Palm Game Sprite Problem

2002-12-28 Thread DrumBSF
  Hey guys!  I am using Code Warrior 7.  I am trying  make a Palm Pong clone.

I have my sprites running but when ever one moves,  the place at which they were,  you 
can see that still plus where they are now.  Understand what I am saying?
I need to figure out how to erase the stop it was just at so that there is only one 
picture of the ball at a time.  I tried getting a rectangle to erase the last stop but 
that doesn't work,  or atleast the way I did it.

// The Ball Rectangle
RctSetRectangle (BallRect,Ballx, Bally, Ball-width, Ball-height);
do {
if (hit==0){
if (hit==1){

// The Ball 

Thanks in Advance

-- Brandon

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Palm Sprite Question

2002-12-28 Thread DrumBSF
  Hey guys! I am having a slite sprite problem.  I am using Code Warrior 7.  I am 
trying  make a Palm Pong clone.

I have my sprites running but when ever one moves,  the place at which they were,  you 
can see that still plus where they are now.  Understand what I am saying?
I need to figure out how to erase the stop it was just at so that there is only one 
picture of the ball at a time.  I tried getting a rectangle to erase the last stop but 
that doesn't work,  or atleast the way I did it.

// The Ball Rectangle
RctSetRectangle (BallRect,Ballx, Bally, Ball-width, Ball-height);
do {
if (hit==0){
if (hit==1){

// The Ball 

Thanks in Advance!

-- Brandon

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Change the Color of the Background

2002-10-12 Thread DrumBSF
 How do you change the color of the Window's actual back ground?  
WinSetBackColor doesn't help me any.  Thanks!

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C to C++ Conversion problem. PilRC

2002-10-08 Thread DrumBSF

   Ok,  I asked earlier how do I use PilRC and Codewarrior 7.0 in C++ mode to use 
your own font.  The anser I was given was to use


Which I used but am still back at step one.  How do I use this?
I tried throwing in my old C code

FontPtr Text;
Text=MemHandleLock(DmGetResource('NFNT', 1000));
FntDefineFont (fntAppFontCustomBase, Text);

Which is no good because in C++ mode,  it doesn't want to comple this.  So how in C++ 
should I write my code to display  User defined font?  Thanks in Advance for all your 

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C++ and PilRC question

2002-10-05 Thread DrumBSF

How would I in C++,  not C,  write C++ code to allow me to change the font 
using PilRC?  I am new to PilRC.  Thank you in Advance for you help!

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PiLRC Font C problem

2002-09-28 Thread DrumBSF

   I am trying to use my own Font with my application.  I am using Codewarrior R7 
with the PilRc plug-in.  I set up the compiler and file mappings correctly,  and 
created a working rcp file.

However,  my c code is not compiling correctly,  which I don't understand 
because all my syntax should be correct acorrding to the Palm Os Documents.

Here is my code,

FontPtr fonte;
fonte=MemHandleLock(DmGetResource('NFNT', 1000));
FntDefineFont(255, fonte);

I get two errors saying

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FontType *'
Starter.cpp line 336   fonte=MemHandleLock(DmGetResource('NFNT', 1000));

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'int' to
Starter.cpp line 337   FntDefineFont(255, fonte);

   Something is wrong with my Font pointer but I don't know what.  What is wrong?


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Unsigned char to a char *

2002-03-05 Thread DrumBSF

How do you convert an unsigned char[40] to a char *?  Thanks!

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SysRandom(UInt32); Problem!

2002-03-03 Thread DrumBSF

   Hey!  I am trying to make a simple app for the palm and am 
trying to get the palm to return a number from 0 to 20

So I said

Int16 choose;
int wait;

But it keeps returning 6926 which I am guessing is the highest number the 
palm can randomize  What do I need to change to get the palm to return a 
random number consistantly between 0 and 20?


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Where can I download a m505 Rom Image?

2002-03-02 Thread DrumBSF

  Hey!  My pc 2 Palm connectiong isn't working  Can 
anyone tell me where I can download a Palm m505 rom image on the internet or 
any palm rom image?  Thanks!


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Re: Where can I download a m505 Rom Image?

2002-03-02 Thread DrumBSF

Thank you my friend  Thanks

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Proccess in creating a Pdb.

2002-03-02 Thread DrumBSF

   Ok,  I have read the documents and understand the 
functions for creating a database and I can creat a database but I don't 
understand exactly how to store data in a pdb  I know that you use DbWrite 
and DbAttachRecord but can someone explain the proccess in saving data to a 
database for example a character variable?  Or can someone explain an 
algorythm to be for saving data to a pdb?  Thank you very much!

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Error in creating a Pdb.

2002-03-02 Thread DrumBSF

Ok,  I tried that example,  Oh and THANKS SO MUCH for that website!  ALOT of 
help!  Thanks alot buddy!


I did get an error though

 DBRecordType r; 

Error   : undefined identifier 'DBRecordType'
Startercpp line 71   DBRecordType r;  // this is our database record

Wasn't DBRecordType a predefined commanded?  Thanks!


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Clearing a WinDrawChars

2002-03-01 Thread DrumBSF

Hey!  I have a simple problem  What I said was


But when x gets past 99,  it leaves an extra un needed digit  I tried a 
few things like WinEraseChars but those methods didn't work or atleast how I 
used them  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!

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Playing Sounds!

2002-02-28 Thread DrumBSF

  Can someone please show me an example source to playing a 
single note on the palm?  I am fairly new and want to learn!  Thanks!


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Re: Fonts

2002-02-14 Thread DrumBSF

 How do you make your own fonts if you are using Code Warrior?  

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Re: console mode in palm device

2001-12-28 Thread DrumBSF

I do the / stroke + then + . + the 2 and get nothing.  What am I doing wrong 
to get console mode? Thanks!

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Re: console mode in palm device

2001-12-28 Thread DrumBSF

Well I did that and I get a bunch of beeps but nothing other than that 
happens.  Is there a special place I have to do it in?  Thanks!

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Problem Making a Calculator!

2001-12-26 Thread DrumBSF

Hey!  I am trying to make a calculator and I am getting a fatal 

   My Calculator will add any numbers from 0 to 5.  For example,  If I say 5 
+ 4 it will say 9.  

 However,  If I say  5+ 6,  I get a fatal exception.  I am 
sure it is a pointer problem.  Please show me what I did wrong!   Thanks!

 case ctlSelectEvent:

 case MainPlusButton:
 Int32 addn;
 Int32 addnn;
 Int32 newnum;
 char *NumSum;
 char *NumSumm;
 char Answer;
 fld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNumField);
 fldd=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNummField);
 Answerfld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainAnswerField);
 NumSum=FldGetTextPtr (fld);
 NumSumm=FldGetTextPtr (fldd);
 addn = StrAToI (NumSum);
 addnn = StrAToI (NumSumm);
 StrIToA (Answer, newnum);
 FldSetTextPtr (Answerfld,Answer);



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Re: Problem Making a Calculator!

2001-12-26 Thread DrumBSF

Heehee actually I already fixed it on my own but thanks!

I figured that out.

   I have a question though.

Now it only does addition.  What is wrong??

 case ctlSelectEvent:
 case MainPlusButton:
 Int32 addn;
 Int32 addnn;
 Int32 newnum;
 char *NumSum;
 char *NumSumm;
 char *Answer;
 fld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNumField);
 fldd=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNummField);
 Answerfld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainAnswerField);
 NumSum=FldGetTextPtr (fld);
 NumSumm=FldGetTextPtr (fldd);
 addn = StrAToI (NumSum);
 addnn = StrAToI (NumSumm);
 StrIToA (Answer, newnum);
 FldSetTextPtr (Answerfld,Answer);

  case MainMinusButton:
 Int32 Minusn;
 Int32 Minusnn;
   Int32 newnumm;
 char *NumSummm;
 char *NumSu;
 char *Answerm;
 fld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNumField);
 fldd=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainNummField);
 Answerfld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainAnswerField);
 NumSummm=FldGetTextPtr (fld);
 NumSu=FldGetTextPtr (fldd);
 Minusn = StrAToI (NumSummm);
 Minusnn = StrAToI (NumSu);
 StrIToA (Answerm, newnumm);
 FldSetTextPtr (Answerfld,Answerm);

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Modem Problem!

2001-10-04 Thread DrumBSF

 Hey! I am trying to get my Palm to dial a number on my 56k palm modem. My 
code compiles fine but I keep getting a fatal error on my palm. What am I doing wrong?

ModemPtr modem;
Char *number=7362812;
Char *okDialP;
Char *userInitP;
MdmDial (modem,okDialP,userInitP, number);


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Custom Font on the Palm?

2001-10-04 Thread DrumBSF

  I notice one of the font id's allow you to use your own font. I am assuming this 
means a palm hack font. How do I access a certain palm hack font by saying

FldSetFont (fld, fntAppFontCustomBase);


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Getting the Battery type!

2001-10-03 Thread DrumBSF

Hey! I am having a little trouble with
getting what kind of battery the user has.

This is my code.

  UInt8 *percentP;
   SysBatteryKind *kindP;
 char *PercentStr;
 char *Percents;
UInt16 Kind;
Kind=SysBatteryInfoV20 (false,NULL,NULL,NULL,kindP,false);
 PercentStr=StrIToA (Percents, Kind-kindP);
fld=(FieldPtr) GetObjectPtr(MainOutputField);

My error is here though
PercentStr=StrIToA (Percents, Kind-kindP);

It says Kind isn't an array.

How do I access kindP and display it as a character string? Thanks!

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Moving a Bitmap around!

2001-10-02 Thread DrumBSF

  Hey! I am a newbie and am trying to learn different api calls for the palm 
device. I have a from bitmap and want to know how to change it's x and y values 
promattically. I am using CodeWarrior 7.0. Please help! Thanks!

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Screen Saver!

2001-09-30 Thread DrumBSF

Ok, I am making a simple marquee program for the palm pilot.

Everything works Perfectly except for when I want to exit. The effect I want is when 
the user presses the stlus against the screen, the app should exit and enter the app 
launch program. Instead it gives me a memory error. Here is my code.

 int num=0;
 Int16  penX, penY;
WinDrawChars(Brandon Rules!,14,scrollx,70);
if (scrollx-100)
EvtGetPen( penX, penY, penDown);

I know the main reason is probably because I have it in a While loop. Can anyone help 
me? Thanks!

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Turn palm off code!

2001-07-16 Thread DrumBSF

  Ok, some people told me to search for this in some forums and I went 
everywhere they said. For those of you that are about to ask, yes I have read the 
documentation serveral times.The only reason I am even writing thi9s email is that 
about amonth ago someone asked the same question and someone knew and I thought they 
said it was SysTask(flase,false) but I don't remember what it was. Please tell me so 
that I can add it to my program. Thanks!

   GOD Bless!!!

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Bitmap Families

2001-07-16 Thread DrumBSF

  I am trying to put some color pictures in my program and understand that 
I have to put them in a bitmap family in the constructor. How do I do that though, all 
it lets me do when I create a bitmap family is change the height and width. Please 
help me! Thanks!

   GOD Bless!!!

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Turning the palm off.

2001-07-14 Thread DrumBSF

 I forgot the system command for turning the palm off. I thought it was 
SysTask(false,false); but that isn't it. Please tell me the command for turning the 
palm off. Thanks!

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Getting text.

2001-07-13 Thread DrumBSF

 Hey! I am having a little trouble getting the text of a field. This is my 

frmP is a form pointer,
fld is a FieldPtr
Commandl is a char pointer.

My goal is to make it so that when the user types in l and presses the execute button 
that the palm will sound off the alarm. Right now I don't get any errors but noting 
happens when I pres the command button and type in l in the text field. Please help! 

GOD Bless!!!

case MainExecuteButton:

fld=( FieldPtr ) GetObjectPtr (MainCommandField);
Commandl=FldGetTextPtr (fld);
if(Commandl==l) SndPlaySystemSound(sndAlarm);


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RE: Getting text.

2001-07-13 Thread DrumBSF

It says StrCmp is defined. So hwo do I define it?

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Color programming.

2001-07-07 Thread DrumBSF

I recently bought a Palm 505 and am making a small color demo. I put a colored bitmap 
on my form in the constructor and set it to 256 colors in constructor then when I load 
it on the palm is is all black. What do I need to do to make it show up in color?

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Bitmap Families?

2001-07-07 Thread DrumBSF

 How do I add a bitmap to a bitmap family? Please help! Thanks!

   GOD Bless!!!

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Launching Programs

2001-06-25 Thread DrumBSF

Is there a command that will Launch another program other than the palm default 
applications?  If so can you send us the command and prototype?


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Sounds On the Palm

2001-06-25 Thread DrumBSF

How do you play sounds on the Palm?  We tried using sndplaysmf but we don't know what 
the pointer smfp is for.  Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Whoever thought up c++ should be shot!!!

2001-06-22 Thread DrumBSF

How do you define the fields in a database?  Do you use records?  Please help.  The 
only book we have on the subject doesn't show how to define fields in a database, it 
just assumes we already defined them.

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Lucky Charms and Database Fields Don't mix

2001-06-22 Thread DrumBSF

We are trying to save the text in text fields that the user inputs into database 
fields.  The code below compiles but it doesn't save the data.  The variables like 
Serial are pointers to the text in the text fields.  Any help would be apreciated.

if(! gDb) DmCreateDatabase(0,yourdbname,yourapptype,yourdbtype,false);
theAttributes |= dmHdrAttrBackup;
if (adding)
myRecordHandle=DmNewRecord(gDb, RecordIndex, sizeof(newRecord));
newRecordPtr=(OurStruct *)MemHandleLock(myRecordHandle);

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We have read the docs!

2001-06-22 Thread DrumBSF

 We have read the docs and we have a question on how o save the text in 
our field. This is our code. 

  if(! gDb) 



theAttributes |= dmHdrAttrBackup;


if (adding)
RecordIndex, sizeof(newRecord));



Our code works and actually saves records but in the records, our field's text is not 
in there. Please help us! Thanks!

GOD Bless!!!

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We see no English in our Palm Database!

2001-06-22 Thread DrumBSF

We are trying to save our field's text in a databse as different records 
and we are using a program called Insider to let us view the database's data and we 
know our data is being saved in the record because our data changes each time but how 
do we get english words to show up? Thanks!

   GOD Bless!!!

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How do you get a bloody pointer to a Database?

2001-06-21 Thread DrumBSF

A lot of commands use a DmOpenRef to an open database in the command. What the hell is 
that and how do you declare or define one?

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Please answer my two error questions.

2001-06-21 Thread DrumBSF

   I keep getting to errors while trying to write a save algorythm for the 
database save button. This is what I did.

DmOpenRef myDB;
myRecordHandle=DmNewRecord(myDB, RecordIndex,RecordSize);

 My errors are 

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'unsigned long *' to
'unsigned short *'
Starter.cpp line 444 myRecordHandle=DmNewRecord(myDB, 

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'OurStruct *'
Starter.cpp line 445 newRecordPtr=MemHandleLock(myRecordHandle);


Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'unsigned long *' to
'unsigned short *'
Starter.cpp line 444 myRecordHandle=DmNewRecord(myDB, 

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'OurStruct *'
Starter.cpp line 445 newRecordPtr=MemHandleLock(myRecordHandle);

  Can anyone please help me? Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

p.s. = Sorry about the other email. A co-worker was being a bit rude. He can't get a 
date. Thanks!

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One more error! Fatal Exception.

2001-06-21 Thread DrumBSF

Ok, my code compiles fine but when I try it on the palm and save then it gives me a 
fatal error about saving the database so I tried going back and unlocking the memory 
handle and now when I try it it gives me a soft reset, before it gave me a hard reset. 
So what am I doing wrong here? Thanks!

myRecordHandle=DmNewRecord(gDb, RecordIndex,RecordSize);
newRecordPtr=(OurStruct *) 

  GOD Bless!!!

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Records not made by Britney Spears

2001-06-21 Thread DrumBSF

If I have the following line of code it compiles but it gives us a NULL memory error 
when running.


The book I am reading is called  The Palm Programming -The Developer's Guide by: 
Neil Rhodes and Julie McKeehan and it says to use 


but it won't compile.  Any suggestions?  We are using this to try and make a new 
record in a database.

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Form Flashing bug.

2001-06-18 Thread DrumBSF

 For some odd reason after my timer in a form, the form will dissapear 
then reappear then disappear and I want it to disappear for good the first time.

   This is what I did. Please help me!

static void MainFormInit(FormPtr /*frmP*/)
FormPtr pForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
pForm = FrmInitForm (SplashForm);
FrmDrawForm (pForm);
SysTaskDelay (100);
if( pForm )
// Ini the Main Form
//  pForm = FrmInitForm (MainForm);
// initialize the barcode type and barcode data fields
SetFieldText( MainNumberField, No Barcode Data, 80, false );
FrmDrawForm( pForm );

//  WinEraseWindow();

Then in my Main Form Event Handler I said,

  case frmOpenEvent:
frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
MainFormInit( frmP);
FrmDrawForm ( frmP);
handled = true;

 Please help me! Thanks!

GOD Bless!!!

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Hey! How do you draw a circle with code?

2001-06-16 Thread DrumBSF

 How do you draw a circle with code? You know like the line commands like 
WinDrawLine(x,y,x,y)? Thanks!

   GOD Bless!!!

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Re: How do you make a list id for a popup trigger? (Zzeta try this!)

2001-06-15 Thread DrumBSF

Zzeta, this should work!

case frmOpenEvent:
frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
AddNewFormInit( frmP);
FrmDrawForm ( frmP);

  void *theList;
  void *theTrigger;

  // initialize the popup's selection, and set the popup trigger's text
  frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();

  theList = FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, AddNewNameLList));
   //   LstSetSelection(theList, defaultValue);

  theTrigger = FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP,

Hope this helps!


GOD Bless!!!

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RE: Why won't some of my buttons work?

2001-06-15 Thread DrumBSF

No, I have a case in front of the MainUpdateOkButton.

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Re: Why won't some of my buttons work?

2001-06-15 Thread DrumBSF

Ok, I got rid of the if statement and the case but my AddNewSaveButton 
still doesn't FrmAlert(SaveAlert);

   Instead, it takes the role of the MainAddNewButton and goes to a new form. 

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RE: Why won't some of my buttons work?

2001-06-15 Thread DrumBSF

AddNewSaveButton is on another form that I am trying to handle in the Main Form cause 
I can't get it to work anywhere.

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How do you make a list id for a popup trigger?

2001-06-14 Thread DrumBSF

In the Code Warrior Constructor, how do you make a List Id for the pop up 
trigger. Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

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Better algorythm for drawing?

2001-06-14 Thread DrumBSF

For my drawing program I am saying

case penMoveEvent:

int x,y;
Int16  penX, penY;

EvtGetPen( penX, penY, penDown);

WinDrawLine(penX,penY,x=penX,y=penY); gives you little pixels, how do I make a longer 
thick line? Thanks!

 GOD Bless!!!

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I fixed most of my erros on my own but need some help.

2001-06-13 Thread DrumBSF

   I figured out most of the code myself and fix my problems but I thank all 
who helped me!

 I have one question though. 

  I am working with a symbol palm and I wrote some code like this

if (eventP-data.ctlEnter.controlID == UpdateScanButton)
bHandled = true;

Now my code works BUT

UpdateScanButton is not on the main form so when I try to scan I get an error and have 
to reset.

   The UpdateScanButton is on the UpdateForm.

 How do I say that in this code?

I tried UpdateForm-UpdateScanButton) 

But that doesn't work. I tried some other things as well. Thanks!

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Please Help!

2001-06-13 Thread DrumBSF

I am working with a symbol palm and I wrote some code like this

if (eventP-data.ctlEnter.controlID == UpdateScanButton)
bHandled = true;

Now my code works BUT

UpdateScanButton is not on the main form so when I try to scan I get an error
and have to reset.

   The UpdateScanButton is on the UpdateForm.

 How do I say that in this code?

I tried UpdateForm-UpdateScanButton) 

But that doesn't work. I tried some other things as well. Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

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Pop-up triggers question.

2001-06-13 Thread DrumBSF

 How do you add more options to a pop - up trigger in the Code Warrior constructor 
7.0? Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

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AHH! None of the cod works!

2001-06-12 Thread DrumBSF

   Eveytime I try to change a Field's text through code it gives me an error.  
Has anyone had this problem? I wrote out the protoypes and wrote out the definition 
and nothing works. I always get an error on SetTextField and all. Can someone please 
help? Thanks!

 GOD Bles!!!

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Here is my source and what I am trying to do.

2001-06-12 Thread DrumBSF

This is one of my errors I KEEP getting. Please explain it to me and how to solve it.

Warning : function has no prototype
Starter.cpp line 36   {

Error   : 
illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FieldType *'
Starter.cpp line 40  
FrmGetObjectIndex(FrmGetActiveForm(), UpdateNumberField));

Error  : illegal implicit conversion
from 'void *' to
'char *'
Starter.cpp line 46   
StrCopy( MemHandleLock( txtH ), String );

Error   : ';' expected
Starter.cpp line 481
SetField( UpdateNumberField,focusindexed);

What I am trying to do.

I am trying to make it so that when the user scans a barcode it will print the barcode 
number of the UpdateNumberField. This is for the Symbol Palm.
I HAVE successfully Inied the palm scanning device and the scanner works. I need help 
on the conversion though and displaying the barcode number in the UpdateNumberField. 
Please help me! Thanks!

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Palm Computing, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
 * All rights reserved.
 * File: Starter.cpp

#include PalmOS.h
#include StarterRsc.h
#include HwrMiscFlags.h   // gives HwrBatteryLevel

#include ScanMgrDef.h // scan manager constants
#include ScanMgrStruct.h  // scan manager structures
#include ScanMgr.h// scan manager API functions


int ScanOpenDecoder();
int ScanCloseDecoder();
static Boolean OnDecoderData(); // GetSerialData();
static Boolean bOpenDecoderOK = false;
static Boolean Auto_Scan = false;
int ScanIsPalmSymbolUnit();
void SetFieldText( UInt16 nFieldID, const Char *  pSrcText, Int16 nMaxSize, Boolean 
bRedraw );
static Boolean MainFormHandleEvent(EventPtr event);
static Boolean ApplicationHandleEvent (EventPtr event);
Boolean extendedData;
int extendedDataLength;
MemHandle   hExtendedData;
unsigned char   *pExtendedData;
int extendedDataType;

void SetField( Word Field, CharPtr String )
Handle  txtH;
FieldPtrfldP =0;
fldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(FrmGetActiveForm(),  
FrmGetObjectIndex(FrmGetActiveForm(), UpdateNumberField));

FldFreeMemory (fldP);   

txtH= MemHandleNew(  StrLen( String ) + 1 );
StrCopy( MemHandleLock( txtH ), String );

MemHandleUnlock( txtH );
FldSetTextHandle( fldP, txtH );


 *   Entry Points

 *   Internal Structures
typedef struct 
UInt8 replaceme;
} StarterPreferenceType;

typedef struct 
UInt8 replaceme;
} StarterAppInfoType;

typedef StarterAppInfoType* StarterAppInfoPtr;

 *   Global variables
//static Boolean HideSecretRecords;

 *   Internal Constants
#define appFileCreator   'STRT'
#define appVersionNum  0x01
#define appPrefID  0x00
#define appPrefVersionNum  0x01

// Define the minimum OS version we support (2.0 for now).
#define ourMinVersion   sysMakeROMVersion(2,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0)

 *   Internal Functions
void SetFieldText( UInt16 nFieldID, const Char *  pSrcText, Int16 nMaxSize, Boolean 
bRedraw )
MemHandle hFieldText;
Char *   pFieldText;
FieldPtr pField;

//  pField = (FieldPtr)GetObjectPtr( nFieldID );
//  if( !pField )

hFieldText = FldGetTextHandle( pField );
if( !hFieldText )
hFieldText = MemHandleNew( nMaxSize );

// If already allocated, make sure it can handle nMaxSize already.
// If not, realloc that buffer
UInt32 curSize = MemHandleSize( hFieldText );
if( curSize  nMaxSize )
MemHandleResize(hFieldText, nMaxSize ) ;

if( hFieldText )
int len = StrLen(pSrcText);

pFieldText = (Char * )MemHandleLock( hFieldText );

if (len  nMaxSize)
StrNCopy( pFieldText, pSrcText, nMaxSize-1);
pFieldText[nMaxSize-1] = '\0';
StrCopy( pFieldText, pSrcText );

MemHandleUnlock( hFieldText );

FldSetTextHandle( pField, (MemHandle)hFieldText );

Please fix my penX and penY code.

2001-06-11 Thread DrumBSF

I am not really sure what I am doing wrong. Can someone please fix my code and tell me 
what they did so it will help my learning the palm OS programming platform? Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

case penMoveEvent:
int x,y;
int penX,penY;
Boolean penDown;
EvtGetPen(penX, penY, penDown);
 WinDrawLine (penX,penY,x,y);


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Re: Please fix my penX and penY code.

2001-06-11 Thread DrumBSF

Oh, my error I keep getting says illegal implicit conversion from int to short*

case penMoveEvent:
int x,y;
int penX,penY;
Boolean penDown;
/* Here is the error*/ EvtGetPen(penX, penY, penDown);
 WinDrawLine (penX,penY,x,y);


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I need some help with some Ui bugs.

2001-06-11 Thread DrumBSF

Hey! I am trying to make it so that one form will go to another and I got that to 
work but when I try to make the form return a white screen appears with nothing on it. 

Also, I tried writing an Exit option that I need to go back to the home screen 
The screen where you go to when you hit the home key. and I used FrmCloseAllForms(); 

   and that gives me a blank white screen as well. Thanks!

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How do you change a field's text with code?

2001-06-10 Thread DrumBSF

Hey! I am new to coding for the Palm Os platform. I have code warrior and I am writing 
a simple addition program to get use to coding for the palm os platform. I have 
figured out the button down event and things like that but am having trouble changing 
the text property of a label and a field through code.

  I have two fields for the user to type in a number in each. From there I 
have it so that when the user clicks the ADD button it performs an adding operation.

   My add function looks like this.

static int Add(Int x, Int y)

Then in the cltEnterEvent under my Add button code I said

int c;

// This is now where the MainAnswerField text needs to display c.

c is the integer and will be the sum of the MainNum1Field and MainNum2Field.

MainAnswerField is where the value a c needs to be displayed. 

  Can someone PLEASE tell me how to change the text of the 
MainAnswerField? Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

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How do you change a Field's text with code?

2001-06-10 Thread DrumBSF

Ok, I know those are the two functions and that doesn't help cause everytime I do that 
I get an error so can you write me an example and make it output Hello World. Thanks!

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What is the x and y value of the pen?

2001-06-10 Thread DrumBSF

   I am making a small drawing program for the palmos and need to know for like on 
the penmove event what the x any commands for the pen's position is. Thanks!

  GOD Bless!!!

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