Re: [PEIRCE-L] Off-List: Minimal Negation Operators

2021-09-29 Thread sowa
Gary R,
 On that point,I happen to agree with you.
 GR: I finally came to the conclusion that Peirce's existential graphs were 
a superior-- and more iconic -- way of diagramming matters 'logical'. That 
I currently have little to no interest in what Jon is posting has nothing 
to do with my request that he make it clear how his posts are 
 A good on-list reply to Jon A  would be "Peirce's EGs appear to be 
superior and more iconic than your notation.Could you show some 
examples that map your notation to and from EGs in a way that show the 
advantages and disadvantages of the two notations?"
 Such a note would enable everybody to judge the issues for themselves.

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RE: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read slide 49

2021-09-29 Thread gnox
Gary R, I see what you mean, but as far as I know Peirce’s “phaneroscopy” (just 
like his “phenomenology”) included analysis and generalization as well as 
observation. In R 318 (1907) he wrote, “Everybody recognizes that it is no 
inconsiderable art, this business of “phaneroscopic” analysis by which one 
frames a scientific definition” (EP2:403) — which seems to make phaneroscopy 
both an art and a science! Anyway, given my own emphasis on practice-perception 
cycles  , I prefer to think of 
observation and generalization as parts of a continuous process rather than 
dividing them into separate activities, so I don’t see a need to differentiate 
the science into branches.


Re slide 48: In my mild disapproval of wine-tasting as André’s example, I was 
forgetting that a practice (art? science?) such as that would indeed be good 
training for focussing on the material elements of the phaneron. Peirce 
indicates in a couple of texts that the “material categories” could be picked 
out phaneroscopically as well as the “universal categories,” but that he didn’t 
have much success at making a list of them, so he chose to focus on the formal 
elements of the phaneron instead (CP 1.284). 


Gary f.


} Drawing nearer to take our slant at it (since after all it has met with 
misfortune while all underground), let us see all there may remain to be seen. 
[Finnegans Wake 113] { }{ living the time


From: Gary Richmond  
Sent: 29-Sep-21 01:06
To: Peirce-L 
Cc: Gary Fuhrman 
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read slide 49


Gary F, List,


GF: "I said in a previous post that phaneroscopy is pre-scientific." 


Yet Peirce positions it as First cenoscopic science. I have long held the view 
that since the observational practice of phaneroscopy is indeed 
"pre-scientific," yet it is necessary as the first stage/branch in the 
development of a phenomenological science, one which will require at least one, 
and perhaps two, additional branches in order to become a fully developed 


So, despite Peirce's late terminology valorizing "Phaneroscopy" as the name of 
the science, I tend to think that it is better to think of the First cenoscopic 
science taken as a whole -- which is to say, were it to be fully developed --  
as Phenomenology, and its pre-scientific, first observational branch as 




Gary R


“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
― Rainer Maria Rilke


Gary Richmond

Philosophy and Critical Thinking

Communication Studies

LaGuardia College of the City University of New York

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