
In his letter on Delta graphs, Peirce was breaking new ground.  He was 
proposing a totally new foundation for modal logic, based on metalanguage.   
The important references are in the future, not the past.  For Peirce's past, 
the most relevant references were cited and discussed many times:  His 1903 
Lowell lectures, his tinctured graphs of 1906, and the references in R514, 
L231, and the primary source L376.

For modern references, I have cited quite a few.  The most important one is to 
the IKL logic of 2006.  For that, I repeatedly pointed to the web page, which 
has hundreds of references: .

The title of that web page is "Semantics for Interoperable Systems" with four 
sections.  Each section has multiple short paragraphs with several links for 
individual systems of that type:

1. From the conceptual schema to the semantic web.
2. The IKRIS project
3. A foundation for multiple projects
4. Supporting an open-ended diversity

Section 1 is historical, but many of the systems mentioned there are still in 
use or are the foundation for later developments. Section 2 and the references 
there are the basis for IKL and related projects that build on the IKL base.  
Section 3 also includes some projects that use IKL.  And Section 4 discusses 
issues that are still being debated and developed today.   Every section has 
multiple references.  Just look at that article and note all the phrases in 
blue.  Each one is clickable.

As for the letter to William James, I was in a hurry, and I didn't have the 
time to  dig up references to a point that was not directly relevant to the 
topic of the letter.  For the record, it's the last letter to WJ in EP2.  
Unfortunately, the end of the letter was deleted in EP2.  The full letter, 
which mentions the Big Book that Peirce had in mind, is in NEM 3:867-875.

Now that I dug up that reference, I realize that I should have mentioned 
something I wrote in an unfinished article.  I think I'll include it in my 
article on Delta graphs.  It shows why Peirce realized the need for a new 
approach to modality, and it certainly goes far beyond Alpha graphs.  I'll say 
more in another note.

And by the way, that letter was written on 25 Dec 1909.  In the part that was 
deleted in EP2, Peirce wrote that he was planning to include a section of the 
Big Book in an article for Carus.  The outline for the Big Book has a large 
overlap with L231 and with topics in his last long letter of 1913.  That 
suggests that the Big Book was intended to be the long awaited proof of 
pragmatism.  That also suggests that he intended Delta graphs to be the logic 
for his proof.

And by the way, please read that section 2 about the IKRIS project.  Its goal 
was to support interoperability among multiple systems.  And the IKL logic is a 
major part.  That shows a definite convergence:  a logic of pragmatism would 
indeed support interoperability among multiple projects in science and 

Peirce's Delta graphs and the IKL logic have very similar goals.  That's why 
they are so closely related.  I'll mention that in my article on Delta graphs.


From: "Gary Richmond" <>
Sent: 3/5/24 8:44 PM
To: John F Sowa <>
Cc: Jon Alan Schmidt <>, Peirce-L 
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Problems in mixing quantifiers with modal logic (was 
Delta Existential Graphs


I have been following this exchange between you and Jon Alan with considerable 
interest. Thank you both for discussing these most interesting -- and I think, 
important matters relating to modals, Delta graphs, etc. -- in the generally 
collegial manner in which you have been proceeding.

You wrote:

And please read what Peirce was writing to William James around that time.  He 
was talking about a Big Book with some rather complex requirements for the 
logic -- far more than alpha graphs, even with modality.  And the content of 
the Big Book had a large overlap with L231 of June 1911.  That letter mentioned 
his goal of a logic for representing moving motion pictures.  That's not 
possible with Alpha graphs.

I would like to suggest that it would be helpful if, instead of suggesting 
that, for example, Jon (and, I assume, anyone reading this exchange) should 
"read what Peirce was writing to William James around that time," that you 
offer exact quotations, something you've not infrequently have suggested is 
'best practice' in considering what Peirce actually said, actually had in mind.

In truth, I haven't seen many exact quotations in your posts in this exchange 
(something Jon famously -- or infamously, depending on your perspective -- 
can't be accused of) and this has often made it difficult to discern exactly 
what your critique of Jon's position is nor, for that matter, what your's is in 
certain given cases. I doubt that many, following this recent exchange, have 
the time or inclination to hunt for quotations that are only very generally 
pointed to.

Again, I have found your exchange most interesting and valuable. But on a 
listserv such as Peirce-L, it would be more than helpful to have exact 
quotations provided in posts to the List, especially in consideration of the 
topics which you and Jon have been discussing.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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