Re: [PEIRCE-L] Year end note by list moderato

2017-12-31 Thread Bev Corwin
Happy New Year Gary! Thank you for all that you do for the Peirce-L. Take
care and get well soon! Don't worry about the Peirce-L'isters - They'll
just have to get by until you are better. We will miss you and looking
forward to your healthy rapid return sometime in the New Year 2018! Cheers,

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Gary Richmond 

> List,
> I'm afraid the existential crises of health and home mentioned in passing
> in my last post will necessarily consume the rest of my year (perhaps
> beyond), so I won't be able to answer each of you who responded to my last
> post--at least not in what remains of 2017. So just a few words to mark the
> passing of the year.

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[PEIRCE-L] Year end note by list moderato

2017-12-31 Thread Gary Richmond

I'm afraid the existential crises of health and home mentioned in passing
in my last post will necessarily consume the rest of my year (perhaps
beyond), so I won't be able to answer each of you who responded to my last
post--at least not in what remains of 2017. So just a few words to mark the
passing of the year.

I believe I've already conveyed how much I value this list, but I would
like to add how honored and truly humbled I am to serve as moderator of
Peirce-L. Yet I would principally like to say that I truly believe that
each and every member of this forum, whether active participant or
thoughtful lurker, contributes to it in important ways whether visible or
not. So thank you all!

Finally I'd like to end the year by offering three pragmatic quotations
which I've been reflecting on the last few days and hope that you find some
value in them.

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the
wisdom that experience can instill in us. Hal Borland

Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as
fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. Goran Persson

And, finally, I leave you with possibly the most famous Peirce quote,
especially appropriate at the turn of the year, I think.

“Upon this first, and in one sense this sole, rule of reason, that in order
to learn you must desire to learn, and in so desiring not be satisfied with
what you already incline to think. . .” CSP

The corollary Peirce gives to this is, perhaps, even more famous.

So to all a Happy New Year, one full of many good and fruitful things,
including lively philosophical conversation in this forum!

Best wishes,

Gary Richmond (writing as list moderator)

[image: Gary Richmond]

*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
*718 482-5690 <(718)%20482-5690>*

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