Hope Pandora Client

2016-01-28 Thread Dane Trethowan
Just given this a quick try out and all seems to work though I can't 
wonder for how long this will be? I've not contacted the developer yet 
nor have I seen any bulletins regarding the Hope Pandora client so I 
guess the old saying applies, "Make the most of it whilst you can".


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

Online Database

2016-01-28 Thread Andrea Sherry
Can anyone supply me with a reliable database I can use for cd track 
information. The free sites are somewhat unreliable with their data.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start 
from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Brad


2016-01-28 Thread Dane Trethowan
Some most interesting audio effects plug-ins here which may come in 
handy for those doing audio production work.



Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

the pandora clients?

2016-01-28 Thread randy tijerina

Hi everyone, Randy here.
I'm curious...for us jaws users...are there any good accessible 
pandora clients?

if so, how do I go about using them?

Notes On Pandora

2016-01-28 Thread Dane Trethowan

A couple of weeks ago the subject of Pandora Radio clients came up, I know of 
two and I mentioned them at the time however I hadn’t used them both in a good 
while and it looks as though things have changed.

Pandora have upgraded their Interface and at least one of the Pandora clients 
mentioned - Muse - is now incompatible with the new Pandora streaming and this 
cannot be rectified.

The good news is that the developer of the Muse App has launched a whole new 
Music App for a whole host of music services which includes Spotify, the App is 
called Musicality.

I’ve downloaded the App and had a 5 minute play, the App looks accessible 
enough so that’s the good news.

I tried signing into my Spotify account however it seemed that my Facebook 
credentials wouldn’t be recognised by the App so I’ll mention that to the 
developer on Facebook, see what he has to say.

I’ve not tried the Windows Hope Pandora client yet to see what it offers if 
anything but will try it later on this afternoon.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.