Scott D said:

> Never seen a fox in the wild myself, cool! I did see a pair of wolves
> about 15 years ago in East Texas, but didn't have a camera on me (too
> young then...).

I'm not even sure there are many foxes in Texas.

> I think this goes back a few threads to when someone mentioned to me
> that photographers were sometimes experts in the fields they
> photographed. In particular, lightning. The same goes with wildlife, it
> helps a great deal to know the biology of the animal(s) you seek to
> photograph.
> I'm no biologist myself (computer programmer, actually) but I have

I'm a physicist, myself.  But I like the woods.

> wandered the woods and swamps of Texas a bit. I've noticed a big
> difference between the manner in which my wife and I go through the
> woods (my wifes from Toronto). She is a good 50 lbs. lighter than I and
> shorter but has a much stronger presence when going down the trails. I
> tend to take lighter, quiter steps and take my time going down the trail
> despite our size difference.  When I am alone I sometimes approach deer
> within distances of less than 30 feet.

Foxes and deer work together.  One time I was trying to creep up on some
deer, and I spooked a fox that I didn't know was there, which ran past the
deer, and the deer high-tailed it.  And just yesterday some deer ran away
from me and spooked a fox that until then was content to sit and watch me.

What you do in the woods depends on what you want to get out of it, I
suppose.  To read Tom Brown, you'd think anyone that jogs through the
woods is committing a crime because they're not sitting quietly and
letting nature come to them.  My brother and his wife go pretty fast, I
like to take my time and see what there is to see.  Like paw prints on an
erosion barrier at a construction site, or a yellow Nerf ball some
distance from a school, with little chunks ripped out of it and smelling
of fox pee.  I like to try to figure out the story there, but the Nerf
ball seems pretty obvious.  Wish I could have watched it.

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