Re: [PD] UDOO Quad and Generic Guitar to USB link issues

2014-04-08 Thread Brian Fay
The reason I suggested trying arecord | aplay is because it would be
running input and output simultaneously. In Audacity, you're doing one
after the other.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly what is going wrong here. Does your
soundcard work as expected on other computers? Was it fine on the
BeagleBone Black?

On the Raspberry Pi, I'm running a multi-effects pedal, all built in Pd.
There's two parallel chains of processes, (each can run up to eight
effects). The effects I'm using are a looper, delay, waveshaper distortion,
flanger, granular synthesis (sort of limited implementation), reverb, and
EQ. I'm controlling things with a QuNeo MIDI controller and a push button
attached to the GPIO pins on the Pi.

By default, each of the eight effects in each chain are set to bypass,
which simply passes the signal onto the next effect. However, you can
adjust this on the fly for the effects to be whatever you want, so I can
set up something like:
Chain A: looper - distortion - flanger - delay - granular - reverb -
EQ - bypass - output
Chain B: delay - bypass - bypass - bypass - bypass - bypass - bypass
- bypass - output

I can independently control volume of each chain, so I could use Chain A to
build up some sort of droning ambience, and then solo over it using Chain B.

In practice, there is definitely a limit to the ability of the Raspberry
Pi. I think the example I just mentioned would probably run, but if I try
throwing too many effects on at once, (flanger, reverb, distortion, and
granular are all pretty intensive), I will start getting glitches - huge
crackles and jitters in audio. Turning off a few effects will stop the
glitches, but I all I can do to prevent them is to be conservative about
how many effects I turn on.

Just uploaded a little demo to Soundcloud of a recording I made with a
somewhat similar FX setup to what I mentioned. It was recorded with my
cell-phone, so it's a bit awful sound quality-wise (also really really
quiet, whoops...).

If you're curious about the patches and stuff, it's all here, but it's
hard-coded to MIDI values on the QuNeo and might be a bit confusing:

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Carlos Sanchez csanchez...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey list,

 Thanks for your prompt replies and helpfulness!

 I could not get qjackctl to work, the audio will not go through and the PD
 CPU load gets abnormally high at around 67%...
 I had already played with the sample rate and I had noticed that
 augmenting the frequency yields better results but the noise was still very
 The sound card itself works correctly with Audacity so I am sure it would
 work with the arecord and aplay commands Brian suggested. Weirdly, it is
 only with PD that it is struggling...

 On a more encouraging note, as Brian suggested, it seems that the problem
 (or one possibility) is the duplex audio. I haven't thought about using the
 card as an output only device before and it did work! But afterwards, I was
 not able to change the settings back and use the noisy duplex audio any
 more, I was only able to switch the output devices...

 @Brian: What type of software are you using for the signal processing with
 the Raspberry Pi? I am very curious because I had first attempted to build
 this project on a BeagleBone Black but the heavy PD patches made it
 unstable or crash...

 On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Brian Fay ovaltinevor...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you haven't tried it already, try increasing the latency in the audio
 settings (probably not the issue, but worth a shot).

 Maybe it's only having trouble with duplex audio (simultaneous input and
 output). Do you have both input and output enabled for your soundcard? Does
 it work if you only have the output device set, and leave the input device

 You can test to see if duplex audio is working outside of pd - try
 running arecord | aplay (the vertical bar means pipe the data from
 arecord into aplay), and see if you get usable sound. You may need to set
 some command line flags on those to get the sample rate and audio devices
 right, sorry I don't know them offhand.

 I am running a fairly similar setup - for an honors project at my
 university, I'm using a Raspberry Pi and Behringer UCG102. I have a nice
 multi-effects pedal working at less than 20ms latency. If my Raspberry Pi
 can handle it, I feel like your UDOO quad should definitely be able to. I'd
 like to add that you have a nice taste in projects :)

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Carlos Sanchez csanchez...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yes, I have tried changing sample rates and it has not solved the issue.

 The sound card I am using is basically a copy of the Behringer UCG102
 guitar to USB interface :

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 8:40 AM, tim vets wrote:

 and what is this 'Generic Guitar to USB' exactly?

 2014-04-04 3:09

Re: [PD] UDOO Quad and Generic Guitar to USB link issues

2014-04-05 Thread Brian Fay
If you haven't tried it already, try increasing the latency in the audio
settings (probably not the issue, but worth a shot).

Maybe it's only having trouble with duplex audio (simultaneous input and
output). Do you have both input and output enabled for your soundcard? Does
it work if you only have the output device set, and leave the input device

You can test to see if duplex audio is working outside of pd - try running
arecord | aplay (the vertical bar means pipe the data from arecord into
aplay), and see if you get usable sound. You may need to set some command
line flags on those to get the sample rate and audio devices right, sorry I
don't know them offhand.

I am running a fairly similar setup - for an honors project at my
university, I'm using a Raspberry Pi and Behringer UCG102. I have a nice
multi-effects pedal working at less than 20ms latency. If my Raspberry Pi
can handle it, I feel like your UDOO quad should definitely be able to. I'd
like to add that you have a nice taste in projects :)

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Carlos Sanchez csanchez...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yes, I have tried changing sample rates and it has not solved the issue.

 The sound card I am using is basically a copy of the Behringer UCG102
 guitar to USB interface :

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 8:40 AM, tim vets wrote:

 and what is this 'Generic Guitar to USB' exactly?

 2014-04-04 3:09 GMT+02:00 Carlos Sanchez

 Hello PD-list,

 I am currently working on my semester project which is a guitar
 multi-effect pedal using the UDOO Quad and PD. I got everything up and
 running on the Linaro Ubutu 12.04 LTS build provided by UDOO and I am
 having strange results with PD. The soundcard I am using works normally
 when I am using Audacity. It plays wav files and can record the guitar
 signal correctly but when it comes to PD, a basic osc object or a table
 read through ALSA produces a strange digital noise, completely ruining the
 audio signal.

 I have also tested this setup with a M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB card and
 the playback worked without issues, although I could not get the input
 signal through the adc object for an unknown reason.

 Has anyone tried a similar setup for guitar usage?


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Re: [PD] PD on Raspbian

2014-03-19 Thread Brian Fay
When I was using Raspbian, I could not get duplex (simultaneous input and
output) audio unless if I set my samplerate to 32kHz. This seemed to be due
to an issue listed here:

Using the Satellite CCRMA distro, I've been able to set it to 44.1kHz with
input and output working fine using ALSA (haven't tried JACK, but I'd
expect it to work).

Pd-extended is installed by default on the Satellite CCRMA image and it
works with my soundcard (Behringer UCG102). You can download/learn about
the distribution here:

I do still have issues achieving a desirably low latency on pd-extended
(vanilla works slightly better), but overall things have worked much better
than on Raspbian.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Christian Fischer m...@c-m-fischer.dewrote:

 Hi everyone,

 two (beginner) questions regarding Pd-extended 0.43.3 on Rpi Raspbian

 - There is an I/O error message in the Pd window as there is only an audio
 out (but no in) on the Rpi. Just deactivating the inlet in Pd audio
 settings doesn't help. ALSA is used by default. What can be done to avoid
 error message? However sound out works fine.

 - When opening a new Pd window (ctrl+n), it pops up so high in the bottom
 left corner of the screen, that you can not see the menu anymore. Therefore
 the window is not moveable or usable. Used Pd already on various PCs and OS
 but this I have never experienced. What can be done?

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Re: [PD] [OT] Raspberry Pi Wolfson Audio Card

2014-03-13 Thread Brian Fay
While I'm sure that Dan is right that the UDOO is the better choice for USB
audio, I do have to say that I've had decent success using my Raspberry Pi
as a guitar effects processor, with the Behringer UCG102 interface.

There's definitely a lot of quirkiness to getting it running... for example
ALSA gets in an infinite restart loop when attempting low latency on
pd-extended, but vanilla starts up fine under the same settings. And then
there's the fact that an issue in the kernel screws up USB audio on major
distros like Raspbian.

I'm using the Satellite CCRMA distro right now with much better success. So
far I've got various delays, a looper, and a waveshaper distortion running
within the same patch, at 20ms latency with very few noticeable dropouts.
Parameters are adjustable with a QuNeo MIDI controller and with a button
attached to the GPIO pins.

The Pi is a bit more affordable than the UDOO boards, but then again I had
to buy a powered USB hub. Ultimately for one audio input the Raspberry Pi
could probably serve most purposes, while the UDOO is more likely to scale
to bigger installations.
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Re: [PD] Rewriting a unified phasor / metro object for reading tables

2014-03-06 Thread Brian Fay
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Chris McCormick wrote:

 Not sure if this is relevant or already common knowledge but newer
 versions of Pd allow you to specify metro and delay tempo  units,
 including in samples. e.g. [metro 500 1 samp].

Does anybody know if sample-accurate [metros] are available in libpd? I'm
making an application that allows for fairly arbitrary divisions of a
tempo. Originally I was going to make clocks out of metros, but I wasn't
aware that you could set a [metro] faster than one bang per ms. If I wanted
a bunch of different rhythms, not just eigths and sixteenths, but triplets
and divisions of fives or sevens or whatever, I would need to make a bunch
of [metro] objects (or maybe one running at the least common multiple of
the various divisions).

In the end, I settled on handling this logic in the Java side of my
application by counting samples and doing some math. I can schedule bangs
at arbitrary divisions of a base amount of time (so I can make
seven-tuplets or fiftythree-uplets or whatever strange rhythm I want to).
In theory my solution should be sample-accurate, and it sounds like it's
working fine.

But is there a straightforward way to do this in pd that I completely
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Re: [PD] Pos1 and End in keyboard editing

2014-02-14 Thread Brian Fay
It's been like that for as long as I can remember, and I hate it!!!

I've just assumed it was some tcl/tk quirk that has kept it from being
changed, but I really don't have a clue as I have no desire to learn


On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Peter P. wrote:

 Dear list,

 this has probably been discussed already (didn't find sth after a
 quick search in the archive though): When using the computer
 keyboard's Pos1 and End keys to jump to the beginning of an object
 or numberbox when editing its contents, will make the cursor move
 there, but upon typing new characters, it jumpes back (or never really
 moved away) from its original position. This is Pd-0.45.0 vanilla from
 Miller's git and tk8.5/tcl8.5 (in fact 8.5.14-2) on a Debian system.

 does anyone else experience this too?
 best, P

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Re: [PD] Multi-input USB audio into Raspberry Pi

2014-02-02 Thread Brian Fay
In case anyone looks at this thread, I'd better mention that it seems that
using CCRMA's distribution fixes my audio problems with the Behringer

I had been using the standard Raspbian distro when I wrote my comment. I
believe that distribution uses a different kernel than Satellite CCRMA,
which is optimized more for embedded audio projects.

I had been unable to do duplex audio at 44100hz (had to switch to 32000),
but now it seems to work fine (even when running pd with an X11-forwarded
GUI). There's no noticeable dropouts at a latency of 10ms, at least in my
initial testing!

In order to get this to work, I simply had to change the text of
/boot/cmdline.txt to the text politely included in
/boot/cmdline-usb1.1-only.txt (thanks, Stanford guys!)

Anyway, just hoping I haven't led anybody astray from the Pi with my
earlier (somewhat misinformed) comment. I'd still be a little wary of using
devices with more channels or without linux drivers.


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:07 AM, Simon Wise wrote:

 On 24/01/14 01:52, Chris McCormick wrote:

 Hi all,

 I might be really pushing my luck here, what with all the reports of
 audio issues on the Pi, but has anyone heard of somebody getting
 multi-input audio working with a multi-input USB 2.0 audio device?

 I have a dream of running one of these mixers (which does 8 channel
 audio out over USB 2.0) into Pd and being able to manipulate all of the
 channels from the mixer in Pd:

 given they need audio drivers for windows and mac I don't like your
 chances on linux, let alone a Pi, except perhaps the USB1.1 mode with 2-in

 Apparently the esi gigaport hd+ does 8 channels OUT from the Pis, but I
 have not heard of any devices working with 8 IN.

 By the way ... finished my degree and I'm now in Sydney, if you're heading
 this side of he country sometime let me know.


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Re: [PD] Multi-input USB audio into Raspberry Pi

2014-01-23 Thread Brian Fay
I don't want to discourage you, but from my experience there's definitely
some things to be wary of with the Raspberry Pi. For example, a lot of
people have reported needing to use USB 2.0 devices in USB 1.1 mode. I
don't know if this would necessarily hinder the functionality of the
device, but it seems like it could be a nuisance.

Personally, I've been using an interface with a single stereo input and
output (Behringer UCG102) for my guitar. Performance for that device has
been fairly satisfactory, but there are some problems I can't seem to

I get buffer xruns every ten seconds or so when running PD, even in -nogui
mode with realtime priorities. This sounds like a little pop, a one
sample impulse, and while it's not unplayable, it is annoying. I am running
at a pretty low latency (~8ms, which is awesome), but even raising the
latency a little and messing around with the signal vector size doesn't
seem to help stop the popping.

Also, while it's not super important for my guitar processing, I've been
unable to run duplex audio at a samplerate higher than 32kHz. It seems that
this is related to an issue in newer versions of the kernel (there's an
issue posted here: I
don't know anything about Operating System code, so I have no idea if this
could be addressed somehow.

So while I can't say that multi-channel input and output won't work, I will
say that even stereo I/O is a little broken.

I wonder if the BeagleBone xM would be better for this project? It is a bit
pricier, but it seems like Stanford CCRMA students have had some success
with it (more than the Pi, anyway)
Check out this link for examples of that:

Good luck,


On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Chris McCormick wrote:

 Hey Jaime,

 On 24/01/14 01:48, Jaime E Oliver wrote:
  there was a thread on this just a while back and someone reported
 multiple inputs, I cannot find it right now, but it;s there!

 I spent a fair bit of time reading back through the archives and various
 other sources yesterday and I did see mention of someone running four
 inputs but a later post seemed to contradict what they'd said, and I
 couldn't find anything on pd-list about that in particular.

 Would love to be wrong about that of course!

 In any case, I will report back here if successful.




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Re: [PD] groove machine how to: keep metro and a loop in sync

2014-01-13 Thread Brian Fay
I'm not super-familiar with the guts of Pd's scheduling system, but I think
that if one metro object outputs a bang to separate tabplay~ objects, both
should start playing at exactly the same time.

While using line~ or phasor~ can lead to more robust samplers (allowing you
to adjust playback speed, etc.), I think tabplay~ should be perfectly
adequate for this patch.

Filippo, it would help us to see your patch and the samples you are using,
so that we could get a better idea of how the loops are getting out of sync.


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Funs Seelen wrote:

 Hi Filippo,

 You're welcome.

 You probably forgot to reply-to-all, but I added pd-list to the
 conversation. I hope you don't mind, but I do this ...
 a) to prevent ten people to answer the same question, not knowing that
 nine others are or have been spending time to do exactly the same, and
 b) for the archive. It's annoying if you have a problem, search the web,
 and do find your question, but not the answer, since it is not made public.

 On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Filippo Beck Peccoz m...@fbpsound.comwrote:

 Hi Funs and thanks a lot for the message! Sorry if I'm launching noob
 questions at you, but so far I've only used a tabplay~ object and a metro
 with a set bpm, and triggered both of them at the same time- this is
 obviously not ideal..although it almost works the fade into and out of
 the drum loop should be perfectly timed, especially for this kind of

 I am, however, a little lost as to how extrapolate bar/beat information
 from the objects you suggested. I'm sure it's super easy and I'm missing
 something obvious. Why do you put the 1000 in the message that goes to the
 line object?

 I assumed you were reading the table with [tabread~] or [tabread4~]. For
 looping purposes it is common to use [phasor~] in combination with one of
 these two. If the loop should last 1 second (1000 ms) its frequence should
 be 1 Hertz (cycle per second). So the equivalent for the argument `1' for
 [phasor~] would be `1000' (milliseconds) for [line~]. Translation is done
 using the following function: y = 1000 / x, where x is the length of the
 time interval in ms and y the frequency in Hz (note that x = 1000 / y).
 This one second sample was just an example. [soundfiler] outputs the length
 of your sound sample in dsp samples.

 I don't understand what you mean by `bar/beat information', for I can't
 precisely imagine what you are building.


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Re: [PD] Cheap audio USB device with Raspberry PI -- works!

2013-11-23 Thread Brian Fay
What problems are you having?

Personally, I'm using a Behringer UCG102, which I had heard worked well
with the Pi. It was not doing duplex audio, however, until I changed the
samplerate from 44100 down to 32000 (honestly, I don't really miss hearing
that last couple thousand hertz).

It seems like whatever device you have, you need to fiddle around with it a
lot before it works at all.

Good luck,
-Brian Fay
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux

2013-10-10 Thread Brian Fay
This looks fascinating, but I'm having troubles getting it to build on
Fedora (think I might just give up)

I try just running, and get the message

Packages not build. First run 'make packages'

make: *** [dependencies_ok] Error 5
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

So I try running 'make packages' and get something like

which: no guile in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
which: no guile in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
make[1]: *** [libpds/libpds_autogenerated.c] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
make[1]: *** [libpds/libpds.h] Error 1

I'm not extremely competent when it comes to building projects, so maybe
I'm going about this the wrong way, or missing some obvious dependencies?

On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Kjetil Matheussen

 Radium 1.9.31 is a big release with many new features and bug fixes.

 1.9.31 is the first release with Pd embedded.

 Pd embedded in Radium has got approximately the same features as Max
 for Ableton Live. (

 Video 1:
 Video 2:

 A windows version will be released later.

 Radium homepage:

 Most important changes 1.9.30 - 1.9.31:
 * New demo song: BlowFish! Made by
 * Save hashmap elements in sorted order so that songs can more easily
 be compared textually
 * Menu entry to show name of all included pd externals
 * Help menu options to edit keybindings and menues
 * Song comment dialog
 * Fix Switch Window Configuration menu option
 * Removed Error. y2=window-height: ... error. Just print to stderr
 * Removed the Something strange just happened in the function
 Blt_markVisible warning (print to stderr instead)
 * Option to set number of scrolls per second. Scrolling too often can
 be tiresome for the eyes.
 * Make it easier to connect objects and see connections in the mixer,
 plus adjust object sizes
 * Patchbay sound object
 * Fix crash loading Soundfonts in the Fluidsynth and Sampler instrument
 * Show stars around filename if theres unsaved data
 * When quitting or loading, only ask sure/yes/no if edited since last save.
 * Change Set Patch For Track to Set Instrument For Track in the
 instruments menu.
   The word patch should not be exposed to the user anymore.
 * Be able to load files with DOS char set
 * Changed internal radium block size to 64 (similar to Pd)
 * Sending note events between sound objects (green lines)
 * Enable undo for on/off effect controllers
 * Pd extended is included as a sound object. 921 externals are
 included. GUI is working.
   Several instances is working. Can be used to write both audio
 effects and note effects.
 * Fix qt paths on Archlinux (Javafant/archlinux)
 * Many minor bug fixes

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Re: [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd

2013-10-09 Thread Brian Fay
Well I certainly don't think it's hopeless, but whether or not it's worth
the effort is another question.

The code is calling functions from some external libraries. I'm guessing
there is a pv and a helper library somewhere with the rest of the
PVNation code. Do you have the source for the whole project?

I'm also wondering about the flag -ObjC in the makefile... is some of the
project in Objective C? I'm using Linux so I guess I should expect some
things to be different in the build process.

Anyway, I think this could definitely be a feasible project, although I'm
not super familiar with all of this stuff...


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 5:00 AM, Pagano, Patrick

  This file is similar to the popular fftease objects that were released
 by Eric and Christopher. I really dug the whole suite when it worked with
 perl scripts in the early days of OSX and I wished I had a few of the ones
 working that we're not included in fftease, Aphrodite is one of them. Take
 a gander and let me k ow if you think it's hopeless to even try and if not
 lets see what it might take to make an Aphrodite.pd_darwin :-)

 Patrick Pagano B.S,M.F.A
 Asst. in Digital Art and Science
 Digital Worlds Institute
 University of Florida
 (352) 294-2020

 On Oct 9, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Brian Fay wrote:

   I have a copy of the book checked out from the library. It's a really
 great intro to writing externals, although a solid understanding of C is
 really required to understand the book.

  The book unfortunately seems to be out of print, but I'd expect that
 Max/MSP would have some helpful documentation for writing externals. The
 process in Pd is very similar.

  I suppose I could give these source files a look, although I can't say
 for sure that I'll have the patience to transform them to externals.
 Uhhh... what do they do? I would guess a name like PVNation would refer to
 phase vocoder?

  Let me know if I can help you with anything!


 On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Pagano, Patrick wrote:


  I am wondering if anyone on list has got Eric Lyon's  book Designing
 Audio Objects for Max/msp and pd?
 I have never made any objects for pd but I would like to try to give it a
 I would like to know if anyone would like to try to make a few objects
 from some sources that I got  several years ago from Christopher Penrose,
 there was this cool software called PVNation and I am wondering if anyone
 would like to make a few of the files into a few pd objects?
  I have attached one of the .c files if anyone is interested please let
 me know.


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Re: [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd

2013-10-09 Thread Brian Fay
Sure, I'd like to check it out! From what I could see on Google it used to
be hosted on Chrstopher Penrose's university page, but it looks like that's
been removed.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Pagano, Patrick

  Yes I have the source. I will put it in a Dropbox If you like

 Patrick Pagano B.S,M.F.A
 Asst. in Digital Art and Science
 Digital Worlds Institute
 University of Florida
 (352) 294-2020

 On Oct 9, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Brian Fay wrote:

   Well I certainly don't think it's hopeless, but whether or not it's
 worth the effort is another question.

  The code is calling functions from some external libraries. I'm guessing
 there is a pv and a helper library somewhere with the rest of the
 PVNation code. Do you have the source for the whole project?

  I'm also wondering about the flag -ObjC in the makefile... is some of
 the project in Objective C? I'm using Linux so I guess I should expect some
 things to be different in the build process.

  Anyway, I think this could definitely be a feasible project, although
 I'm not super familiar with all of this stuff...


 On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 5:00 AM, Pagano, Patrick

  This file is similar to the popular fftease objects that were released
 by Eric and Christopher. I really dug the whole suite when it worked with
 perl scripts in the early days of OSX and I wished I had a few of the ones
 working that we're not included in fftease, Aphrodite is one of them. Take
 a gander and let me k ow if you think it's hopeless to even try and if not
 lets see what it might take to make an Aphrodite.pd_darwin :-)

 Patrick Pagano B.S,M.F.A
 Asst. in Digital Art and Science
 Digital Worlds Institute
 University of Florida
 (352) 294-2020

 On Oct 9, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Brian Fay

   I have a copy of the book checked out from the library. It's a really
 great intro to writing externals, although a solid understanding of C is
 really required to understand the book.

  The book unfortunately seems to be out of print, but I'd expect that
 Max/MSP would have some helpful documentation for writing externals. The
 process in Pd is very similar.

  I suppose I could give these source files a look, although I can't say
 for sure that I'll have the patience to transform them to externals.
 Uhhh... what do they do? I would guess a name like PVNation would refer to
 phase vocoder?

  Let me know if I can help you with anything!


 On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Pagano, Patrick wrote:


  I am wondering if anyone on list has got Eric Lyon's  book Designing
 Audio Objects for Max/msp and pd?
 I have never made any objects for pd but I would like to try to give it
 a shot.
 I would like to know if anyone would like to try to make a few objects
 from some sources that I got  several years ago from Christopher Penrose,
 there was this cool software called PVNation and I am wondering if anyone
 would like to make a few of the files into a few pd objects?
  I have attached one of the .c files if anyone is interested please let
 me know.


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Re: [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd

2013-10-08 Thread Brian Fay
I have a copy of the book checked out from the library. It's a really great
intro to writing externals, although a solid understanding of C is really
required to understand the book.

The book unfortunately seems to be out of print, but I'd expect that
Max/MSP would have some helpful documentation for writing externals. The
process in Pd is very similar.

I suppose I could give these source files a look, although I can't say for
sure that I'll have the patience to transform them to externals. Uhhh...
what do they do? I would guess a name like PVNation would refer to phase

Let me know if I can help you with anything!


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Pagano, Patrick


  I am wondering if anyone on list has got Eric Lyon's  book Designing
 Audio Objects for Max/msp and pd?
 I have never made any objects for pd but I would like to try to give it a
 I would like to know if anyone would like to try to make a few objects
 from some sources that I got  several years ago from Christopher Penrose,
 there was this cool software called PVNation and I am wondering if anyone
 would like to make a few of the files into a few pd objects?
  I have attached one of the .c files if anyone is interested please let me


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Re: [PD] tanh() or a compressor?

2013-09-30 Thread Brian Fay
Are you using a pop filter or windscreen or anything in front of the mic?
Maybe that could help filter out some of the super-loud plosive and
fricative sounds.

Moving further away from the mic would definitely lower the volume, too
(the SM58 is a cardioid mic, so it has proximity effect, where bass gets
emphasized the closer you are to the mic). I guess the proximity effect
will actually sound pretty nice on the kicks, but it also would explain why
the peaks are so high.

I guess you'll probably need the compressor (or tanh if you like the
distortion), but definitely give a pop filter/windscreen a shot if you
haven't (and let me know if it works, because I really have no clue and I'm
curious haha)

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Mario Mey wrote:

 Now, I am checking volumes of my looper patch. I had to raise [*~ 4] the
 volume of the mic, to get a razonable volume, compared to a song file, for
 example. But, using this looper patch, I make beatbox. So, kicks and snares
 from my mouth get in the mic. And, using a visual array to test it, I
 realize that the kicks and snares are so much higher volume than the vocals.

 The patch has FXs with feedbacks, so, they can make signal  1. So, at the
 end of the patch, there's [expr tanh($v1)] to to avoid that...  tanh() is
 simpler than a a compressor, but it loose some sounds (I think). Or I
 should trust in tanh()?

 Multiple choice:
 1- Use tanh() in the input, after adc~ and before dac~.
 2- Use a compressor patch in the input, after adc~ (and tanh() before dac~)
 3- Use a compressor at the end of the patch, before dac~
 4- Stay as it is now...

 Also, I can't spend more CPU process...

 What do you recommend me to use?


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Re: [PD] Benefits of using an external soundcard?

2013-08-09 Thread Brian Fay
Is there a specific type of microphone you will be using? I've seen some
videos of Beardyman recently using some type of hands-free lavalier

This and other condenser microphones require Phantom Power, which is
provided by many audio interfaces and mixers but generally not built in to
an internal soundcard.

See how far you can get with what you have; there's no point in buying
something that you don't need. But you might find that you do need one

Keep in mind that you'll need very low latency (less than 20 miliseconds)
for your application. I'm not sure if this is affected by the sound card or
not. All of the audio processing happens on the CPU, but maybe the
buffering stages for the sound card add enough delay to add latency...
could somebody  with more familiarity chime in here?

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Mario Mey wrote:

  El 08/08/13 17:50, Charles Z Henry escribió:

   Hi Mario

 The number one reason for having an external sound card is noise
 isolation.  The card's proximity to the power supply and motherboard are
 bad for EM noise.  Also, a computer power supply and a good audio power
 supply for recording have much the same relationship--there's more noise in
 switching electronics.

  Next, there's the size constraints.  You'd have a hard time adding all
 the connectors for a large number of channels on a card which plugs in to
 your PCI(e) slots.

 It's ok, I have a notebook: 1 plug out, 1 plug in.

  Third:  there's not as great a need for bandwidth for audio as there is
 with video.  Video cards need all that PCI(e) bandwidth.  Audio doesn't.
 It's a relatively small amount of data.  Of course--I think USB and
 firewire really don't have enough bandwidth for good scalability, but
 that's another discussion.

  But... what are you doing with it?  You have different requirements for
 recording and for live sound.  Live sound:  just do it up.  No one will
 likely notice.

 Live sound is my purpose. Mic-in looping-station and multieffects system
 (following the steps of Beardyman and his Beardytron_5000). But, sorry
 about not understanding your expresion (english is not my native
 language) What do you mean with just do it up, no one will likely
 notice? Should I buy it or no one will notice the difference? I think you
 mean I should...

 If you're planning on recording something on just 2 channels on the
 built-in sound card, keep in mind that your dynamic range will be pretty
 bad, even if you get a good pre-amp in the middle to take the most
 advantage of your range.  You'd much rather have an external sound card
 with some adjustable analog pre-amps in the box.

 About the soundcard I post, the Encore 7.1 ENMAB-8CM ( it's really a china
 generic useless card... or it's good for starting? It has no analog pot.


Thanks so much for your time.

 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Mario Mey wrote:

 I'm using my integrated soundcard:

 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia
 (Intel HDA) (rev 40).

 I know that Pd is processing on CPU and I don't need more than 2 inputs
 and 2 outputs channels. So... I think that there's no need to buy an
 external one.

 Is there any benefit of using one?

 I know that this USB soundcard is not a very good one... but maybe it's
 good for my economy. What's your opinion?

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Re: [PD] libpd and Processing; handling externals

2013-08-05 Thread Brian Fay
I'm guessing that this is not the desired solution (probably won't work on
Android or any other platforms that use Processing), but perhaps it's worth
mentioning that pd and Processing sketches can communicate via OSC
messages. Both the pd patch and the Processing sketch would have to be
modified, but they would be running independently of one another, so
loading the externals wouldn't be an issue.

This solution could work well for a simple desktop application (although
it's not embedded and maybe less convenient).

I'm not sure why compiling externals for use with Processing would be any
more difficult than compiling for Android, though, which from my
understanding only involves changing a flag or two in a makefile.

-Brian Fay

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Dan Wilcox wrote:

 It's not discussed as much because you have to rebuild libpd with the
 externals for Java which is not so easy, especially if you haven't done it
 before. Your best bet is to use an abstraction library that works with pd
 vanilla. rjlib for instance, has both a
 resonant low pass filter and a ead~ replacement: [e_reslop]  [c_ead].

 libpd is pd-vanilla, so IMO, it's best to approach it in that way unless
 you can add externals directly to your project. Even then, targeting
 vanilla means maximum portability. Libs like rjlib really help make that
 not so painful ...

 On Aug 5, 2013, at 6:00 AM, wrote:

 *From: *Òscar Martínez Carmona
 *Subject: **[PD] libpd and Processing; handling externals*
 *Date: *August 5, 2013 2:14:43 AM EDT
 *To: *

 Hi list!
 I'm aware that libpd and Processing are not the subjects more related to
 this list but I've asked this were it's suposed to be; Pd-everywhere 's
 threat at Create Digital Noise without any reply by now, so I'm trying it
 Libpd and Processing work really fine together and embedding PD patchs in
 Processing apps (and even making them standalone) it's quite easy: cool!
 The thing is that externals don't seem to work when used in the patch. That
 happens also whith libpd on iOS or Android aswell, but the solution is well
 doccumented and nicely solved in the (awesome) Making Musical Apps book
 by Peter Brinkmann.
 I haven't found any solution to this in the Processing environment by now,
 does anybody know how to proceed? I'm using the lipbp5 Processing's version
 of libpd in OSX 10.7 and more preciselly using the [moog~] and [ead~]

 Òscar Martínez Carmona

 Dan Wilcox

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