Evgenii, List,
The reason for the bacterium is its need. Its individual need is contained inside its boundary (membrane, skin), but its need is similar with that of all bacteria and other organisms: Nutrition. The latin word is causa finalis. The stone does not have a need, it falls down due to universal laws, which force it to do so. The latin word for this forceful reason is causa efficiens. This force is not limited to individual boundaries, the boundary is the universe. The gravitational (or space-bending, Einstein) effects of this falling stone too pass through the whole universe, other than the hunger-relief of the bacterium, that is merely sensed by it.
I think: An animal with a brain does not only respond to needs and forces, but also to wishes. A wish is not necessarily the same as with other brain animals, a wish may be unique (as we all know, don´t we?). It requires the brain´s ability of depicting. I´d say, the latin word for this volitional reason would be "causa exemplaris", but in its secularized version, as originally "causa exemplaris" has a religious meaning. Now we have three basic causae, like we should have, because with Peirce it always has to be three.
Best, Helmut
Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2024 um 12:22 Uhr
 "Evgenii Rudnyi" <rud...@freenet.de>
Am 15.02.2024 um 04:11 schrieb John F Sowa:
> The biologist Lynn Margulis explained that all living things from
> bacteria on up exhibit goal-directed actions that non-living things
> never do. Her simplest example is a bacterium swimming upstream in a
> glucose gradient.
> No non-living things would ever do that.

What would be the difference in this case between a bacterium and a
stone falling to the Earth?

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