T5 serial port problem, I think

2005-05-09 Thread Jim Billmeyer
We are seeing problems on the T5 when using its serial port. Does
anything special have to be done with the peripheral detection or
anything else to have consistent serial communications on the T5?
The application works fairly well on the T5 but has problems when it
exits. On exit a red line is blinked at the top of the display on a one
second interval. This goes on for about 2 minutes and then the Palm
launcher is displayed. Once the launcher is display it operates OK until
an application that uses the serial port is launched or a HotSync
operation is performed. The T5 then hangs.
We have a fairly intensive application that runs on Palm devices that
uses the PDA serial port. The application uses PNO objects for some of
the hardcore processing where a given PNO call could last 4 to 30
seconds while the serial port is open. The avg time in a PNO call is
about 3 seconds.
Any ideas?
Jim B
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DmCloseDatabase creates slow process and does DmSyncDatabase working well?

2005-05-09 Thread Prabakar MP

1. I like to take a backup of a Database records into Cache memory, so that 
next time when I read and do a process for records it will only take from 
Cache, for avoiding slower process due to NVFS on Treo 650.
For that, Can I use DmSyncDatabase before closing the database? If yes, how 
would i use it, and DmSyncDatabase(comes in Fall 2004 PalmOne SDK)  is  
working properly on Treo 650 device?

2. If I have Lot of Records, When I use DmCloseDatabase after accessing the 
PIM modules, process takes more time. What can I do to avoid this?  Will be the 
above first point the solution?

3. PmPalmOSNVFS.h comes with which version of PalmOne SDK? Its not available 
with Fall 2004 PalmOne SDK.
Immediate help would be appreciated.

- Prabakar.

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2005-05-09 Thread Orasanu Iuliana
I'm finding very difficult to work with memory allocation on this platform... 
I'm trying to reallocate a memory chunk, and my code looks like this:

pDBName = (char**)MemPtrNew( sizeof( char*)*2); // i'm allocating memory for 
only 2 fields,

Char *name;
// then... in a while rutine:

name = (char*)MemPtrNew(appInfo.nameBufLen);
index++; // this keeps the curent no of fields allocated
if (index 2)
MemPtrResize ( pDBName, sizeof(char*)*index); // the error that i'm caching 
here is memory locked, but in the documations I read: Call this routine to 
resize a locked chunk. 

What's the error is my code?

Regards, Iulia
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re: Memory Card

2005-05-09 Thread Orasanu Iuliana
I'm now working with a recursive algorithm, and it's working just fine... thanx 
for the tip!!
Regards, Iulia
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Re: Power on button identification

2005-05-09 Thread John Newell
KeyCurrentState does the trick.  You get a bit field with bits set for each 
key that is currently depressed.

Now, does anyone know how I can turn off the key bit to indicate that I have 
dealt with it during system initialisation and don't want the system to handle 
it later.  E.g. If the system was started by the user pressing the Calendar 
hard key (KeyBitHard1 masked on in the bit field), and I have dealt with it 
during Notification handling, then I don't want the system to start the 
Calendar app at the end of system initialisation.
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RE: Multi-segment applications

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
 No offense, but it appears that you want two segments but are
 only specifying one.

I want only one *extra* segment (i.e., in addition to the default code 1). One 
doesn't specify the default segment in a multi-segment application - only the 
extra ones. I was doing everything by the book - and yes, I had read the 
documentation; I have also looked at the sources of several Open Source 
multi-segment applications - but for some reason it wasn't working. My guess is 
that the makefile was being too clever - it was seeing that parts of the old 
program were already compiled and was trying to just link them. When I cleaned 
everything and rebuilt from scratch, it worked.

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re: MemPtrResize

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
It's possible that the error is outside the code snippet you posted. Do you 
actually lock the memory anywhere, for instance?

Personally, I've always tried to avoid using the memory resizing functions - it 
tends to lead to memory fragmentation on most platforms... Can't you use a 
linked list or something?

On this platform (in my application) I'm using memory resizing in only one 
place - and I resize a memory handle; not a pointer. That is, something like 

MemHandle h;
UInt8 *buffer;

h = MemHandleNew (BUFSIZE);
buffer = (UInt8 *) MemPtrLock (h);
MemHandleResize (h, newsize);
MemHandleUnlock (h);
MemHandleFree (h);

and it works without problems - but I don't know how well this translates to 
your particular needs.

Also, I'm not sure that memory chunk refers to something pointed by any 
random pointer. I have the nagging feeling that it refers to something pointed 
by a memory handle. At least when I used DmCreateDatabaseFromImage (which takes 
a pointer to a locked memory chunk, according to the docs), it didn't work when 
I was passing it a pointer allocated with MemPtrNew to it - but it worked when 
I passed it a pointer the result of MemPtrLock (MemHandleNew ()). Although it 
could be that it didn't work because I couldn't lock the memory - there is no 
MemPtrLock function, although there is a MemPtrUnlock.

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Re: MemPtrResize

2005-05-09 Thread Chris Tutty
From: Orasanu Iuliana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm finding very difficult to work with memory allocation on this
platform... :-(
 I'm trying to reallocate a memory chunk, and my code looks like this:

 pDBName = (char**)MemPtrNew( sizeof( char*)*2); // i'm allocating memory
for only 2 fields,

Nope, this problem is reported fairly regularly and there
are some excellent detailed explanations in the forum
archive but the short answer is that a char * isn't a field,
it's a pointer to a field.  You've allocated 8 bytes, enough
to store two pointers, but what you *really* want is a
block of memory large enough to store your two strings
(however large they may be).

You can either use a fixed-size strategy, and allocate 20
chars, or 40 , or 200, and then limit your strings to that size
(less one for the null terminator), or use a packed approach
and allocate enought memory for the StrLen(field) + 1, twice.

Sorry if this is confusing but, as I say, it's been covered very
well just recently by someone.

Chris Tutty

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re: MemPtrResize

2005-05-09 Thread Orasanu Iuliana
 Do you actually lock the memory anywhere, for instance?
 Can't you use a linked list or something? 

I found in the docs this: This routine is always successful when shrinking the 
size of a chunk. 

so... I've done this : (for testing)

pDBName = (char**)MemPtrNew( sizeof( char*)*1000);
working with this chunck... and counting in noIndex how many chars I have at 
this point..
err= MemPtrResize (pDBName, sizeof(char*)* (noIndex));  
and in the end

for (i=0;inoIndex;i++)

And no error! But... It's a very dirty code... :-(

I will try to use your ideea: to use MemHandle and not MemPtr.

Regards, Iulia

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Re: MemPtrResize (oops)

2005-05-09 Thread Chris Tutty
My apologies,

I didn't read your message carefully enough (thanks to Vesselin
for answering properly).  Please ignore my earlier reponse.

From: Orasanu Iuliana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm finding very difficult to work with memory allocation on this
platform... :-(
 I'm trying to reallocate a memory chunk, and my code looks like this:

 pDBName = (char**)MemPtrNew( sizeof( char*)*2); // i'm allocating memory
for only 2 fields,

 Char *name;
 // then... in a while rutine:

 name = (char*)MemPtrNew(appInfo.nameBufLen);
 index++; // this keeps the curent no of fields allocated
 if (index 2)
 MemPtrResize ( pDBName, sizeof(char*)*index); // the error that i'm
caching here is memory locked, but in the documations I read: Call this
routine to resize a locked chunk. 

 What's the error is my code?

 Regards, Iulia
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Re: MemPtrResize

2005-05-09 Thread Chris Tutty
From: Orasanu Iuliana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pDBName = (char**)MemPtrNew( sizeof( char*)*2); // i'm allocating memory
for only 2 fields,
 Char *name;
 // then... in a while rutine:

 name = (char*)MemPtrNew(appInfo.nameBufLen);
Perhaps this needs to be appInfo.nameBufLen + 1?  A buffer overrun might
trash the start of the next block on the heap, possibly confusing the OS.


Shouldn't this be pDBName[index]=name; ? (although I don't think that
on it's own would produce a problem unless *row wasn't valid).  I also
wouldn't have thought that you need the 'name' variable, since you could
save directly into pDBName[].  Which leads to the question as to whether
you need to resize the array before you store the new pointer, although
it looks like you're always keeping an empty position at the end of the

What can help to reduce memory fragmentation with this sort of logic is
resizing in units of ten or twenty.  You have to store the arraysize and
current element count separately, but it avoids the repeated resizing
involved with this approach.  If you're worried about wasted space you
can always finish by resizing the array to the final size.

 index++; // this keeps the curent no of fields allocated

 if (index 2)
 MemPtrResize ( pDBName, sizeof(char*)*index); // the error that i'm
caching here is memory locked, but in the documations I read: Call this
routine to resize a locked chunk. 

Yeah, I never understood why a Ptr API call would return a locked
error, but my guess was that it was an old doc error, or a side-effect
of the low-level code that handles ptrs and chunks.

Chris Tutty

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Digitally signed code in Cobalt

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
Hello folks,

I'm trying to figure out how to use digitally signed code...

OK, so I used PRCCert to create a keypair and a self-signed certificate:

prccert -keygen -passphrase Test
prccert -certgen -passphrase Test -keyfile Priv_Key.pem -configfile PRCCert.conf

This resulted in the creation of the files


Then I tried to sign a PRC file:

prcsign -keyfile Priv_Key.pem -passphrase Test -cert Crt_File.der MyApp.prc

If I have understood the documentation correctly, this should add two resources 
to MyApp.prc - 'sign', containing the digital signature of the application's 
resources and 'cert', containing the certificate for the key with which this 
signature has been taken. In practice, however, only the 'sign' resource was 
added to the application.

Now, how do I ensure the integrity of the application? The documentation 
suggests that the operating system itself (PalmOS Cobalt) should verify the 
integrity of the digitally signed applications - and, presumably, issue a 
warning if the verification fails. I started the Cobalt simulator, set the 
Current Security to Medium from the Security applet of the system preferences, 
then modified a single character in the signed application and loaded it into 
the simulator. The application ran just fine - no warnings whatsoever.

Presumably, this is because of the missing 'cert' resource? Why wasn't it 
created - what did I do wrong?

Or have I misunderstood and the OS isn't checking the integrity of the 
applications it runs - and the applications have to do it themselves with 
SignVerifySignatureByIndex or something?

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Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
Hello folks,

Could somebody point me to some kind of tutorial about how to support the 5-way 
navigation of the Treo devices?

It is my understanding that, if the application is designed properly, on a Treo 
the user could move through the various elements of the forms only with the 
5-way control; no need to tap on the screen. I also have the vague idea that 
this is achieved by adding a form naviganition resource (or resources? for 
each form, I mean) to the application and then using the FrmNav* functions - 
but I'd like to see an example of how it is actually done.

Things get even more complicated by the fact that I don't have a Treo device 
and couldn't even make the Treo simulator work on my machine (it crashes). :-(

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Help me,It's Urgent..Debugging Problem

2005-05-09 Thread chintan

   I am using CYGwin PRCTools on windows. I want to debug it on TREO600 
Simulator.Previouly,Project was on Linux Environmnt. To debug for TREO600(able 
for windows only),I had to shift it to windows. I am able to connect on 
POSE(Emulator)but not to TREO600 Simulator. 

Please help me out. Thank You.

Deepak Singh.
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Bluetooth pairing problem.

2005-05-09 Thread Flex
Hi ppl,
I'm about to write a communication to a bt device but facing strange 
problem - I can't pair with it. The device is a printer so, the last 4 
digits of the BT address are the pariing key. On T|T it says 
immediatelly an error when I enter the key. I updated it and now, it 
freezes for about a minute before giving Unable to add DEVICE to your 
trusted device list. Same situation on T|T2 and Zire 72. However paring 
passes on T|T3, T|E2 and Treo 650. All in common - they have the new 
look of the bt configuration. That leads to the point older palmos 
handhelds are not having all BT implemented correct? And I should not 
hope for a patch right? :)

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Which pipe to use when connecting to palm via USB cradle

2005-05-09 Thread Rob

I have already got all the code I need to connect to my palm using the USB 
I am currently opening the pipe using:-

CreateFile(\\?\vid ... \\PIPE00, etc...)

Whilst this works fine for my Tungsten T3, my Tungsten T uses different pipes 
for the network connection.

T3 uses pipe00(read) and pipe01(write)
T uses pipe02(read) and pipe03(write)
Tests have shown other devices use various combinations of pipes

My code must support various devices so I need a way of determining which pipes 
are used by the device.

I have tried opening all the pipes and simply using the first one that sends 
data but this can cause a bluescreen if the palm is doing a cradle hotsync.

How can I determine the correct pipe to use for any device?
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Re: Which pipe to use when connecting to palm via USB cradle

2005-05-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-09, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have already got all the code I need to connect to my palm using the USB
 I am currently opening the pipe using:-

 CreateFile(\\?\vid ... \\PIPE00, etc...)

 Whilst this works fine for my Tungsten T3, my Tungsten T uses different
 pipes for the network connection.

 T3 uses pipe00(read) and pipe01(write)
 T uses pipe02(read) and pipe03(write)
 Tests have shown other devices use various combinations of pipes

 My code must support various devices so I need a way of determining which
 pipes are used by the device.

 I have tried opening all the pipes and simply using the first one that sends
 data but this can cause a bluescreen if the palm is doing a cradle

 How can I determine the correct pipe to use for any device?

Look at how it is done in libpisock in pilot-link: 
http://cvs.pilot-link.org .
For PalmOne devices use PALM_GET_EXTENDED_CONNECTION_INFO and look for the
pipes with the function_id 'psys'. These are the console/debug ports on 
USB devices. For other devices you have to do other things.
See also the darwinusb.c file in libpisock.


Ton van Overbeek

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sprintf vs StrPrintF

2005-05-09 Thread Y.Rekha

I am developing an application which utilizes a library. This library
makes a bunch of sprintf calls which needs to be mapped to device
specific API(Palm/Symbian).
I used StrPrintF on Palm as mentioned in the manual, but the intended
operation is not performed. I read in the developer forums that the
StrPrintF does not implement all the features of ANSI sprintf. I have a
piece of code which is like:-

Char str[100];
StrPrintF(str,%s World,str);

At this point , all str has is  World, Hello is getting removed. I
tried this using other C compiler(on desktop) and it gives Hello
World as the output.

Is there a way we can use C's sprintf - considering newer releases of
Is there/should there be a work around for StrPrintF?

I am using Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.3 Prof. edition.

Thanks in advance,


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Need info about SMS Database record Structure for TREO650

2005-05-09 Thread versha
hi all ,
I have to develop a SMSApplication for Treo650 , where i can retrieve the SMS 
stored in the database of SMSApplication.I donot have to trap the incoming 
message.The sample SimpleSMS application in the SDK Examples of Treo does 
trapping of SMS.I have not been able to find the Structure of the sms(its 
fields)i.e how its stored.Can i know in which file will i find the SMS Record 
I need the file name immediately ..kindly help.
Thanking You!
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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
 The Treo6xx developer docs cover this stuff.

Which docs and where are they? On the Treo SDK?

 If you want to do your own stuff with navigation on a Treo, then I
 don't see how you are going to make any good progress without a
 navigation friendly simulator or device.

Sigh... OK, I'll try again. Which one of the half a zillion Treo simulators 
should I use? Last time I used palmOne SDK 4.1 Treo 650 Simulator - GSM 
Cingular Consumer (EN) - Debug - SDK Build # 40 - Treo 650 Build # 4032 - 
mostly because it was first on the list. OK, presumably, palmOne SDK 4.2 Treo 
650 Simulator - GSM TIM (IT) - Release - SDK Build # 40 - Treo 650 Build # 
6028 is a later version of the SDK; I'll try that one. (And pluggedin *still* 
uses an expired certificate, sigh...)

 The 650 sim creates a SimSlotDriverVolume file in a root folder
 called Palm on my device, and if that gets corrupted (like I've
 added a bad acting app which crashes upon reset) then it can
 certainly cause problems.

Hold on, what does the simulator have to do with the real device? Are you 
saying that installing the simulator on a Windows machine results in some 
folders/files being created on the PalmOS device?

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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Moynihan
Dr. Vesselin Bontchev wrote:
The Treo6xx developer docs cover this stuff.

Which docs and where are they? On the Treo SDK?

No.  I am currently looking at a doc on my PC called 
Treo600DeveloperGuide.pdf.  You'll probably find that at the PalmOne 
developer site without too much searching.


If you want to do your own stuff with navigation on a Treo, then I
don't see how you are going to make any good progress without a
navigation friendly simulator or device.

Sigh... OK, I'll try again. Which one of the half a zillion Treo simulators should I use? Last time I used palmOne SDK 4.1 Treo 650 Simulator - GSM Cingular Consumer (EN) - Debug - SDK Build # 40 - Treo 650 Build # 4032 - mostly because it was first on the list. OK, presumably, palmOne SDK 4.2 Treo 650 Simulator - GSM TIM (IT) - Release - SDK Build # 40 - Treo 650 Build # 6028 is a later version of the SDK; I'll try that one. (And pluggedin *still* uses an expired certificate, sigh...)

Here's the name of the folder that was created when I unzipped my 
version of the T650 sim:


The 650 sim creates a SimSlotDriverVolume file in a root folder
called Palm on my device, and if that gets corrupted (like I've
added a bad acting app which crashes upon reset) then it can
certainly cause problems.

Hold on, what does the simulator have to do with the real device? Are you saying that installing the simulator on a Windows machine results in some folders/files being created on the PalmOS device?

Sorry... I should have said on my PC, not on my device; fumble 
fingers (or was it 'fumble brain' ;)  ).

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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
Sigh, this crap definitely doesn't work... :-(

First, it takes something like 2 minutes to boot - I thought that it was frozen 
at the Palm Powered screen. Second, how do I *use* it?! With the other 
simulators, I can use the mouse as a stylus on the real device. Here, clicking 
anywhere on the screen simply doesn't work! The simulator isn't frozen, because 
I'm at the language selection page and moving the keyboard Up and Down keys 
changes the language selection between English and Italian. Escape and mouse 
right-click also works. But I can't click on any of the hardware buttons (F1-F4 
doesn't work, either), nor can I click on a language or on the Scroll or Select 

And *where* is the documentation you mentioned??

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Re: Help me,It's Urgent..Debugging Problem

2005-05-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek

I am using CYGwin PRCTools on windows. I want to debug it on TREO600
 Simulator.Previouly,Project was on Linux Environmnt. To debug for
 TREO600(able for windows only),I had to shift it to windows. I am able to
 connect on POSE(Emulator)but not to TREO600 Simulator. 

 Please help me out. Thank You.

One big difference between POSE and the various simulators is that you 
have to use the 'gdbpanel' application on the simulators in order to set
the 'gdbS' feature needed for debugging with m68k-palmos-gdb.

See Section 5 (http://prc-tools.sourceforge.net/doc/prc-tools_5.html) in
the prc-tools documentation for more details.

Also if you do see the 'waiting' message in m68k-palmos-gdb it means the 
TCP connection to the simulator port 2000 has been established.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Moynihan
my last response took a while getting through, so I responded 
directly to the good Dr.   For the list, here are the contents of my note.

Dr. Vesselin Bontchev wrote:
Sigh, this crap definitely doesn't work... :-(

It does, but it is flaky...
First, it takes something like 2 minutes to boot - I thought that it was frozen at the Palm Powered screen. Second, how do I *use* it?! With the other simulators, I can use the mouse as a stylus on the real device. Here, clicking anywhere on the screen simply doesn't work! The simulator isn't frozen, because I'm at the language selection page and moving the keyboard Up and Down keys changes the language selection between English and Italian. Escape and mouse right-click also works. But I can't click on any of the hardware buttons (F1-F4 doesn't work, either), nor can I click on a language or on the Scroll or Select controls.

This is a known issue with the 650 sim.  You have to tu.rn OFF the 
'storage is write protected' setting, then things speed up acceptably.

And *where* is the documentation you mentioned??

I addressed this in my other response.
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Re: Bluetooth pairing problem.

2005-05-09 Thread Flex
Further research - even devices that are able to pair, can't open 
connection. I'm doing this...

SrmOpenConfigType config;
BtVdOpenParams btParams;
Err err;
config.function=0; // must be zero
btParams.role=btVdClient; // we are the client side
#ifdef DEBUG
Message(Error opening BT Port!);
return 0;
In short, I have paired the printer first, getting all available devices 
when calling SrmExtOpen, selecting the pritner, then after around 20 
seconds getting error 0x305 or in human readable format - SerErrTimeout.
Tested with and without authenticate  encrypt.
Ah, yes, the printer is workg - I can print from all available pocketpcs 
around. Yet to test with blackberry.

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Re: sprintf vs StrPrintF

2005-05-09 Thread Ralf Dietrich
You are using the same source and target string (in your example: 'str' 
string pointer).

Solution: Define your own sprintf() or use
char str[100],dest[100];
StrPrintF(dest,%s World,str);
/* = result in Hello World */
BTW: Anybody know if ANSI permit the same source/target ptrs in sprintf()?
Y.Rekha wrote:
I am developing an application which utilizes a library. This library
makes a bunch of sprintf calls which needs to be mapped to device
specific API(Palm/Symbian).
I used StrPrintF on Palm as mentioned in the manual, but the intended
operation is not performed. I read in the developer forums that the
StrPrintF does not implement all the features of ANSI sprintf. I have a
piece of code which is like:-
Char str[100];
StrPrintF(str,%s World,str);
At this point , all str has is  World, Hello is getting removed. I
tried this using other C compiler(on desktop) and it gives Hello
World as the output.
Is there a way we can use C's sprintf - considering newer releases of
Is there/should there be a work around for StrPrintF?
I am using Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.3 Prof. edition.
Thanks in advance,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ralf Dietrich  www: http://www.envicon.com
envi.con KGmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Emser Platz 2  Tel: +4930-34902670
10719 Berlin/Germany   Fax: +4930-34902671
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Re: sprintf vs StrPrintF

2005-05-09 Thread Juergen Wind
Y.Rekha wrote:
I am developing an application which utilizes a library. This library
makes a bunch of sprintf calls which needs to be mapped to device
specific API(Palm/Symbian).
I used StrPrintF on Palm as mentioned in the manual, but the intended
operation is not performed. I read in the developer forums that the
StrPrintF does not implement all the features of ANSI sprintf. I have a
piece of code which is like:-
Char str[100];
StrPrintF(str,%s World,str);
 ^  ^
It's no good idea to use str for both input and output string, as you 
don't know how the memory will be overwritten.
Use a different variable instead.

At this point , all str has is  World, Hello is getting removed. I
tried this using other C compiler(on desktop) and it gives Hello
World as the output.
Is there a way we can use C's sprintf - considering newer releases of
Is there/should there be a work around for StrPrintF?
I am using Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.3 Prof. edition.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
 I am currently looking at a doc on my PC called

Found it, thanks.


Ah! This one works - I can make it do things when clicking on it with the 
mouse, I mean.

Hmm, the documentation says that PageUp and PageDown act as Up and Down keys - 
but instead they bring up some dialog for setting the sound volume of the 
ringer... Instead, the Up and Down keys of the keyboard seem to work as Up and 
Down keys.

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Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Ben Combee
At 06:43 AM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
Hello folks,
Could somebody point me to some kind of tutorial about how to support the 
5-way navigation of the Treo devices?

It is my understanding that, if the application is designed properly, on a 
Treo the user could move through the various elements of the forms only 
with the 5-way control; no need to tap on the screen. I also have the 
vague idea that this is achieved by adding a form naviganition resource 
(or resources? for each form, I mean) to the application and then using 
the FrmNav* functions - but I'd like to see an example of how it is 
actually done.

Things get even more complicated by the fact that I don't have a Treo 
device and couldn't even make the Treo simulator work on my machine (it 
crashes). :-(
The five-way navigation API introduced on the Treo 600 is also on the Treo 
650, Tungsten T5, and Tungsten E2 devices.  I've written some about 'fnav' 
resources mainly on this forum (which you can search through the link in my 
signature).  A major source of info is the PalmOne SDK PDF file from 

Support for 'fnav' resources is built into PilRC 3.0 and later (my favorite 
way to specify them) and also is in the current PalmRC compiler in the PODS 
environment, although you need to write all the XML yourself.

See also http://palmos.combee.net/blog/TungstenT5NavigationAPICh.html.  The 
most recent Palm OS 68K API SDK (the Fall 2004 release) has an updated glue 
library with FrmNavGlue functions for handling the Treo 600 and later 
devices correctly.

-- Ben Combee, Senior Software Engineer, palmOne, Inc.
   Combee on Palm OS weblog: http://palmos.combee.net/
   Developer Forum Archives:   http://news.palmos.com/read/all_forums/
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see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: Supporting Treo's 5-way navigation - how?

2005-05-09 Thread Ben Combee
At 09:05 AM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
Hmm, the documentation says that PageUp and PageDown act as Up and Down 
keys - but instead they bring up some dialog for setting the sound volume 
of the ringer... Instead, the Up and Down keys of the keyboard seem to 
work as Up and Down keys.
PageUp and PageDown are mapped to the side volume buttons.  If you look at 
the Treo 650 button layout, you'll see that there's no up/down button but 
instead a five-way navigator.  Whether that sends vchrPageUp/vchrPageDown 
or one of the vchrRocker keys depends on what mode the current form is in.

-- Ben Combee, Senior Software Engineer, palmOne, Inc.
   Combee on Palm OS weblog: http://palmos.combee.net/
   Developer Forum Archives:   http://news.palmos.com/read/all_forums/
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Re: Bluetooth pairing problem.

2005-05-09 Thread Michal Seliga
i noticed too that some devices (mobile phones) can't pair with me, but i must
with them (when i initialize the connection it will fail, when they do, it 
it happened to me with one mobile phone and one ipaq. i have tungsten t5

so i am interested too...

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RE: Digitally signed code in Cobalt

2005-05-09 Thread Eric Cloninger
I'm not an expert on the code signing tools, but I looked at the build
results for one of our signed apps and the command line went as

PrcSign  foo.prc -o foo.prc  -keyfile PrcSignKey.pem -passphrase
password -cert PrcSignCert.der   

The thing that I see is missing from your command line is the -o
parameter for the output file name.  It's the same as the input file in
this case, which means the sign resource is added back to the original
file.  The file that is signed in my example has a 'sign' resource but
not a 'cert'.  Apparently there are command line parameters that control
which resources are added.

The docs on PRCSign and PRCCert are at 

Join us at the PalmSource Mobile Summit  DevCon 2005
San Jose, California - May 24-26, 2005

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dr. 
 Vesselin Bontchev
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 6:41 AM
 To: Palm Developer Forum
 Subject: Digitally signed code in Cobalt
 Hello folks,
 I'm trying to figure out how to use digitally signed code...
 OK, so I used PRCCert to create a keypair and a self-signed 
 prccert -keygen -passphrase Test
 prccert -certgen -passphrase Test -keyfile Priv_Key.pem 
 -configfile PRCCert.conf
 This resulted in the creation of the files
 Then I tried to sign a PRC file:
 prcsign -keyfile Priv_Key.pem -passphrase Test -cert 
 Crt_File.der MyApp.prc
 If I have understood the documentation correctly, this should 
 add two resources to MyApp.prc - 'sign', containing the 
 digital signature of the application's resources and 'cert', 
 containing the certificate for the key with which this 
 signature has been taken. In practice, however, only the 
 'sign' resource was added to the application.
 Now, how do I ensure the integrity of the application? The 
 documentation suggests that the operating system itself 
 (PalmOS Cobalt) should verify the integrity of the digitally 
 signed applications - and, presumably, issue a warning if the 
 verification fails. I started the Cobalt simulator, set the 
 Current Security to Medium from the Security applet of the 
 system preferences, then modified a single character in the 
 signed application and loaded it into the simulator. The 
 application ran just fine - no warnings whatsoever.
 Presumably, this is because of the missing 'cert' resource? 
 Why wasn't it created - what did I do wrong?
 Or have I misunderstood and the OS isn't checking the 
 integrity of the applications it runs - and the applications 
 have to do it themselves with SignVerifySignatureByIndex or something?
 For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to 
 unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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How to suppress installed applications?

2005-05-09 Thread france . techhelp
I have a Palm 3 with PalmOS 3.30.

Maybe I've missed something but I can't find how to remove
applications I installed for testing (using prc tools and then using hotsync to 
put my .prc application on the palm).

May you help me if possible, telling me in which user guide uninstalation is 
described for example.

Best Regards,
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see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: How to suppress installed applications?

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Moynihan
I have a Palm 3 with PalmOS 3.30.
Maybe I've missed something but I can't find how to remove
applications I installed for testing (using prc tools and then using hotsync to 
put my .prc application on the palm).
May you help me if possible, telling me in which user guide uninstalation is 
described for example.
Best Regards,

Hi Sylvain.  That is just a basic function of the Palm launcher app.  
When you are in the launcher on your Palm, open the menu and select 
Delete, then pick the app that you want to delete.  No more 
complicated than that (unless your app is hidden, of course).  Bob.

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Treo650 - VersaMail crashes with ExgRequest

2005-05-09 Thread RaNo
This simple code always crashes VersaMail on the Treo650. Why?
ExgSocketType* s= MemPtrNew (sizeof(ExgSocketType));
MemSet (s, sizeof(ExgSocketType), 0);
s-name= MemPtrNew (100);
StrCopy (s-name, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]);
//MemPtrSetOwner (s, 0); =tried with these also
//MemPtrSetOwner (s-name, 0);
ExgRequest (s);
//MemPtrFree (s-name); =can these be freed here?
//MemPtrFree (s);
OK, it does not always crash: you must have an account configured in
VersaMail. If you have no account configured, the configuration process will
launch correctly.
Seems to crashes both: on the Treo650 Sprint Simulator and on real devices.
Any help appreciated...
Radoslaw Nowak, RNS::

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Re: Is PalmGear in financial trouble again?

2005-05-09 Thread Lee Fyock
Mike Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder because I have yet to receive my March 
royalty check and it's not May 6th.  I have sent 
email inquiries to eveyone I know at PalmGear and my 
emails are just ignored.  

This is what happened last time they had financial 

Has everyone else not received their March royalty 
check yet?

Given Motricity Secures $27 Million in Funding 
http://www.motricity.com/press/releases.php?rID=04_1025_motricity2 it seems 
unlikely that they're in financial trouble.
It could be that they donated all your money. :-)
Motricity Donates PalmGear.com Proceeds to Tsunami Relief Efforts 

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unsupported international call

2005-05-09 Thread Stefano Fornari
Hi All,
I am developing an application and testing it on the emulator. I am
getting the weird (at least to me) error message unsupported
international call when executing:

err = TxtConvertEncoding(
  NULL,  // just return the size

Has anybody a clue on what it could be due and how fix it?

Thanks in advance.

Stefano Fornari - Sync4j Project Manager / Funambol CTO
Project Documentation:
Documentation site:
List archives:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sync4j (login required)
Sync4j - The open source SyncML mobile application platform

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multi-language support

2005-05-09 Thread Tony Janke
I am writing an application that will be sold worldwide.  What is the level of 
difficulty to have the GUI/interface translated into different languages?



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Re: Menu trouble on Tungsten T5

2005-05-09 Thread Gnadinger, David
I figured out my problem. I had an added step that didn't exist in the code I 
was comparing with. It's working great now. Thanks.
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re: FrmPopupFrm/FrmReturnToForm crashes T5 device

2005-05-09 Thread John Newell
I have a form, let's call it Main. When you tap on the Search button, it 
does a FrmPopupFrm (DetailForm). 

Are you using SysNotifyDisplayResizedEvent at all?  I had a similar sounding 
problem when I accidentally un-notified it.
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Re: multi-language support

2005-05-09 Thread A.Kazantsev
This is just the matter of your experience in foreign languages you
are going to support. The rest is as simple as English interface
though memory consuming.

TJ I am writing an application that will be sold worldwide. 
TJ What is the level of difficulty to have the GUI/interface
TJ translated into different languages?

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Re: multi-language support

2005-05-09 Thread Robert Moynihan
Tony Janke wrote:
I am writing an application that will be sold worldwide.  What is the level of difficulty to have the GUI/interface translated into different languages?

It depends on how you want to handle the various languages.  Are you 
going to create one version with all languages built-in (BIG prc file)?  
Are you to use the english PRC file as the parent, and create a bunch of 
localized overlay files for each language?  Or are you going to create a 
bunch of language specific prc files?

Whichever way you go about it, you'll have to look at anywhere in your 
code that you have hard-coded english text, and change that to something 
that can be dynamically redirected to the language specific code at 
compile/runtime.  If you haven't already planned to do that, then you 
can be in for a considerable amount of re-write.

Further, how many languages do you speak fluently?  Just kidding,.. but 
at best this might be 3.  You will have to find some people to work with 
you, as volunteers or as contract employees, to do the traslations.  If 
you structure your app correctly then you could leave much of this up to 
your users (thus volunteers), and have those who are interested 
translate your app into their language.  That way, you could get some 
translations for free, and the users get a version of your app that is 
more comfortable for them.

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RE: Multi-segment applications

2005-05-09 Thread Jonathan King
That's what I was forgetting. I had the same problem, then I cleaned and
it worked. I'm not sure if this is a documented way to multisegment with
managed make projects, but perhaps it should be. It is pretty simple.

Jonathan King

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-433363-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dr. Vesselin Bontchev
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:12 AM
 To: Palm Developer Forum
 Subject: RE: Multi-segment applications
  No offense, but it appears that you want two segments but are
  only specifying one.
 I want only one *extra* segment (i.e., in addition to the default code
 One doesn't specify the default segment in a multi-segment application
 only the extra ones. I was doing everything by the book - and yes, I
 read the documentation; I have also looked at the sources of several
 Source multi-segment applications - but for some reason it wasn't
 My guess is that the makefile was being too clever - it was seeing
 parts of the old program were already compiled and was trying to just
 them. When I cleaned everything and rebuilt from scratch, it worked.
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mobile manager

2005-05-09 Thread Scott Erickson
I found a link for somthing about the new Palm Mobile Manager.  Does anyone 
have any info on the device?


Scott Erickson
Software Development Team, FB-4, Inc.

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LifeDrive Mobile Manager

2005-05-09 Thread Scott Erickson
Anyone know for sure what OS this will be running?  Ive heard that its going 
to have Garnet from some sources, and Cobalt from other sources. If its 
Garnet, will it be the same version as the Tero 650???



Scott Erickson
Software Development Team, FB-4, Inc.

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RE: multi-language support

2005-05-09 Thread Mark Cameron

Is your interface quite static, or dynamic? And does it involve a lot of
forms and/or text? I've spent a bunch of time creating the
infrastructure for a localizable dynamic interface, so I can give a few
pointers there:

* Spend time creating a library of functions which you can use to
localize interface objects (i.e. controls, fields, labels, etc.)
* Consider using WinDraw functions (e.g. WinDrawChars) instead of
labels... but keep in mind that any draw functions need to happen after
FrmDrawForm is called (whereas other objects like buttons are localized
before FrmDrawForm).
* Always allow more space than you would need for English text, and
consider building truncation into the localization functions (e.g. we
always check how many chars will fit, and if the text is too long we
append an ellipsis (...) to the truncated string.
* Dynamic menus are tricky to localize, since there are limited ways to
control menus at run-time. We found that we needed to create one static
item on the menu bar (we used our App name and made it our about
menu), then add the localized text at run-time. In other words, as far
as I know you can't localize the first item on a menu at run-time.
* If you can store your strings in a database rather than hardcoding
them, it will allow you to easily add other languages later on. We use a
record structure that simply has a Text ID, a Locale code, and the
string... then we lookup by Text ID at run-time, based on the currently
selected locale. It works really well and we're able to maintain the
database in an Excel spreadsheet and simply generate our localization
PDB on the Windows side (can't remember what tool we use to creat the
PDB, but there is plenty of documentation in this forum about creating
PDBs in Windows).

If your UI is quite static and simple, there are easier ways to
localize. But if you want an app that can be easily localized I'd
suggest considering dynamic UI.

Mark Cameron
Techneos Systems Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Janke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:54 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: multi-language support

I am writing an application that will be sold worldwide.  What is the
level of difficulty to have the GUI/interface translated into different



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Installing Hotsync 6.0

2005-05-09 Thread Luc Leduc

I'm finishing writting a software for Palm and Windows...

When i install the windows application with the conduit on the machine, il
will need to install Hotsync.exe to make sure my conduit will function.

Wich file i need to install with hotsync.exe...?  I made a test with the EXE
alone and i have a lot of error message (missing dll) I dont anderstand
because, i read someting from palm that it tell me that i do not need
anything more abviously it's not true.


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RE: LifeDrive Mobile Manager

2005-05-09 Thread Jonathan King
Garnet. Probably the same version as the E2.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-433542-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Erickson
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:09 PM
 To: Palm Developer Forum
 Subject: LifeDrive Mobile Manager
 Anyone know for sure what OS this will be running?  Ive heard that its
 to have Garnet from some sources, and Cobalt from other sources. If
 Garnet, will it be the same version as the Tero 650???

 Scott Erickson
 Software Development Team, FB-4, Inc.
 For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
 please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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Re: Is PalmGear in financial trouble again?

2005-05-09 Thread Donald C. Kirker
I opened my mouth a little too soon. My check just came :). I still have a
little money (in their accounts :( ) left.


Jonathan King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't really like the way PG handles money. I have a royalty statement
 greater than $100 dated 4/20/05 (Which I have NOT received yet), and
 above that, I have an open balance of zero, even though I have made
 sales since the last royalty statement.

  It could be that they donated all your money. :-)
  Motricity Donates PalmGear.com Proceeds to Tsunami Relief Efforts

 Or perhaps held a secret developer cruise.

 Jonathan King

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Re: multi-language support

2005-05-09 Thread Luc Le Blanc
Tony Janke a écrit :

 I am writing an application that will be sold worldwide.  What is the level 
 of difficulty to have the GUI/interface translated into different languages?

I can tell you about my own experience: I ship 3 different PRC's because it's 
unlikely people need several linguistic versions at the same time (PDA's tend
to be more personal than PC's) and using overlays require OS 3.5 while I 
support PalmOS down to version 3.0. I maintain 3 resource files (forms, strings,
help text, alerts, etc.) under Constructor and thus produce 3 targets under 
CodeWarrior. I also maintain 3 HTML manuals with proper screenshots and I write
trilingual posts on my mailing list to warn of new versions. No text string 
appears in the source code, even StrPrintF templates, everything is in the
resource file.

It's a lot of work; I suggest you find someone to do the initial resource, 
manual and Web page translation. You'll find it's enough work just to maintain
everything over time and new versions afterwards.

Luc Le Blanc


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Re: sprintf vs StrPrintF

2005-05-09 Thread John Marshall
Ralf Dietrich wrote:
BTW: Anybody know if ANSI permit the same source/target ptrs in 
I presume everyone's gut feeling is that it would not, and that is 
indeed the case:

ISO C90,  The sprintf function is equivalent to fprintf, 
except that the [first argument] specifies an array into which the 
generated output is to be written [...]  If copying takes place between 
objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.

(And similarly in C99, section
(PS for other language lawyers: I don't think it's astoundingly clear 
what copying means in this context, but the intent is pretty clear.)

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Re: Palm OS Doc isn't always accurate -was:(RE:Prefs version for prefHandednessChoice)

2005-05-09 Thread Luc Le Blanc
Tam Hanna a écrit :

 I wouldn't put too much trust into the Palm OS SDK if your experience runs
 against it. I am willing to test it for you on my T3.

I do have a T3 too, but I'm wondering whether some T3's would have prefs version
11 instead of 12, which would explain the T3 Simulator prefs version (11)
despite the API ref.

Luc Le Blanc

 If you need some more proof: the SDK manual says that the peripheral
 dock/undock notifications are not available on devices without the UNC. A
 Tungsten E broadcasts them
 Or-just look at the parameter names of some of the sound manager functions.
 Best regards
 Tam Hanna

 Luc le Blanc wrote:
 I'm using the prefHandednessChoice system preference. The SDK API ref says
 it's implemented in prefs version 12, but the T3 Simulator has version 11
 and recognizes this preference. What's the truth? What version should I test
 for to properly detect it on all handedness-enabled device?

 Luc Le Blanc

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Re: Palm OS Doc isn't always accurate -was:(RE:Prefs version for prefHandednessChoice)

2005-05-09 Thread Luc Le Blanc
Tam Hanna a écrit :

 I wouldn't put too much trust into the Palm OS SDK if your experience runs
 against it. I am willing to test it for you on my T3.

I do have a T3 too, but I'm wondering whether some T3's would have prefs version

11 instead of 12, which would explain the T3 Simulator prefs version (11)
despite the API ref.

Luc Le Blanc

 If you need some more proof: the SDK manual says that the peripheral
 dock/undock notifications are not available on devices without the UNC. A
 Tungsten E broadcasts them
 Or-just look at the parameter names of some of the sound manager functions.
 Best regards
 Tam Hanna

 Luc le Blanc wrote:
 I'm using the prefHandednessChoice system preference. The SDK API ref says
 it's implemented in prefs version 12, but the T3 Simulator has version 11
 and recognizes this preference. What's the truth? What version should I test
 for to properly detect it on all handedness-enabled device?

 Luc Le Blanc

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...helps only Hard reset.

2005-05-09 Thread Dmitry Soenko
Good afternoon. I've got a following problem. I was programming in Code Warrior 
9.3, and was happy, but suddenly my application got a fatal error on the 
device, and, by the way, in a pretty weired way. I just do the HotSync. The 
application of synchronisation doesn't fulfil the message Please wait. I make 
Soft Reset. It blinks, and shows the text Palm Powered and that's all. I can't 
see anything except it. However, it's strange. The thing that makes me sad is 
that I can't understand watts up, maybe someone can help me? You know, 
that's curious.

Thank you.

P.S. I've checked it on the devices Tungsten E, Zire 71, Zire 72.
The result is similar.
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Re: How to suppress installed applications?

2005-05-09 Thread Alok Kumar
Hi Bob,
I have facing a problem is uninstaliing the running app on treo 600.
I have an app which is running and from menu when i tries to delete
that app, it reset the phonerather i want to hvae have a clean
delete...or with some proper message ...is there any to handle the
this delete event.
Any help is appreciated.


On 5/9/05, Robert Moynihan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Palm 3 with PalmOS 3.30.
 Maybe I've missed something but I can't find how to remove
 applications I installed for testing (using prc tools and then using
 hotsync to put my .prc application on the palm).
 May you help me if possible, telling me in which user guide uninstalation
 is described for example.
 Best Regards,
 Hi Sylvain.  That is just a basic function of the Palm launcher app.  
 When you are in the launcher on your Palm, open the menu and select 
 Delete, then pick the app that you want to delete.  No more 
 complicated than that (unless your app is hidden, of course).  Bob.
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Re: LifeDrive Mobile Manager

2005-05-09 Thread Frantisek Dufka
What about FAT32? The disk is supposed to be 4GB. Are there FAT32 fs 
drivers in Garnet?

On 9.5.2005 23:50, Jonathan King wrote:
Garnet. Probably the same version as the E2.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-433542-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Erickson
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:09 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: LifeDrive Mobile Manager
Anyone know for sure what OS this will be running?  Ive heard that its
to have Garnet from some sources, and Cobalt from other sources. If
Garnet, will it be the same version as the Tero 650???

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RE: ...helps only Hard reset.

2005-05-09 Thread Manpreet
The reason could be the application segment size crossing 64KB limit, if this 
is the case then try to divide the application into multiple segments. here it 
seams Palm hotsync manager is no able to handle transfer of more then 64 kb.

Good afternoon. I've got a following problem. I was programming in Code 
Warrior 9.3, and was happy, but suddenly my application got a fatal error on 
the device, and, by the way, in a pretty weired way. I just do the HotSync. 
The application of synchronisation doesn't fulfil the message Please wait. I 
make Soft Reset. It blinks, and shows the text Palm Powered and that's all. I 
can't see anything except it. However, it's strange. The thing that makes me 
sad is that I can't understand watts up, maybe someone can help me? You 
know, that's curious.

Thank you.

P.S. I've checked it on the devices Tungsten E, Zire 71, Zire 72.
The result is similar.
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