Dear all,

I launched a few months ago an initiative on github. This is called Peavip
and aims at
exposing VTK filters to the ParaView GUI.
The structure is as follow:
- each filter/source has its own XML description
  It allows for fast loading of particular filter, without having to build
- a CMakeLists gathers the XMLs in order to produce a cxx plugin
  The user can load all XMLized filters thanks to a single so/dll/dyn file.

This git repository is under development, and new features wil be added, I
hope, soon.
Coming next:
- Choice of exposed filters during the CMake setup
- Documentation!!
- Categorization of filters in the "Filters" menu from ParaView
- ... ideas from the community

You will find the Peavip git repository here:

Although this is a pre-alpha-Proof-of-concept-preliminar software,
I hope that it will be useful for people. Feel free to send feedbacks!

Best regards,
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