Well I guess ol, Phil can't do much for me either; this is his reply to my latest email to him!
Tom Kaufman
----- Original Message ----- From: "Philip Oldaker" <raimas...@gmail.com>
To: "Tom Kaufman" <tomca...@comcast.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Still Cannot Schedule And Event Using Tapin Radio!

Hello Tom,

Well this is really not a TR problem and if there is something wrong with
your Windows installation then it is for you to fix it.

But there is one thing you can try.

Go to the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and go to the the Services tab.

Look for Schedule->Task Scheduler and right click on it and select
Start Process and see if
that makes any difference.

If it does you will need to make sure it runs automatically at start
up (click on the Services button).


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Tom Kaufman <tomca...@comcast.net> wrote:
Hello Phil: About a week or so ago, I wrote to you concerning my problem
with not being able to schedule a recording, using Tapin Radio. At that
time, you suggested I "google" it, saying that Tapin Radio works with the
Windows Task Scheduler! I have tried and tried, but cannot figure out what
I must do to make the task scheduler service run! So any info you can
supply would be most helpful (I did google it as you suggested) but
Microsoft's language is a little much for me to be able to figure out! One
problem is that it seems to want to give me information for a system that
I'm not using (am using Windows XP (Home edition) is it possible (as someone
has suggested (that I'm just not going to ever get Tapin Radio to schedule
an event? If this be the case, this really too bad, for other than the fact that (aside from me not being able to schedule an event) I like the program and would like it even better if I could set up times for it to record when
I'm not able to be around the computer! Thanks in advance for any
information you can provide me with concerning this matter!
Tom Kaufman
Denton, MD. U.S.A.

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