Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Reality of Time

2020-03-04 Thread Jeffrey Brian Downard
Jon, List,

Consider what Peirce says about his cosmological conception of time in a letter 
to Christine Ladd-Franklin. For the sake of clarity, I'll separate and number 
the points he makes.

1.   I may mention that my chief avocation in the last ten years has been to 
develop my cosmology. This theory is that the evolution of the world is 
hyperbolic, that is, proceeds from one state of things in the infinite past, to 
a different state of things in the infinite future.

2.   The state of things in the infinite past is chaos, tohu bohu, the 
nothingness of which consists in the total absence of regularity. The state of 
things in the infinite future is death, the nothingness of which consists in 
the complete triumph of law and absence of all spontaneity.

3.   Between these, we have on our side a state of things in which there is 
some absolute spontaneity counter to all law, and some degree of conformity to 
law, which is constantly on the increase owing to the growth of habit.

4.   As to the part of time on the further side of eternity which leads back 
from the infinite future to the infinite past, it evidently proceeds by 
contraries.  8.316

Focusing on the points made in 3 and 4, how might we understand the contrast 
being made between our side of things, and the part of time that is on the 
further side of eternity?

A helpful approach, I think, is to start with a mathematical diagram. What kind 
of diagram might we use to clarify the hyperbolic evolution from the infinite 
past to the infinite future? Using this diagram, what is the contrast between 
our side of things and the further side of eternity?


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Jeffrey Brian Downard
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:37:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Reality of Time

Hello Jon, List,

At the beginning of the post, you note that Peirce engaged in "mathematical, 
phenomenological, semeiotic, and metaphysical" inquiries concerning time. Do 
you have any suggestions about how we might tease out the different threads? 
Each seems to involve somewhat different methods.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 3:56 PM
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] The Reality of Time


Gary Richmond, Gary Fuhrman, and I have had various lengthy off-List exchanges 
over the last few months about Peirce's ideas pertaining to time.  After a lot 
of reading and thinking about the mathematical, phenomenological, semeiotic, 
and metaphysical aspects of that topic, I decided to post the following and see 
if it prompts any further discussion.

In a 1908 paper that established the 
parameters for many of the debates that have occurred within the philosophy of 
time since its publication, John Ellis McTaggart argues for "The Unreality of 
Time."  His basic claim is that time cannot be real because it is contradictory 
to predicate past, present, and future of the same moment or event; and he 
alleges that the obvious rejoinder--that a moment or event is past, present, 
and future only at different times--is viciously circular.  McTaggart's 
implicit assumption is that time is a series of discrete positions, which are 
what he calls moments, and an event is the discrete content of a particular 
moment.  In other words, he treats any single moment or event as an existential 
subject, which is why it is precluded from having incompatible determinations.

Of course, by contrast Peirce held that time is real and continuous.  Positions 
in time are instants that we artificially mark for some purpose, such as 
measurement, while moments are indefinite lapses of time that we can only 
distinguish arbitrarily because "moment melts into moment. That is to say, 
moments may be so related as not to be entirely separate and yet not be the 
same" (CP 7.656, 1903).  An event is "an existential junction of incompossible 
facts" (CP 1.492; c. 1896); as Peirce later elaborates ...

CSP:  The event is the existential junction of states (that is, of that which 
in existence corresponds to a statement about a given subject in 
representation) whose combination in one subject would violate the logical law 
of contradiction. The event, therefore, considered as a junction, is not a 
subject and does not inhere in a subject. What is it, then? Its mode of being 
is existential quasi-existence, or that approach to existence where contraries 
can be united in one subject. Time is that diversity of existence whereby that 
which is existentially a subject is enabled to receive contrary determinations 
in existence. (CP 1.494; c. 1896)

In logic, existential subjects (i.e., concrete things) and thei

Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Reality of Time

2020-03-04 Thread Jeffrey Brian Downard
Hello Jon, List,

At the beginning of the post, you note that Peirce engaged in "mathematical, 
phenomenological, semeiotic, and metaphysical" inquiries concerning time. Do 
you have any suggestions about how we might tease out the different threads? 
Each seems to involve somewhat different methods.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 3:56 PM
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] The Reality of Time


Gary Richmond, Gary Fuhrman, and I have had various lengthy off-List exchanges 
over the last few months about Peirce's ideas pertaining to time.  After a lot 
of reading and thinking about the mathematical, phenomenological, semeiotic, 
and metaphysical aspects of that topic, I decided to post the following and see 
if it prompts any further discussion.

In a 1908 paper that established the 
parameters for many of the debates that have occurred within the philosophy of 
time since its publication, John Ellis McTaggart argues for "The Unreality of 
Time."  His basic claim is that time cannot be real because it is contradictory 
to predicate past, present, and future of the same moment or event; and he 
alleges that the obvious rejoinder--that a moment or event is past, present, 
and future only at different times--is viciously circular.  McTaggart's 
implicit assumption is that time is a series of discrete positions, which are 
what he calls moments, and an event is the discrete content of a particular 
moment.  In other words, he treats any single moment or event as an existential 
subject, which is why it is precluded from having incompatible determinations.

Of course, by contrast Peirce held that time is real and continuous.  Positions 
in time are instants that we artificially mark for some purpose, such as 
measurement, while moments are indefinite lapses of time that we can only 
distinguish arbitrarily because "moment melts into moment. That is to say, 
moments may be so related as not to be entirely separate and yet not be the 
same" (CP 7.656, 1903).  An event is "an existential junction of incompossible 
facts" (CP 1.492; c. 1896); as Peirce later elaborates ...

CSP:  The event is the existential junction of states (that is, of that which 
in existence corresponds to a statement about a given subject in 
representation) whose combination in one subject would violate the logical law 
of contradiction. The event, therefore, considered as a junction, is not a 
subject and does not inhere in a subject. What is it, then? Its mode of being 
is existential quasi-existence, or that approach to existence where contraries 
can be united in one subject. Time is that diversity of existence whereby that 
which is existentially a subject is enabled to receive contrary determinations 
in existence. (CP 1.494; c. 1896)

In logic, existential subjects (i.e., concrete things) and their abstract 
qualities are denoted by terms--or, respectively, lines of identity and labeled 
spots in existential graphs--while states of things are signified by 
propositions (statements).  A fact is the state of things signified by a true 

CSP:  Space, like Time, is a general respect to whose determinations 
realizations are relative. Only, in the case of space, the realizations instead 
of being of states of things signified by propositions are of objects 
representable by terms of propositions. Namely, if a proposition be so analyzed 
as to throw all general characters into the predicate,--as when we express 'all 
men are mortal' as 'whatever exists is either not a man or is mortal,'--then, 
if the universe of discourse is a collection of objects of a certain kind 
called things, each individual thing denoted by a subject of the proposition 
(reckoning as 'subjects' not only the subject nominative but the direct, 
indirect, and prepositional objects) each such individual exists and has such 
characters as it has, relatively to some determination of space. (NEM 3:1077; 
c. 1905)

CSP:  A state of things is an abstract constituent part of reality, of such a 
nature that a proposition is needed to represent it ... A fact is so highly a 
prescissively abstract state of things, that it can be wholly represented in a 
simple proposition ... (CP 5.549, EP 2:378; 1906).

An event is not itself an existential subject, it is the state of things that 
is realized at a lapse of time when a definite change occurs.  An existential 
subject initially has one determination, such that a certain fact is realized, 
but then it receives a contradictory determination, such that a negation of 
that fact is realized. The continuous flow of time, which we directly perceive 
(NEM 3:59-60; c. 1895), is what facilitates this.

CSP:  Time is a certain general respect relative to different determinations of 
which states