using va_list twice?

2003-07-07 Thread Kristian Penno
does C99 or MSL (either will do) allow me to pass through a va_list twice
like below?

CharArray(const char *format, ...)
va_list vargs;

//get the length of the string
va_start(vargs, format);
uint32 size = vsprintf(NULL, format, vargs) + 1;

//allocate the storage
char *data = (char *)malloc(size);

//print the string
va_start(vargs, format);
vsprintf(data, format, vargs);


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Re: Codewarrior & template friend class

2003-06-17 Thread Kristian Penno
no joy with your BBB sugestion because AAA is incomplete

yes CCC should compile fine.


"Brad Figler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Visual studio does not accept it either =).
> Try
> template 
> class AAA
> {
> };
> class BBB
> {
>  friend class AAA;
> }
> ...This compiles too.
> class CCC
> {
> friend class AAA< int >;
> }
> Brad
> "Kristian Penno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > I was under the impression that the following code was legal.
> > Codewarrior gives me a "declaration syntax error" on the word friend.
> > Any language options I might have wrong?
> >
> > template 
> > class AAA
> > {
> > };
> >
> > class BBB
> > {
> >  template  friend class AAA;
> > };
> >
> >
> > KP
> >
> >
> >
> >

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Codewarrior & template friend class

2003-06-17 Thread Kristian Penno
I was under the impression that the following code was legal.
Codewarrior gives me a "declaration syntax error" on the word friend.
Any language options I might have wrong?

class AAA

class BBB
 template  friend class AAA;


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Re: Unexplained Beep

2003-06-05 Thread Kristian Penno
Never mind

The beep goes away if I set handled to true before returning from the form
event handler


"Kristian Penno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I currently have this code to show a form, the form does some stuff (stuff
> currently commented out), and revert back to the calling form
> This code is executed in the calling form's event handler when it receives
> menuEvent.
> After this code is executed and the form handler returns back to within
> FrmDispatchEvent
> I here a beep sound.
> This beep occurs before FrmDispatchEvent return to my app event loop.
> If I execute this code from a button press, no beep.
> Anybody know why it should cause a beep, and only from a menu event?
> FormPtr prevForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
> FormPtr frmP = FrmInitForm(formID);
> FrmSetActiveForm(frmP);
> FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, handler);
> FrmDrawForm(frmP);
> /*will do something here when I get rid of this beep*/
> FrmEraseForm(frmP);
> FrmDeleteForm(frmP);
> FrmSetActiveForm(prevForm);

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Unexplained Beep

2003-06-04 Thread Kristian Penno
I currently have this code to show a form, the form does some stuff (stuff
currently commented out), and revert back to the calling form

This code is executed in the calling form's event handler when it receives a
After this code is executed and the form handler returns back to within

I here a beep sound.

This beep occurs before FrmDispatchEvent return to my app event loop.

If I execute this code from a button press, no beep.

Anybody know why it should cause a beep, and only from a menu event?

FormPtr prevForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
FormPtr frmP = FrmInitForm(formID);
FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, handler);

/*will do something here when I get rid of this beep*/


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Codewarrior and STL

2003-06-04 Thread Kristian Penno
Has the STL implimentation shipped with Codewarrior been updated since
version 7?


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Re: USB Debugging + Serial Comms + Codewarrior

2003-06-02 Thread Kristian Penno
I have a USB cradle to which I've added a serial port.
When in the cradle, the device hotsyncs via USB.
I can open the serial port by specifying the 232 port.


"Ben Combee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> At 11:31 2003-5-30 +1000, Kristian Penno wrote:
> >Is it possible to debug a palmos device via USB whilst performing serial
> >communications over the 232 port?
> >
> >If so, will codewarrior V9 have any issues doing this?
> I really don't know.  I've not tried any dual USB/serial cables to see how
> the devices perform while debugging.  While this is possible in theory, it
> will depend on the implementations of the devices.  For example, Palm
> devices using the Universal Connector use a PNP signal pin to detect if a
> USB or serial cable is connected and use that info to open the appropriate
> debugger port.  We've seen problems with people using the dual cables, as
> they didn't indentify in a way that the device debugger nub recognized.
> --
> Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
> Palm OS programming help @

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USB Debugging + Serial Comms + Codewarrior

2003-05-30 Thread Kristian Penno
Is it possible to debug a palmos device via USB whilst performing serial
communications over the 232 port?

If so, will codewarrior V9 have any issues doing this?

I'm currently using V7 and looking to upgrade.


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WinDrawRectangleFrame under OS5

2003-02-03 Thread Kristian Penno
When I draw a rectangle frame using WinDrawRectangleFrame passing
dialogFrame as the frame type, the results are slightly different to the
frames drawn by the OS around modal dialogs.  The corners are slightly less

This only occurs in high desnity mode.

Is it possible to get exactly the same frame as that of the modal dialogs?


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Resource Editor for font creation

2003-01-07 Thread Kristian Penno
Any suggestions on the best tool to use to create custom PalmOS fonts?


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m505 serial flow control

2002-10-03 Thread Kristian Penno

I'm opening the cradle 232 port on my m505 and leaving the default settings
(which include flow control on the receive path as far as I know).
Then I send down a whole lot of data (more than the receive buffer size)
from my PC using hyperterm.
The flow control lines never change state, and receive serial buffer just
wraps around to the start (checked using SrmReceiveCheck).

Is there anything special required to get hardware flow control working?


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Scrolling Text Field

2002-09-29 Thread Kristian Penno

Has anybody implimented a text field that scrolls horizontally and
Any ideas on how best to do the horizontal scrolling?



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Re: Application copy protection

2002-09-11 Thread Kristian Penno

Why not issue a key which is some hash of the device serial number.
The user enters it in once and the application stores it as a 'feature'.
Each time the app runs, it checks for the presence of the key, and checks if
it is valid against the devices serial number.

This way, the user only has to enter the key once every time the software is
installed, this shouldn't make them too unhappy.
The software can be copied, but won't run without a valid key.

The only way this can be broken is if someone dissassembles your app,
locates the hashing code and discovers your hashing algorithm.

"Alexandre Kazantsev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi everybody,
> I've been unluckily trying to find out some information about the issue in
> archives. The issue is reasonable and reliable copy protection approach or
> trick. Our application is to be protected from illegal copying, and I am
> looking for a programming method to secure our copyright. Is there an
> individual feature stored in the ROM of a particular PDA? My guess is
> should be something to be referenced programmatically for that purpose.
> Please give me a direction.

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FrmAlert and Form width

2002-09-06 Thread Kristian Penno

The OS5 Sim is giving me a warning when I display an Alert from a form that
isn't the full screen width wide.

I havn't come across anything covering this in the docs.

Do I really have to make my form the width of the screen?


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Re: FrmAlert in frmCloseEvent Handler

2002-08-29 Thread Kristian Penno

That's what I'm currently doing.

There are several actions that can cause the FormA => FormB transition
and the frmCloseEvent handler seemed the most appropriate place.
Now I have a function which does the Alert and then calls FrmGotoForm.


"Steve Mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >I am calling FrmGotoForm(FormB) to switch from FormA to FormB.
> >In the frmCloseEvent handler of FormA I'm calling FrmAlert to check if
> >user wishes to save the currently open file to flash.
> >The problem is that the FrmAlert event loop eats the frmLoad and frmOpen
> >events for FormB.
> Why not do the FrmAlert in whatever code precedes the FrmGotoForm
> instead of follows it. There must be some kind of action that
> triggers the FrmGotoForm.
> Regards,
> Steve Mann

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FrmAlert in frmCloseEvent Handler

2002-08-29 Thread Kristian Penno

I am calling FrmGotoForm(FormB) to switch from FormA to FormB.
In the frmCloseEvent handler of FormA I'm calling FrmAlert to check if the
user wishes to save the currently open file to flash.
The problem is that the FrmAlert event loop eats the frmLoad and frmOpen
events for FormB.
Once the Alert closes, I'm stuck without an open form.
There are ways around the problem,
I'm just surprised that I haven't come across this in the docs, has anybody


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