Review Request: repo2module - A tool to take a yum repository and turn it into a Fedora module stream

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Jakub Kadlčík  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[Bug 1842042] New: Review Request: repo2module - A tool to take a yum repository and turn it into a Fedora module stream

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Bug ID: 1842042
   Summary: Review Request: repo2module - A tool to take a yum
repository and turn it into a Fedora module stream
   Product: Fedora
   Version: rawhide
  Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
 Component: Package Review
  Severity: medium
  Priority: medium
  Assignee: nob...@fedoraproject.org
  Reporter: jkadl...@redhat.com
QA Contact: extras...@fedoraproject.org
CC: package-review@lists.fedoraproject.org
  Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora

Spec URL:

This will generate most of the module metadata that you will need for this
repository to be treated as a module. You should examine the contents of
modules.yaml and modify it as appropriate.

This tool adds all packages in the repository to the API section and the common
profile. It will also generate a Defaults object setting this common as the
default profile for this stream. It will not set a default stream, so you'll
want to do this manually as appropriate.

Fedora Account System Username: frostyx

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[Bug 1838686] Review Request: PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #42 from Sandro Mani  ---
Oh - just drop the provides filtering in this case, I thought they were .so
only, but indeed also the versioned symlinks exist.

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[Bug 1839888] Review Request: python-pyvex - A Python interface to libVEX and the VEX intermediate representation

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

Fabian Affolter  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Flags|fedora-review?  |fedora-review+

--- Comment #5 from Fabian Affolter  ---
Issues were addressed, package APPROVED.

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[Bug 1838686] Review Request: PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library

2020-05-30 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #41 from markusN  ---
Unfortunately there is still an issue (BZ#1841616):

Your package (PDAL) Fails To Install in Fedora 33:

can't install PDAL-devel:
  - nothing provides libpdal_plugin_kernel_fauxplugin.so.10()(64bit) needed by
  - nothing provides libpdal_plugin_reader_pgpointcloud.so.10()(64bit) needed
by PDAL-devel-2.1.0-5.fc33.x86_64
  - nothing provides libpdal_plugin_writer_pgpointcloud.so.10()(64bit) needed
by PDAL-devel-2.1.0-5.fc33.x86_64

I am a bit surprised since rpmlint didn't complain.

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