2003-09-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello all

Does Pentax still do CLA for LXes?  Does anyone know what they charge
for this?




2003-08-23 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello all

I am a bit frustrated with local development.  There is only one pro
company and they charge a fortune for everything.  Walmart is the next
best option since they have good fuji equipment but it seems they are
NOT paying attention to what they are doing.

I just got back from Yellowstone and I have several rolls of regular
(C41) film I need to devel.  I also have a K14 (Kodakchrome) and a few
E6 (Astia) slide.

Can someone suggest a good lab, or place to purchase good mailer to
devel these?  Note that I am in the US.  (and maybe a place/mailer to
devel infrared and regular B$W would be good too, I will need it



Re: M-20/4 vs. K-24/2.8 ?

2003-04-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> The 24mm f/2.8 Nikkors are effectively distortion-free.

And... how will that help me out? :))

L, a Pentax user...

Re: M-20/4 vs. K-24/2.8 ?

2003-04-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Bothe lenses are quite sharp, however, the M20/f4 is not the best choice 
> for architecture or when there are straight lines near the borders of 
> the image as it features rather big distortion. However, the lens is 
> really incredbily small, just right for the MX What other lenses do 
> you have? If you already have a 28mm, take the M20/f4.

I have the K 24/2.8.  I am looking to trade up to an A 20/2.8 sometime
in the near future. (maybe, looking at trading up to A lenses)  That is
when I came across the M 20/4.  Most probably I will not buy it. (so if
someone is interested, there's one on ebay)

Do you know if the A 20/2.8 is better suitable for architecture?  Or
should I just stick to the 24mm for a general wide angle? (maybe trade
up to a A 24/2.8)


OT: Operation Ignore OT - EX: Re: Moving on!

2003-04-03 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> And what truck and Pentax have in common! Go wherever
> You want ! This is a place where childish americans
> are speaking about how to buy Pentax equipment without
> having money while their bombs are falling on innocent
> children!
> We now have proof that dogs and pigs can procreate.
> Thanks Andreas, its something I have been wondering about.

My limited psychology research tells me that there is nothing more
insulting to someone who seeks attention that if everybody IGNORES
him/her...  (And clearly these comments like the ones - notice I'm using
plural - above serve no other purpose than satisfy some people's
attention hunger)

I propose we switch to this form of insults when soneone decides to post
something inapropriate next time around...

By the way, does anyone have a Pentax taken picture of this new
scientific discovery mentioned above?  I am sure Nature magazine would
pay for such a photo :


Re: Fuji Reala Movie film

2003-04-01 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> still cameras many times in the past without trouble. Some, Kodak release
> positive (B&W) for example, has no anti-halation backing at all.

35mm B&W positive that could work in my Pentax and requres normal C41
devel?  That sounds interesting.  The only positive BW I knew of was the
Agfa Scala, but no labs in my country. (Hungary)  A good alternative
would be awsome.

What is the type of film I need to look for?  How were your results?  Do
you think I could bulk load such film?


Re: Victorian Photography

2003-03-29 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Does anyone if there was any public exhibition of Victorian photography (as
> art) in England before 1900?

Not with Pentax I don' think... :))


Re: Coatpocket camera

2003-03-28 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Olympus Stylus Epic...  35mm f2.8

And I would have to call it shirtpocket over coatpocket.  The coatpocket
is my MX/ME Super SE with A 50mm f1.7 :))

I also use the Canon G-III.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!  40mm f1.7.

But this Richo sounds interesting for its size.


Re: OT: are some of you gouchy old ladies in disguise?

2003-03-28 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> I strongly disagree with you, we never have disagreements on this list.

There is nothing wrong with disagreement.  I always get the impression
(at least in the US) that there is...

I study to become a political scientist and most of us in my department
came to the conclusion that high schools fail to teach this to
students.  You are a good student as long as you don't argue/fight and
continue to act like good sheep.  Besides we don't wantot push such
trauma on our students.  For example every one of the reviewd High
School civics text books we reviewd failed to say:  "No - democracy is
not this pretty thing and yes, it involves debate compromise, otherwise
it would be called an authocracy, or dictatorship fo all of you students
who don't like big words".

When you ask Americans the most supported branch of government is the
one that meets behind closed doors and the one that is the least
democratic (Supreme Court).  But everybody hates congress because all
they can do is argue.  Maybe the roots of this come from primary

Debate, disagreement is good.  But when it is like a debate for Congress
on... if we should change the cafeteria's food names from "French
fries/toast" to "Freedom...", that pisses me off.

People... Keep debating as long as you stay on topic...  Go off into
areas that are not relevant (like I did in this post :)) and people will
get pissed off...


Re: In the cute category - Optio S feature.

2003-03-27 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
You talk about this Cobra LX a lot.  Is this stock or you (or someone
else) had it custom made?  Can you send me (or post) a picture of it?  I
really would like to see it.


Re: OT: In defense of Pacific Image Scanners

2003-03-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> That's probably the Scan Dual II, which is supported by Vuescan.

The problem I have is Scan Dual II or III is that it does not batchscan
whole rolls.

The reason I was looking at the Kodak 3600 and the Pacific Image ones
because they batchscan whole rolls.  But I'm tied to vuescan because of

Is there another vuescan supported scanner that scans whole rolls and
sells for a 3 digit dollar fiugure?  (I don't care if it's
discontinued... I'll buy it used...)


Re: now thats what i call a bargain

2003-03-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2919528106&category=30
> 020

Look at feedback.  seems like a hijacked account


Re: OT: In defense of Pacific Image Scanners

2003-03-24 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Vuescan is not available for the Kodak scanner.

You are absolutely correct...  I accidently hit the Available Scaners
and not the Supported Scanners on their website...  OK.  So that's


Re: OT: In defense of Pacific Image Scanners

2003-03-24 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> After the lack of durability I saw in my 1800, I'd be hesitant to 
> try PI again, but, how long have you had yours and how much use
> does it get?

The 1800 is a newer model.  But also cheaper.  So it is possible that it
is mechanically improved (and it's still crap) but it is possible that
they just went cheap on it.

I think the Kodak RFS 3600 sounds better for the same task.  Might be
slower but this also does whole rolls.

As far as the software is concerned.  I would need to use third party
because of Linux anyway...


Re: Did anyone notice this one?

2003-03-23 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Yep, listing a lens under:
> Electronics & Computers:Cameras & Photo:Camera Body 
> Parts/Accessories:For 35mm SLR:Other 35mm SLR Items 
> will get you a lot of buyers.
> Or the price was too high for the average Pentax owner.

Is this really true or you just kidding?


mount q + 1000mm/f10 vs 600mm/f8

2003-03-22 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Which mirror lens would you get?

The Russian (Zenitar, MC or whatever...) 1000mm/f10 in M42 mount or the
Sigma 600mm/f8

I head that this 600mm Sigma is really more like an f11.  If that is
true I am better off with the f10 one.  But it is possible that the f10
is more like f16.  

Also.  You think I could just simply superglue a K mount converter on
this?  I really want to put one on permanently, not having to deal with
taking the converter out all the time...


Re: Film Scanner

2003-03-22 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> After having owned a scanner that will do a whole roll of negs in one
> batch, I don't want ever to go back to the old, manual, "3-6 at a time"
> method. I just load up the film and let the scanner do the work while I
> attend to other matters.

I've read that it scartches up film.  Also, special care needs to be
taken so the film hanging out does not get dusty.  Do you have such
experience?  Can you share, if you have any specific countermeasures
against these two problems.



PS: (the film mentioned above was exposed with pentax :))

Re: Film Scanner

2003-03-22 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
On szo, 2003-03-22 at 02:00, Levente -Levi- Littvay wrote:
> > There are a couple of low cost options. HP makes the Photosmart s20xi and
> > Pacific Images has the 1800afl and the prime film 3600. The HP has 2400PPI
> > scans and costs $199. The P.I. 1800AFL scans at 1800 PPI and costs $299. The
> > P.I. Prime Film 3600 scans at 3600 PPI and costs $469. All prices are US$
> > B&H Photo. None, I believe, got rave reviews, but depending on what you want
> > to use the scans for, may be very adequate for your needs.
> Butch
> Thanks for the info.  The HP only scans 2-5 at a time.  But these
> Pacific Images sounded VERY GOOD.  Batch scans up to 40 images
> wooow.  Then I read reviews and Nobody was able to say a good thing
> about it :((
> Does anybody else make a full film strip scanner for home use?  (for
> home use price :))

While doin' more research I cam across the Kodak RFS 3600.  That one can
also scan entire 36 frame stips and used units are available on e-bay at
a bearable price...

Any experience with this unit?  Most reviews say it's good, someone
complained about it being tough on the negatives... (scratching)

Any info on this, or others is still apreciated.


Re: Film Scanner

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> There are a couple of low cost options. HP makes the Photosmart s20xi and
> Pacific Images has the 1800afl and the prime film 3600. The HP has 2400PPI
> scans and costs $199. The P.I. 1800AFL scans at 1800 PPI and costs $299. The
> P.I. Prime Film 3600 scans at 3600 PPI and costs $469. All prices are US$
> B&H Photo. None, I believe, got rave reviews, but depending on what you want
> to use the scans for, may be very adequate for your needs.


Thanks for the info.  The HP only scans 2-5 at a time.  But these
Pacific Images sounded VERY GOOD.  Batch scans up to 40 images
wooow.  Then I read reviews and Nobody was able to say a good thing
about it :((

Does anybody else make a full film strip scanner for home use?  (for
home use price :))


Re: Film Scanner

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Forget to add that B&H is selling minolta dualscan III's for $299 right now

I just checked...  But if I read correctly this can only scan 6 at a
time, not the whole roll.  (well. it's still better then the one at a
time :))


Re: Tilt/shift.............Russian lenses

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> I own the Zenitar 16/2.8. I like it, quite alot.
> I'm actually thinking of adding the Arsat 30mm medfo fisheye, and perhaps
> even one of their mirror lenses as well.

Is there a place you'd recommend to buy these?


Re: Street Prices

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Check KEH.com

I did... and I am constantly checking...  (have catalouges stacked up)
but I find KEH a little over street price and some of these (though not
all) I could not find info on..

I also check e-bay completed...


Re: OT: RE: It's started! - Let' start an off-topic list.

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> This might be a nice idea. Would the server cope with it ?

We are generating the unnessecary trafic anyway.  It would only decrease
the number of "shut up"-s...


Film Scanner

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
OK.  Since I do not have one of these *ist-Ds I need someting to scan my
pics with :))

Unfortunately I am an extremely busy person (grad-student who has to
read 4-5 books a week) I cannot sit by the darn thing and do it frame by

Is there a machine out there that will scan all my color or bw
negatives, positives on a film if I just feed it the end?  I don't care
if it takes forever as long as I will have 24-36 TIFF files afterwards
that I can mess with...

Any advice for me?



PS: I have another issue.  I use Linux.  Does anyone have experience
with Linux compatibility of film scanners.  Any input would be

Pentax Teleconverters

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Can someone compare the A 2x-L, A 2x-S and the Takumar-A 2x for me pls?



Street Prices

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Need some help...  What is the street price of the following:

A 20mm/f2.8
K 24mm/f2.8
A 24mm/f2.8
A 35-135mm (not the 28-105, 28-135, 35-105)
M 24-50mm/f4
A 24-50mm/f4
A 200mm/f4
A* 300mm/f4
Takumar-A 2x teleconverter
A 2x-S teleconverter
A 2x-L teleconverter

for now... :)  IF you know (or can make a more educated guess then I can
:)) of ANY of these...  pls let me know...


Re: OT: RE: It's started! - Let' start an off-topic list.

2003-03-21 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Let's be more forgiving and understanding. The world outside of
> cameras does exist, even if you don't like what's going on.

hm, NO!

If you want to talk about the world, I already offered to discuss... IN


PS: Once I was on a mailing list that had an off topic side list. 
Anyone who is interested to debate off topic issues with fella' list
members can take it there.  Something like the war would pop up and all
they had to say was, take it to the off-topic list and we did.  It was a
lot more civilized...  I don't know who the boss is here but this might
be something to consider...


2003-03-18 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
People...  I think we get the point.  Everyone has an opinion, and that
is the way it should be...  (I guess tolerance is a highly liberal
ideas, so this statement is even debatable, but I tried to be fairly

America is a great nation, among many other things they rebuilt and
industrialized a Japan that allowed the creation of such wonderful
camera equipment...

If you have an opinion from this point on, please e-mail it to me
directly...  I am willing to debate the issue (though I will be out of
town for a few day, I pledge to give a response)

Now can we get back to cameras?


FS: Tokina ATX 50-250mm manual K Macro

2003-03-18 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
For Sale: Tokina ATX 50-250mm K mount manual push-pull focus and macro

Good lens but it is too big for what I wanted to use it for (all around
general lens on my MX)  If you are interested, make me an offer.



2003-03-17 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
NEVER judge people by their government's actions.  (if you want to go
down that path, it's probably better for you, Americans, not to travel
nowadays)  Every person is entiteled to have an opinion about others...
but don't base it on someone's government's behavior.  

I know lots of French people who are open, freindly and I call many of
them my friends...  They might not like the Bush dinasty but they have
nothing against the American people.  As far as the snobish ones are
concerned, I judged them based on a set of rules that are the same for
everyone... (regardless of their nationality)

God (all Gods) bless all open minded people... and God bless French
Pentax users :))

Levente Littvay

Re: *ist - not compatible with K and M lenses (confirmed).

2003-03-17 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
That SUX...


On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 10:01, Roland Mabo wrote:
> Hello gang,
> I've just got an e-mail from Pentax Scandinavia. They writes - In the *ist 
> user manual, the compatibility chart will only contain KA, KAF and 
> KAF2-mount lenses.
> So, no K and M lenses on the *ist.
> The *ist D will have full K-compatibility, but not the filmbased *ist.
> Now we know.
> Best wishes,
> Roland
> _
> Hitta rätt på nätet med MSN Sök http://search.msn.se/

Re: LX focus screen question

2003-03-17 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> for quite a long time now, I'm trying to get my hands on one of those
> "60ties" screens like the SC-69 or SG-60. Has anyone of you a hint for
> me, where I could get those - particularly in Germany? Thank you very
> much in advance.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   This guy just sold me 2, for 25 pounds ea. His name is
also Peter.  HE has been regularly posting these on e-bay.  I'm sure he
has more.


Re: Pentax SMC A 35-135mm

2003-03-12 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Just to respond to everyone:

Thanks for the link.  That is actually where I looked it up.

The problem with the F versions is that they are not push-pull.  I want
a push-pull zoom lens.

One of the most appealing aspects of the A 35-135 was it's size (and the
fact that it is an A lens but still maual focus.)  It is 450g (only
slightly heavier than my non-smc Takumar 135mm f2.5 which is extremely
convenient to handle on my ME Super and MX)

The A 35-105 is 615g and the A 28-135 is 820g.  The lens I want to
replace is the humongos Tokina ATX 50-250 which is great lens but it is
not a convenient all around device...  (anybody want it by the way? :P)

Thanks for the input though.  If anyone has any hands on with this, or
any information beyond dimitrov's site on frequency and price, let me

I am also interested in other, non Pentax brand options.



PS: I sent this out 4 hours ago already so if it gets there twice,

Pentax SMC A 35-135mm

2003-03-11 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

In my quest for a multi-purpose lens I looked through the PEntax

What I know of this lens that it is extremely rare.

Anybody have one?  How is it?  How often does one pop up on the market
and what does it cost?  Is the zoom push pull or twist the barrel zoom?

Can anyone suggest viable alternatives?  (don't have to be Pentax, only
Pentax mount :))

Any info would be appreciated.



general purpose lens...

2003-03-10 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello all

I know Tamron/Sigma makes wonderful 28-200, 28-300mm zooms for Pentax. 
They are nice and small and everything I can ask for.  (If picture
quality matters that much I can always use my primes, there arer some
applications where one of these would do)

There is only one problem

I HATE the turn zooms.  I can only turn one barrel at a time and I use
manual focus...  I love the push-pull zooms that I can focus by turning
and zoom by pushing/pulling.  (note, I only use manual focus bodies,
they don't even have A mode..., MX, ME Super SE)

Now I have one of these Tokina ATX 50-250mm.  Wonderful lens, great
picture quality, etc.  but it's too big...  For what I got it for, which
is a general lens on my camra body in case I only want to take one lens,
it is way too big and too heavy.

Can someone recommend a lens that goes from wide or normal to tele that
is small, light, push-pull and has resonable build/picture?



PS: If you want that Tokina ATX 50-250.  Make an offer...  It is just
collecting dust right now...  I might get rid of it...

RE: Sinking flagships

2003-03-09 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> I bet the cover costed $10 only, but they charged labour, don't they? It's 
> time to learn fixing everything ourselves.  :)

Plastic cover cost 20c I bet... but the manufcturer works with 328000%
profit margin so it was probably more then $10.  But labor was over $100
I bet...

Services are just rediculusly expensive in the US.

Someone here in the US quoted $125 to fix my MX when it had problem.  I
got it fixed in Hungary for $20...

There will come a time when buying the plane ticket will be cheaper...

One of my friends already talked about getting his teeth fixed in China
because it is cheaper including the plane ticket...


Digital between $300-400 (OT?)

2003-03-09 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

I guess this borders OT.

My friend asked me for some advice on geting a digital camera between
$300-400.  He is not dumb but he is not a photographer so the general
use models are the only options.  (If it was me I'd probably want to get
one of the semi-pro G2, G3, Leica, or an SLR... maybe the 5mp olympus -
but it's not me...)

I heard that Canon (the G2) used to have the best CCD and therefore best
colors (green is especially problematic?)  I know nothing of Pentaxes,
at all...

What's the best buy now?

Also, I heard of a camera which can be both film and digital. (maybe the
back is changable)  Does anyone have any info on this?



Re: Sinking flagships

2003-03-09 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
To me it seems like lhe largest market failure...

If people still want the darn thing, why not make it new, sell it, etc. 
Why discontinue your best selling model?

Any economists out there? :))

In this aspect Nikon's policies make a lot moresence.  The FM-2n was
improved and replaced by a model very similar to it...

What was the model that replaced the LX?  (has the same feel, etc.)


Re: Summary and manual focusing on the newer cameras

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

Thanks very much for the help...  (It is awsome to be on a list with so
helpful people...)

> >What is the spot metering?  How will it affect it?
> The split image does interfere the accuracy of spot meter. I have found no 
> way to compensate because it seems to be situation dependent. However, 
> centre-weight seems to work fine with correct amount of exposure 
> compensation (although the split image still interferes the centre porton of 
> the metering in some way).

What is the dif between spot metering and center weight?

> P series is manual focus models, not AF. 

Sorry.  I meant Z...  (or I guess SF)


So I guess the question is the following.  It seems I've been talked out
of most of the MZ/ZX series because of its manual focus acapabilites... 
(good job, keep it up and then I will have to spend no money at all :))

So the MZ-S and the Z/SF series are my options.  (and the *ist which has
not been tested by any of us...  so I'll wait... :))

Out of these which one has the best manual focus capability? (in all of
your h opinios of course...)



Re: LX Grip (EX: Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited onblack body?)

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Sorry there is only one and it's on my camera. I was selling the custom wooden 
> grips in the following image but the demand was too limited to continue 
> production (put me right off considering production of the black grip)
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~geroc/LX-31mm.JPG


I can see why nobody wanted that grip...  :))  It is quite nice (don't
get me wrong) but it has no additional utility compared to the ones
available on the market.  (and if it does, I cannot see it from a

On the other hand, the reason I never considered spending the money on
an LX because I just imagined what it would look like with a regular
grip and a motor drive, and I was about to puke...  MX has an AWSOME
winder (and I'm a happy owner of one of these)  Turns the camera into an
awsome grip with winder.  Quite nice.

But that thing on the pref picture had my imagination going for a sec.

One of those I would be happy with...  Especially if it works with the
the regular AA battery driven winder.  (I just don't trust rechargable
crap, I know those batteries have a limited life and they are/will be
out of production long before those LXs die)  AA battery I will be able
to get until the end of my life it seems :))


LX Grip (EX: Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on blackbody?)

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Sorry Stan, but I'd hate to see you make a terrible mistake :-)
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~geroc/02-P3032977m.JPG
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~geroc/01-P3032974m.JPG

Wwoww, that grip looks AWSOME.  Having the tsandard grip and a motor
drive always scared me.  (possibly one of the reasons why I never got
around to buying an MX< just use the LX wia the morot drive)  But this
changes perspective...

What kind of grip is this?  Do these show up on the market once in a


Re: *ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> > and may cost as little as 0

> Well, hell sigh me up for a dozen!

I'm even willing to pay 50-100% more for it...  :))


Summary and manual focusing on the newer cameras

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Just figured I'll sum up what I learned.  Please let me know if I am
still mistaken somewhere...

MZ-30 and MZ-60 (ZX if you pref) will not work with my manual aperture
lenses.  -  these are out of the Q.

The MZ-3 and MZ-5n has the best feel for someone who is used to the dial
on the MX, K-1000, LX... etc.  It also has a more sophisticated
pentaprism viewfinder and simple basic functions.

The *ist has the best (most sophisticated) autofocus and the prism is
some new bright one which sould be very cool.  Also it can shoot more
pics per sec. (2.7)

If flash is crucial (I don't use a flash, yet) the high-speed flash 
sync is only available on the MZ-6 (ZX-L) the top of the line MZ-S and
the new model...

And lastly, the discussion about the viewfinders is what I find
disturbing and possibly a crucial decision factor.  I really don't
undertsnad what the 0.7 and 0.8 magnification means but it seems to be
crucial for manual focus.

Several people noted that they have to use the beep function of the
MZ-5n (3?) to be able to focus manually.  Now this disturbs me.  I want
to be able to focus... period.  If this is true, no way will I upgrade. 
Is this true about the rest of the models?

Someone suggested that "People have changed the screens out of their
ZX-5 and -5n cameras with the split screen from the ZX-M body. It will
affect teh spot metering on these cameras, but it can in fact be done."

What is the spot metering?  How will it affect it?

Someone also suggested that the MZ-5 (not the n) is the same as the
MZ-M.  Does that mean it focuses the same?

What about the rest of the ZX line, the MZ-S, or older autofocus models
(P series), is it as hard to manual focus with those as it is with the
MZ-5n?  Any word on the *ist?



MZ-3 vs ZX(or MZ)-5n (EX: Re: *ist v. MZ or ZX series)

2003-03-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> My hunch is that the camera that handles most like the MX is the ZX-5n.  

This brings up another Q I had for a long time but I never got around
asking...  Beyod the 1/4000 exposure versus the 1/2000, is there any
difference between these two?

Is the MZ-3 not available in the US?  (that SUCKS)


PS: Again... the intention was not to kill the old thread... :))  Keep
'em commin' :))

High Speed Flash (EX: Re: *ist v. MZ or ZX series.)

2003-03-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> What, exactly, is high speed flash sync?  
> Sorry for the dumbness again :(

I know what it is...  (I think)  The feature that lets you use faster
exposure then my good old 1/60...  BUT?  What is it good for? :))

PS: Sorry, I never used a flash... yet :))  The f1.4 50mm and my rock
steady hand usually does a good enough job :))


PS: Not to kill the old thread... :))  Keep 'em commin.

Turning the Helios 44K into a Soft lens (Ex-Soft Lenses)

2003-03-05 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

I just got one on e-bay.  


Is there any way you can provice more information on how to turn this
lens into one like yours?  (maybe if you could send me the contact of
the person who did it, if you can't)



On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 23:37, Boris Liberman wrote:
> Hi!
> LLL> I know that Pentax makes the 85/2.2 and the 85/2.8.  How do they
> LLL> compare?  Do I have any other options?
> You seem to. I know that people can do it themselves, I have a friend
> who did it for me. Take any old lens, but Helios 44K lenses seem the
> best for that. Take out all the elements but the front. You'd get what
> you're looking for.
> I've posted two shots with such a lens some time ago. Please allow me
>  to re-post them:
> http://www.photosig.com/viewphoto.php?id=544872
> http://www.photosig.com/viewphoto.php?id=559008
> Also here is an unusual use of this lens:
> http://www.photosig.com/viewphoto.php?id=583780
> Hope it helped.
> ---
> Boris Liberman
> www.geocities.com/dunno57
> www.photosig.com/viewuser.php?id=38625

film *ist

2003-03-03 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Does anyone have the specs for the film *ist? (or a link)

I assume (from the $319 list price) it is a lower end camera compeeting
more with the MZ/ZX-10, 30, 50, 60 then the 7, 6, 5(n), 3.

Am I correct?


Limited Tele Rumor & Limited Prices

2003-03-02 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello all

I've read refferences to a Limited Tele that might be comming out.  Can
someone give me the details?

Also, what is the place to buy Limited lenses on-line?  (reliable but
relatively cheap)  How much do they cost?


Soft Lenses

2003-03-01 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
I know that Pentax makes the 85/2.2 and the 85/2.8.  How do they
compare?  Do I have any other options?


K 85/1.8 vs screw 85/1.8 or 85/1.9

2003-02-28 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello everyone

What is the consensus about the screw mount Super-Multi-Coated Takumar
85/1.8 or the Takumar (smc?) 85/1.9 compared to the SMC Pentak K
85mm/1.8 and the SMC Pentax M 85/2?



Screw mount - K mount conveter

2003-02-28 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello all

I have only had experience with one or two of these.  I know they
required a special key (or some serious magic) to be removed from the
body.  Does anyone know of one that can either be removed without
accessories (I lose them) or even better, can be put on the scew mount
lens permanently?



Lens Prices - EX: Re: What the D*ist REALLY MEANS...

2003-02-27 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Hello everyone

We have a general disagreement on what the new digital will mean for
lens prices.

Her is what I think:

New lens prices will not be effected
Used market for AF (and maybe the A) lenses will jack the prices up
K and M lenses will be virtually unchanged.

What does everyone else think?


On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 12:48, Brendan wrote:
> Actually expect the prices to GO UP all those who
> were dumping Pentax, are now going to jump back in and
> buy stuff, watch our cameras and lenses increase in
> value and ebay a sellers paradise for Pentax items.
>  --- Levente -Levi- Littvay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote: > > >2. The competition for Pentax glass just
> > increased 5-10 fold. That's if the D*ist looks as
> > good as it seems to and is priced right. In other
> > words, it will probably be a seller.
> > > >
> > > Which could also mean the value of your Pentax
> > film cameras just took a 
> > > nosedive... :-(
> > 
> > Or it can mean that Pentax is a few years behind its
> > competitors (Canon,
> > Nikon, etc.)  This camera does not know more then
> > some of the top
> > digital ones of the past two years.  (unless you are
> > a Pentax fanatic
> > like many of us or own many Pentax lenses that you
> > want to reutilize,
> > hence did not go for the competitor's model)
> > 
> > I will not go digital before 8-10 megapixels and 1
> > to 1 field of view
> > crop...  (and even then I will probably wait until
> > the price becomes
> > half way decent, which probably means another model
> > coming out)
> > 
> > (and of course it would have to be a Pentax)
> > 
> > But I really don't thik that the price of K and M
> > series machines or the
> > LX took a nosedive though...
> > 
> > L
> >  
> __ 
> Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

Re: Hands up and be counted

2003-02-27 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
I quote my self.

I will not go digital before 8-10 megapixels and 1 to 1 field of view
crop...  (and even then I will probably wait until the price becomes
half way decent, which probably means another model coming out)


Re: 85/1.8 v. 85/2 for portrait - EX: Tradeoffs: old vs. new,FA77/1.8 vs. K85/1.8

2003-02-27 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Well, it is hard to tell, whether the K85/f1.8 or the M85/f2 make nicer 
> portraits. All I can say is that
> - stooped down my M85/f2 has a slightly higher resolution at portrait 
> distance then my K85/f1.8

Hmmm.  How far do you stop down for portraits?  I personally don't like
much DOF, and I don't use a flash so sometimes (if the conditions don't
allow me to better) I need to keep it open...  The 1.8 (or 1.4, but
there is no way I can get my hand on one, and the price...) might be
better for me afterall?


> - my most beutyful portrait shots have been made with the M85/f2


Re: What the D*ist REALLY MEANS...

2003-02-26 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> >2. The competition for Pentax glass just increased 5-10 fold. That's if the D*ist 
> >looks as good as it seems to and is priced right. In other words, it will probably 
> >be a seller.
> >
> Which could also mean the value of your Pentax film cameras just took a 
> nosedive... :-(

Or it can mean that Pentax is a few years behind its competitors (Canon,
Nikon, etc.)  This camera does not know more then some of the top
digital ones of the past two years.  (unless you are a Pentax fanatic
like many of us or own many Pentax lenses that you want to reutilize,
hence did not go for the competitor's model)

I will not go digital before 8-10 megapixels and 1 to 1 field of view
crop...  (and even then I will probably wait until the price becomes
half way decent, which probably means another model coming out)

(and of course it would have to be a Pentax)

But I really don't thik that the price of K and M series machines or the
LX took a nosedive though...


Re: Tradeoffs: old vs. new, FA77/1.8 vs. K85/1.8

2003-02-26 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> > Yeah, but what about those of us who use lenses to take photos, rather
> > than to feel?
> They use Canon.

:))  Good one...

OK.  The action of the autofocus is extremely loose.  So any single bad
move can bring it out of focus.  (for more practical souls :))


Re: Tradeoffs: old vs. new, FA77/1.8 vs. K85/1.8

2003-02-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> I don't own either of them, but what I'd think would be the most sensible
> thing to do would be to:
> --Buy the 77mm if you're in the market for a short tele today and don't
> already own one. It's got so many virtues--superb build, great optical
> performance, fast aperture but small size and low weight. Just nothin' not
> to like.
> --Keep the K 85/1.8 or the FA or A 85/1.4 if you already have it. All things
> considered, my guess (from looking at pictures) is that the A 85/1.4 is the
> best short tele Pentax ever made, albeit by a very narrow margin.

If I were you I would sell the 85mm/1.8 to me :)) (for cheap since it's
old and crapy :))

OK, I am actually in the market to buy one of these short teles. 
Probably the K 85mm/1.8 is my top pick.  I considered the 77mm and
concluded the following.  For someone like me, who uses fully manual
cameras (MX mainly) the autofocus lens just does not feel right.  On the
other hand if you would utilize the autofocus feature the 77mm is
probably the way to go.

All of these lenses have superb optical qualities.  Some people say that
the K is better then the A, you say it is vice versa, I personally would
be happy with both, but I prefer the lighter one which is cearly the K. 
On the othe rhand people say the FA 85/1.4 is clearly a setback from the
A 85/1.4, and I also heard that while the M 85/2.0 is an excelent lens
it is clearly inferior to the 85/1.8.


PS: So anyone want to sell me a K 85/1.8??? :))

Info on P3, P30, P3n, P30n

2003-02-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Does anyone have these?

Can you tell me what the screen looks like.  (is it the diagonally split
prism one?)  If you have a service manual to these or to the P30t, ME
Super SE or ME SE please look up the screen part number.



Re: ME (Super) SE Screen

2003-02-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
> Since nobody is answering, I shall do my best. I have the ME Super parts 
> manual and it is "L2" Fresnel Lens which I believe is a split screen 
> (standard on many Pentax bodies). I know you are asking for ME, but I 
> believe they are interchangable.

Thanks.  I was looking at that too, but I am affraid that the ME or ME
Super screen is different from the SE models.  (SE is diagonally splint
while the regular ones are horizontal)  I beleive they used the
diagonally split one in later models (P series maybe???  Any idea?)

But thanks anyway.  Anyone else has a tip?


ME (Super) SE Screen

2003-02-25 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

Can someone tell me the model number of the ME SE or the ME Super SE
screen?  It is different then the regular ME or ME Super...  I think
(though it's been a year now) that Pentax still has them because it is
the same as one of the later models.  I have a ME Super SE laying around
which has a screwed up screen...



RE: Technical question about the list

2001-12-20 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay


Thanks for all the help...  I actually would have been able to figure out
the filter if I would have put some effort in it.  As I said it does not
help with the eyeball filter :))  Now that I think about it, it might be
better to go back to Digest once I am off the LAN.  (3 days :))  I'll
figure something out.

> > What does everyone think about adding a [pentax] to the subject
> > of each letter so it is easier to filter (both with machine
> and both by
> > eyeballing the mailbox)
> Completely unnecessary.

OK, It was just an idea.  I actually like it on other lists.

> > My understanding is that it is a modest change that is fairly
> easy.  It
> > would help me a lot...
> You use Outlook which,

Well don't judge me based on what you see.  It is a temp setup that alows
me to sync my PDA until I get a new one and until school will allow me to
finalize my Linux.  (e-mail is a tough issue with Linux)

> despite its many shortcomings, does have a
> relatively decent set of filters.

What do you recommend for e-mail? (reply private, decrease of offtopicthx)


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

RE: M lens testimonial

2001-12-14 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Paul, I noticed that the 35 F2 FMC M go for the same price as
> the 40 F2.8
> SMC M.Which of the two would you get first? Is the pancake
> really that good?

As far as size is concerned the pancake is the smallest lens you can get.
As far as optics.no comment.  I am sure the 35 beats the crap out of


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
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go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

MX winder vs ME II winder

2001-12-14 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Just got my MX with winder last week, @ a bargain price.
> Winder MX feels a lot nicer than Winder MEII.


I use one.  I really like it.  It is nicer then the ME II I think, though
the ME II is a newer design.  Look at the original ME winder.  I think
that is like the MX winder, though a little bulkier then the MX because it
take 6 batteries.  Also it is only 1.5 grames per sec, not 2.  But it
might be more comfortable for you.

You can take a look here: http://www.bdimitrov.de/kmp/winders/index.html


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

duties, customs, shipping, etc.

2001-12-14 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Steve. That seems to have worked out very well for you, but
> suppose that the
> package was lost in transit. How much compensation could you
> expect, even
> thru a chargeback?
>  As a professional seller, I have to send goods insured unless
> the buyer
> requests otherwise.

I can tell you this.  I am scared shitless sending stuff to Hungary (or
having someone esle do it.)

Customs officials who determine the duties are not rocket scientists.
Rules are absolutely stupid.  Cannot bring anything worth more then $75 or
so.  I just sent tonns of scoolbooks back home since I am graduating and
if they want to screw me they can.  (big time, american schoolbooks are
near $100 each)  When I go back after a whole semester spent in US, I
bring lots-lots more, even without any intent to smuggle anything.  I mean
my boots cost more... how will they know that I did not get then in the
US...  Duties in Hungary include around 10% customs tax (depending on type
of merchandise), 2-3% admin fees, 4-5% Claim (don't ask, I don't knwo what
it is other then the customs admins making money) 25% VAT.  Accumilated of
course above the original value including shipping.  (we are talking
around 50% surcharge)

So far I had no problems.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  Once they asked me
why I have hundreds of CDs on my (they are copies of my dad's cds, as a
musician I listen to a lot of music.)  I told them that I keep my
reasearch data on them :))  (I guess knowing they are not rocket
scientists help me when I am on site)  (I could keep complete world
population demographics on the 100 Gigs of scpace, that would include
family pictures... :))  I am a poli-sci/business major for crying out

Bulk film terrifies me.  I mean these people are not lingusts and a sign
saying DO NOT OPEN AND EXPOSE TO LIGHT might not stop them from from
"looking into the box."

So there is not a good solution.  Marking gift and lower value on the
customs slips help, you can still insure for more though that might look
suspicios, you can clain sentimental value I guess :))  Or if anone knows
good solutions I am all ears...  Any horror stories on customs officials
killing unexposed film?


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

Fast normal lens, Ricoh's Rikenon? (was: RE: Intro and Question - 50mm lens)

2001-12-14 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay


Rob: I believe you, and you bet I would get one if I'd find one for cheap,
but I just don't seem to find sttuff for songs around here if you know
what I mean.  :))  But I take all oppinions into account especially at
such purchases.  I was seeing a pattern at the reviews :))  Most of them
say it is great once you stop down to 2.8-8 (had some conflicting oppinion
there :))  I do use the high (but not max) apperture settings a lot
though.  When I am not forced to use f1.4 I stop down as far as I can with
1/15 shutter.

I just read the reviews again someone says:

I prefer Ricoh's Rikenon 55mm/F1.2

Does anybody know anything about this lens?  What's market price?  Is it
screw or K mount?  Did anyone compare it to Pentax brand f1.2 lesnes?
(optically and speed)



Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

RE: Intro and Question - 50mm lens

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> No fight just rumour rather than fact, many people who
> disparage the 50f1.2
> lenses don't own one or have never owned one.


I knew I'll start a "fight" :))

OK, I don't knwo what I am talking about.  I just read reviews.


I like this site, I can read oppinions on lenses from people who used
them.  I do get the impression that these people do or did have the lens
(at least for testing purposes)

So I just wanted to site my sources.  As far as I am concerned.  f1.2
would be nice but I have about $5000 of stuff on my priority list before
that so it does not really concern me.  I am extremely happy about getting
my first Pentax body with an M 50mm f1.4  I really like fast lenses
because I do not like flashes.  (probbaly due to the fact that I can not
use them, but I am sure I'll learn one of these days)


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

RE: Intro and Question - 50mm lens

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay


I use an 50mm 1.4 M lens.  I cannot say a bad thing about it.  But it is
manual focus and manual apeture.  My approcah to the problem is that I buy
Manual lenses becase I can.  I could not but AF lenses.  I am not to found
of the Auto apeture cameras (P series, Programme, super programme, etc.)
so I do not need A lenses.

If I will ever have a crapload of money to spend on autofocus equipment I
will buy az MZ-3 or MZ-S, the 3 limited lenses, a good AF zoom and an
FA-50 1.4 but right now I do not have a couple thousand to blow.

So, your ZX-M (MZ-M) is compatible with auto apeture lenses. (I think)  A
lenses are about the same price as M lenses, so get A lenses.  Though I
might be starting a debate on quality, but optically they are comaparable,
as far as build, the Ms are better but if we compare A to F or FA you are
getting the same quality...correct me if I am wrong)

If the f2 is enough fo you, and you do not want to use auto apeture keep
the manual lens, don't upgrade.  (keep it anyway, it is not worth much, in
fact people say that from the buyers point of view that is the best
price/quality lens you can get)

If you need a faster lens, consider a lenses, then decide if you want
faster or smaller.  If you want faster get an A 1.4  (keh.com has a few,
they pop up on e-bay too)  If you want smaller/lighter get an A 1.7.
(that is usually all over e-bay)

If you are really serious about autofocus, I have heard only god things
about the 43mm Limited lens.  But it is only an f1.9, if you need more
speed, 50 f1.4 is the way to go (if I could, I'd get both and use the one
that better fits the light conditions :))

Oh yeah, as far as f1.2 goes.  I have heard bad things about those.  They
say that you really need a good justification to get one because the only
benefit you will get is in low light situation.  Any other time and place
they are optically infrior then their f1.4, f1.7 and f2 brothers.  (this
might start a fight too :))

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visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

carrying on camera/film/instruments/etc.

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay


Just quickly, I had no problems so far carrying guitars on the plain, but
I can see the day comming.  I don't think I would now either but it only
have to happen once to kill my axe, and who knows since Sept 11.  When I
go to school I have 2 huge suitcases so a carry-on is the only way.  It is
getting tougher with film, camera, laptop...

Acoustics are tougher to carry on because they are bigget but no probs
yet.  They are much more fragile

As far as cases, for a few years now I have seen Fight certified SKB cases
in the Musicians Friend Catalouge.  I don't know much about them.  Soft
case is teh way to go if you want to carry on though.

I am not sure if it is musicians or photographers who have it worst.  If
you can carry on your isntument you are fine.  Same with camera.  But the
deal with the film just sucks.  I think we are blowing it up a little
though.  Best approach IMHO, put them film in clear plastic bag without
cannisters.  If they send it through, complain, tell them taht they
shouldn't, if they insist tell them that you will have to hand in a
complaint since s/he is breaking the rules by denying hand inspections of
X-ray sensitive material, (quote passage, they must have a rule book
handy) ask for their name and number, STAY POLITE AND CALM, then just live
with it.  It'll probably be OK.  Though the less x-ray the better, so it
is worth a try.

If you are extra paranoid, you can keep a led bag on the bottom or side of
your carry on, empty, flat, they will not notice it then.  If they do, oh
well...  If they deny hand search, you an still say that you need to call
someone (like your boss who needs you to deliver the pictures you too
unharmed) to discus the matter, and leave for a phone.  Then put the stuff
into the led bag, go back and send it through the X=ray.  They will hand
search it.  If they complain, you can act dumb and say you were told to
just put it in the protective case.  Just don't be a smartass pointing out
that he-he-he, you handsearched it anyway.

But I would not do this part with the led bag...

Out of the many e-mails what I don't remember seeing is someone who had
his/her 800 or under film recently (past 6-8 years let's say)
destroyed/damaged/fogged by a carry on checking X-ray.


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
Download free PGP e-mail security software: http://www.pgpi.org/
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .

RE: Shipping a camera abroad/Airport & postal scanners fogging film.

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Glen: I understand your situation rather better as my wife is a talented
> viola musician, I can insure my camera and if it was lost I could buy
> another. Like for like with instruments not possible - money is
> not the only
> issue.
> Before anyone says my camera is irreplaceable, I know of people who have
> given up music as a result of losing their instrument. I am
> very fond of my
> MX, but it is the film which has been shot on it which is my reference
> point, not the camera itself.

As a musician I can verify every bit of this.  I remeber crying when my
guitar got injurred.  (the glue gave on the headstock)  I rememebr how I
did the first aid with the most care and how I begged the people who fixed
it to take good care of it.

Tieing this in with the airport crap, flying with guitars is the worst
thing ever...  Especially now.  Will it fit through the X-ray or not, will
it fit into the overhead compatrment, etc.  I already told my story on how
much cooperation I got at the airport when I wanted to see if my guitar
will fit or not...

Sorry to go off topic.


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
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RE: Screw mount!

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> If I was looking to fill out a small, fast kit with an LX, I
> would probably go M28/2, M50/1.4, and K135/2.5 for $400 if you
> bargain shop.  You might substitute a K or A24/2.8 on the wide
> end or if speed was not a concern, a K28/3.5 for $150 less than
> the M28/2.

That is pretty much what I have.  24mm 2.8, M50mm 1.4, 135mm 2.5 (though
this is a Takumar, oh well... :))

I found that the wide angle is great for spec applications.  The 50 is the
most used one for sure.  (low light, general app)  But the 135 is just too
long.  I can only use it to do portrait outdoor.  If I'd have a huge
studio I could see it being useful, but not for general portrait work.
This is why I am looking for an 85mm.  I will probbaly keep the 135 unless
one of my Hungarian friends will really want to take it off my hand.  It's
not really worth money if you know what I mean.

I also have a 50-250 Tokina ATX zood.  If I even need zood, it's there, so
the 135 is really NOT doing me much good.


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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RE: airport scanner film damage

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Have you read the mortality rate for airport security scanner
> technicians?
> :-)
> Sorry, probably in poor taste.

Of course it is high.  Didn't you hear how many of them make a sport out
of scanning poor photographer's films?  I mean that old K1000 with that
heavy metal lens is sure good enough to beat someone half to death with



Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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RE: airport scanner film damage

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> There must be some reason X-Ray techs wear lead aprons in hospitals.
> Perhaps because they protect vital parts from X-Rays?  If the
> X-Rays from
> airport scanners are strong enough to pass easily through these
> lead bags,
> there's a good chance that they are also hazardous to
> unprotected people.

OK, but note that no people go through the inside of the machines now do
they?  I would assume that those x-ray machines ahd some seruous led shell
that does not let much X-rays out.

I am sure if you look hard enough you might find a little sticker on the
machine that says no animals or babys...  That in the US at least.


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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RE: Screw mount!

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> I'm just a amateur with a LX wishing I had more lens like you all. I see
> lots
> of Screwmount lens on Ebay going cheap. The question is, Buying these
> screwmount is it going Backwards? Or should I just save up and stay with
> the times , Like the Limited lens. Thanks . Bob.

Hey, try it.

It's worth a try.  And then you will see how much you can put up with the
adapters.  I have a friend that only uses screw mount lenses.  And the
screw mounts are usually good lenses too though the method can be
considered backwards.  The forward way of doing this is getting the best
autofocus K lenses so when you go to an MZ-S, you will be set :))


PS: You are just an amateur and you are learning on an LX?  Did you learn
to drive on a Ferrari? :))  I was playing with the idea of starting with
the best camera my self, but I went with the MX, leaves more room (cash)
for lenses.  And rememebr more lenses usually do not increase creativity.

Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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RE: Airport & Postal Scanners Fogging Film

2001-12-13 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay

> Just to be nit-picking, I don't believe that it is a
> "right". The FAA
> has guidelines that do allow handchecking, but they are free at
> any time to
> suspend those guidelines. I also believe that it is left to the
> discretion
> of the checker as to if they will allow it or not. My advise is to call
> ahead of time and arrange a hand check. Make it as easy as
> possible for them
> and maybe they'll cooperate more...

And do not expecta ny cooperation.  Back in August when I came to Lincoln
I told then that I will have a guitar with me that might not fit through
the X-ray.  A guitar is NOT something you'd want to check.  It has a soft
bag (with a hard bag it is hopeless to carry on) and if they put even a
small suitcase on top (and note I said put, not throw as they usually put
stuff) it would be damaged.

So they told me to get a soft case and come out to the airport a few weeks
before the trip and check if it fits through the machine.  Well I did.
They refused to even bring the darn thing close.  I did not want to cross
the gate, I did not want to go up to the X-ray, I did not even want to
send the darn thing across just check if the bulky body will or will not
fit through the frame.  F@ckers refused all cooperation.  So that is the
attitude what you can expect nowdays...  But it is worth a try.


Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PGP public key: http://www.kign.org/levilpub.asc
Key fingerprint: 8BD8 3CE7 FB1D 625F F268  BFCE 417A C20C 92BF 6225
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