OT: Controversial subjects now the Goriller of 3B

2006-05-18 Thread Unca Mikey
I knew that PDML's wide ranging discussions covered almost everything 
imaginable, but I never ever thought I'd run across Nigel Molesworth 
here.  Larf!


On May 17, 2006, at 5:43 PM, Bob W wrote:

 As any fule kno.



RE: PAD - renewed

2006-05-06 Thread Unca Mikey
I said it before and I'll say it again, this is some of the most 
consistently good photography I've seen.  Wonderful stuff, just the 
sort of photography I enjoy.

Now, alkos keeps changing the web design, so every so often I have to 
figure out how to view the images...  LOL.  But it's worth it!


--- alkos passed along:


RE: Windows

2006-05-06 Thread Unca Mikey
I like these, little slices of life, well done.  My favorite is the 
one a-kilter of the elderly woman reading a paper on the stoop.

Extra points for the Samuel Johnson -- he has so many of those 
zingers that I can't remember them, so each time I hear one it sounds 
brand new.  Different premises larf larf larf.


- Bob W wrote:


RE: PESO - Rumpled Jeans

2006-04-30 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi Shel -- I really like this one.  The textures and contrasts, 
highlights and shadows are very nice.  More proof that we are 
surrounded by interesting photographs, if only we can see 'em!

*Unca Mikey

- Shel wrote:


RE: OT - Dumb PayPal Question

2006-04-26 Thread Unca Mikey
Not a direct answer to your question, but I would never use my bank 
account to pay for anything via PayPal.  I always use a credit card, 
since it is much safer -- PayPal makes you go through a couple of 
extra silly steps (Are you *sure* you want to use a credit card?) 
but it's pretty easy.

And when I receive money, I move it from PayPal to my bank account 
immediately.  I never let money sit in the PayPal account.


Re: List Question

2006-04-26 Thread Unca Mikey
I am pretty sure the list software uses msg ID or some other part of 
the header for threading.

Here's another odd thing.  I *only* read PDML via the archive on the 
Web.  I respond by creating a completely new msg in Eudora and put 
RE in the subject line along with the topic I am responding to. 
And in the archive, my reply is embedded, even though I have not 
replied to any PDML message at all.


Rebate received

2006-04-25 Thread Unca Mikey
Back in February, I bought a DA 40mm f2.8 Limited.  I mailed in the 
rebate coupon on February 27, and got my $50 rebate today, April 25, 
eight weeks and a day later.

A couple years ago, I got a Pentax rebate on a pair of binoculars 
after a similar wait.

So, my experience so far has been that Pentax rebates are slow but 
dependable.   Obviously, YMMV.


Re: going to Athens Crete; any PDMLers?

2006-04-25 Thread Unca Mikey
Was it, um, noisy?  Were you able to sleep?  And since this is a 
photography list, the obvious question is, did you take any pictures?


On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, Bob W wrote:

 I spent the night in a brothel there once, accidentally
 (and virtuously).

PESOs: Shoes and a Portrait

2006-04-22 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi all.  Last night I decided to send a couple of snaps along to you 
folks and was putting together an email just now.  Then I noticed 
that Shel posted a PESO with the same title.  Cosmic.

I've been playing with C-41 BW films lately.  I've pretty much 
settled on Kodak BW400CN as being the best of the bunch, and here's 
two samples.  Both were taken with my *ist 35mm and FA 50mm f1.7.



I think the larger sizes looks better -- the link to the larger image 
is right beneath the Flickr picture.

Suggestions and comments are very welcome.  I haven't posted many 
pictures at PDML, but have gotten very helpful responses when I do. 


Re: PAW - The Smile

2006-04-22 Thread Unca Mikey

Frank, I think you nailed that one perfectly.  Just right!  TEETH!


On Apr 22, 2006, at 5:36 PM, frank theriault wrote:

 Haven't posted a PAW in a couple of weeks (missed last
 weekend because I was away for Easter weekend), so here's
 the first of a couple:


RE: PESO: Two Walkaround PIcs

2006-04-22 Thread Unca Mikey
On behalf of overweight middle-aged white guys with poor posture 
everywhere, I ask, How Dare You?!


 Smoke Break:

Re: PAW 2006 - 04 - GDG

2006-04-21 Thread Unca Mikey
First, I like the photo, it's quite appealing, esp in the larger 
image.  I am impressed one can read the NO DOGS sign.  Second,  this 
is one of the most entertaining discussions of a photo I've read on 
PDML in a long time.

Discussions of a half degree this way or that way made me larf -- 
when I decided a few years ago to start playing with photography 
again, the biggest problem I had was getting the darn snaps straight! 
And to this day I get so tickled when a shot is lined up just the way 
I want it. 


On Apr 21, 2006, at 6:43 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

  From last Sunday morning's visit to the Santa Cruz wharf:


Re: PESO - Cathy at the AW

2006-04-20 Thread Unca Mikey


Nice picture, Shel!  I like her expression and it's a nice touch that 
you included the menu with the prices.  I agree with Bruce that the 
napkin thingy is a bit bothersome.

If you like that kind of music (and if you ever get broadband), go to 
Live365.com and look for Regan's Record Rack or any of several 
other Internet stations that play that music.

September 1969:  Some day I'll get around to buying a scanner.  I 
have a bunch of Ektachrome I shot with a Spotmatic, in Vietnam.  I've 
glanced at some of them recently, a couple were better than I 
remembered, and the Ektachrome has held up very well.


Re: PESO - Cathy at the AW (No Napkin Holder)

2006-04-20 Thread Unca Mikey

I agree, much, much better.  Lovely photo.

Kinda scary that you can so easily alter an image, eh?   Many times 
I've carried around a memory of an image for years, only to go back 
and see the actual print/slide and find out that my memory was wrong. 
No longer a problem!  LOL.


-- Original message --
From: Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi, I took the napkin holder out.  Instead of cloning and cutting and
 pasting, I used the patch tool.  Pretty quick and painless - almost too
 easy ;-))

 So, whattaya think?  It looks better to my eye.


RE: PESO:Havana Club car

2006-04-14 Thread Unca Mikey

Greetings Markus,

I like this!  The distortion caused by the wide angle lens, making 
the front of the car disproportionately large, works well.  The car 
is about to leap out of frame to the left.

Next time, get the lovely lady to sit behind the wheel and roll down 
the window and wave as she drives off.


 Hi car lovers

 From the last discussion here about old timer Volvo's I got
 the impression that we have quite a few car lovers and
 gourmet here on the list.

 So I present for a short time only  (because of my used
 Photo.net budget of 15 images) the Havana club car I saw in
 the old city part of Zurich last week. Stupid me was too
 shy that day to ask the lovely lady on the passenger seat
 in the car for a photo and a smile :-(


 with the Pentax SFXn and Pentax A 24mm on Fuji Superia ISO
 400 film.

 greetings Markus

Opinions about ZX-7 MZ-7

2006-04-13 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi folks, I'm still looking around the internets for an appropriate 
backup for my *ist 35mm, which sets aperture only on the body (no 
non-A lenses).

When I asked about this recently, someone said, read the manual -- 
excellent advice!  I was browsing through the manuals on the Pentax 
site and checked out the ZX-7.  Apparently, on this body you *can* 
set the lens aperture ring to A (or use a lens without an aperture 
ring) and then set the aperture on the body with the select switch 
around the shutter release.

Any comments from owners about the ZX-7?  What do you like, not like, 
etc.?  I notice KEH has 'em for under $100.

Many thanks once again for all your help on my questions.


Re: Opinions about ZX-7 MZ-7

2006-04-13 Thread Unca Mikey
My only issue with the *ist is that they recently discontinued it. 
I've had zero problems with it, very reliable, just curious about 
another body, separation anxiety, y'know?  GGG 

Your suggestion is good, but...  The few newer bodies appear pretty 
flimsy (plastic mounts, limited features, etc).  I almost always 
shoot Av, and my favorite lens is the DA 40mm (no aperture ring), 
which drastically limits my choices.

As near as I can tell from pictures and the manual, the ZX-7 is the 
only Pentax SLR that allows Av mode using either the aperture ring on 
the lens or a selector on the body.  And it goes for about half the 
price of the *ist.  I was just curious if anyone had any strong 
opinions, pro or con, about that particular model, since I haven't 
read much about it.



 Backups should be reliable. If you have any issues about
 the *ist then you should have the same or more questions
 about the ZX/MZ series.  I'd suggest something newer OR
 something mechanical.

Setting aperture -- film SLRs

2006-04-11 Thread Unca Mikey
A quick question, something I am curious about -- I've read a lot 
here about the compatibility of older lenses on newer bodies, but 
what about the other way?

Specifically, on film bodies without a thumbwheel (MZ-S, ZX-5n, etc), 
how do you change the aperture when the lens is set on A or the 
lens does not have an aperture ring?  Is there a way to directly 
change the aperture on the body?  I assume you can affect aperture 
indirectly by changing shutter speed, but can you operate in Av mode?

Are such lenses even usable on older bodies like the MX?



RE: Setting aperture -- film SLRs

2006-04-11 Thread Unca Mikey
I did?  I was afraid I suspected the answer, but wasn't sure.  All I 
know about Pentax bodies between the Spotmatic and the *ist I've read 
on the internets, and we all know how reliable they can be.

Thanks David and Jon for the info.

That makes the design of the *ist 35mm even more curious -- once one 
becomes used to that mode of operation and those lenses, the 
migration path is not to other film SLRs, but to a digital SLR! 
Fiendishly clever!  G  All the other bodies with the crippled KAF 
look pretty low-end, plastic mounts, limited features, etc.


---Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you've answered your own question

 Tom C

RE: Archive Link

2006-04-11 Thread Unca Mikey
Here's the link I use to get to the archives; it's the only way I 
read the list.  The most recent threads are at top, and you can 
select non-threaded date order if you prefer.



Status of *ist 35mm?

2006-04-10 Thread Unca Mikey
Has anyone read or heard anything about the status or future of the 
Pentax *ist 35mm SLR?  It's still shown on the Pentax USA site, but 
is no longer in the catalog for BH or Adorama.  Amazon shows it as 
not in stock and some other sites show the model as discontinued. 
Is there any official word?  I emailed Pentax, but no answer yet.

I know the *ist is not highly regarded in PDML-land, but I love my 
*ist -- if they really are discontinued, I may have to buy one on 
closeout somewhere or on ebay, just to have a backup.


RE: Status of *ist 35mm?

2006-04-10 Thread Unca Mikey
Good advice all, thanks.  I've started scoping 
out some possibilities to get a backup *ist.  I 
had already planned on getting a FA 20-35mm 
fairly soon, so it looks like a MasterCardĀ kind 
of month!


Re: Status of *ist 35mm?

2006-04-10 Thread Unca Mikey
The only thing I've heard against the *ist is the crippled mount -- 
and since I don't have any of the older lenses, it's not a big deal 
to me.  I thought about the MZ-S, but it doesn't work that well with 
lenses without an aperture ring, and it's much bigger/heavier than I 
would like.

I had a Spotmatic for 30+ years, but after about two years of using 
the *ist, I must have a thumbwheel!  LOL.  I could never go back to 
the old way of changing aperture and shutter speed, I am now addicted 
to having aperture and exposure compensation and DOF and AE lock all 
there at my thumb and forefinger.   I've tried manual focusing, but 
the camera is so much faster and more accurate, I gave up and just 
select the focus point instead.

Good luck with the primes, Scott -- I have the DA 40mm and the FA 
50mm f1.7, and they work great with this body, very handy.


--- Scott Loveless wrote:

 For a while now I've been considering buying an MZ-S or PZ-1 to
 complement the *ist.

FA J 18-35 vs FA 20-35 on 35mm

2006-04-06 Thread Unca Mikey
I use the FA J 18-35 on my *ist 35mm SLR and like it a lot.  I think 
it performs surprisingly well, but it does have significant 
vignetting at the largest apertures, distortion at the shortest focal 
lengths, and that slow f5.6 at 35mm.

I know that Godfrey and others have praised the FA 20-35, which I am 
sure is a much better lens.  My question is, how much better is it on 
35mm?  Is there noticeable vignetting at larger apertures?  Is the 
image close to rectilinear?

Test images at Dario's site and a few other places helped me pick the 
FA J initially.  Are there any test shots around showing results from 
the FA 20-35 on 35mm?   Is anyone using this on a 35mm body -- what 
do you think of it?  Most of what I've found via Google is from using 
the lens on a digital SLR.

Thanks in advance for comments and opinions.


RE: F 35-135 NOT good in the aquarium

2006-04-06 Thread Unca Mikey
 CW bummed.  
 Needs a new walk-around zoom.

When I first read your subject line, I thought maybe you had dropped 
the lens in the tank.  Or something.

Based on the rave reports here, I bought the FA 28-105 f3.2-45 for my 
walkaround zoom, and like it a lot.  Very sharp, and a glance at 
Bojidar's site shows that it focuses 10 inches closer than the F 


Re: PESO - Minimalism

2006-04-01 Thread Unca Mikey
Wonderful photograph!  I wouldn't crop a pixel anywhere, I think it's 
perfect just as it is.  And I agree, this is art, and very well done 
at that.


On 4/1/06, Boris Liberman wrote:



 What do you say?


OT: Another Book (Paris)

2006-03-31 Thread Unca Mikey
And speaking of Paris...  Last summer I got to see a great exhibition 
at the Art Institute of Chicago, Paris:  Photographs from a Time 
that Was and just yesterday got the book based on the exhibition.

The intro, by David Travis, talks about philosophers and Einstein's 
theory of relativity and the nature of time and Proust and the 
origins of snapshooting and all sorts of fun stuff familiar to 
readers of recent threads (flame wars?) on PDML.

The BW photographs go from the mid-19th century through about 1950, 
from people like Lartigue, Kretesz, Brassai, Doisneau, and HCB. 
Wonderful stuff, and very thought provoking.

The book is _Paris:  Photographs from a Time that Was_, published by 
Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press, 2005, and is 
readily available at a discount from Amazon.


LensWork -- Wow

2006-03-31 Thread Unca Mikey
On Wednesday morning, a little after 9 am CST, I ordered those three 
books from LensWork.

I came home from my lunchtime walkies today to find that the books 
waiting in my mailbox, here in Texas, delivered USPS Priority Mail.

I'm impressed!


Lenswork books etc

2006-03-29 Thread Unca Mikey
Based on recent discussions here, I just ordered three books at 
Lenswork.  If anyone else is interested, you may want to visit 
Lenswork and get in your order -- they have a special now, $30 for 
_On Being a Photographer_, _Single Exposures_, and _Letting Go of the 
Camera_.  The savings over regular price more than pays for USPS 
Priority Mail Shipping.

And just one comment from a daily lurker but rare poster:  I've 
really enjoyed the recent discussions (even flame wars!) about 
bailing out and workflow and dynamics.  Bob W even made me proud to 
consider myself a 'snapshooter'!  (I am one of those who is bored 
with all the stuff between the excitement of pushing the shutter 
button and looking at the print.)  You all make me think, thanks!

I'll add one book recommendation, for those interested in art in 
general, in aesthetics:  anything by E. H. Gombrich, one of the 
greatest art historians ever.  (_Art and Illusion_ is a classic.)


RE: Fw: FotoExpress - One man's mobile photo studio

2006-03-26 Thread Unca Mikey
Hey, I recognize exactly where that is -- in front of the Trevi 
Fountain in Rome.  I was there a few months ago, and while I didn't 
see this enterprising fellow, I saw quite a few guys with Fuji Instax 
cameras.  (I got an Instax on ebay a year or two ago, it's great fun 
if you can find the film cheap.)

That area is jammed with people almost all hours of the night and day.


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb

 A modern take on an old concept.


Manufacturers on ebay was Re: Logic of Pentax

2006-02-28 Thread Unca Mikey
About ebay:  Olympus USA is definitely selling overstocks and 
refurbishes -- I've bought from them, and it can be a great deal.  (I 
got a small Domke lead bag, for carrying about 9 rolls of film 
through airport Xray machines, for $2.99.)   Their ID is 



Manufacturers on ebay was Re: Logic of Pentax

2006-02-28 Thread Unca Mikey

Oops, I just checked, the lead bag is only $1.99, and no shipping!  LOL


Like I said, they have some cool stuff, much of it usable with all cameras.


Re: PESO: Roedeer track

2006-02-28 Thread Unca Mikey

Wow, that's a gorgeous photo -- very painterly.


 -- Original message --
From: Jostein

 It's been a long while since last last time I shared a picture with

 Here's one:


 All comments appreciated.

 Thanks for looking.

Re: DA lenses on FF

2006-02-24 Thread Unca Mikey

 DA 40 - I have heard yes.

I bought a DA 40mm to use on 35mm -- works fine, it's a great lens.

* UncaMikey

Re: More pics of the new stuff

2006-02-23 Thread Unca Mikey
That 21mm looks lovely.  I will be eagerly awaiting the report of 
someone with more courage and financial resources than I have, to 
test that lens on a film body.  If it works as 'poorly' as the DA 
40mm on full frame 35mm, there may be more enablement in my future.


RE: Enabled: world's smallest 35mm SLR

2006-02-20 Thread Unca Mikey
I borrowed the world's smallest tagline from Pentax marketing, LOL, 
but I should have added auto-focus.  I think Minolta made the same 
claim for their Maxxum 5.

The big puzzle, to me, is why does Pentax say the DA 40mm does not 
work on 35mm?  Mounted on a 35mm body, the small size and nice focal 
length makes a wonderful carry around combo.

I don't know if the lens will improve my snaps, but when opportunity 
and inspiration strike I will be more likely to have my camera with 


Enabled: world's smallest 35mm SLR

2006-02-19 Thread Unca Mikey
I thought I would come out of lurk mode long enough to show off my 
new toy, what I believe to be the world's smallest full-frame 35mm 


I have had the *ist about two years now, and love it.  After I saw 
the reports from Mark Lindamood and others that the DA 40mm will work 
on 35mm (despite what Pentax says), I knew I had to get one 
eventually.  It arrived from Adorama on Friday.  My Flickr 
photostream shows how this body/lens can fit into my pocket, and a 
couple of test shots that clearly show no vignetting.

40mm is a lovely focal length -- I can understand why it was so 
popular on some rangefinders.


RE: Dickey Chapelle Article (redux)

2006-01-27 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi Shel -- I saw your original posting and downloaded the article, 
but haven't read it yet.  I hate reading long PDFs on the screen, and 
won't have access to a printer until next week.  But the subject 
sounds interesting to me -- thanks for passing it along.


(I was in Vietnam when I first had the time and opportunity to get a 
good camera, on RR in Hong Kong:  a black Spotmatic.)

Re: PAW: Redcoats!

2005-12-17 Thread Unca Mikey
I love it!  There's something hilariously pathetic (pathetically 
hilarious?) about old f*rts reliving moments of imagined  military 

The guy second from left, staring at you, looks like Robert Benigni 
-- I expect him to break out in zaniness at any moment.


Re: PAD - photo a day

2005-12-16 Thread Unca Mikey

 From: alkos
 I'd like to present you my site - http://pad.go.pl


Man, you are *good* -- what a great eye you have.  Thanks very much 
for sharing.


Re: Amature

2005-12-14 Thread Unca Mikey

Sonny, lovely stuff!  You've made some wonderful images there.

About the lens,  I know everyone raves about the 50/1.4 primes (with 
reason), but I got the FA 50mm/1.7 for two reasons:  it weighs two 
ounces less than the 1.4 (minimizing weight is important to me), and 
I only paid about $90 for a near mint lens on ebay, about 9 months 

Keep posting pictures, thanks!


OT: Interesting auction...

2005-12-14 Thread Unca Mikey

I feel confident that no PDMLer will feel cheated if I post this auction:


So, if any of you folks are in the market for a color film camera, 
here's your chance.  Let us know how many rolls of film come with the 
camera, too.


Re: PESO-s: misc from the summer

2005-10-19 Thread Unca Mikey
Lovely stuff, Luben.  I peeked at some of these earlier, when you 
posted them to photo.net.

You have a distinctive vision, very compelling -- I really enjoy 
looking at your images and pondering them at length.  No criticisms 
or comments from me, other than I hope you keep shooting and sharing 
the results!


Re: GESO: stuff from my bus/train trip

2005-10-02 Thread Unca Mikey

On 10/2/05, Ann Sanfedele wrote:

I keep adding to this


Oh my, I really enjoy your pictures, Ann -- every one of these is 
worth a careful look.  Lines!  You have such a great eye for lines!

Lovely photographs, thanks very much for sharing them.


RE: PESO: Carved in sand + Giuseppe

2005-09-08 Thread Unca Mikey
Dario, these are excellent.  I would have liked a bit better angle of 
light (and less shadow) on Carved in sand but they are both 
wonderful as they are, captured at just the right moment.  Well done!



Quite a nice series there -- thanks for sharing.

who can't wait to get back to Italy

Re:The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread Unca Mikey
While I don't doubt that the film market is contracting 
significantly, I wonder if it will quickly go away.  Here's some 
anecdotal evidence, for what it's worth.

I shoot film, so I have spent time finding the best/cheapest places 
to get my film processed and printed:  Sam's Club, several grocery 
chains, Wolf/Ritz Camera, and a couple of pro labs.  In every case, 
the labs are busy busy busy.  I know some chunk of their business is 
printing digital images, but the processing machines always seem to 
be going full blast, the racks of envelopes containing completed 
rolls are filled, and they don't seem to be lacking for business. 
There's always a line of people dropping off 35mm canisters.

At one nearby supermarket that does a decent job, a customer can get 
double 4 X 6 glossy prints, with a CD of digitzed images, for 7.99. 
If they don't get it done in an hour, it's free.  So, in practical 
terms for snappers who want family photos, film is still pretty cheap 
and easy, and the CD makes the images as easy to share as digital. 
At this same store, they regularly put film on sale, and I've been 
able to pick up multipacks of Fuji color print film 200 and 400 for 
as little as 75 cents a roll.

I've noticed, too, that at family gatherings, there is more interest 
in passing around prints than there is in looking at images on a 

Film might disappear from these retail outlets in the blink of an 
eye.  But maybe not.  In the meantime, many people still find film 
very cheap and fun to use.


RE: PAW thumbnail page

2005-08-21 Thread Unca Mikey
Godfrey, on the link you posted, I am not sure the little blocks at 
the bottom are very helpful.  Perhaps it's because you are still 
working on this, but I am confused that the images linked from the 
little blocks are not the same as the thumbnail page -- should they 
be the same?  I would consider eliminating the little blocks and just 
linking to your thumbnails page.  The thumbnail page that you 
specifically asked about is helpful and easy on the eye, and it 
loaded quickly even on my dialup connection:


More importantly, thanks for posting this -- I saw and really enjoyed 
several here that I had not seen before.  You're on my list of 
photographers whose work makes me think when I'm out snapping.


Re: PAW thumbnail page

2005-08-21 Thread Unca Mikey
Hh.  Godfrey, when I load 
http://homepage.mac.com/ramarren/photo/PAW5/, I don't get much detail 
in the small gray blocks.  In fact, no detail, just small gray 
blocks, LOL.  Nothing in the blocks allows me to differentiate one 
image from another.  After I have viewed an image, the border is red, 
which confuses your statement that  the red block is always the 
latest week posted.  (No, my browser's normal color for viewed links 
is not red.)  Now that I have viewed many images, there are many 
blocks that have red borders.

This is probably getting too detailed and arcane for most PDML 
readers, but:  older images have a solid gray block.  If I have 
viewed the image, it has a red border; if not, it has a black border. 
The block (and border) for the current week (33) is solid red.  The 
blocks for weeks not yet done are a lighter gray, with a visible grid 
in the small block; all these future blocks have a red border.

I was able to match up the images, however, so yes, now I can see 
they are the same set of images.  No problem there.

I'm using Firefox on an iMac G5, OS 10.4.1, if that makes any 
difference.  I can do a screen shot and send it to you if it would 

Is anyone still awake?  Larf!


GESO: Chicago (update): Looking

2005-08-19 Thread Unca Mikey

Thanks to all who commented on the earlier posting.

Godfrey, you suggested I should get in closer -- point well taken, 
and something I need to work on.  I have to be careful though, 
because if I have the FA J 18-35 mounted when a shot presents itself, 
I'd have to get in so close I might get arrested!  LOL.

Anyway, here's another snap from the same trip.  The woman in the 
picture is my wife, so I was able to direct her a bit to have more 
time to set up a shot.


Comments and suggestions always welcome -- thanks for looking!


Re: Is it a grip or a strap? (and a Q for Cotty)

2005-08-18 Thread Unca Mikey
I appreciate the comments and suggestions.  Thanks to Godfrey and 
Cotty for responding with pictures:  Godfrey's grip looks like the 
thing, and I really like Cotty's setup -- what kind of padded strap 
is that?   It looks very comfortable -- might be something to replace 
the one that came with my Lowepro bag.  And using a carabiner sounds 
like a good idea, too.

And thanks to Godfrey for a clever workaround for PDML's lack of a 
nomail option -- works great!


Re: Is it a grip or a strap? (and a Q for Cotty)

2005-08-18 Thread Unca Mikey

On 18/8/05, Cotty, combobulated, leashed:

 Isn't that like buying a car and then not driving it?

Ha!  Well, no, I just prefer to read the PDML posts via the 
mail-archive website.  So far as I can see, the only downside is that 
my responses (like this one) won't get placed in the thread properly, 
but what the hey.

Thanks for the tip about the Marmot strap.  I absolutely prohibit 
myself from buying any more lenses or bodies, so my gear lust must be 
satisfied with straps, grips, geegaws, gimracks, and do-dads. 


GESO: Chicago

2005-08-18 Thread Unca Mikey
My first GESO, from our recent trip to Chicago.  All shots taken with 
my Pentax *ist 35mm, Fuji Superia (200 or 400), and either the FA 
28-105 f/3.2-4.5 AL IF or the FA J 18-35.   Film processed and 
scanned at a local minilab.

Comments and suggestions always welcome -- I had a lot of fun 
snapping away on this trip, and think I am learning, both about the 
equipment and about seeing things differently.




Chicago Art Inst: Paris Photos

2005-08-17 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi all.  My wife and I just went for a long weekend stay in Chicago, 
my first visit there.  One day we spent enjoyably at the Art 
Institute of Chicago, where one of the exhibits is entitled Paris: 
Photographs from a Time That Was.   It's worth a visit to see some 
really fine street photography, if you are interested in that sort of 
thing and are in the area.   I thought I saw some of Frank's stuff, 
but it turned out to be only HCB.

More info here:




Grip for *ist film body?

2005-08-17 Thread Unca Mikey
One thing I noticed on my trip to Chicago is that I should seriously 
consider some sort of grip for my Pentax *ist film body -- I got 
tired of it hanging around my neck, so wrapped the strap around my 
wrist to make an impromptu grip.

I remember reading on the list here a while back that some of you use 
a side grip.  Any recommendations for brand or type, or any comments 
or suggestions?  Has anyone used a grip on the *ist film body (it's 
very small, even with the battery pack)?

Thanks for your help!


Is it a grip or a strap?

2005-08-17 Thread Unca Mikey
Maybe I didn't use the right term?  LOL.  I am not sure if it's 
called a grip or a strap, but I am thinking of some sort of thingy 
that attaches to the right side of the camera body, between the strap 
eyelet on top and probably the tripod mount on the bottom.  That way 
you can insert your hand in the grip/strap and basically attach the 
camera to your hand, without having to hold it tightly.

I am browsing around in BH and Adorama and see some possibilities, 
but would prefer to hear of any personal experience with these things.

I hope this makes a bit more sense, and thanks again for your help.



2005-06-28 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi all, from someone who rarely posts but regularly lurks.  I always 
enjoy reading the discussions and looking at the photos, but you 
folks have been so good lately that I just had to subscribe briefly 
and jump in.

Jerome's NYC photos were really good -- as others mentioned, the taxi 
shot was great.  NYC has to be one of the most photographed places 
anywhere, and your shots still made it interesting and fresh.  It was 
obvious you two had a good time.

I really like Jay's portrait of his grandson, perfect capture.

Dag's Norwegian lake, I had the same feeling as someone else 
mentioned, oh dear, another pretty lake photo, then the little boy 
just completely transformed it into something special.

I always like Frank's stuff.  And Godfrey's.

Last, but far from least, I immensely enjoyed the ongoing discussion 
about street photography and long/short lenses.  Sonny, you do great 
work -- I really like your approach, and your way of expressing 
yourself, both pictorially and verbally.  And I like Shel's 
explanation of how he engages his subjects.  I really want to 
practice that, get up the courage to jump in with my 50mm.

And a bunch of other stuff, too.

Keep it up, my compliments to you all!



Exposure Understood -- and praise for *ist

2005-05-20 Thread Unca Mikey
Hi all--
I unsubbed and went back to lurk mode  -- too much email, LOL!  I 
think I learn more by reading via Mail Archive anyway, and it's easy 
enough to pop up occasionally with a post like this.

About Understanding Exposure -- I'm glad my innocent question 
sparked a lively discussion!  I have very much enjoyed reading the 
thread, and the responses from all sides have been very helpful.  I 
am still tracking down books and websites, but what I've read so far 
is great.

I even have a clearer idea of what it was I was looking for!  My 
knowledge of exposure from my early days was intuitive and 
unreliable.  Now that I have switched to an automated camera, I was 
looking for both a broad, general explanation of exposure and 
specific practical information applicable to my camera.  The ol' 
Spotmatic did not have EV compensation.  :-)   Sorry Shel, I am *not* 
going to chuck my automated plastic device and once again lug around 
a clump of metal.  Give me a 2005 Toyota Camry over a '52 Buick 
Roadmaster any day.  Larf!

The information you've provided has helped me learn more about my 
camera, a film *ist.  I know it's not that popular here, and many of 
the criticisms are valid.  But the more I use the camera and 
understand  its features, the more I like it.  The controls are so 
well laid out, I can easily switch mode and aperture/speed and 
metering and EV compensation and focus points without ever taking my 
eye from the finder.  I really like the LCD on the rear rather than 
the top plate.  The metering and focusing are excellent and fast. 
It's as easy to use as a PS when set to auto everything, which makes 
it nice when someone else takes a snap.  It's so small and light that 
I carry it much more, which means I take more pictures.   And it 
works perfectly with the few lenses I use -- with a FA 50mm f/1.7 
it's barely more than a pound and fits in a largish pocket.

I am not trying to convince anyone here, but in case there are 
lurkers out there in Internet land who are curious about this camera, 
I highly recommend it.  And that's the end of my discussion on gear. 

And despite the title, no, I do not claim that I fully understand 
exposure now, but I do know more than I did before, and that's what 
counts.  Thanks again for all the comments and suggestions.  I'll 
still be reading via the archive.


Re: PESO: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

2005-05-11 Thread Unca Mikey
Bruce Dayton wrote:
 Would love to see a good scan :).
Me too!  But a good scan requires a good scanner!  Which in our case, 
we have not got!  Larf.

and Rick Womer wrote:
 The center of the floor is blown out,
 and might benefit from some PS attention
Rick, the center is not blown out in the print, so I will blame Club 
o' Sam for that part.  I will admit, too, that I do not own PS, and I 
think I would give up photography if I had to start using it.  I use 
film because I want to get away from the steenking 'puter; I spend 
too much time with keyboard and mouse as it is. I am sure you are 
right that I could improve things, if I could overcome my aversion.

and Jack Davis wrote:
 ...I might like it even better if they had been
 centered and all crescents had been arranged wherein
 they began and ended diametrical to the frame.
Jack, I normally do such a bad job of making things level and 
symmetrical that I try to make a virtue of a failing -- your comment 
is almost exactly what my wife said when she looked at this one. 
Symmetry and levelness  are things I definitely need to work on.

Thanks for the comments!
who wants to know when PDML will get a nomail option...

Rule of thirds? Was Re: PESO: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

2005-05-11 Thread Unca Mikey
frank theriault  wrote:
 All in all, it's a winner!
Thanks very much, F/frank!
Some months back, when I started seriously looking for photo info on 
the 'Net, I ran across PDML and saw the photo Rule of Thirds -- two 
tough guys standing against a wall.  Wasn't that your photo, Frank?

Whether it was yours or someone else's, I want to say, thanks, it 
really got me thinking.  And it still does.  Great shot.
