Hey all,
If anyone is anywhere near Margate (England, north-eastern tip of the south 
east peninsula) I will be exhibiting a quadrophonic interactive sound 
installation in the Margate School from the 18th to the 22nd of March.
This is an artist-in residence program, and there are three artists exhibiting 
on those dates - my sensor-driven Pd sound-artwork, a 3D CGI designer and 
another who works with light sculpture.
The Margate School is an art college housed in a very large (deserted by 
Woolworths) department store in Margate, England, which is also a great seaside 
resort. I am capturing sound clips from the building and creating a set of Pd 
patches that will intreract with the audience through infra-red sensors.
Please come if you are in the area.
Best wishes,Ed Kelly
News | The Margate School

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News | The Margate School

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