Hi all.  I hope Jeff our moderator doesn't mind, but as Music technology is audio 
related, and we are rather desperate, I figure that perhaps any list member living 
around the Los Angeles area can help me with this.  My very good friend's daughter is 
wanting to take a course in music technology, and she especially wants to choose the 
Universities around the Los Angeles area because her aunt resides there.  We would 
also like to look for a uni which offers this course at a reasonable fee, perhaps 20 k 
per semester, simply because the conversion rate from Singapore to the US currency is 
around $1.80 to the US dollar.  If there are any of you living around the Los Angeles 
area, and you are aware of such an institution, Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with such details as Uni name, website and telephone number if any.  Thanking you all 
in advance for your help.
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