[PD] Zexy build errors from Pd-extended

2014-01-31 Thread John Smith
I built zexy from svn-repo (revision: r17214) and I have same issue as in
zexy tarball release, -- I have no [pack~] and [unpack~], but if I using
zexy from binary debian package
(Pd-0.44.0-extended-20140130-debian-wheezy-amd64), -- then I have [pack~]
and [unpack~], and because pd-extended zexy version has this object, -- I
trying to build pd-extended zexy version, but I can't.

On 30 January 2014 18:03, IOhannes m zmölnig zmoel...@iem.at wrote:

 On 01/30/2014 01:43 PM, John Smith wrote:
  Hello. I try to build zexy from Pd-extended_0.43.4-source.tar.bz2.

 please post a complete build log (without omissions).

 also, why don't you use either an svn-checkout of zexy:
   svn clone https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/externals/zexy
 or a release tarball

 afaik, the Pd-extended sources are really for building the entire
 Pd-extended suite (which builds zexy in a slightly different way).


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Re: [PD] Zexy build errors from Pd-extended

2014-01-31 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hash: SHA256

On 2014-01-31 12:10, John Smith wrote:
 I built zexy from svn-repo (revision: r17214) and I have same issue
 as in zexy tarball release, -- I have no [pack~] and [unpack~], but
 if I using zexy from binary debian package 
 (Pd-0.44.0-extended-20140130-debian-wheezy-amd64), -- then I have
 [pack~] and [unpack~], and because pd-extended zexy version has
 this object, -- I trying to build pd-extended zexy version, but I

then you have something else wrong.
[pack~] and [unpack~] *are* part of zexy-2.2.4, zexy-2.2.5 and today's
zexy-svn (rev.17259).
i just checked all of them.

#1) by default, zexy will build a single binary zexy.pd_linux; you
have to load this library (e.g. -lib zexy, or [declare -lib zexy])
in order to use any zexy objects. this is different from pd-extended,
where you get multiple binary objects (e.g. pack~.pd_linux) and you
have to use [import zexy] (or add the path/to/zexy to Pd's search paths).
if you want to build zexy the same way as pd-extended builds it, you
ought to use the --disable-library flag when running ./configure
(don't forget to run make clean before running make again).

#2) i still don't really understand your error message when compiling.
there is explicit code in zexy that prevents setup from being
multiply defined.
what's the output when you run the f ollowing command in the src/
  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -DZEXY_LIBRARY -g -O2 -mms-bitfields
0x2e.c  -fPIC -DPIC

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[PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Max
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At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is another position open. Since
understanding basic german is a requirement, the announcement follows
in german. This position is more or less what I was doing there when I
was employed there. Please also apply even if you don't fulfill the
requirements completely. And let me know if you applied.

An der Fakultät Medien der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist zum 1. April
2014 an der Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen die Stelle

künstlerischen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters

zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet. Eine
Verlängerung ist nach den geltenden Regelungen des
Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG) möglich. Es handelt
sich um eine Teilzeitstelle. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 24

Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen (8 LVS) im
Bereich der praktischen Medienkunst (Interaktion, Netz, Video,
Bioart). Mitarbeit bei den organisatorischen und forschenden
Aktivitäten der Professur. Die Professur verfügt über eine
Performance-Plattform und ein DIY Biolab, die in die Lehre eingebunden
werden sollen.


Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Fachrichtung Medienkunst, Kunst
oder Design
Erfahrung in Grafikprogrammierung und Interfacegestaltung und/oder
Elektronik, Bioart, hohe künstlerische Kompetenz
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (Englisch)
Berufliche Praxis, pädagogische Eignung, selbstständiges Arbeiten
Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages
für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den
persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

Die Bauhaus-Universität ist bestrebt, den Anteil von Frauen in Lehre
und Forschung zu erhöhen. Daher werden insbesondere Frauen gebeten,
sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt

Ihre Bewerbung, mit den üblichen aussagekräftigen Unterlagen richten
Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer M/WP-03/14 bis zum 23. Februar
2014 an:

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
Frau Prof. Ursula Damm
Marienstraße 5
99421 Weimar
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Re: [PD] console font size really big

2014-01-31 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 01/30/2014 06:26 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:

Better than changing the font size globaly would be to change the
font sizes in tcl/pdwindow.tcl to negative numbers, which has the same
effect but only locally (instead of nuking everything.  The particular one

 text .pdwindow.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font {-size 10} \
 -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
 -yscrollcommand .pdwindow.scroll set -width 60 \
 -undo false -autoseparators false -maxundo 1 -takefocus 0

(change size 10 to size -10.)

Now I should think about whether to do that in the Pd source :)

That's a difficult choice.  On the one hand you'll get console output 
with similar sized font on each platform.  (Not pixel-exact btw because 
that depends on the font renderer.)  On the other you'll cause problems 
for the visually impaired who really do want point-sized fonts.

Of course the latter point only holds _if_ tcl/tk reports a sane number 
for [tk scaling].  That's probably not the case for OSX, and who knows 
for various GNU/Linux distros.  But I haven't looked to see whether this 
is remedied in tk 8.6.

Btw, for those exploring other GUI toolkits for Pd: choose QT.  It is as 
cross-platform as anything could be, has an enormous userbase, great 
documentation, and a _friendly_ community.  I cannot stress that last 
point enough.  If someone disagrees please try porting Pd's GUI to GTK; 
after you burn out from trying to deal with Gnome devs I'll buy you a beer.



On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 06:25:23PM -0500, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

On 01/24/2014 05:31 PM, Peter P. wrote:

Johnathan WIlkins wrote:

I'd be curious to know what window manager you are using.

Try going into pd-gui.tcl and find the line:
# tk scaling 1

Remove the #, save the file, and then restart Pd.  See if that
solves the problem.
(Depending on how you are running Pd, you may need to have privileges
to edit that file)

I am using fluxbox.

Indeed, editing /usr/local/lib/pd/tcl/pd-gui.tcl to yield
 tk scaling 1
solved the problem for me.

Interestingly there is a file /usr/local/bin/pd-gui.tcl present as
well, whose changes do not have an effet. This Pd is installed using
make install from within Miller's git sources. I wonder why
pd-gui.tcl is installed twice on my system, the latter one also being
in my $PATH.

Thank you again for this quick one Jonathan.

There is a comment related to tk scaling in this very file just above
the scaling option:
 # we are not using Tk scaling, so fix it to 1 on all platforms.  This
 # guarantees that patches will be pixel-exact on every platform
 # 2013.07.19 msp - trying without this to see what breaks - it's
 # having
 # deleterious effects on dialog window font sizes.

Would be interesting to know wonder what the deletrious effects were.

Tk has a very friendly but very small community without the
resources to make sure everything works as advertised across all
platforms.  So depending on which platform you use you'll see
different symptoms, depending on how well tk is integrated with the
guts of the window manager (in GNU/Linux, this would be not at
all), the accuracy of the info delivered to Tk from the OS/window
manager, implementation features/bugs in a particular graphics
subsystem, etc.

One detail is that if you let [tk scaling] do its thing, you'll see
problems in the postscript output if you print a patch.  There's an
ugly fix somewhere for this which requires hacking the ps output to
scale it by the tk scaling factor.

But if you hard code tk scaling to 1 users on Windows will see font
problems from Tk's half-baked, hardly documented theming engine that
would require _really_ ugly hacks all over Pd to fix.


But, hey- problem solved for me.


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Re: [PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Dan Wilcox
Howdy Max,

Out of curiosity, why did you leave? Find a better job elsewhere? Wanted to get 
out of sleepy Weimar?

Ich finde diese Job ein bisschen interessant, aber denke ich, das meine Frau 
mag nicht Weimar. Sie kommt aus Hamburg und vielleicht Weimar ist zu klein. :D

On Jan 31, 2014, at 1:18 PM, pd-list-requ...@iem.at wrote:

 From: Max abonneme...@revolwear.com
 Subject: [PD] job offer in Weimar
 Date: January 31, 2014 at 8:22:36 AM EST
 To: pd-list@iem.at
 Hash: SHA1
 At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is another position open. Since
 understanding basic german is a requirement, the announcement follows
 in german. This position is more or less what I was doing there when I
 was employed there. Please also apply even if you don't fulfill the
 requirements completely. And let me know if you applied.

Dan Wilcox

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[PD] The Music of Bernard Parmegiani | London 21-23 March

2014-01-31 Thread peiman khosravi
Dear all,

This is going to be a very especial event: http://lcmf.co.uk/. More detail
coming up soon.

Please fee free to spread the word with friends, colleagues and on public


*www.peimankhosravi.co.uk http://www.peimankhosravi.co.uk || RSS Feed
http://peimankhosravi.co.uk/miscposts.rss || Concert News
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Re: [PD] comments with trailing | ?

2014-01-31 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 01/24/2014 05:36 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:

Delete these lines in g_text.c:

 /* for comments, just draw a bar on RHS if unlocked; when a visible
 canvas is unlocked we have to call this anew on all comments, and when
 locked we erase them all via the annoying commentbar tag. */
 else if (x-te_type == T_TEXT  glist-gl_edit)
 if (firsttime)
 sys_vgui(.x%lx.c create line\
  %d %d %d %d -tags [list %sR commentbar]\n,
 x2, y1,  x2, y2, tag);
 sys_vgui(.x%lx.c coords %sR %d %d %d %d\n,
 glist_getcanvas(glist), tag, x2, y1,  x2, y2);

(however, that won't disable the functionality; just the ugly marks.)

I'm still trying to think of something less ugly - tell me if you have any

Just to give a concrete example, something like:

else if (x-te_type == T_TEXT  glist-gl_edit)
if (firsttime)
sys_vgui(.x%lx.c create rect %d %d %d %d 
-dash {1 3} 
-tags [list %sR commentbar]\n,
glist_getcanvas(glist), x1, y1, x2, y2, tag);
sys_vgui(.x%lx.c coords %sR %d %d %d %d\n,
glist_getcanvas(glist), tag, x1, y1, x2, y2);

Then you have a visual clue that the user is in editmode, with no 
ambiguity between the drawing and the text.

You can play with the dash values-- I chose those because it gives a 
clear contrast to broken boxes.  Use a larger 2nd integer to make the 
dashed box stand out less.

Btw-- I haven't tested this.  I'd be a lot more likely to try out code 
on Pd Vanilla 0.45 if someone could explain to me how to do incremental 
builds.  If I change a single line in g_text.c in 0.43 it only requires 
a single make that takes about 3 seconds.  Doing the same in 0.45 
requires make clean  make, unnecessarily rebuilding all of Pd.  
Doing make in the src directory of 0.45 only rebuilds the things that 
need to recompile, but it doesn't update the binary, which makes it useless.


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Re: [PD] comments with trailing | ?

2014-01-31 Thread Miller Puckette
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 03:47:46PM -0500, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
 On 01/24/2014 05:36 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
 Delete these lines in g_text.c:
  /* for comments, just draw a bar on RHS if unlocked; when a visible
  canvas is unlocked we have to call this anew on all comments, and 
  locked we erase them all via the annoying commentbar tag. */
  else if (x-te_type == T_TEXT  glist-gl_edit)
  if (firsttime)
  sys_vgui(.x%lx.c create line\
   %d %d %d %d -tags [list %sR commentbar]\n,
  x2, y1,  x2, y2, tag);
  sys_vgui(.x%lx.c coords %sR %d %d %d %d\n,
  glist_getcanvas(glist), tag, x2, y1,  x2, y2);
 (however, that won't disable the functionality; just the ugly marks.)
 I'm still trying to think of something less ugly - tell me if you have any
 Just to give a concrete example, something like:
 else if (x-te_type == T_TEXT  glist-gl_edit)
 if (firsttime)
 sys_vgui(.x%lx.c create rect %d %d %d %d 
 -dash {1 3} 
 -tags [list %sR commentbar]\n,
 glist_getcanvas(glist), x1, y1, x2, y2, tag);
 sys_vgui(.x%lx.c coords %sR %d %d %d %d\n,
 glist_getcanvas(glist), tag, x1, y1, x2, y2);
 Then you have a visual clue that the user is in editmode, with no
 ambiguity between the drawing and the text.
 You can play with the dash values-- I chose those because it gives a
 clear contrast to broken boxes.  Use a larger 2nd integer to make
 the dashed box stand out less.
 Btw-- I haven't tested this.  I'd be a lot more likely to try out
 code on Pd Vanilla 0.45 if someone could explain to me how to do
 incremental builds.  If I change a single line in g_text.c in 0.43
 it only requires a single make that takes about 3 seconds.  Doing
 the same in 0.45 requires make clean  make, unnecessarily
 rebuilding all of Pd.  Doing make in the src directory of 0.45
 only rebuilds the things that need to recompile, but it doesn't
 update the binary, which makes it useless.
cd pd/src; make -f makefile.gnu always works for me :)


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Re: [PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Dan Wilcox
Woops. Sorry, I meant to repsond off list. :P

On Jan 31, 2014, at 4:00 PM, pd-list-requ...@iem.at wrote:

 From: Dan Wilcox danomat...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [PD] job offer in Weimar
 Date: January 31, 2014 at 1:39:25 PM EST
 To: pd-list@iem.at List pd-list@iem.at
 Howdy Max,
 Out of curiosity, why did you leave? Find a better job elsewhere? Wanted to 
 get out of sleepy Weimar?
 Ich finde diese Job ein bisschen interessant, aber denke ich, das meine Frau 
 mag nicht Weimar. Sie kommt aus Hamburg und vielleicht Weimar ist zu klein. :D

Dan Wilcox

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Re: [PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Max
Hash: SHA1

Am 2014년 01월 31일 19:39, schrieb Dan Wilcox:

 Howdy Max,
 Out of curiosity, why did you leave? Find a better job elsewhere?
 Wanted to get out of sleepy Weimar?

It's certainly no secret, so I might as well respond on the list:
A yes/no answer isn't possible so I will elaborate a bit:
I enjoyed working here, it is a really nice setting, skilled, creative
and eager students, great colleagues, a lot of freedom in what and how
to teach, etc.
Weimar is sleepy, but it also has some benefits which are hard to find
elsewhere. I chose to live here, rather than in Berlin (like many
colleagues) because of reasons like the short distances and the nature
Positions at German universities like the one I had (and the one now
opened) are limited to 6 years, and non extensible. I had been working
for the Bauhaus-Universität for 5 years, so I started to look around
for other options.
I found one: since September I am Professor at the Yeungnam University
in Gyeongsan (Daegu), Korea.
It's very exciting to be there. I work with sculpture and painting
students, which is a great challenge for me, just like learning the


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