ParaView newbie here ,and sorry to interrupt you for some problems i met.

I have been using two vtk input files which named t1 and t2 for example,
both input files contained only one dataset for CellData may called flux1
and flux2.

Exactly the structure and the data t1 and t2 got were same and only make a
reflect from the surface of the center of x axis.

And I want to make the CellData flux1 to subtrack the flux2.
However I have tried Using the Group Datasets and the Calculator, or Using
the Python Calculator or Programmable filter, and all the result I got is

The results I tried seems the ParaView only subtracked the data basic on
the Cell ID.

So is there any way to solve it or some wrong operate I made I wondered, or
I must make the datasets reflect before I input ParaView ?

Thanks for any guidance,

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