
Two questions to check:
1. Are you calling the appropriate application?
2. Can you do SysUIAppSwitch() instead of SysAppLaunch()?

This here works fine in my application (its only the basic scheme, add local 
vars. and other logic as necessary):

//create the list of built-in panel functions
if (  SysCreatePanelList( &numPanels, &memH ) )
panelList = MemHandleLock( memH );

// find the digitizer application
for ( i=0; i<numPanels; i++ )
if ( panelList[i].creator=='digi' ) {
dbID = panelList[i].dbID;
cardNo = panelList[i].cardNo;

// launch the digitizer
SysUIAppSwitch( cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdPanelCalledFromApp, NULL );

// switch back to your own app e.g. by registering for sysNotifyAppQuittingEvent

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