
Some users of this radio - including Yours Truly - have come together to compile notes on the device in the hope that we can help others who have or are thinking about the purchase of this killer small portable.

The PDF and the printed manual for the Eton Satellit - whilst perhaps half useful for those with sight and who can make sense of the diagrams presented - is next to useless for those with no vision so time to make our own version of the manual if you like tthrough our own combined hands-on experience with the radio.

There's a lot to this radio presented through its feature set, available functionality and shortcuts we've found and all will be revealed to add to the satisfaction of the user.

I'll keep the list updated to the progess of this project.

We may release updates from time to time if we find anything new and of course we welcome user feedback.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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