[PEIRCE-L] Conflict between deduction and discovery in mathematics

2023-08-30 Thread Matias

I am new to Peirce's work, but I am curious to know if this is a valid
interpretation of his work. I would also like to thank you for your
answers to my previous post.
In various places, Peirce states that all deduction is diagrammatic.
For example, in a letter to William James (1909, L224), he affirms
that he "first found, and subsequently 'proved', that every deduction
involves the observation of a diagram (...) and having drawn the
diagram, one finds the conclusion to be represented by it" (NEM 3:869,
his emphasis). I believe there is no risk in taking this thesis to
mean that diagrammaticity is a necessary feature of deductive
reasoning, even if it is not always explicit. In other words,
diagrammatic reasoning is not a product of our cognitive limitations,
nor is it merely another type of valid reasoning. What this statement
does not say is why “every deduction involves the observation of a
However, in PAP (1906), Peirce offers an argument that seems to ask
this question. First, he states that “necessary reasoning makes its
conclusion evident” (NEM 4:317). He then states that this evidence
"consists in the fact that the truth of the conclusion is perceived in
its full generality, and in the generality the how and why of the
truth is perceived" (Ibid.). He then considers the evidence that can
be furnished by the three kinds of signs, symbols, indices and
diagrams. Finally, he concludes that diagrams are the only signs that
"literally show, as a percept shows the perceptual judgment to be
true, that a consequence does follow, and more marvellous yet, that it
would follow under all varieties of circumstances accompanying the
premisses" (NEM 4:318).
The argument seems to rely on a distinction between what Peirce calls
"following a rule of thumb" and "reasoning properly called".
Previously, to present the argument in PAP, Peirce makes this
distinction as follows:

"[I]t is necessary to distinguish reasoning, properly so called, where
the acceptance of the conclusion in the sense in which it is drawn, is
seen evidently to be justified, from cases in which a rule of
inference is followed because it has been found to work well, which I
call following a rule of thumb, and accepting a conclusion without
seeing why further than that the impulse to do so seems irresistible.
In both cases, there might be a sound argument to defend the
acceptance of the conclusion; but to accept the conclusion without any
criticism or supporting argument is not what I call reasoning." (NEM

The citation is in accordance with other citations from Peirce, such
as this one, in which he makes a similar distinction between "reason"
and the work of a machine.

"[I]t has been shown that all possible general conclusions can be
arranged in a serial order and as soon as anybody wished to defray the
not extravagant cost, the specifications will be ready for a machine
that will actually turn new theorems from a given set of premises, one
after another, as long as they continue to have any interest. But
though a machine could do all that, and thus accomplish all that many
an eminent mathematician accomplishes, it still cannot properly be
called a reasoning machine, any more than the sort of a man I have in
view can be called a reasoner. It does not reason; it only proceeds by
a rule of thumb." (NEM 3:115, n. d., Our Senses as Reasoning Machines)

Based on this argument, we can conclude that diagrams are necessary
for deduction according to Peirce, because they are the only signs
that furnish the evidence that properly called reasoning requires.
This does not mean that it is impossible to draw conclusions from
premises without the use of diagrams. A logical machine could do this,
but such a process would not be considered proper reasoning. It is a
blind process that is analogous to following a rule of thumb.
Furthermore, this is not psychologism, although it involves a subject
who sees that the inference is justified.
In PAP Peirce also mention that “there are at least two other entirely
different lines of argumentation each very nearly, and perhaps quite,
as conclusive as the above, though less instructive, to prove that all
necessary reasoning is by diagrams. One of these shows that every step
of such an argumentation can be represented, but usually much more
analytically, by Existential Graphs. Now to say that the graphical
procedure is more analytical than another is to say that it
demonstrates what the other virtually assumes without proof. Hence,
the Graphical method, which is diagrammatic, is the sounder form of
the same argumentation. The other proof consists in taking up, one by
one, each form of necessary reasoning, and showing that the
diagrammatic exhibition of it does it perfect justice" (NEM 4:319).
However, he does not follow these other two lines of argumentation in
the mentioned text.
I am not sure if I am correct about this interpretation. I apreciate
your feedbak. Thank you very much in advance for your 

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Conflict between deduction and discovery in mathematics

2023-08-22 Thread Matias
Jon, list,

I thank you very much for your answer.

As you suggest, I believe that Peirce's answer to the problem lies in
his notion of theorematic deduction. However, I'm having trouble
understanding what he means by that.

For example, I am confounded by the meaning of this citation.

"It was because those logicians who were mathematicians saw that the
notion that mathematical reasoning was as rudimentary as that was
quite at war with its producing such a world of novel theorems from a
few relatively simple premisses, as for example it does in the theory
of numbers, that they were led,-first Boole and DeMorgan, afterwards
others of us, -to new studies of deductive logic, with the aid of
algebras and graphs. The non-relative logic having soon been
exhausted, we went into the study of the logic of relatives, first the
dyadic, and subsequently I, almost alone, into polyadic relations.
These studies threw a great deal of light upon logic; but still they
did not really explain mathematical reasoning, until I opened up the
subject of abstraction. It now appears that there are two kinds of
deductive reasoning, which might, perhaps, be called explicatory and
ampliative. However, the latter term might be misunderstood; for no
mathematical reasoning is what would be commonly understood by
amp/iative, although much of it is not what is commonly understood as
explicative. It is better to resort to new words to express new ideas.
All readers of mathematics must have felt the great difference between
corollaries and major theorems, although these words are not sharply
distinguished. It is needless to say that the words come to us, not
from Euclid, but from the editions of Euclid's elements. The great
body of the propositions called corollaries (all but 27 in the whole
13 books) are due to commentators, and are of an obvious kind. Kant's
characterization of all deductive reasoning is true of them: they are
mere explications of what is implied in previous results. The same is
true of a good many of Euclid's own theorems; probably the numerical
majority of the whole 369 of them are of this character. But many of
them are of a different nature. We may call the two kinds of deduction
corol/arial and theorematic." (NEM 4:1, 1901)

Here, Peirce first gives some hints about the history of the problem.
He then puts his own contribution in this context, acknowledging the
limits of his studies of polyadic logic. Finally, he affirms that the
problem arises when deduction is reduced to Kant's characterization.
Nevertheless, he conjectures that there are in fact two kinds of
deductions, which are explicative and "ampliative". This can
eventually throw light on the problem by explaining how deductions can
be both certain and novel.

However, within what framework should Peirce's reference to Kant's
characterization of deductive reasoning be interpreted: the new logic
of relations or syllogistic logic? Why did Peirce claim that his own
studies on the logic of polyadic relations did not yet fully explain
mathematical reasoning? Is it because the logic of relatives cannot
explain some inferential steps, for example, the introduction of
abstractions or the construction in Euclid's propositions? Or is it
because we cannot find premises that can transform every proof into a
corollarial or explicative proof? Or is there another reason?

Additionally, I do not fully understand the relation between the
notion of theorematic deduction and Peirce's thesis about the
diagrammatic character of all deduction. Here, I suspect there is some
important clue to understanding Peirce's argument.

Thank you again for your time.

Best regards,


2023-08-19 13:04 GMT-03:00, Jon Alan Schmidt :
> Matias, List:
> Although I cannot offer "any information that traces the history of this
> problem" as requested, I can suggest Peirce's own explanation of it.
> CSP: Deductions are of two kinds, which I call *corollarial *and
> *theorematic*. The corollarial are those reasonings by which all
> corollaries and the majority of what are called theorems are deduced; the
> theorematic are those by which the major theorems are deduced. If you take
> the thesis of a corollary,--i.e. the proposition to be proved, and
> carefully analyze its meaning, by substituting for each term its
> definition, you will find that its truth follows, in a straightforward
> manner, from previous propositions similarly analyzed. But when it comes to
> proving a major theorem, you will very often find you have need of a
> *lemma*,
> which is a demonstrable proposition about something outside the subject of
> inquiry; and even if a lemma does not have to be demonstrated, it is
> necessary to introduce the definition of something which the thesis of the
> theorem does not contemplate. (CP 7.204, 1901)
> See also NEM 4:1-12 (1901), which begins with the second quotation below;
> CP

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Conflict between deduction and discovery in mathematics

2023-08-21 Thread Matias
Ben, Phyllis,

Thank you both for your answers. I appreciate your insights.

Ben, I will check out the Gilman article you mentioned. I didn't know about
it, but it sounds like it could be helpful. I believe that Peirce's answer
to the paradox lies in his notion of theorematic deduction. However, I'm
also having trouble understanding what he means by that. I'm hoping that
the Gilman article will shed some light on this.

Furthermore, I think it would be helpful to put his answer in perspective,
taking into account the history of the problem and the subsequent
development of logic.

Best regards,


El sáb, 19 de ago de 2023, 09:24, Ben Udell  escribió:

> * I just found B.I. Gilman's article at Google Books.  The whole article
> was accessible to me here in the USA.
> https://books.google.com/books?id=dPhl9SLIU54C=PA38=PA38
> <https://books.google.com/books?id=dPhl9SLIU54C=PA38=PA38> I'll try
> to see (not immediately!) what to think of it. Best, Ben On 8/19/2023 7:22
> AM, Ben Udell wrote: Matias, Phyllis, One does often start with guessing,
> retroduction, etc., in trying to solve a mathematical problem, be the
> problem trivial or deep.  However this guesswork or the like is usually not
> formalized in publications.  Occasionally a mathematician publishes a
> mathematical conjecture, and some have been pretty important. One of
> Peirce's students Benjamin Ives Gilman whom Peirce got published in Studies
> in Logic (1883)
> https://archive.org/details/studiesinlogic00gilmgoog/page/n15/mode/2up?ref=ol=theater
> <https://archive.org/details/studiesinlogic00gilmgoog/page/n15/mode/2up?ref=ol=theater>
> did not make a career in logic but did author a published (1923) article
> "The Paradox of the Syllogism Solved by Spatial Construction" Mind, New
> Series, Vol. 32, No. 125 (Jan., 1923), pp. 38-49 (12 pages) Published By:
> Oxford University Press https://www.jstor.org/stable/2249497
> <https://www.jstor.org/stable/2249497> and I've meant to get hold of it and
> read it because the general question interests me. Peirce thought highly of
> Gilman; and Gilman in that article may reflect, explicitly or implicitly,
> Peirce's views on novelty in deduction.  Gilman claimed to have solved the
> problem!  It certainly is a problem.  Who would bother with explicit,
> deliberately weighed deduction if it did not produce conclusions with
> aspects at least mildly surprising or with at least a jot of depth,
> nontriviality?  It's an instance of a broader paradox.  Induction actually
> (as opposed to seemingly like some deduction) adds claims; in Peirce's
> later view it should conclude with verisimilitude a.k.a likelihood
> http://www.commens.org/dictionary/term/verisimilitude
> <http://www.commens.org/dictionary/term/verisimilitude> - which, as far as
> I can tell, is to say that it ought to seem UNsurprising despite going
> beyond the premises, or as Peirce put it, resemble the facts already in the
> premises.  Similar remarks can be made about abductive inference.  I tend
> to think that all reasoning depends for its value in part on
> characteristics that resist being exactly quantified or exactly defined and
> which are in some sort of tension, some sort of counterbalance, with the
> inference mode's distinctive or definitive entailment-related structure.
> I've noticed that the question of "seeing" or "not seeing" deductive
> implications is sometimes discussed as the question of logical omniscience
> and the lack thereof, for example by Sergei Artemov and Roman Kuznets in
> "Logical omniscience as infeasibility", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,
> Volume 165, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 6-25
> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168007213001024
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168007213001024> .
> Best, Ben  On 8/18/2023 9:08 PM, Phyllis Chiasson wrote: *
> * Wouldn't this be true for all of nature versus the all of discovery?
> Discovery is human and therefore retroductive (as are "newspapers and great
> fortunes"). Nature is. On Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 4:14 PM Matias
>   wrote: *
> * Dear list members, I am trying to contextualize Peirce's reference to
> the long-standing conflict between the notion of mathematical reasoning and
> the novelty of mathematical discoveries. I would appreciate any information
> that traces the history of this problem. Here are two citations in which
> Peirce mentions such a conflict: "It has long been a puzzle how it could be
> that, on the one hand, mathematics is purely deductive in its nature, and
> draws its conclusions apodictically, while on the other hand, it presents
> as rich and apparently unending a series of surprising discoveries as 

[PEIRCE-L] Conflict between deduction and discovery in mathematics

2023-08-18 Thread Matias
Dear list members,

I am trying to contextualize Peirce's reference to the long-standing
conflict between the notion of mathematical reasoning and the novelty of
mathematical discoveries. I would appreciate any information that traces
the history of this problem.

Here are two citations in which Peirce mentions such a conflict:

"It has long been a puzzle how it could be that, on the one hand,
mathematics is purely deductive in its nature, and draws its conclusions
apodictically, while on the other hand, it presents as rich and apparently
unending a series of surprising discoveries as any observational science.
Various have been the attempts to solve the paradox by breaking down one or
other of these assertions, but without success." (Peirce, 1885, On the
Algebra of Logic, p. 182)

"It was because those logicians who were mathematicians saw that the notion
that mathematical reasoning was as rudimentary as that was quite at war
with its producing such a world of novel theorems from a few relatively
simple premisses, as for example it does in the theory of numbers, that
they were led,--first Boole and DeMorgan, afterwards others of us, -to new
studies of deductive logic, with the aid of algebras and graphs." (NEM 4:1)

I know that I am asking a basic question, but thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Matías A. Saracho
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