Re: Questions about home recording.

2005-01-29 Thread Jerry Richer
 John!  For multi-track recording weather it be acoustic or MIDI
recording most people are using Sonar by Cakewalk.  It is expensive though.
You can get into Sonar for as little as $260.00 if you're a student or
$290.00 otherwise and there are Scripts that cost $289.00.  If you want to
discuss this topic with blind musicians who use this every day send an email
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the body of the email put the line:
subscribe midi-mag John Schucker.

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Re: Questions about home recording.

2005-01-28 Thread shawn klein
Don't know much about it, but I understand that Adobe
Audition is more accessible than cool edit. Adobe
bought out cool edit and came out with adobe audition.
The manual is long and more confusing than gold wave
for me though. I haven't been interested in
multitrack, just a better noise reduction.

--- John Schucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all.  I joined this list hoping to get some
 answers about home recording.
 First, I'll list the software I've got access to,
 and then, I'll go through
 some of the issues and questions.  I guess I'll
 start out by asking a
 general question though.  I'm recording live
 instruments, not midi.  I've
 got all the hardware set up, but I'm not sure what
 the best software is for
 that.  Any suggestions?
 I have access to:
 Gold wave
 Cool edit Pro 2.0
 Sound forge 6?, not sure.
 NTrack Studio, I think I'm on 3.whatever, the one
 right before 4, when 4
 came out it didn't seem worth upgrading, though I
 can do that easily enough.
 Obviously if somebody recommends something else,
 I'll look into that.  And
 of course, I should have said, I'm asking about
 multitrack recording.  I
 have one sound card, an SB Live!  I've got a nice
 little four channel mixer
 though, a Behringer of some sort, and microphones
 and all of that.  So, here
 are some of my questions.
 I tried using cool edit pro with the JFW scripts. 
 I'm not sure it's working
 quite right under JFW 6, but here's what happened
 under older versions.  I'd
 record a couple of tracks just fine.  But then, when
 I tried to hit enter on
 a track to edit is individually, or selected that
 track and then hit f12 to
 get it into wave view, it would have about a minute
 of the track.  I never
 did get it back to showing me all of the track, and
 it would do this for
 each track, so the whole recording was down to a
 minute or so, instead of
 whatever it was.  If I could fix that, I'd try using
 cool edit.
 Now with NTrack, one question would be, how do I
 match tracks?  Let me
 explain, suppose I play a guitar track, and I have
 an intro, and then a bit
 of silence, and then more guitar.  So I want the
 intro to be just guitar,
 and then during the silent bit, I start in with some
 drums, and then the
 drums and the rest of the guitar track run together.
  It makes more sense to
 me to put the drums starting in that silence on the
 other track, instead of
 starting a track recording from the beginning and
 just sitting there waiting
 for the silence.  That way you don't have more
 background noise in the
 guitar part.  But I have no idea how to adjust the
 track starting position.
 Also, I've been told for keeping rhythm, people
 often generate a click
 track.  Can either cool edit or NTrack do this?  If
 not, how do you keep
 rhythm?  I'm pretty good at it in general, but I
 mess it up some times, and
 something to help with that could be useful.
 Oh, and another thing, I missed all the sound forge
 discussion, but JFW
 doesn't seem to be loading any scripts when I run
 Sound Forge, pretty sure
 it's 6, under JFW 6.  So Sound Forge isn't really
 working all that well.
 Anyway, that should be enough for now.  What I
 really need is a sort of
 crash course in software for recording.  I have
 gotten NTrack to at least
 record tracks and all that, but I'd like to learn
 how to use whatever the
 good software is to make better recordings. 
 Cakewalk seems to be the thing
 for midi, but I'm not using midi, though I might get
 into that later.  I
 play a lot of strange ethnic/folk instruments, and
 that's what I want to
 record right now.  So any help would be greatly
 appreciated.  I'm fairly
 sure some of you are making music out there.  So
 cmon, share the secrets!
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