Hi list,Purr Data 2.4.3 is now 
Report bugs here:https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/issues
Changes:* fixes to [draw array] and [draw svg], plus some tutorials for using it
* fix bug where OSX 10.8 binary wouldn't work on 10.8 without editing plist
* fix regression with [draw g]
* improve [draw svg] getrect performance
* fix [stdout] so it works correctly with [pd~]
* fix [vu] display error
* added Debian Stretch binary
* simplify startup message
* port some documentation fixes from Pd Vanilla
* fix midi-help.pd, and add links for all midi-related objects
* fix font init bug triggered on some Windows systems
* (work-in-progress) canvas properties checkbox to suppress scrollbars
* (work-in-progress) canvas properties checkbox to suppress menus
* add mouse event callback outlet for [draw image]

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