Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:32:23 +1000, Alan Ingleby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

bullshark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Yes I am. Deallocating is:

 if(pListTxt != NULL) //pretty hard
memPtrFree(pListText); //huh?
  pListText=NULL; //??
Sounds like you're using C++, 

No, I'm not. It's straight C.

Here is some psuedo-code. It's been years since I even compiled
my list builder code. It's in CVS someplace and I don't feel like
getting it out, but I did compile this. It gobbles down the 
INCREDIBLE sum of 208 bytes of code space.

char** buildList(int listWidth,int cnt){
int amt=cnt*(sizeof(char*)+(listWidth+1));
int i;
char **theList=(char**)MemPtrNew(amt);
char *dest=(char*)(theList[cnt]);

//If you want to be stingy:
// WARNING: *Grossly* complicates the deallocation to TWO
// statements:
//char **theList=(char**)MemPtrNew(cnt*sizeof(char**));
//char *dest=(char*)MemPtrNew(cnt*listWidth+1);
//UInt32 memUsed=0;

int itemLen;
char *src=GetAListItem(i);//this is simplified for brevity
//if you want to be stingy:
   // If you want to be stingy:
   // MemPtrResize(theList[0],memUsed);

return theList;

If you want to get really ooky for no particular reason,
you can use handles and lock them.

and also violates the coding practice of trying to unallocate
memory from within the same function in which it was allocated.  

You evidently have no experience with 'Lazy evaluation'.
Never heard of your 'coding practice'.

The fact is, if the global is not null, there is memory allocated to the list.
You need to de-allocate before allocating again. If you like, I'll
move the clause to a separate function, OK?

Your '??' on the setting of pListText to NULL makes me think
you don't get it;

Leaving the de-allocation of the prior list to the list builder
function is what makes memory handling simple. Any time you build
a list, it cleans itself.

I'm not
saying either way is wrong... Just offering reasons why some people choose
different methods.

What you *are* saying is that you don't have much experience with
allocating/deallocating memory for dynamic lists. 


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Re: LstSetListChoices

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 09:51:28 -0700, Dave Carrigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 12:26:13PM -0400, bullshark wrote:

 static char* gPlateString =
 The above doesn't work. The compiler knows that dquote strings end with \0
 so there is nothing in the .o image after PL3/16x. 

What are you talking about? That's simply not true for any C compiler
I've ever seen.

You're absolutely right (I just checked), thanks for correcting that.
It's one of those I been programming too long memories...
somewhere, someplace, I have a compiler that failed to include
dquoted text following an embedded '\0', but it ain't this one

It's still a cumbersome thing, hard to read, and fraught with peril. 
What happens if the following character is numeric, instead of a 'P'?'s probably that kind of 'gotcha' that forever purged
my consciousness of that type of expression (c:


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
On 05 Aug 2003 10:57:18 +0100, kcorey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 10:43, bullshark wrote:
 2) Allocate an array from dynamic memory for the strings and copy all
 the strings into memory.
 That's the ticket. 'Dynamic'. Copy is what you do when you draw.
 The difference is that with a LstSetListChoices you have access to the
 list after you create it.

So you're saying that it's better to allocate n blocks of memory,

If you are referring to that abominable example in the article
then the answer ia absolutely not. The author was on drugs.
He/She didn't have a clue how to manage memory or Dynamic lists.

If done correctly, the list is allocated/freed with one MemPtrNew/Free 

I'd rather not clutter up dynamic memory with any more locked blocks
than I must.  

One locked block per list? Sheesh. But still I must ask Why?.

Locked-Schmocked...Locked memory is nothing. The principle
purpose of Handles is to permit reorganization of DB memory 
into contiguous extents for sequential access. For purposes
of lifetime program allocations, it is inconsequential.

 No, you're not chewing up 'large amounts' of memory, and what is the
 memory for anyway?  Do you think your program is 'better' if it leaves
 the heap unutilized'? 

It's quite simple: you're less likely to run out of memory if you're
careful of your memory requirements.  

Less likely than what? I've never run out. That would be 'Less likely than Zero'.
Code space OTOH, is in desperately short supply.

Until your program is done, you're never sure exactly how much memory it will require.

Why is that? If you're talking about to the byte your life must be
hard. Knowing requirements to the nearest 10K is good enough
and quite easy to estimate.

Why burn memory when you don't need to? There's not enough dynamic
memory on the Palm as it is.

There's not? What are you doing with it? Burning it up with
C++? If that's the case, then we're on different pages.

 So is LstSetListChoices. Quite a bit easier, in fact.

You're not taking into account allocation/assigning

Yes I am. Deallocating is:

if(pListTxt != NULL)//pretty hard
   memPtrFree(pListText);   //huh?

and there are at most two of those clauses for a dynamic list.
Since one of those is in the builder method, it is never repeated
for additional lists. Additional lists get one clause in the 
stop program method.

 Not as boiler plate as LstSetListChoices(). Your code is a maintenance
 chore. Building a list for LstSetListChoices is a piece of cake.
 It is so 'boiler-plate' that a single subroutine, written once, lib'd
 and never touched again will do for most applications.

*smile* I'm glad you've found a solution that works for you.  

I didn't find it.
The solution was provided by the engineers that developed the API.
They even provided support methods to make the job easy.
The API is one of the most efficient and finely crafted in the world.
If you use it well, as intended, very small programs do very large

All I do is make use of it, as opposed to replacing it.


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 19:42:13 -0700 (PDT), James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Alan Ingleby wrote:
 Besides, if you want incremental search, your list is probably going to
 be pretty huge, so trying to manage it with ListSetListChoices is going
 to be nasty.

How is that? The beauty of a loop is that it's complexity is not
affected by scale. 10 or 1000, the code doesn't change.

Exactly my point; for huge lists, you often don't want to use LstSetListChoices
because you're retrieving the strings from somewhere else, 

Well, you've hit on a problem. Permanent vs transient. In a very few cases,
the choices will exist as text naturally. In most cases for lists, the text
is generated from much smaller fields. Should the designer choose to store
the list text in the DB records *For the list's sake*, then memory is permanently
consumed. That is a far more serious problem as far as users go. Using the heap
(transient) to form the text strings is friendlier to other applications and
purposes. Dynamic memory use is an instance problem for the programmer to
solve. Permanent memory is a headache for the user.

and you don't want to deal with the extra memory requirements and management.  

I think too much is made of this. A list of 500 items with an average width
of 10 characters consumes 7500 bytes. Is this a big deal? It amounts to .3% of
the memory available on a lowly PIII or Zira. Yes, it's true that a palm
chock-full other programs and records brings the ceiling down lower and lower,
but (for large applications) this is irrelevant. I have no qualms whatsoever
instructing my user that they need 'X' amount of free space to run my application.

Whether they delete Minesweeper, or cleanout their memos, I don't care.
When 7500 bytes is a critical issue, they can't do anything useful with
my applications anyway.

500 is just a number plucked from the air, but it strikes me as too large. 
I would think long and hard about alternatives before burdening the user with 
something like that on purpose.

This is a small platform for small applications. You can write large applications
successfully, but to make a user happy with the result, considerable thought
needs to be given to the API and the way it is intended to be used. The source
code for the standard applets are testaments to the way.

When a Custom DrawList is called for (with it's attendant execution
for *each* item in the list), how much easier/faster is it to simply
fetch the text from your own store which is already built?

The API is SO FOCUSED on the EXPECTATION that it supplies the
list to your drawList function. How much more hint do you need?

Hence, the system
/ought/ to be able to accept a callback so that it can retrieve the text to a
list item whenever it needs to.

That's a thought, but is it realistic? A search that has no control over the
content of the list to search has no control over the order, and no ability
to search effectively. The callback would not even be able to guarantee a 
constant set for the search in progress. Each character addition would force 
a fetch of all text through the callback...It would probably violate the
'instant/interruptable' edicts right off the bat. The problems are manifold.

The code is already there. The API already does what you want.
Applications that use LstSeListChoices() use it freely, because it costs nothing.

I've been writing for the palm for several years. I don't know when or
where this trend to use DrawList came from...I suspect it's attractive
to the novice C-Crowd that has a difficult time with pointers and dynamic
memory in general. For them, the construct is not just intimidating,
it's downright mysterious. Add to that the sinister spectre of 
Handles/Chunks/Locks and any amount of pastable solution that avoids
their use is acceptable as an alternative.

I remain steadfast in my conviction that LstSetListChoices should be used
in all but the most trivial cases. The best Palm apps look, feel and
run like the standards and the best way to get there, with the smallest
amount of code is to use the API the way it's designers intended.


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Re: MemHandleSize - MemHandleResize

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 10:35:28 -0300, rguevara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have some questions about those functions:

MemHandleSize work over one chunk unlocked?

Documentation is silent on locked vs unlocked.
It should work either way,

if i do: recordH = DmGetRecord(PedidosDB, NuevoIndice);
and later:

'recordH' is not the same as 'registroH'.

If you are using two names to refer to the same handle, then
perhaps you are mixing them up. If DmReleaseRecord is called
the Handle may not be valid anymore.


i get:  (1.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
MemoryMgr.c, Line:4359, Free handle

and (continue) i get:
(1.0) just read from memory location 0x0144,
 causing a bus error.

if later MemHandleResize work with this handle without problems in other case

You probably shouldn't do that. Use DmResizeRecord to change record sizes.
You might get away with it, but run into trouble later.


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-14 Thread bullshark
 to the
prior top-hit. 

Whether a binary search or sequential search would be preferable will depend on
the number of items in the list, but the OS knows that too.  

Either way, it never has to fetch all the text.


Yes, it does.

The code is already there. The API already does what you want.
Applications that use LstSeListChoices() use it freely, because it costs nothing.

It costs dynamic memory, which can be a real issue in 2MB devices (or earlier,
but I don't worry about them...).  

Like I said, though my code is full of tests for heap failure,
I have yet to see one.

It also costs time when the form is opened,

1) irrelevant IMO, nobody cares if a program takes a few Ms to load.
They care how it works, and if it has the features they expect.

2) Lazy evaluation, I never build the lists until the form they
are on is opened and occasionally, not until they are popped. I
haven't seen any perceptible delays in program loading, form switching
or list appearance.

But then again, I don't make huge lists...anything large
generally winds up in a scrolling table, or has some method
to 'drill' the presentation set to something manageable. The 
materials that I work on demand more context than a single word.

I've been writing for the palm for several years. 

Then how could you not understand the difference between storage heap and
dynamic heap on a Palm OS device?

That's a mistake born of not having been interested in those
aspects for several years. I work on a half dozen platforms,
and though I knew my mistake almost as soon as I posted, it has 
no effect on the position...In fact, the mistake was made in an 
attempt to concede a weakness - i.e. that available heap may shrink
over time. You have quite rightly eliminated that weakness.

I remain steadfast in my conviction that LstSetListChoices should be used
in all but the most trivial cases. 

Aside from design-time static lists (the most trivial cases...), I remain
steadfast in my conviction that drawList is the preferred method.  

Of course, this also means I am not using incremental search.  

and the best way to get there, with the smallest
amount of code is to use the API the way it's designers intended.

And the least amount of code to get there is to use your GetAListItem() inside a
callback, and just draw the string at the coordinates given.  All the rest of
your code is completely unnecessary, consumes dynamic memory, and forces the
form open routine to fetch all the rows for every list and popup.

...Yeah but I'm not the one telling the Palm guys that they need
to change the API to suit my implementation (c;

My listBuilder is proprietary, I won't show it you, or even the
method signature, but there is only one copy of that code in any
program and except for one case, it (alone)supports all the dynamic
lists in all the forms. I'm pretty sure that is 'less code' than a 
custom listDraw call back for each list. I already showed the basic 
structure that permits lazy evaluation, single pointer allocation 
and deallocation...the hub-bub about memory management complexity and
leaks is way over done. It's just not that hard.

I maintain it is *faster* to only fetch rows as they are needed (or *if*
needed!), it conserves memory, avoids the need to free memory or have a memory
leak, and takes *less* code to implement besides!

I don't think the 'Less code' is true. I don't think the faster part is
true. In list scrolling, it certainly is not. I don't see the value in 
not using an available resource, but you're right, it consumes memory. 
Memory which (as I understand it) was put there to be used.


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Re: Palm ZIRE dynamic heap size

2003-08-09 Thread bullshark
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:25:40 +0300, HermesPalm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

can anyone tell me how much dynamic memory has a Palm Zire with only 2 MB of memory, 
OS 4.1

No. Available memory depends on memory use. It's not
a fixed number.


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Re: LstSetListChoices

2003-08-08 Thread bullshark
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 23:46:16 -0700, Steve K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have read many a posts on this question, however, none seem to be working
for me.  I have attempted to simplify this with no results.  I am no longer
getting fatal exceptions, however nothing is happening.

What is the key ingredient i'm missing here?
static char* gPlateString =

The above doesn't work. The compiler knows that dquote strings end with \0
so there is nothing in the .o image after PL3/16x. If you want to do it that

static char gPlateString[]={'P','L','3','/','1','6','x',0,'P'

Putting this in the resource file as a StringTable would be easier though.

static char** gListString;

static Boolean PopulateList(void)
 FormType* frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
 ListType* lstP = (ListType*) FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, lstDesc);

 gListString = (char**) MemPtrNew(StrLen(gPlateString));

No. You have confused/combined two different methods:
With gPlateString re-stated as above, you are prepared
for SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(). This is all you do:

  MemHandle h=SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(gPlateList,6);
  ErrFatalDisplayIf(h==0,SysFormPointerArrayToStrings failed);
  LstSetListChoices(lstP, gListString,6);
  // when you are done with the list, unlock the handle and call MemHandle Free
  // SysForm allocated it for you, disposal is your problem

If you are going to allocate yourself:
  // this looks more complicated than it really is.

  //declare the strings like this instead:
char *gPlateString[] ={PL3/16x,PL1/4x,PL5/16x,PL3/8x,PL1/2x,PL5/8x}; your function:

  char *dst;
  int i;

  // you can get the count automatically
  int cnt=sizeof(gPlateList)/sizeof(char*);  //this will be 6

  //you have 6 strings in your list
  //so you need room for 6 char *
  int amt = cnt*sizeof(char*);

  //each of the elments is 7 characters long plus the terminating zero total(8)

  amt += cnt*8;
  gListString= MemPtrNew( amt );  //this is big enough for 6 char* + 6 strings  of 7 
  dst=(char*)(gListString[cnt]); //point to first byte after the 6th char *
  for(i=0; icnt; i++){
StrCopy(dst,gPlateString[i]); //copy in the text
gListString[i]=dst;   //make gListString[i] point to the copied text
dst+=8;   //adjust dst to point to the next byte after the 
terminating zero.
  //we could useStrLen(dst)+1..I'm just simplifying
  // when you are done with this list, call MemPtrFree(gListString);

If we pretend that char* uses two bytes(for simplicity), you allocated 12+48=60 bytes 
Your allocated memory now looks like this (in hex)

These are the Char *'s (and they point to the data that follows):
: 000C 0014 001C 0024 002C 0034 'PL' '3/' 
0010: '16' 'x'0 'PL' '1/' '4x'  'PL' '5/'
0020: '16' 'x'0 'PL' '3/' '8x'  'PL' '1/'
0030: '2x'  'PL' '5/' '8x' 

We wasted  four bytes by allocating 8 bytes per string
when four of them only had 7...but what the heck. If you 
want, you can track the actual string lengths and call 
MemPtrResize() with the final tally, but it's not worth the
trouble for a list this small.  

 gListString = (char**) SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(gPlateString, 6);

Double No. SysFormPointerArrayToStrings allocates and return a Handle.
See above. Either allocate yourself, or use SysForm...not both
and the Handle that it returns needs to be locked before use in 

 LstSetListChoices(lstP, gListString, 6);

 return true;


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-06 Thread bullshark
On 04 Aug 2003 14:55:54 +0100, kcorey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 14:53, bullshark wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 09:59:53 +1000, Alan Ingleby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ken's right.  Specifically, you *can't* use LstGetSelectionText with a
 dynamic list, so don't.  
 What? Why would that be? That's just wrong. 
 This is only the case when a (suspicious) program never calls LstSetListChoices.
 I think there is foul play here. 
 If all that is involved here is a dynamic list, a DrawList callback 
 is the wrong way to do it. You would only resort to this if your list
 had to display little icons or something. Even if you are doing it the 
 wrong way, LstSetListChoices should still be called unless the list 
 items don't have any text.

It all depends on where your strings come from.  

Lately, I've done a bunch of work on lists built up from strings that
are individual records in a database.

If I wanted to be able to use LstSetListChoices, I'd need to either 
1) Have a String array.
That's not dynamic.

2) Allocate an array from dynamic memory for the strings and copy all
the strings into memory.

That's the ticket. 'Dynamic'. Copy is what you do when you draw.
The difference is that with a LstSetListChoices you have access to the
list after you create it.

3) Open all the records, and lock them in place while the list is on the


All of these take up some amount of space.  Arguably, if you're only
going to display 10 items, big woop.  If you're going to display up to
100, now you're potentially chewing up large amounts of memory.

No, you're not chewing up 'large amounts' of memory, and what is the
memory for anyway?  Do you think your program is 'better' if it leaves
the heap unutilized'? 

Using a custom-drawn list gets around this nicely, 

It gets around a problem that doesn't really need solving.

and it's a piece of

So is LstSetListChoices. Quite a bit easier, in fact.

 also giving you the ability to draw graphics, change fonts, or do
whatever bit of wizardry you'd like in the list.

That's not 'wizardry', but if you need icons or funny fonts,
a custom Drawlist is the way to do it. That is what it's for.

Besides, do it once, and the code for the custom drawn list become
boiler plate, as the functionality is quite similar.

Not as boiler plate as LstSetListChoices(). Your code is a maintenance
chore. Building a list for LstSetListChoices is a piece of cake.
It is so 'boiler-plate' that a single subroutine, written once, lib'd
and never touched again will do for most applications.

But it's your program, do as you like.


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-05 Thread bullshark
On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 16:32:34 -0400, Douglas Handy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ken's right.  Specifically, you *can't* use LstGetSelectionText with a
dynamic list, so don't.  

That should probably read you *can't* use LstGetSelectionText when you supplied
NULL as the itemsText pointer to LstSetListChoices.

Yes, it certainly *SHOULD*, because as stated, it is out and out wrong.

If all that is involved here is a dynamic list, a DrawList callback 
is the wrong way to do it. 

Personal opinion.  Earlier, a link was made to a recipe on the Pam OS site
which describes static content lists, dynamic content lists, and custom-drawn
content.  (See
for example.)

You really need to read for context: What was the FIRST CLAUSE of my

The article is misleading, and subject to interpretation.
There is no need to remember to deallocate the list at
form close time, unless the form is so trivial that it is
never revisited...lazy instantiation (and deallocation) takes care 
of this.

The method for allocating the list used in the article is terrible
The entire chunk can be allocated and deallocated in one call. 
Repetitive calls to memptrnew/free were positively gross, and I guess,
purpose built to suit the agenda of the author. That method would make
the worst possible case for memory waste as well. I seriously
suspect that the author of that Recipe is not a Cook.

The article is a near total waste of electrons.

The simple truth of the matter is that if you need the text from 
the list (As the OP for this thread does), DrawList is the 
Wrong Way to Do it. IFF your list corresponds one to one with
DB records AND the DB records have the text *exactly* as needed
AND the list is not frequently used AND the list is not large,
then the DrawList is an acceptable substitute.

 In many cases, a drawlist is a trivial way to do it.

On that we agree. Trivial programs should benefit.

by simply
using the item number to map to a record index in the database, grab the data,
and draw it.

That's pretty convenient. You only always display everything. What happens
when your list data is not from sequential records, or does not map to
a database record?

What a lot of work for every tap on a list.

It's you program do as you like.

In the mean time I will state my opinion as I see fit.


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Re: LstGetSelectionText() - Memory Allocation ?!?!

2003-08-04 Thread bullshark
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 09:59:53 +1000, Alan Ingleby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ken's right.  Specifically, you *can't* use LstGetSelectionText with a
dynamic list, so don't.  

What? Why would that be? That's just wrong. 

This is only the case when a (suspicious) program never calls LstSetListChoices.
I think there is foul play here. 

If all that is involved here is a dynamic list, a DrawList callback 
is the wrong way to do it. You would only resort to this if your list
had to display little icons or something. Even if you are doing it the 
wrong way, LstSetListChoices should still be called unless the list 
items don't have any text.

To set dynamic list text, create the list when the need arises and
call LstSetListChoices(). Keep your program simple and let the
OS do the work.

Use your own code to determine the value.  This shouldn't be hard, as it's 
effectively the same code you're using in your DrawList function.

I don't have any DrawList functions and I have dozens of Dynamic lists. 
Drawlist methods are not related to dynamic lists. Drawlist callbacks are 
for list choices that don't contain text or can't be displayed as a text 
string. Even then, if they contain text, LstSetListChoices should be called 
in most cases. It is the obvious place to store the text component of the
custom drawn list and simplifies the job of the DrawList callback.

A program could have many 'dynamic lists' that are set into the list
depending on events at another control. LstGetSelectionText() is
free of charge, provides correct results with respect to the last
set of elements given and eliminates the need to remember or organize
this programmatically.

The supplied code is riddled with unchecked possibilities for failure.
Char *listText;

ListType *list = GetObjectPtr(ListOrderList);

//What is GetObjectPtr?
//how do you know it succeeded?
//Why isn't there a cast to ListPtr?
//ListOrderList doesn't sound like a resourceID
//Is it a Popup list? Did you note the warning about
//FrmGetActiveForm() in the comments in FrmGetActiveForm()?

listText = MemPtrNew(50);

//what a giant memory leak. There is no attempt to deallocate.
//why are you allocating dynamically?
//How do you know the allocation succeeded?
// Char listText[50] will work just as well
//if dynamic allocation is mandatory, then why not allocate what's needed
// { 
//   if(listText != NULL){  //assuming listText is a global...
// MemPtrFree(listText);// take care of this memory leak
// listText=NULL; 
//   }
//   int n=LstGetSelection(list);
//   if( n!=noListSelection ){
// CharPtr cp=LstGetSelectionText(list,n);
// ErrFatalDisplayIf(cp==NULL,GetSelectionText failed);
// listText=(CharPtr)MemPtrNew(StrLen(cp)+1);
// ErrFatalDisplayIf(listText==NULL,Could'nt allocate listText);
// StrCopy(listText,cp);
//   }
// }

StrCopy(listText, LstGetSelectionText(list,LstGetSelection(list)));
// what if nothing is selected?




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Re: Newbie Question - Using Visual Studio??

2003-08-01 Thread bullshark
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:50:35 +0100, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

itself.  I'd buy slickedit - its cheap and good and geared up to running
other compilers (it's purely an editor)  :)

10-4 on that. Best software I own. I haven't upgraded to the latest
though. After asking them to support gnu stuff directly for years,
they finally do. I was too lazy to write the scripts myself. though
I did write extensions for rcp files (auto complete/coloring etc)

Have used it successfully with the m68k-palmos-gdb for source
level debugging? I asked them about it, and got unclear responses.
I use vs for everything except that, where I use emacs.


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Re: Very Persistant Problem

2003-07-30 Thread bullshark
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 08:19:42 -0400, Dave Mottorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
and just about everything I can think of but I still don't get any response
to tapping those two controls.  Has anyone ever seen anything like this?

The most obvious problem would be mistaken identity.
Next would be an infamous ==/= semantic error in 
the 'if() clause.


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Re: help: getting nilEvents when I don't need any !

2003-07-08 Thread bullshark
On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 23:45:11 -, alexrousseau_jta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Still, bugs me quite the bit as I am trying to optimize my
application (tight animation loops and all), and am figuring that
some machine cycles are spent hosting some totally uninvited guest.

The default return from your handler is false, and the default 
case in your switch is break.

If you are trying to optimize, the first order of business
is to not handle cases you don't want. By putting the nil event
in as a case, you're the one consuming unnecessary cycles.

There are lots of uninvited guests. It's a message pump.
You're permitted to be a part of it, and the contract
requires that you pass on anything you don't need or 
(in particular) don't understand.

Don't put it your switch.
You shouldn't be returning true.

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